(iv) Aparajita, and (v) Sarvarthasiddhi, and are dvicharamas that is such as attain Moksha after being born as a human being twice at the most. 93 The celestial beings of Sarvartha Siddha will attain Moksha from their next human birth, the final bhava. The minimum age of the first four devas is thirty one sagaropama and maximum is thirty three sagaropama" while the age of the fifth devas is thirty three sagaropama."
The devas of various categories Bhuvanapati, Vyantaras, Jyotishkas and Vaimanikas adore the Tirthankara and celebrate the glory of his Nativity. " The Vaimanika devas (Kalpavasi) descend from their abodes on the earth from various Vimanas to pay their homage to Jina (Tirthankara). 97 While Kalpatita devas never leave their place with a view to visiting another quarter.98 Thus, according to Jain tradition the classification of deva can be as follows: i) Bhavanapati – ten, ii) Vyantara and Vana Vyantara - sixteen, iii) Jyotishka Chara and Sthira - ten, iv) Paramadhami - fifte n, v) Tiryak Jrimbhaka - ten, vi) Kilbishik - three, vii) Kalpopanna Vaimanika twelve, viii) Lokantika – nine, ix) Graiveyaka - nine, and x) Anuttara five, totalling to ninety nine.
These devas are Paryapta (developed) and Aparyapta (undeveloped)." Therefore, there are ninety-nine Paryapta devas and ninety-nine Aparyapta devas. The minimum age of Paryapta devas is little less than ten thousand years and maximum is thirtythree sagaropama and the minimum and maximum age of the Aparayapta deva is antarmuhurta."
As for Sthiti (life-duration), prabhava (efficacy), sukha (pleasure), dyuti (glow), leshyavishuddhi (purity of soul-colouring), indriyavishaya (object of sensuous cognition), avadhi vishaya (object of avadhi-cognition) a Deva has more of it the higher he is seated. 101 These devas live in mundane world and are not definitely the real Supreme Divinity (Siddha). These heavenly beings are just more fortunate beings than human because
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