6. Kayikikriya-undertaking some endeavour that is, getting ready to perform some job with an evil mental feeling.
7. Adhikaranikikriya-getting hold of the instruments of violence.
8. Pradoshikikriya-action undertaken under the impulse of anger.
9. Paritapikikriya-action of the form of inflicting pain on the living beings.
10. Anatipatikikriya-action of the form of depriving the living beings of their pranas or vital elements.
11. Darshanakriya-under the influence of carelessness the tendency to view lovely forms.
12. Sparshanakriya-carelessness with the tendency to touch things that are open to touch.
13. Pratyayikikriya-the-foregoing of new weapons.
14. Samantanupatanakriya-to evacuate, urinate, etc., at a place frequented by women, men, animals etc.
15. Anabhogakriya-to seat one's own body etc., at a place not properly inspected and not properly cleansed of dust.
16. Svahastakriya-to do oneself what is to be done by someone else.
17. Nisargakriya-to give consent to an evil performance.
18. Vidaranakriya-to make public an evil act performed by someone else.
19. Ajnavyapadikikriya or Anayanakriya-because of one's own capability to follow a scriptural injunction to preach something contrary to this injunction.
20. Anavanakshakriya-out of roguisheness or lethargy to evince disregard for an injunction laid down in scriptures.
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