utterly down-trodden. This shows his modesty and humbleness, without which he would not have been receptive to the teaching of the Guru. He feels awe-inspired as he compares his former miserable position to the highly enlightened level of the Guru. He realizes the world of difference between the two, but does not have the words to express it.
While composing Raghuvansh, the great poet Kalidas stated, "How high stands the Lord Raghu's family and how low is my intellect to describe it!" Ächärya Mäntungsuri also states in Bhaktämar Stotra, "I have very little knowledge and happen to be the source of ridicule for the learned; my devotion to You, however, forces me to utter the words of adoration!" The pupil also feels the same way, and stands in utter amazement, which he could express only by uttering "Oh, Oh" once again.
શું પ્રભુચરણ કને ધરું, આત્માથી સૌ હીન; તે તો પ્રભુએ આપિયો, વર્તુ ચરણાધીન.
Jain Education International
Shun Prabhu Charan Kane Dharun? Ätmäthi Sau Heen; Te To Prabhue Äpiyo, Vartun Charanädhin.
For Private & Personal Use Only
Lord, what can I offer at your feet? Everything is trivial as compared to the soul. Even that has been bestowed by the Lord, then let me act as directed by you.
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