ષસ્થાનક સંક્ષેપમાં, ષદર્શન પણ તેહ; સમજાવા પરમાર્થને, કહ્યાં જ્ઞાનીએ એહ.
Shatsthänak Sankshepamän, Shat Darshan Pan Teh;
Samajävä Paramärthane, Kahyän Jnänie Eh.
These are the six steps (Fundamentals) in brief
and they also constitute the six schools of thought; the enlightened ones have described them in order to elucidate the ultimate truth.
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Explanation & Discussion:
These six Fundamentals constitute the six steps on the path of liberation, which need to be approached one by one. First of all, one has to believe in the existence of the soul. When no doubt remains about that, he needs to consider that the soul is eternal; it is indestructible and stays forever. After being convinced of that, he would conceive of its continually acquiring Karma and realize how he has been undergoing birth after birth as a consequence. Thereby he would think of reaching the Karmaless state so as to be free from the cycle of birth and death. Then he needs to consider how to gain that state and resort to the path of liberation.
The six Fundamentals also constitute the six main ideologies or schools of thought, prevailing in the spiritual
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