Book Title: Report On Search For Sanskrit MSS Year 1882 1883
Author(s): R G Bhandarkar
Publisher: Government Central Book Depot
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir REPORT 9.9 THE SEARCH FOR SANSKRIT MSS. THE BOMBA Y PRESIDENCY DE RINO THE YEAR 1882-83. R. G. BHANDARKAR, M.A. PROZOR OPORTENTAT LANGUAGES, DEOCAN COLLHOL Bomba PRINTED AT TI GOVERNMENT CENTRAL PRESS. 1881. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra REPORT ON THE SEARCH FOR SANSKRIT MSS. THE BOMBAY PRESIDENCY DURING Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir THE YEAR 1882-83. BY R. G. BHANDARKAR, M.A., PROFESSOR OP ORIENTAL LANGUAGES, DECCAN COLLEGE. Bombay: PRINTED AT THE GOVERNMENT CENTRAL PRESS. 1884. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Corrections and Additions. Page 19, line 19, for Anandatîrtha's Bharatatâtparyanirnayanyâyasamgraha read the Bhâratatâtparyanirnayapramânasangraha. Page 19, line 21, for his read Anandatîrtha's. Page 19, line 22, after (No. 711). read The Bharatatâtparyanirnayapramânasamgraha is a collection of texts from the epics and Puranas supporting some of the statements of Anandatîrtha in his Bharatatâtparyanirnaya. The name of the author is not given. Page 19, line 8 from bottom, for twenty-four read twenty-three. Page 21, line 6, for The first four read The first three. Page 31, line 21, after Kausika. add In a manuscript of the Jyotîratnamâlâ with the commentary of Mahadeva existing in a private library at Nasik, occur a few verses at the end, in one of which the date of the composition of the commentary is given as 1185 Saka or 1263 A. D. (U. 1., Appendix II.). S'rîpati, therefore, must have lived previous to the latter half of the thirteenth century. Page 32, line 15, for Kumârsimha read Kumârasimha. Page 41, line 8, for DD, read JJ, Page 44, line 4 from bottom, for Châlukya race read Chaulukya race. Page 55, against No. 5, for Ashtakas VII. and VIII. read Ashtaka VIII, and under Remarks, add Leaf 1 belongs to a MS, of Ashṭaka VII. Page 59, against No. 52, under Remarks, for Do. read Incomplete. Page 59, against No. 53, enter Samvat 1799. Page 59, against No. 65, Sântiparvan-Mokshadharma, under No. of leaves, for 277 read 217. Page 71, against No. 217, for Samvat 1656 read Samvat 1654. Page 72, against No. 223, under Author's Name, after Jagannatha add Sarasvatî. Page 85, from against No. 394 under Author's Name transfer Trivikramabhatta to against No. 393. Page 90, against No. 467, under Remarks, add Same work as No. 469. Page 93, against No. 502, under Name of Work, dele Chapters I.-III. B 904 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra To No. 55 OF 1883. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Deccan College, Poona, 6th September, 1883. K. M. CHATFIELD, ESQUIRE, Director of Public Instruction, Poona. SIR, I have the honour to submit a report on the search for manuscripts during the year 1882-83 and on the state of the collections at present in my charge. EXPENDITURE. From the beginning of the official year to about the middle of September last I was in sole charge of the operations in connection with the search. Thereafter, the work, as well as the funds, were divided between Professor Peterson and myself. Out of the grant of Rs. 8,000 I had up to September spent Rs. 2,500, and the balance, after deducting Rs. 548 which had to be set apart for inscriptions, was Rs. 4,952. Out of this one-half or Rs. 2,476 was placed at the disposal of Professor Peterson and the other half was entrusted to me. Of this I spent Rs. 2,455-0-6, so that, in all, my expenses during the year amounted to Rs. 4,955-0-6. Manuscripts of the value of Rs. 439-0-9 paid for out of this amount were, as stated in the last year's report, included in the list then submitted, wherefore the results now to be reported have cost Government Rs. 4,515-15-9. Of this amount Rs. 3,473-13-0 were paid for the 772 manuscripts entered in the B 904-1 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir accompanying list, and the remainder, Rs. 1,042-2-9, was spent on the salaries and travelling expenses of the agents and Sâstrins employed for collecting manuscripts and cataloguing private libraries. Number of manuscripts purchased in Gujarat and the Maratha Country.—The catalogue which forms Appendix I. of this report is divided into two sections, in the first of which are entered manuscripts collected in Gujarat and in the second those purchased in the Maratha Country. The Gujarat section comprises Nos. 1-486 and the other, Nos. 487-772. I will now give a brief analysis of the collection noticing all the particulars of a literary and historical importance which from a hasty exami. nation of the manuscripts I have been able to gather. CLASS 1.- VEDAS. Under the head of Vedas including Upanishads are entered two complete copies of the Vâjasaneya Samhitâ, one in each section, (Nos. 12, 13 and 495), and one of the Pada text of the Kâņva Sâkhâ of that Veda, (No. 489). Nos. 3 and 4 are complete copies of two of the four principal song-books of the Sâma Veda. We have also in this class manuscripts of eight out of the fourteen Kândas or divisions of the Satapatha Brâhmaņa and double copies of some of them. No. 14 is a copy of a part of Ūata's Bhashya or commentary on the Vâjasaneya Samhitâ. The fragment begins in the middle of Chapter II. and extends up to about the end of Chapter XXI ; but a good many intermediate leaves are wanting. No. 16 is a copy of the latter part of the same work and begins with Chapter XIX. and comes down to the end, one intermediate leaf only being lost. This was transcribed in the Samyat year 1431 corresponding to 1375 A.D. and is onu of For Private and Personal Use Only Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir the oldest paper manuscripts we possess. No. 14, and No. 15, which is another fragment of the first part extending from Chapters XII. to XVIII., also look as old if not older, though they bear no date. The date of No. 16 itself shows that Uața or Uvata, the author, must have flourished at least five hun. dred years ago; but there is a statement in that manuscript as well as in No. 14 Uata's date, which enables us to determine the precise period when he lived. In the colophon of manuscripts ofthis author's works and at the end of some of the chapters a couplet occurs, in the first line of which the name of his father is given as Vajrata and the place where he lived as Ânandapura. The sense of the second line of the couplet as it usually occurs in manuscripts of the Mantrabhâshya is : “this commentary on the Mantras was composed after a mature deliberation of [the sense of] words and sentences.” But in the manuscripts I am speaking about, instead of the words in Italics we have in several places “ while Bhoja was ruling over the earth” or “ while Bhoja was governing his kingdom." Anandapura has been identified with Vadanagar in Upper Gujarat, and though Hwan Thsang, the Chinese traveller, tells us that in his time the district in which the town was situated formed part of the kingdom of Mâlvâ, still it is questionable whether the town belonged to the kings of that country in the time of Bhoja, especially since a powerful kingdom had been established, a good many years before Bhoja came to the throne, at Anahilapattana not far from Vadanagar. But the point is placed beyond doubt by another couplet occurring at the end of the tenth Chapter of No. 14, in which Ūata tells us that “ he composed the Mantrabhashya while living in Avanti and while Bhoja was ruling over the country." This shows that though Vajrata, the father of our author, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir lived at Anandapura, Uața himself lived in Mâlvâ at the time when he wrote his work. The Bhoja therefore mentioned by him must undoubtedly be the celebrated prince of that name who ruled over the country from about 996 to 1051 A. D. (See A., Appendix II.) Upanishads. No. 487 is entitled Ashtottaraśatopanishad or the hundred and eight Upanishads. The original Upanishads formed parts of the Vedas and these are really works of great antiquity; but treatises of this nature gradually multiplied, many of them being devoted to the exaltation of particular deities and to the furtherance of such other sectarian objects. Most of them are referred to the Atharva Veda, a circumstance partially due to the fact that the literature belonging to this Veda was not clearly defined and specified by the ancient scholars of India. The number of Upanishads extant is now estimated at about 250. But at some period which cannot be very distant, 108 of these were chosen as the best and their names given in one of them entitled Muktikopanishad and their study enjoined. The Upanishads in our No. 487 are the same as those mentioned in the Muktikopanishad and are written and arranged exactly in the same order. But out of the 108, twothe Taittirîya and the Mantrika-have dropped out somehow, though their names are given in the table of contents attached to the manuscript. No. 10 in the Gujarat section also contains thirty-six treatises of this class and some of them are different from those enumerated in the Muktikopanishad. Lists of the Upanishads occurring in these two manuscripts are given in Appendix II. (See B). Besides these we have detached copies of several of them. It is not often that so many Upanishads are found in a single collection of manuscripts. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 5 CLASS II-VEDÂNGAS AND SACRIFICIAL MANUALS. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir In the class of Vedangas and Sacrificial Prayogas or Manuals there is in the Gujarat section a copy of Devayâjñika's Bhâshya or commentary on the Anukramaņikâ of the Vâjasaneya Samhitâ, (No. 25), and in the Maratha section a copy of two chapters of his commentary on Kâtyâyana's sacrificial Sutras, (Nos. 504 and 505). Of this last a copy of four chapters was procured by me last year. There is also a manuscript of the first three chapters of another Bhashya on this Sûtra by an author whose name is not given. Last year's collection contained copies of the commentaries of Karka, Gadadhara, and Harihara, on Pâraskara's Grihya Sûtra and this year one of Jayarama's commentary on the same, (No. 512), has been added. There are manuscripts of dependent treatises also such as the Pratijñâ Sútra, the Bhâshika Sutra, Yajnavalkya Sikshâ, &c., (Nos. 26, 28, and 513-521). In the Maratha section there are manuscripts of several sacrificial Manuals belonging principally to the Vâjasaneya Sâkhâ, (Nos. 522-541). CLASS III.-ITIHÂSAS, PURÂNAS, MÂHÂTMYAS AND STOTRAS. The object in making collections of manuscripts is, I apprehend, not only to procure copies of rare works but also to secure materials for critical editions of such as though not rare are of great importance, or for the determination of the correct text of any particular passage in them whenever a weighty issue hangs on it. In making my purchases I have always this object in view. In the department of Itihâsas and Purâņas therefore I have on no occasion rejected a good manuscript of the whole or a portion of the Mahabharata offered for sale, though the work has For Private and Personal Use Only Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir been printed once in Calcutta and twice in Bombay. But in all cases I paid a good deal less than the ordinary price. One copy of the Mahâbhârata was purchased in 1879 at the rate of one rupee for a thousand Slokas, and a copy of each of ten books of the epic with commentaries at the rate of Rs. 1-8-0. In this year's collection in the Gujarat section there are manuscripts of eleven books, two of which from the dates given in the colophon appear to be 300 years old. The others also look as old though they bear no dates. They were paid for at the rate of Rs. 1-8-0 ; (Nos. 56---- 67.) In the Maratha section there is a copy of the whole of the Mahâbhârata with the exception of the Śântiparvan or the twelfth book, and a copy of the Harivamsa ; (Nos. 565, 566 and 579). These are about two hundred years old, and the price paid was Rs. 1-12-0 per thousand, which was the uniform rate at which a large lot of manuscripts was purchased at Nâsik. In this class there are also manuscripts of the Vâsishtha Râmâyaņa, the Mârkandeya, the Vishņu and the Vâmana Purâņas, and of a good many Mâhâtmyas of shrines or rivers, such as the Mahấtmya of Jagannatha in Orissa, of which we have two copies, one engraved on Tâla leaves and the other written on paper, and the Prabhâsa Mâhâtmya. CLASS IV.DHARMAŚÂSTRA OR RELIGIOUS AND CIVIL LAW. As belonging to the Smriti branch of the literature of the Hindu Law, religious and civil, I have to announce the acquisition of a valuable commentary on the Manu Smriti by Raghavânanda, (No. 110). There are also old copies of the Yâjñavalkya Smriti and of Vijñâneśvara's commentary on it, the Mitâkshara, one of which was transcribed in Samvat For Private and Personal Use Only Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 1535 or 1479 A.D., that is more than 400 years ago, (No. 106). We have a somewhat mutilated manuscript of a work entitled Jñânabhâskara, (Nos. 96-97), which consists of a dialogue between Surya, the Sun deity, and Aruņa, his charioteer, and another of that part of it which treats of the duties of widows. Of digests and manuals, which form an extensive branch of the modern literature of the subject we have an old copy of the Madanapârijâta, (No. 599), which is considered a work of much importance, and treatises on the domestic rites of the followers of the White Yajurveda entitled Samskârabbâskara, (Nos. 115 and 611), by Khandabhatta, the son of Mayhreśvara, and Samskârapaddhati, (Nos. 114 and 610), by Gangadhara. Madanapârijâ ta is so called because its author Viśveśvara was patronized by a prince named Madanapala whose history is given in the introduction to the work. This introduction Professor Aufrecht gives in his notice of the work in the Oxford Catalogue. Nos. 614, 615, and 618 are commentaries on works detailing the duties of the followers of Madhya, the originals of which were written by Madhvâchârya himself. The last of these manuscripts contains the original also. Nos. 616 and 617 also belong to that sect. Besides other works which are well known we have a large number of manuscripts of rituals employed on special occasions. CLASS V.--POEMS, PLAYS, FABLES, &c. Among the poems and plays and the commentaries thereon collected this year may be mentioned a large fragment of Ekanâtha's commentary on the Kirâtârjuniya, (No. 136), eleven cantos of the Raghuvamsadarpaņa by Hemâdri, (No. 161), an anonymous commentary on the first eight cantos of the Kumarasambhava, (No. 139), four different For Private and Personal Use Only Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir glosses on the Meghadata, (Nos. 157-160), a com. plete copy of a commentary on the Naishadhiya by Narahari, (No. 146), two commentaries on the Khandapraśasti, (Nos. 140 and 620), two old copies of Kadambarî, (Nos. 134 and 135), a manuscript of the Panchatantra more than five hundred years old, (No. 147), and two poems entitled Rukminisavijaya and Tîrthaprabandha by Vâdirâjatîrtha with commentaries, (Nos. 622, 623, 632 and 633). There is a copy of the Madhvavijaya or the triumphant career of Madhva, (No. 627); but several of its leaves are missing. The last three works belong to the Mâdhya sect, and Vâdirâja, said to be the same as Kavîndra, was one of Ânandatîrtha's successors, being the eighth in the list given in Appendix II. He died in 1261 Saka or 1339 A.D. (C., Appendix II.) One of the commentaries on the Khandapraśasti is by Guņavinaya, a Jaina, and Gangådâsa and Na la- the other by Gangadâsa, who rahari. in a stanza at the end of each section gives Pochiya as the name of his father and Mahâlakshmî as that of his mother. He assumed the name of Jñânânanda after he had renounced the world and become a sannyâsin or recluse. The stanza is given by Professor Aufrecht in his notice of this work; but it is worthy of observation that the line in which his having become a recluse is mentioned occurs for the first time in the stanza at the end of his commentary on the Râma avatâra, or the seventh incarnation of Vishņu, so that he seems to have assumed that condition after he had finished his commentary on the first six avatâras or incarnations ; (See D., Appendix II). The commentary on the Naishadhîya also contains at the end of each canto a stanza in which the author gives his name as Narahari and states that he was the son of one Svayambhù " whose feet were incessantly adored by For Private and Personal Use Only Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 9 Bhavasataka. Nagaraja. the king of Trilinga" by his wife Nâlamâ, and that he was treated with kindness by Vidyâraṇya, the Yogin, who probably was his guru or preceptor. The king of Trilinga or Telangana, alluded to here, must very likely be a prince of the Vijayanagara dynasty, and if the Vidyaranya mentioned by the writer was the same as Madhava, who, when he renounced the world, assumed that name, our author flourished in the latter part of the fourteenth century during the reign of Harihara; (E., Appendix II). Of the minor Minor pocms. Gita-Raghava. Prabhakara. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir poems one is the Gîta-Raghava which is one of the several imitations of Jayadeva's GîtaGovinda, the hero here being Rama instead of Krishna. The author's name is Prabhâkara. He was the son of Bhûdhara, and wrote his work in Samvat 1674. Another small poem is the Bhavaśataka by Nagarâja. It consists of a hundred and one verses, some of them in the Prâkrit, in each of which a certain person is represented to be doing a certain thing in a certain condition, and the reason why he or she does so or the inner sense of the verse is meant to be found out by the reader. It is, however, given at the end of the verse. Nagaraja, the author, is spoken of at the end of the poem as a king who was the ornament of the Tâka race and in whom the goddesses of Prosperity and Learning having ceased to quarrel lived in harmony with each other. "He was the son of Jâlaya (?) whose fame was sung by a host of bards and who was a praiseworthy offshoot of the Tâka race." Jâlaya's father was Vidyadhara who belonged to the Kârpaya (?) gotra and obtained very great prosperity by worship. ping the feet of Kedara; (F., Appendix II). The B 904--2 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra na. - 10 Bhairavasahanavarat Bhairavasaba. Tâka race here mentioned is probably the same as that to which Madanapala, the patron of the author of the Madanapârijâta, noticed above, belonged. It was a family of petty Chiefs whose capital was, as stated in the introduction to the latter, a town of the name of Kashṭhâ situated on the Yamuna to the north of Delhi. Another small poem entitled Bhairavaśâhanavara s a ratna, (No. 152), contains 41 verses depicting the nine Rasas or poetic sentiments. The hero is a prince named Bhairavaśâha of the Rashtraudha or Râthor race, who was the son of Pratapa and whose capital was Mayûrâdri; (G., Appendix II). In the Kirtikaumudi, a Pratâpamalla of the Râshtrakuta race is mentioned as a dependent of the Chaulukyas of Anahilapattana. Rashtrakuta is the Sanskrit form of Rashtraudha or Rathor, but whether this Pratâpamalla was the same as the father of our hero cannot be determined with certainty. Bhairavaśâha is in some of the verses called Bahirammasâha which looks like a thoroughly Mahomedan name. But it is not impossible that a Rajput may have adopted it. We have also a copy of a poem called Râmaśataka, Someś vara. (No. 166), which contains a hundred verses in praise of Râma, the seventh incarnation of Vishnu. In a verse at the end, which is the 101st, we are told that the poem was composed by Someśvaradeva in half a Yama or an hour and a half. Who this Someśvara was is not stated in the manuscript, but in another copy of the poem since procured he is represented as the Purohita or priest of Gurjareśvara' or King of Gujarat. This Someśvara, therefore, was the same as the author of the Kirtikaumudi who was the chaplain or priest of Lavaṇaprasâda and his son Viradhavala, the founders of the Vaghela branch Râm ka. C Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir For Private and Personal Use Only Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 11 of the Chaulukya dynasty of Gujarat ; and the line about the poem being written in half a Yâma occurs, word for word, in an inscription composed by him found at Dabhoi in the territory of the Gâikavâd ; (Kathavate's Kirtikaumudi, Intr., p. ix). CLASS VI.-VYÂKARANA OR GRAMMAR. In grammar I have to announce the acquisition of another copy of the Mahâbhâshya with the commentary of Kaiyata, (No. 185). It wants the first Pâda only, but in other respects it is a very good manuscript. There is also a fragment of a commentary on the Siddhantakaumudi, (No. 189), by an author not much known named Ramakrishnabhatta. The works of Bhattojidîkshita and Nâgojibhatta with their commentaries, which, along with a portion of the Mahâbhâshya, are exclusively studied by modern Pandits who devote themselves to grammar, are also well represented in this year's collection as they were in last year's. Of works belonging to other systems of grammar we have Bopadeva's Kavikalpadruma and a voluminous commentary on the Sârasvata by Râmabhatta, the son of Narasimha, and another entitled Så radîpikâ, both of which however are incomplete, (Nos. 193 and 194). CLASS VII.-KOŚAS OR LEXICONS. Among the Kośas or lexicons collected this year there is a manuscript of Halâyudha, four hundred years old, (No. 645), and a copy of the Anekârthatilaka by Mahîpa, (No. 202). In the Gujarat section there is a manuscript entitled Anekårthadhvanimañjarî, (No. 199), and in the Maratha section, another entitled Nânârthamañjarî, (No. 648). On examinacion I find that they are both copies of the same work. In No. 199, the name of the author is given as Mahâchhapaņaka, chha being put for ksha, and the work is referred to the Kâśmir amnâya or For Private and Personal Use Only Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 12 Kâśmir literature. In the group of Jaina works there is a copy of the Siddhaśabdârnava by Sahajakîrti, a lexicon that is quoted by Mallînâtha and mentioned by other writers, (No. 466). CLASS VIII.--POETICS AND METRICS. In the class of Poetics and Metrics we have a mutilated copy of a work unknown before entitled Kâvyâlamkâraśiśuprabodha by Puñjarâja, (No. 210), an old manuscript of Rudrabhatta's Sringâratilaka, two copies of the Kâvyaprakasa with fragments of commentaries, two works of Appayadîkshita, and Bhânudatta's Rasataranginî, of which about a leaf is wanting at the end, and his Puñjarâja, author of Rasamañjarî. Puñjarâja was the Kâyyâlamkârasisuprabodha. the son of Jîyanendra and is spoken of as the ornament of the Mâlaya circle and as belonging to the family of Srîmâļa. He is, therefore, the ame as the author of the coinmentary on the SarasDhvanipradîpa, an- vata grammar. Punjarâja meno other work of the same. tions another larger work of his, entitled Dhvanipradîpa ; (H., Appendix II). In the sixth chapter of the Rasatarangiņî, Bhânu datta excuses himself from Bhânudatta. giving details about certain points because he says they are given in the Rasamanjarî. From this it is clear that the author of both was the same; but there is some question as to his native country. In Professor Aufrecht's copy of the Rasamañjarî it is spoken of as 'Vidarbhabhůh,' or the land of the Vidarbhas, and the manuscript before me agrees with his. But Dr. Burnell in his Catalogue of the Tanjor Manuscripts calls him Maithila Bhânudatta, i. e., Bhânudatta, the native of Mithilâ, and the copy of the Rasamañjarî purchased by me in 1879 and another procured since the close of the year bave Vidchabin ûh instead of Vidarbha For Private and Personal Use Only Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 13 bhûh, i.e., the land of the Videbas of which Mithilà was the capital. That Vidarbhabhûḥ is a mislection is shown by the fact that the author represents the river of the gods or the Ganges as flowing through his country; while the country of the Vidarbhas, which corresponds to the modern Berars, is situated to the south of the Narmada. The commentary which accompanies our Rasa mañjarî is called VyangyârAnanta Pandita. thakaumudî and was compos by Ananta Pandita, the son of Tryambaka Pai 710 The father of this last was Bâlo Pandita-f, were again was Nilakantha Pandita. The far and they Punyastambha, the vernacular Puntâmi their deon the river Gautamî or Godêvarî. Pugard to is a town in the Ahmadnagar District. The commentary was written at Kâsî or Benares in the year 1692 for Chandrabhânu, who was king of Kâsî at the time. Chandrabhanu was the son of Vîra. senadeva and grandson of Madhukaraśâha who was the son of Kâsîrâja. The date given by the author must be understood as referring to the Vikrama era ; for if we take the era to be the Saka, the Vikrama year corresponding to 1692 Saka will be 1827, while the manuscript itself was transcribed in 1817 Vikrama. There are in this class incomplete manuscripts of a work on Prâkrit prosody atPingala's Prâkrit tributed to Pingala and of a Prosody. commentary on it by Manohara krishna.. CLASS X.-VEDÂNTA. Sarikaracharya's system. Our acquisitions in the department of the Vedânta have Works based on tbo been very valuable this year. Upanishads. First, we have Samkarâchârya's For Private and Personal Use Only Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra J.L- TZA 14 Bhashyas or commentaries on the Brihadâranyaka and seven other Upanishads, (Nos. 247 and 227230), and Narayana's Dipikâs or glosses on forty-six treatises of that class, (No. 233); (J., Appendix II.). Then there is a copy of Anandajñâna's gloss, (No. 248), on Sankaracharya's Bhashya on the Brihadâranyaka, of the Vârtika or commentary in verse, (No. 249), on the same Bhashya by Sureśvarâchârya who was a pupil of Sankaracharya, and of a commentary on the fourth chapter of this Vârtika by twondajñana, (No. 250). Similarly there are copies commearacharya's exposition of the Mahavâkyas, or BhanudaUpanishad texts declaratory of the identity supreme and the individual souls, (Nos. Puñjarâio61). We have also got Anandajñâna's voluminous commentary, (No. Works based on the 266), on Samkaracharya's Brahmasútra. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir I Bhashya on the Brahmasutra which is very valuable and which I now use for my lectures on the Bhashya, a portion of which has to be got up by students who take up English and Sanskrit as an optional subject for the B.A. Examination. may also mention a copy of the second half of the Samkshepaśariraka, or substance of Samkarâchârya's Bhashya, (No. 268), by Sarvajñâtman who was a pupil of Sureśvarâcharya and grandpupil of Samkaracharya. There is also a copy of a commentary by one Râmatîrtha, (No. 269), on the fourth or last chapter of this work. of Manu, In a stanza at the end of the Samkshepaśâriraka the author tells us that he A prince of the race wrote his work while "the prosperous king, the Aditya or sun of the race of Manu, who belonged to a Kshatriya family and whose orders were nowhere disobeyed, was ruling over the earth." Who this Aditya of the race of Manu was, it is difficult to determine. But princes of the early Châlukya dynasty which ruled For Private and Personal Use Only Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 15 over the Deccan from the Narmadá to Mysore spoke of themselves as belonging to the Mânavya gotra or, as the word might be interpreted, to “the race of Manu ;” and there were several of them the second part of whose name was Aditya, such as Vikramaditya, Vinayaditya, and Vijayâditya. But the sovereignty of the country was wrested from them by another family known by the name of the Rashtrakûțas before the Saka year 675 or 753 A.D. ; while Sankarâchârya, the preceptor of our author's teacher Sureśvara, is said to have been born in 710 Saka or 788 A.D. The Châlukyas, however, were not exterminated by the Rashtrakûtas and they probably governed a small province as their dependents. But our information with regard to them after the extinction of their power is very scanty. There were two princes among them of the name of Vikramâditya, and perhaps Sarvajīâtman alludes to one of these. If, however, the description given by him is considered hardly applicable to a minor clief and the family of Manu spoken of by him was really the early Châlukya dynasty, Samkarachârya's date must be pushed backwards to about the year 680 A.D. so as to place his grandpupil in the reign of at least the last king whose name terminated in the word Aditya, viz., Vikramaditya II. Vikramaditya II. ceased to reign in Saka 669 or A.D. 747. If, on the other hand, we place Sarvajñâtman in the reign of the first prince whose name terminated in the word Aditya, i. e. Vikramaditya 1., who was a powerful monarch and who ceased to reign in Saka 601 or 679 A. D., Sarkarâchârya must be referred to about the end of the sixth century. (K., Appendix II.) Among the Vedântic works based on Purâộic originals may be noticed the Works based on Yajnavaibhavakhanda, Purânic originals. (No. 666), with a commentary by C For Private and Personal Use Only Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 16 Succession list of the High-priests of the Madhavâcharya, the pupil of Samkarânanda, and the Brahmagîtâ said to form a part of the same Khanda with a commentary by the same author, (No. 260). Of those based on episodes of the Mahabharata we have Samkaracharya's Bhashya or authoritative commentary on the Bhagavadgîtâ, one copy of which is 472 years old, (No. 252), and his Bhashya on the Vishnusahasranama. Of the independent treatises the subject composed by the great teacher we have copies of eight, most of them with commentaries (Nos. 225, 231, 232, 243, 244, 261, 656, 667), and of those composed by his followers we have ten (No. 222-224, 235, 237, 238, &c.). on Independent treatises. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir sect. System of Madhva.-In the Maratha section of the collection there are fifty-five manuscripts (Nos. 668-722) of forty-four different works expounding the syste of the Vedanta promulgated by Madhya who i lso known by the names of Anandatîrtha, Purnaprajña and Madhyamandâra. Anandatîrtha was the first pontiff or head of the congregation he founded, and the members of his sect have kept a regular list of his successors to the present day together with the dates of their death. Copies of the list however found in the possession of different persons differ from each other in a few respects. It appears that in the older lists the year of the cycle of sixty years in which each High-priest died was alone given, and from this was determined the Saka year. But this method is uncertain and liable to error if in any case the pontificate of any one of these extended over more than 60 years. I have compared three lists, one from Poona, another from Miraj, and the third lithographed at Belgaum, and found that the principal disagreement between the last two is due to this source. The second however appears to For Private and Personal Use Only Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 17 be correct, since the third assigns to two successive pontiffs, i.e., the eleventh and the twelfthi, sixty and fifty-eight years. Âuandatírtha's date. The results of the comparison are given in L., Appendix II. It will be seen from the list there given that Ånandatîrtha died in Saka 1119 corresponding to 1197 A.D. Tho system founded by Anandatîrtha is so bitterly hostilo to that of Sankaracharya that its followers consider the latter teacher to be an incarnation of a Daitya or demon whose object was to deceive mankind. According to Samkara's system the world is an unreality and the only reality is an uncondi. tioned and blissful soul. All Comparison of the the conditions or limitations of doctrines of Sankara and Madhya. a which our soul is conscious, all feeling, even the sense of individuality, and the external world, arise from the development of a certain principle which consists of ignorance and which represents the soul as otherwise than what it really is and generates mere appearances. When this principle is got rid of, the soul is free from all limitations and the appearances are dis. solved, and being free from all misery, it resumes its pristine condition. This doctrine is condemned in unqualified terms by Madhva and his followers who maintain that the world is real, the feeling of individuality which separates one soul from another and from the inanimate world represents something that is real, God as different from the individual souls and from the world is real, that the relation between the individual soul and God is like that between a servant and his master, and that by worshipping and serving this master the individual soul is exalted and becomes like God in most respects. These are the speculative doctrines of Madhva, Practically he enjoins the worship of 1901-3 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 18 Vishnu who is represented as the supremo God. The Vedanta has what are called three Prag. thânas or sources (literally, The thres Prasthậnas. starting points), viz. the Upanishads, the Brahmasútra by Bâdarâyana, and the Bhagavadgîtâ and such other episodes from the Mahâbhârata and the Purânas. Hence it is necessary that each system should have its own way of interproting these treatises; and accordingly each bas its own Bhashyas or authoritative commentaries on them. The works of Samkarâchârya on these three sets of originals existing in our collection have been noticed, and I shall now proceed to examine those of Anandatîrtha. Out of the Works based on the forty-four works mentioned Upanishads. above geven are Ânandatîrtha's Bhâshyas on soven of the principal Upanishads, two of them having glosses by two of his successors. Our manuscript of the Bhâshya on the Brihadâran yaka, which is the largest of the Works based on the the Upanishads, is incomplete. We Brahmasútra. have a copy of Anandatîrtha's Bhashya on the Brahmasútra, (Nos. 704–706), of what is called his Anuvyâkhyâna of it which is of the nature of an independent treatise expounding the contents of the Sûtra, (No. 709), and of the Anubhâshya or a summary of the Sûtra, (No. 708). Ânandatîrtha's treatises are generally very short, but there are large commentaries on them, princi pally by Jayatîrtha, the sixth Jayatirtha. in the succession list who died in 1190 Saka or 1268 A.D. Jayatîrtha's name before he was raised to the pontifical seat was Dhondo Raghunatha, and he was a native of Mangaļavedhem near Pandharpur. In the collection there are manuscripts of Jayatîrtha's commentary on the Brahmasútra Bhashya entitled Tattvaprakâśikâ, (No. 679), and of two commentaries on this again ono For Private and Personal Use Only Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 19 entitled Abhinavachandrikâ, (No. 669), by Satyanâthatîrtha, the twentieth in the succession list who died in Saka 1595, and the other called Tatparyanirnaya by Vya sayati the fifteenth, who died in Saka 1481, (No. 691). The first two, however, come down to the end of the second chapter, there being four in all, and the third is but a fragment. Jaya. tîrtha's commentary on the Anuvyâkhyâna is called Nyâyasudha, of which we have got about one-half, (No: 695). No. 713 is a copy of the Bhâvaprakåsa, a commentary by Nrisimha on the last of Ananda. tirtha's works on tho Brahmasútra, the Anubhâsnya. The works in our collection of Works based on Pu. u Ânandatîrtha's school on the rânic originals. third source of the Vedânta are threo, viz., a commentary on the Bhagavadgîtâ, (No. 677), not by Ânandatirtha but by Vidyâdhirâja, the immediate successor of Jayatîrtha, who died in 1254 Saka or 1332 A.D., Ânandatîrtha's Bhâratatâtparyanirnayanyâyasamgraha, (No. 712), and a small fragment of his Bhagavatatâtparyanirnaya, ; (No. 711). Of the independent Independent works works of Madhyâchårya we of Madlıva. have ten with the commentaries of Jayatîrtha and in some cases à gloss on these latter by Vyâsatîrtha. One of the most important of these is the Vishnutattvanirnaya, of Jayatîrtha's commentary on which we have two copies, (Nos. 719 ----721). Two more works of Ânandatîrtha have been noticed in connection with Dharmasastra, so that we have copies of twenty-four out of the thirty-seven works attributed to him in certain memorial verses which are given in M., Appendix II. We have also manuscripts Independent) works of eight independent works by the followers of Madhva. written by the followers of Madhya, and No. 275 in the Gujarat section also bolongs to this school. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 20 System of Rilmánuja and Nimbárka.—Another system of the Vedanta was founded by Râmânuja in the south and by Nimbarka Doctrines. who was a southern Brâhman in the north. There is not much difference between the doctrines of these teachers. According to them there is a unity of substance as well as plurality. The individual souls and the inanimate world form one substance with God in so far as he animates them. He is the soul of our souls and the soul of the world, and these are his body; and as the human soul with the human body forms one individual, so does the supreme soul with his body, viz., the world and the dependent souls, form one substance. Thus we have unity. But plurality also is true in so far as the distinction between the threethe supreme soul, tho dependent souls, and the world-is never obliterated. Practically, Râmânuja enjoins the worship of Nârâyaņa generally, but Nimbârka seems to have attached particular importance to the Krishna incarnation and in this respect was a precursor of Vallabhâchârya. We have no work expounding Nimbarka's system in the collection, but there is a manuscript of a tract entitled the Sishțagîtâ, (No. 83), in which bishțagita. all great persons from Brahmâ, Siva, and Vyasa down to Bhattojidîkshita and Chaitanya are represented as having held a meeting at Kâsî and extolled the doctrines of Nimbârka and recommended them to all mankind. According to one of the speakers all inconsistent doctrines finally resolve themselves into those of Nimbârka as rain-water wherever it may drop finally reaches the ocean and is absorbed in it. There is a copy of another work belonging to the sect entitled Harigurustavamâlâ, (No. 84), Harigurustavamala. tavamälä. which contains Stotras referring to Vishnu in one or more of his forms and to the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 21 gurus or leaders of the sects. In connection with .. one of the latter sort a succesSuccession list of the thosion list of the High-priests is Higli-priests. given which contains forty names up to Govindadeva, the author of the work"; (N., Appendix II.). The first four of these are mythological persons. The thirtieth from Nimbârka is a person of the name of Keśava Keśava Kâśmirin, the Kaśmirin who wrote a Bhâshya author of a Sûtra on the Vedântasûtra. It is pub lished in the eighth volume of the Benares Journal, the Pandit. In the introduction Keśava renders his obeisance to Nimbârka and speaks of Srinivasa, his immediate successor, as the author of the principal Bhâshya. He also mentions Sundarabhatta and others occurring in our succession list and his preceptor Mukunda. bhâshya. System of Vallabhâchấrya.–Of the latest system of the Vedânta, that founded by Vallabhacharya, we have copies of five works (Nos. 270--274). CLASS XI.-THE NYÂYA AND VAIŚESHIKA SYSTEMS. The founder of the Nyâya system was Gautama Commentaries on the of whose Sûtra No. 748 is a he copy. The Bhâshya or authorSûtras. ised commentary on this is that by Vâtsyâyana, a manuscript of which was purchased by me in 1879. In the present collection thero is a fragment equal to about one-fourth of the whole of a more modern commentary entitled Nyâyarahasya, (No. 743), by Râmabhadra who represents himself as the son of Bhattâchâryachûdâmaņi. This person was in all probability the same as Jânakînâ thabhattâchâryachûdâmaņi, the author of the Nyâyasiddhantamañjari, to be For Private and Personal Use Only Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 22 hereafter mentioned. Tho Sutra of Gautama and that of Kanada, the founder of a kindred system, the Vaiścshika, are however rarely studied in modern times. The literature of the two systems, the study of a portion of which at least is considered indispensable to one who wishes to become a Naiyâyika or Nyâya Pandit, was developed in Bengal during the last six or seven hundred years. It centres principally round Literature centering one book entitled Tattvachintaitself round tho Tattvachintamani, mani by Gangesamahopâ dhyâya. Of the first and fourth part of this wo have manuscripts in the present collection, (Nos. 731 and 732), and of a large portion of the third in addition to these two, in last year's. There is a commentary on this work ontitled Chintâmaņiprakâsa by Ruchidatta who speaks of himself in one place as a pupil of Jayadeva, probably the same as the author of another commentary called Aloka, and in another as having learnt the whole Sastra or system from a number of teachers. There is a copy of the first part of this work, (No. 279), and another of the second part, (No. 278), amongst our acquisitions of this ycar. This commentary, however, is very rarely read, and the one generally studied in modern times is that entitled Didhiti by Raghunathabhattaśiromani, of the second part or Anumânakhanda of which we have a copy, (No. 740). We have also manuscripts of the Anumânakbanda or inference portion of Mathurânâtha's commentary on Gangesa's work, (Nos. 757--759), and of the Pratyakshakhanda or first part and the Sabda or fourth of the same in last year's collection. The Dîdhiti again has been commented on by this same Mathorânâtha who represents himself as the son of Râma, by Jagadisa, by Bhayananda, and by Gadâdhara, and the Âloka montioned above by the first and the Sabda or fourth For Private and Personal Use Only Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 23 portion of it by the last. All these are largely represented in this and last year's collections. These commentarios instead of elucidating the system have in a sense mystified it. Nature of that Litora- The great object and aim of turo. the writers is accuracy of thought and speech. But to attain this they havo invented a very difficult and artificial terminology and by its means seck to defino every thing they are concerned with in their branch of learning in a manner to obviate all possible objections, howsoever flimsy and ridiculous. Their definitions have thus become unwieldy and usually consist of an extremely long compound and are unintelligiblo to all except the initiated. Still the end they seek to attain is good, and their method is to a certain extent worthy of adoption, especially in its applica. tion to grammar or to the accurate determination of the sonse of words and sentences, (Sabdakhanda). Whatover is useful in their mode of treatment can however be acquired by studying the little manuals on tho Nyâya and Vaiścsbika systems with some of their smaller commentaries, and these I shall now proceed to notice. Ono of the larger manuals is the NyâyasiddhânManuals of the Nyaya tamañjarî by Janakînâthaand Vaisoslika systems - of with commentaries. which Nos. 745 and 746 are Nyâyasiddhantamañjarî copies. There is another and commentaries in my collection of 1879. A valuable commentary on this is the Tarkaprakâśa by Srikantha or Sitikantha, a fragment of which we have in this collection, (No. 737), but a complete copy in that of 1879. The Naiyâyika of modern times, whose study of the works of Mathurânâtha, Jagadîsa, and Gadadhara is restricted to the parts on Anumâna or inference and Sabda or interpretation, derives his knowledge of the Pratyakshakhanda For Private and Personal Use Only Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 24 or tho first part from the Tarkaprakása. Another commentary on the work is by Srikrishnanyâyavâgîsabhattacharya, of the Sabdakhanda of which No. 747 is a copy; and No. 742 is a small fragment of a third entitled NyâyaratnâBhâsbâparichchheda vali. The Bhâshậparichchheda and commentaries. by Visvanathapañchânana is another manual which is always studied along with the Siddhantamuktavali, a commentary on it by the author himself. There are two copies of the first, (Nos. 288 and 727), and one of the second, (No. 292), in our collection. Another work of this nature is the Padârthamâlâ of Jayarâ mapañchânana, of which we have a fragment, (No. 753). Of the smaller manuals the Tarkasamgraha is the one generally studied. It The Smaller Manuals. has a great many commentaries Tarkasarugraha and " of which we have two, the commentaries. Tarksangrahadipikâ, (No. 738), attributed to the author of the manual himself, and the Tarkachandrikâ by Vaidyanatha Gadgila, (No. 736). The Tarkâmrita of Jagadisa, the Saptapadârthî of Sivaditya and the Tarkabhâshâ of Keśavamiśra are similar works; but the last follows the system of Gautama. On the first there is a commentary called TarkâmritaTarkamrita and com- chashaka by Gangârâma Jadi mentaries. who was the son of Narayana, pupil of Nilakantha, and son of the daughter of Dinakara the author of the Muktâvalîprakâśa, a commentary on the work of Visvanatha noticed above. No. 277 is a commentary on this Chashaka, apparently by the author himself, without the original. Gangârâma states that his work was looked over by his grandfather; (O., Appendix II.). Another commentary on the Tarkâmțita entitled the Tarkâmritatarangiņî is in my collection for 1879. The Padarthachandrika by Seshậnanta, of which we For Private and Personal Use Only Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 25 have two good copies, (Nos. 286 and 287), is a com ; mentary on the second, the Saptapadârthî and and Saptapadârthî, and there is a S commentaries. commentary on this again by Nrisinka of which we have a small fragment, (No. 750). Another commentary in the collection on Siváditya's manual is by a Jaina named Jinavardhanasûri, (No. 291), and a third entitled Mitabhâshinî by Madhava Sarasvatî is among the manuscripts collected by me in 1879. Jinavardhanasûri Jina vardhangsnis Is represented in the colophon to have been the successor of date. Jinarâjasûri, High-priest of the Kharataragachchha; (P., Appendix II.). Jinarâja died in 1461 Sariyat or 1405 A.D., and Jinavardhana occupied the seat vacated by him till 1475 Samvat when he was deposed on account of his having transgressed one of the vows; (Ind. Ant., Vol. XI., p. 249). Jinavardhana appears to have been a zealous student of the Nyâya. Among the palmleaf manuscripts in our collections, No. 28 of 1880-81 which is a copy of Udayana's Tâtparyaparisuddhi is stated at the end to have belonged to Jinavardhanasûri the successor of Jinarâjasûri, and the year there given is 1471 Samvat; (Prof. Kielhorn's Report for 1880-81, p. 19). Siyâditya the author of the Saptapadârthî commented on by Jinavardhana, must thus have flourished before the fifteenth cen tury. The third manual or Tarkabhâsha and Tackabhâshâ has been comcommentaries. mented on by Govardhanamiśra, Mâdhavabhatta, and Chinnabhatta. Govardhanamiśra was the son of Balabhadra and his wife Vijayasrî, and had two elder brothers named Padmanabha and Viśvanâtha. He was the pupil of Keśavamiśra, the author of the work on which he has commented; (Q., Appendix II). Of Govardhanamiśra's work we have two copies, (Nos. 282 and 1 901-4 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 26 283), and one of that of Chinnabhatta's date. Madhavabhatta, (No. 284), and of that of Chinnabhatta, (No. 285). The last is called Tarkabhâshậprakâsikâ. Chinnabhatta was the son of Sahajasarvajña and the younger brother of Sarvajña and was patronized by Harihara, king of Vijayanagara. Ho thus lived in the latter part of the fourteenth century, and the Tarkabhâshâ therefore commented on by him must have been considerably older. CLASS XII.-JYOTISHA. The Hindu Jyotisha is divided into three branches entitled Siddhậnta, Samhitâ, Threo branches branches and Horâbâstra. The first is (Skandhas). also called Ganita and comprehends Mathematics and Astronomy proper; the second embraces a variety of miscellaneous subjects, --science, astrology, alchemy, portents, omens, &c.and the third comprises Horoscopy or Jâtaka and Tajika or judicial astrology and divination. Of works belonging to the first branch we have a copy of the Siddhantas or Gaạita. ito Süryasiddhânta, (No. 360), and of the Brahmasiddhânta in six chapters described as forming the Sâkalyasaṁhitâ, (No. 345). There is also a manuscript of the first Bhâskaracharya's works. part of Bhâskarâchârya's Sid dhântaśiromaņi, (No. 357), and of the Goladhyâya or the fourth chapter with the author's annotations entitled Vâsanâbhâshya, (No. 358). This last manuscript was transcribed in Samvat 1576 or A.D. 1520. We have three copies of Kononokenthala this author's Karaṇakutûhala.a work which expounds methods of various astronomical calculations, and among them that of determining the positions of the San, Moon, and Planets at any given time from their positions For Private and Personal Use Only Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 7 on a certain day in a certain year, (Nos. 293–295). This year or epoch in the present work is, as is well known, 1105 Saka or 1183 A.D., Date of the work, work, and Bhaskarâchârya was born Saka 1105. in 1036 Saka as he himself tells us in the Siddhậntaśiromaņi which he wrote in the thirty-sixth year of his age. The methods given in Karaņas differ from those given in the Siddhântas in this, that while the latter use as an epoch the beginning of a Kalpa or a fabulous period of an extremely long duration, and consequently involve tedious multiplications and divisions, the former take their start from a certain year of the Saka era as an epoch and are less cumbrous. The astronomical data are the same as those given in the Siddhântas. Our author's Karaņa follows the data given in the Brah Brohmatul ra Brahmatulya. m asiddhânta and is hence called " Brahmatulya or "like the Brahma." There are three other copies of the Karana with the commentaries of Sodhala, Padmanabha, and Samkarakavi, the pupil of Harsharatna, (Nos. 296298). Our manuscript of the first was transcribed in 1519 Samvat or 1403 A.D., i.e., 280 years after the work had been composed by Bhâskarâchârya. The last commentator exemplifies the author's rules by Sarkarkavi's making actual calculations for date, Saka 1541. date, the Saka year 1541 or 1619 A.D., which therefore is the date of his work. Samkarakavi mentions Śrîpati, Brahmarka, and Keśava to be noticed below; (R., Appen Brahmatulyatippana, dix II). No. 344 is an anonySaka 1523. mous work containing calcula tions according to Bhaskara's Khetakasiddhi, Saka rules for the Saka year 1523. 1500. No. 303 is entitled Khețakasiddhi or methods of astronomical calculations and its epoch year is 1500 Saka or 1578 A.D. The author's name is Dinakara who also wrote a For Private and Personal Use Only Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 28 small tract called Chandrârkî, of which No. 308 is a copy. No. 346 is a manuscript Damodara's Bhata $a- of a Karaņa by Damodara, the tulya, Saka 1339. pupil of Padmanâbha, based on the astronomical data given by Aryabhata, and hence it is called Bhatatulya. Damodara's epoch is 1339 Saka corresponding to 1417 A.D., and the manuscript is dated 1559 Sanivat or 1503 A.D.; (S., Appendix II.). No. 304 is the GrahachintáŚrînatha's Grahachintamai, Saka 1512. mani by Srinutlha son of Râma and younger brother of Raghunâtha; and the year used as an epoch is 1512 Saka. This Râma was probably the same as the author of the Muhûrtachintamani. There is also a copy of Brahmadeva's Karana. another Karana entitled Kara 4. naprakâsa, (No. 299), by Brahmadeva, son of Chandrabhatta. But its first leaf is lost and that of another manuscript substituted in its place; hence its epoch cannot be easily made out. Amongst a number of manuscripts, however, since Śml, 1014. collected in the Maratha coun try, I found the first two or three leaves of a copy of this Karaṇa, and these have been added to No. 299. From the first two verses, I gather that Brahmadera follows the astronomical data given by Aryabhata and the S'aka year used by him as an epoch is 1014; (T., Appendix II.). This, therefore, is the oldest of the Karaņas in the present collection. There is in the collection a copy of the Graha lâghava, (No. 306), with the Ganesa's Grahalâ- illustrative commentary of Visghava with Visva natha's commentary. vanâtha. This is the work that is ordinarily used by the Hindu astronomers and astrologers of the day. The author's name is Gaņeśa, who was the son of Keśava, himself the author of a Jâtakapaddhati to be men For Private and Personal Use Only Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir tioned below and other works. They belonged to the Kausika Gotra and lived Ganesa, native of Nândgâmy near Jañjirâ. of at Nandigrâma which name is guaNândgâmy in the vernacular. This is placed by Colebrooke near Devagiri, the modern Daulatâbâd, that is, he identifies this Nândgâmy with a town of that name in the Násik District on the G. I. P. Railway line. But in the manuscript before me I find a statement of Ganesa himself that his Nandigrâma was situated in Aparânta which is the Sanskrit name for Northern Konkan, and the commentator mentions in the introduction that it was situated near the sea-coast (U., Appendix II). Ganesa's Nandigrâma, therefore, is the Nândgâmy which is about four miles to the north of Janjirâ and forty miles to the south of Bombay and is now in the Saka 1442. territory of the Habasi Chief. The epoch year in Ganesa's Grahalâghava is 1442 Saka corresponding to 1520 A.!), and the year for which the illustrative calculations are made by Viśvanâtha is 1534 Saka, or 1612 A.D. There is another work of Ganesa entitled Saka 1534. Pâtasâraņî with Viśvanâtha's commentary, (No. 335). The Patasaranî. Śaka 1444. Saka year occurring in the for * mer is 1444 and Visvanatha's explanatory calculations are for the year 1553 Saka. Of the second branch of the Jyotisha I have to Sahitâ Branch. announce the acquisition of the Samhitaskandha, (No. 317), of Toda r malla's Jyotihsukha Salihita. Todaramalla's Jyotihs ukha. This is one of the volumes of what might be called an encyclopædia of Indian science and lore entitled Todarânanda caused to be compiled by Todaramalla who is represented to have been a Rajả and who was the financial minister of the For Private and Personal Use Only Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 30 Emperor Akbar. Of the third Horâsâstra or third ! branch we have got a large lot, branch of the Jyotisha. nd first I shall speak of the Jậtakas or works teaching the casting of nativities. The first that deserves mention is Varâhamihira's Brihajjâtaka with two commentaries, one by Mahî u dâsa and the other by Mahîdhara Jatakas of Varaha 18- (Nos. 341-343). There is a mihira and others. copy of Utpala's commentary on it in the last year's collection. Then we have in the present collection a manuscript of Utpala's commentary on the Shatpañchâśikâ by Prithuyaśas, the son of Varahamihira, (No. 355). No. 311 is a copy of the Jâtakapaddhati by Srîpati who flourished before Keśava of Nandigrâma, the father of Ganesa, and No. 312 of a commentary on it by Madhava. No. 314 is a copy of the Jâtakapaddhati composed Jatakpaddh ati by by Keśava of Nandigrâma with Keśava,' fathor of a commentary written by himGancía. self. In this he refers to or quotes the following works and authors with others whose dates are well known :Kalyanavarman. Ramakrishnapaddhati. Kesayamiśra. Vallayupaddhati. Jîvasarman. Sripati. Damodara. Sridharapaddhati. Mhâlukapaddhati. Sridharâchârya. Yayana. Sârâvali. Horâmakaranda. The Śrîpati mentioned by Keśava is the same as the author of No. 311, since a quotation from Sripati in Kesaya's work is found in that manuscript. There is a copy of the Horâmakaranda in last year's collection. The author's name is Gunâkara, who was the son of another Sripati. Another commentary on Keśava's Paddhati by Visvanâtha, the son of Divakara, we have in last year's collection. The For Private and Personal Use Only Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 31 Śaka 1508. illustrative calculations in it are made for the year 1508 Saka or 1586 A.D. Viśvanâtha therefore wrote this commentary twenty-six years before that on Gaņeśa's Grahalâghava. There are manuscripts of several other Jâtakas among which may be mentioned the Yavanajâtaka, (No. 349), which is probably the one referred to by Kesaya of Nandigrâma. The date of the manuscript is 1621 Samyat or 1565 A.D. We have, however, not got a complete copy of this Jâtaka and the section on the subject of Keśava’s Jyotîratnamåla. quotation is wanting. No. 316 is Srîpati's Jyotîratnamâlâ with a commentary by Mahadeva, the son of Luņiga. Whether this Sripati is identical with the author of the Jâtakapaddhati it is difficult to determine, The author of the Jyotîratnamâlâ was the son of Nâgadeva and grandson of Keśava who of course was a different person from the father of Ganesa. This Keśava belonged to the Kâsyapa Gotra, while Keśava of Nandigrâma was a Kausika. No. 348 is a copy of a commentary on Keśava's Kesaya's Muhûrtatat. otototMuhûrtatattva by his son Gatva. da ņeśa. We have also a copy of the Muhûrtachintâmaņi by Muhûrtachintâmani Rama who gives his genealogy by Rama. thus : In Dharmapura on the banks of the Narmadâ there lived a learned man of the name of Chintamani who knew a great many Såstras including Jyotisha. He had a son named Ananta who was an astrologer and wrote a Jâtakapaddhati and a commentary on the Kâmadhenu. Nos. 300 and 301 are copies of a Kamadhenu, very probably the same as this.-Ananta had two sons His date. , Nilakantha and Rấma, the latter of whom was the author of the work before us. He wrote it at Benares in 1522 Saka or 1600 A.D. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 32 We have several manuscripts of works on what is Tajika. called Tajika or general astroSamarsiriha's logy, of which I shall notice Tajikasâ ra. a few. Nos. 320-322 are copies of different parts of the Tajikasara by Samarasimha. The author traces his descent to Chandasimha, of the Prag vâța family, who was a minister of the Chaulukya kings of Gujarat. He was probably the same person as Chaqdapa, who, as stated by Someśvara in the Kîrtikaumudî, (III., 1–4), also belonged to the Prâgvâţa family and was a Mantrin or counsellor and an ancestor of Vastupâla. From Chandasimha sprang Sobhanadeva who had a son of the name of Samanta. Samanta's son was Kumârsimba who was the father of our author. No. 322, which is a copy of the third section of the work, was transcribed in 1491 Sainvat corresponding to 14.35 A.D.; (V., Appendix Tejahsimha's Daiva- TI). No. 327' is Daiyajânjñâlamkriti, lamkriti by Tejaḥsimha. The pedigree of the author is given in the colophon, but the reading is very corrupt and what appears likely is this. Tejahsimha like Samarasimha belonged to the Prâgvâta family, but he is much older than the latter. Sârangadeva of the Chaulukya dynasty of Gujarat, who reigned from 1277 to 1297 A.D., had a Mantrin or counsellor whose name appears to have been Vikrama. Of him was born another Mantrin of the name of Vijayasimha, and his brother was Tejahsirha, the author of the work before us. (W., Appendix II.). We have also a copy of the Tajikalamkâra by Sürya, (No. 326), who lived at Sürya's Tajikalamkâra. Pârthapura on the northern bank of the Godâvarî. His father's name was Jñânarâja who was himself an astronomer of great repute, being the author of a work called the Siddhẫnta For Private and Personal Use Only Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 33 sundara, (see Colebrooke's Essays). Surya gives a list of his own works at the end of the Tajikâlamkâra. The passage is corrupt; but on comparing it with another copy of it given by Professor Weber in the Berlin Catalogue I find he wrote the following works :-Glosses on (1) the Lîlâvatî and (2) the Bîjaganita ; (3) computations according to Sripati's Paddhati, (4) a new Bijaganita, (5) Tajika, the present work, (6) another Tajika, (7) a Kâvyâshtaka, and (8) Bodhasudhâkara, a Vedântic work; (X., Appendix II.). The dates 1460 and 1463 Saka are given by Colebrooke as occurring in two of his works. No. 318 is a manuscript of the Tâjikakaustubha by Balakrishna who lived at Tajikakaustubha by Jambusara. Balakrishma. His father was Yâdava whose great-grandfather Ramajit (Râmji) was, according to Balakrishna, a very learned man and lived at a place situated on the northern bank of the Tâpî. Râmajit had a son of the name of Narayana and his son was Râmakrishıņa who was the father of Yâdaya. Balakrishna's other works are:--Stotras of Narayana, Sam. kara, Sivâ (Durga), Ganapati and Trivenî, Yoginyashtadasâkrama, of which we have a copy, and Samkrantinirnaya; (Y., Appendix II.). Another manuscript that deserves notice is called Manittha Tajika. Manitthatâjika, (No. 324), and the work is ascribed to Manitthâchârya. Manittha is mentioned by Varahamihira in his Jâtaka and identified by Professor Weber with Manetho, author of the Apotelesmata. Varâhami. hira's commentator Utpala quotes passages from the work attributed to Maạittha which however I have not been able to find in the present manuscript. A man of the name of Manittha could not have composed this treatise, since in one place the author B 904-5 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 34 says he is "going to give what is stated by Marittha and others" with reference to a certain subject. The work is a modern compilation, since the name “Tâjika" itself for astrology was adopted by Hindu writers in about the thirteenth century, while Varahamihira who mentions Maņittha flourished in the early part of the sixth. The author's object was to state the views of foreign writers whom he speaks of as “Yavanas" or "ancient Yavanas," and he uses Manittha's name only because he was acquainted with the tradition which represented him to be a distinguished foreign writer on astrology. (Z., Appendix II.). I may also here mention à manuscript of a work entitled Parasîprakâśa, (No. Parasipra ka sa by 336), by an author named Ve. Vedangaraya. dångarảya. In this work are given methods for converting Hindu into Mahomedan dates and vice versű and the Arabic and Persian names of the days of the week, the months, the planets, the constellations, the signs of the zodiac, &c. Several Arabic technical terms of astronomy and others that are ordinarily used in astrological treatises are explained, and the influences of the planets in different positions are mentioned. The book is intended for the use of astrologers and was written for the purWritten during the pose “of pleasing the emperor tho Shah Jehan and gaining his reign of Shah Jchan. alle favour;” (AA., Appendix II.). Shah Jehan was on the throne of Delhi from 1627 to 1657 A.D., and the date of the composition of this treatise is 1565 Saka and 1053 A.H. corresponding to 1643 1.D. This Vedângaraya was the same person as the father of Nandikeśvara, the author of a work entitled Ganakamandana which is a sort of intro. duction to the study of astronomy. In that work, a copy of which exists in my collection for 1881-82, Nandikeśvara states that his father's name was For Private and Personal Use Only Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 35 Målajit (Malji), that he was conversant with the Vedas and Vedangas, and got from the emperor of Delhi (Dhillliiśvara) the title of Vedângaraya. Målajit or Vedâugarâ ya was the son of Tigalâbhatta who was the son of Ratnabhatta. Ratnablatta lived at Srîsthala in Gujarat. Copios of a few works on divination will also be found entered in the accomWorks on Divination. panying catalogue. Bhoja’s Vidvaj ja na One of vallabha. them is entitled Vidvajjanaval labha, (No. 337), and is ascribed to king Bhoja who is represented to have been a powerful sovereign; (BB., Appendix II.). The last manuscript in this class that I shall notice is the Narapatijayacharyâ, (No. Narapatijayacha r y a 331), a treatise on omens by by Narapati. Narapati. The author wrote this book at Anahilapattana in the reign of Ajayapâla who occupied the Chaulukya throne from 1174 to 1177 A.D.; (Ind. Ant., Vol. VI., p. 213). He finished the work on Tuesday the first of the light half of Chaitra in the year 1232 of Vikrama corresponding to 1176 A.D. Narapati's father was Âmradeva who lived at Dhârâ, the capital of Màlava, which country was, according to our author, the “ abode of learning.” There is another copy of the Narapatijayacharyâ in last year's collection, (CC., Appendix II). CLASS XIII.-MEDICINE. In the class of works on Hindu Medicine we have fragments of the Charaka and Charaka, Suśr uta, Sušruta Samhitâs and a copy of Vägbhata. The last transcribed for a Parsi vagonața s important work, the in A.D. 1430. Ashtângayogahridaya, which however is incomplete. The last manuscript was caused to be transcribed in the Samvat year 1486 or 1430 A.D. at Bhrigukshetra or For Private and Personal Use Only Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 36 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Bharoch by Arddhasera (Ardesar) who was a learned Adhyâru or priest of the Pârasîka race for his son to study. This shows that about four hundred and fifty years ago Parsi priests valued and cultivated the study of Sanskrit lore (CC. 1, Appendix II.) There are several other smaller treatises, and among them may Bopadeva's Śataślokî. be mentioned two copies of Bopadeva's Sataslokî and another of his commentary on the work, which however wants a few leaves, (Nos. 378-380). Bopadeva, as is well known, was the son of Kesava and pupil of Dhaneśa. He was patronized by Hemâdri, the minister of Mahadeva, the Yadava king of Devagiri. This fact is however mentioned not in his medical treatises but in the Harilila, a summary of the Bhagavata. At the end of the Sataśloki it is stated that both Bopadeva's father and teacher lived at a place called Sârtha situated on the banks of the Varadâ. Bopadeva therefore was a native of Berâr. (DD., Appendix II.). CLASS XIV. TANTRIKA LITERATURE. Of the Tântrika literature we have manuscripts of two Tantras, the Sivarahasya and the Gautamîyamahâtantra, (Nos. 400, 401, and 385). The rest are digests or extracts from some of the larger Tantras, one of the former being the Tantrasâra by Krishnânandabhattacharya, (No. 388). CLASS XV.-ART. There are copies of four works on technical subjects. Two of these are on architecture, one entitled Rajavallabhamandana, (No. 404), and the other Vastumandana, (No. 405). In the colophon of the first it is stated that Mandana, a Sûtradhâra Mandana's works. or architect, who was in the service of Kumbhakarna, king of Medapâța, composed the work, and by his devotion to Ganapati and to his teacher and the propitiation For Private and Personal Use Only Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 37 bho ruled over the country of the Goddess of Learning he expounded the "art of building as taught by the Munis;" (EE., Appen dix II.). Medapâţa is Mevad, Mandana patronized by Kumbho of Mevâr. and a king of the name of Kumaccording to Tod from 1419 to 1469 A.D. He had a taste for the arts and constructed many temples as well as strongholds. It is not unlikely, therefore, he had in his service persons who had read the literature of architecture and could compose such treatises as the one under notice. Vastumandana also is ascribed to Mandana, and it is stated that he wrote this work at the request of his son Devasimha. He is here spoken of as the son of Kshetra ; (FF., Appendix II.). The third work entitled Kundamârtanda treats Kundumârtanda with of the construction of altars tanda with according to the Sulva Sûtras commentary. composed by the Rishis of old. The author is Govinda who was the son of Gadâdhara and lived at Junnar. The manuscript contains a commentary by Ananta, the son of Siddheśvara. The original was composed in 1613 Saka or 1691 A.1). and the commentary in 1614 Saka or 1692 A.1)., (No. 770). The last of the four is a commentary on the Sam gîtaratnâkara, (No. 406). The Commentary on the Sargitaratnâkara. und manuscript is in abad condition, the edges of all the leaves being torn off and the writing on a good many having faded away. The commentary is attributed to a king of the name of Singa, who is spoken of as the supreme sovereign of the Andhra circle. Who this Singa was it is difficult to say ; but it is not unlikely that he was the Yâdava prince Singhaṇa who reigned at Devagiri. F'or, the country ruled over by the Deccan Châlukyas is sometimes called Telangana by northern writers For Private and Personal Use Only Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 38 such as Merutunga and Râjavallabha, who in their life of Bhoja speak of Tailapa as king of Telangana. Telangana is the same as the Andhra circle and the Yâdavas succeeded the Châlukyas as rulers of the country. In Professor Aufrecht's catalogue there is a notice of a manuscript of the Samgîtaratnâkara by Sârngadeva, in the introduction to which Singhanadeva, who appears to have been the author's patron, is mentioned. A commentary on his work, therefore, written either by himself or some other court dependent may have been dedicated to the king. (GG., Appendix II.). CLASS XVI.--MISCELLANEOUS. Under the heading “Miscellaneous" there are Lekhapañchâsikâ. three manuscripts, one of which possesses a good deal of historical importance. It is entitled Lekhapañchâsikâ, or fifty letters or deeds, (No. 410). The author's name is not given at the end and the first leaf is missing. The work contains forms of letters, deeds, patents, bonds, &c., and is divided into two parts. The names being variable are in most cases represented by the word amuka, i.e., "a certain one" or ndmanematah, i.c., “by a certain name.” The date, however, used in the forms which constitute the second part is Monday the 15th of the light half of Vaisakhia, Samvat 1288, except in one case where it is the 3rd of that half. This date is meant of course to serve as an example; but the author's having used that in particular may safely be regard ed as showing that he wrote Author's date, Sari- his work in Samvat 1288, i.e. vat 1288. in 1232 A.D. The manuscript itself was transcribed in 1536 Samvat or 1480 A.D. In a few cases, the names of real persons also are used as examples, wherefore the deeds in which they occur must be considered to be such as it was pos For Private and Personal Use Only Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Tâmrasâsana or copperplate grant by Lavanaprasâda. 1. Mûlarâja. 2. Châmundadova. 3. Vallabhadova. sible should have been executed. One such deed is a Tâmrasâsana or a royal deed of grant to be inscribed on copper. In this the grantor that is introduced is Lavanyaprasâda, son of Ânaladeva of the Chaulukya family, and what is represented to have been granted by him is a village, not named, for the worship of Somanâtha. Lavanyaprasâda was a Rânaka, i.e., a Rânâ and a Mandaladhipati or a dependent chief. The grant is represented to have been executed in the reign of Bhimadeva while Bhabhûya was his minister. Bhimadeva's name is preceded by those of all the Chaulukya princes who reigned at Anahilapattana, and they are as follows: 39 4. Durlabhadeva. 5. Bhima or Brihadbhima. 11. Bhimadeva. Treaty of alliance between Singhaṇadeva and Lavanaprasâda. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 6. Karnadeva. 7. Jayasimha. 8. Kumârapâla. 9. Ajayapâla. 10. Mûladeva. This agrees with the genealogy given by other writers. Bhimadeva was the reigning sovereign in Samvat 1288 according to them also, and we see that Lavanaprasada, whose grandson Visaladeva finally took possession of the throne at Anahilapattana, had at that time acquired sufficient influence to be considered worthy of being introduced as the grantor of a village. He appears to have been the de facto sovereign of Gujarat at the time. (HH., Appendix II.). Another such deed in the work before us is a treaty of alliance between Simhaṇadeva who is styled Maharájádhiraja or king of kings, i.e., paramount sovereign, and Lavanyaprasâda who is called a Mahamandalesvara. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 40 Tho placo where the treaty is concluded is the “victorious camp” and the provisions are that "each of these two princes should confine himself to his own country as before; neither of them should invade the territories of the other; if a powerful enemy attacked either of them they should both undertake a joint expedition against him; if only the general of an enemy did so, troops should be sent to encounter hiin; and if a prince from the country of either fled into that of the other taking away a certain valuable thing he should not be allowed quarter and the thing removed by him should be restored." Singhana who is also called Simhana was the most powerful of the Yâdava princes of Devagiri anil roigneil from 1131 to 1169 Saka or 1209 to 1217 A.D). Te invaded Gujarat twice at least, once in the time of Lavanaprasada and on another occasion when his grandson Vîsaladeva was on the throne. Of the first invasion Someśvara gives a graphic account in his Kirtikaumudî. All Gujarat was terrified when the intelligence of Singhiana's march against the country was received, and Lavaņaprasâda and his son Viradhavala proceeded at once to meet him. But being attacked from behind by four princes of Marval and abandoned by the chiefs of Godraha and Lâta, the father and son retreated. The army of Singhaņa, however, did not advance. But Someśvara does not give us any reason further than what is involved in the observation, which is simply rhetorical and not historical, that “deer do not follow the path of a lion even when he has abandoned it." The reason, however, is supplied by the document before us. Though the object of our author was to give the form of a treaty of alliance, he could not have thought of using the names of Singhana and Lavaņapraså da unless such a treaty had been actually concluded between them, and it should be remembered that Singhaņa's invasion of For Private and Personal Use Only Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir A2 · Gujarat must have taken place but a short time before the composition of the treatise. Instead of giving a blank form, therefore, the author must be supposed to have here placed before us what might be considered a specimen of a treaty. Singhana, therefore, did not advance when Lavanaprasâda and his son retreated, because the two latter had submitted to him and concluded a treaty of alliance. (DD., Appendix II.) No. 409 is a work composed by one Daļapatiraya for a prince named Mầdhava. Yâva napa ripâty à situha, who is styled SârvaRajarîti. bhauma or “ paramount sovereign." It contains forms of letters and orders from a king to his subordinates written in Sanskrit according to the manner prevalent among Mahomedans and also Sanskrit equivalents of Mahomedan Sayâi Mâdhayrår political terms. From the colophon Mâdhavasimha the Sârvabhauma appears to have been Savâi Mâdhav. râvor Mâdhavrâv II. of the Peshwa dynasty of Poona. CLASS XVII.—JAINA LITERATURE. (A.) Sútras and their commentaries.--Of the literature of the Jainas we liave sixty-one manuscripts in Sanskrit and the old Prâkrit and eight in the veruacular. There are sixteen of the Sûtras and their commentaries, among which may be mentioned a new commentary on the Kalpasûtra entitled Kalpamañjarî by Sahajakîrti, Kalpa mañja rî by (No. 421). This was composed Sahajakirti. in 1685 Samvat while Jinarâja was the head of the Independent treatises Kharataragachchha. We have on religion and philosophy. also copies of independent trea tises on religion and philosophy, among which may be mentioned the Anekaśâstrasã B 904-6 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 42 Harshakirti's Dhâtupâtha with a commentary. rasamuchchaya, (No. 413), which looks like a collec tion of several small works by different authors; the Vivekavilâsa, (No. 455), by Jinadattasûri, in which the author gives the principles of several branches of learning and which also contains moral as well as religious precepts; the Shaddarśanasamuchchaya, (No. 460), giving a brief account of the Brahmanic as well as Jaina and Bauddha systems of philosophy; and the Samayasâraprâbhrita, (No. 462), a work belonging to the Digambara sect, by Kundakundâcharya, who was a celebrated teacher of that sect. The Suktamuktâvalî of Somaprabhâchârya, (No. 469), may also be mentioned in this connection. Somaprabhacharya represents himself Somaprabhacharya's to be the pupil of Vijayasimha who occupied the seat of Highpriest after Ajitadeva; (KK., Appendix II.). All these names occur in the succession list of the pontiffs of the Tapagachchha, and Somaprabhâchârya seems to have lived in the latter part of the twelfth century. (Ind. Ant., Vol. XI., p. 254). Sûktamuktâvalî. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir (B.) Grammar and Lexicons.—We have copies of the Desinâmamâlâ of Hemachandra, (No. 438), of the Siddhaśabdârnava of Sahajakîrti, (No. 466), mentioned above, of Hemachandra's Prakrit Grammar, (No. 458), of the Sabdabhushana, (No. 457), a metrical treatise on grammar by Dânavijaya, (LL., Appendix II.), of a Dhâtupâtha or list of roots according to the Sârasvata system together with a commentary by Harshakîrti, (Nos. 439 and 440), all of which belong to the branches of Lexicography and Grammar. In the Vritti or commentary on his Dhâtupâtha, Harshakîrti gives the senses as well as the verbal and other forms of the several roots quoting the Sârasvata Sutras, and sometimes mentions idiomatic modes of expression. The work thus resembles, to some For Private and Personal Use Only Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 43 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir extent, Mâdhava's Dhâtuvṛitti. Harshakîrti was the High-priest of the Nâgapurîya branch of the Tapâgachchha and was the pupil of Chandrakîrti. He mentions the following eminent persons belonging to his sect who were honoured by kings and emperors: (1) Jayasekhara, who was adored by Hammîra. (2) Vajrasena, to whom at the suggestion of Sihada the emperor Allavadi gave a valuable garment and Pharmâna (firman) in the town of Rûnâ. (3) Ratnasekhara, to whom Perojasâhi gave valuable garments. (4) Hamsakirti, a Pathaka or reader, whose greatness was manifested before Sâhi Sikandara. (5) Ânandaraya, who obtained the title of Râya from Humâûm. (6) Chandrakirti, highly honoured by Sahi Sâlema. (7) Padmasundaragani, who defeated a great Pandit in argument at the court of Akbar and was rewarded by the emperor with a garment, a village, an easy chair (sukhâsana), and other things. (8) Pachchâ, a Pathaka, honoured by Maladeva, king of the Hindus at Yodhapura (Jodhpur). Of these Hammira was the celebrated Chohan prince who ruled over Mevâd from 1301 to 1365 A.D. and successfully resisted the encroachments of the Mahommedans. Allâvadi must be Allauddin Khilji who occupied the throne of Delhi from 1295 to 1316 A.D. Perojasâhi must be Pheroz Shah Taghlak who reigned from 131 to 1388 A.D., and Sâhi Sikandara, Sikandar Shah Lodi (1488- 1518 A. D.). Humayun's first reign extended from 1530 to 1540 A.D.; Salem Shah (1545-1553 A.D.) was one of the Delhi emperors who ruled during the period of his humiliation, and Akbar, the celebrated Mogul prince, reigned from 1556 to 1605 A.D. Mâladeva was a For Private and Personal Use Only -- Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 44 prince of the Ráthor family who reigned at Jodhpur from 1532 to 1583 A.D. Chandrakirti who was honoured by Salem Shah was our author's teacher; (MM., Appendix II.). 66 C. Plays. No. 418 is a copy of the first act of the Karpuramañjarî, a dramatic Karpûramanjari. play in the Prakrit in four acts, and No. 419 of the second act. In the colophon of both manuscripts the play is ascribed to a Vâchanâcharya, pupil of Jinasâgara, who is styled the sun in the sky of Kharatana.' Jinasagara was the first High-priest of a new branch of the Kharatara sect which was established in Samvat 1686 or 1630 A. D. (Ind. Ant., Vol. XI., p. 250). The Karpuramanjarî, however, of which we have two acts here, is the same as that written by Rajasekhara, the preceptor of Mahendrapâla, who flourished about the tenth century, and even his name is mentioned in the introduction. Merutunga's Bhoja prabandha. Bhoja's date. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir "" D. Historical, Biographical and Legendary Works. -Among works of a historical, biographical, and legendary nature we have Merutunga's Bhojaprabandha, (No. 450), Râjavallabha's Bhojacharitra, (No. 449), Sumatigani's Lives of certain Jaina Highpriests, (No. 426), originally forming part of his Vritti or exposition of Jinadatta's Ganadharasârdhaśataka, a Gurvâvali or succession list of teachers, (No. 427), Pârsvanâthacharitra, (No. 444), Pândavacharitra, (No. 413), Ramacharitra (No. 452), &c. In the Bhojaprabandha, Merutunga states that in Samvat 1078 when Bhoja ruled over the Mâlava circle, Bhîma, the paramount sovereign of the Chalukya race, governed Gujarat. This cannot be the date of Bhoja's accession. According both to Merutunga and Râjavallabha, Muñja, the uncle and predecessor of Bhoja, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 45 crossed the Godavarî against the counsel of his aged minister Rudrâditya and invaded the dominions of Tailapa, the founder of the later Châlukya dynasty of the Dekkan. He was defeated and taken prisoner. At first he was well treated by his captor, but when secret intrigues for his release were discovered, Tailapa subjected him to indignities and put him to death. This last fact is mentioned in Tailapa's inscriptions also. Now Tailapa, we know, died in 920 Saka or after 919 years of the era bad elapsed. This corresponds to 998 A.D., wherefore Muñja must have been slain by Tailapa before that year. A Jaina author named Amitagati tells us at the end of his Subhâshitaratnasaidoha, as was first pointed out by Colebrooke, that he wrote or compiled the work in Samyat 1050 or 994 A.D. While Munja was reigning at Dhârâ. (NN., Appendix II.). Muñja therefore must have been put to death by Tailapа between 994 and 998 A.D., or about the year 996. Bhoja was crowned king after him, and since he is said to have reigned for fifty-five years, he must have died about 1051 A.D. Sumatigani was a pupil of Jinapatisûri, the forty isixth head of the KharataraSumatigani's Lives Cachchha. who died in 1277 of the Yugapradhânas or Jaina Pontill's. S Samvat or 1221 A.D. His work* contains an account of the lives of Vardhamâna, Jineśvara, Jinachandra, Abhayadeva, Jinavallabha, and Jinadatta, who were the High-priests of the sect successively. In the account of Vardhamâna that sage is represented to have gone to the court of Durlabha, the Vardhamana. Chaulukya king of Anahilapattana, who reigned from 1010 to 1022 A.D. and held * This manuscript was read and a short abstract of it prepared for me by Mr. Shridhar R. Bhandarkar, M.A. The above is based on that abstract. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 46 adebate with the Chaityavâsins or those Jaina teachers who advocated the propriety of a residence in temples. His opponent was Sûrâchârya, with whom however he did not hold a controversy in person but directed his pupil Jinośvara to do so. Vardbamâna was victorious and was highly honoured by the king, wliereupon the Chaityavâsins left the town. Jineśvara had the title Kharatara (“ very keen") given to him on the Occasion of the debate, and when he succeeded his master Vardhamâna, it became the name of the Gachchha or sect which he led. Jineśvara is repre sented to have gone on some Jinośvara. occasion to Asäpallî and Dindiyâņaka on visitation. At the former place he composed in Sarvat 1092 or 1036 A. D. a katha (" story') entitled Lilâvat î. When he was at Dindiyâ naka he asked of the Chait yavâsins of the place for the loan of some book which on account of their disagreeable relations with him they refused. He then wrote the Katbanakakośa in the four rainy months, composing during the last two watches of the night as much as was necessary to read to his audience the next morning. Jinachandra succeeded Jineśvara. He composed the Sarvegarangaśâlâ containJinachandra. ing 18,000 slokas in Chhatravallipurî in Samvat 1125. In Jậvalipura he explained the Gâthâu beginning with Chivandanamâvûsyaya, and the doctrines taught by him were noted down by a pupil and embodied in a tract entitled Dinacharyâ containing 300 ślokas. Jinachandra's succesAbhayadeva. sor was Abhayadevasûri, the Abhayadeva, author of Vrittis or comments on nine of the Angas of the Jainas. A long story is related as to how he was led to compose these commentaries. He had been afflicted with an incurable disease that rendered him unfit for any work of the kind; but a certain deity appeared to him in a dream For Private and Personal Use Only Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 47 and directed him to go to Stambhanakapura (Cambay ?) where there was an image of Pârsvanâtha. He went there, bowed down before the image, and composed while standing the Namaskarad vâtrimśika or thirty-two bows," beginning with Jayatihuyana. The last two of these stanzas he was obliged to omit at the request of the deities, so that the Stotra or hymn now contains thirty only. GC The next head of the Gachchha was Jinavallabha. He had the eight grammars of Jinavallabha. Panini and others by heart and was conversant with the Mahâkâvyas or great poems, Meghadûta and others, as well as all the other kâvyas or poems, with the works on poetics of Rudrata, Udbhata, Dandin, Vâmana, Bhamaha, and others, the eighty-four dramatic plays, the whole of the Jyotiḥsastra, all metrical works such as those of Jayadeva and others, the Anekântajayapatakâ of Abhayadeva and other works that expounded the doctrines of Jinendra (i.c. Jainism), and with works of other systems of philosophy such as the Nyâya treatises Tarkakandali and Kiranâvali, and Samkaranandana and Kamalasila. He was regarded as a man of learning at Chitrakûṭa (Chittor), and many people, even such as belonged to other systems of religion, resorted to him and got their doubts cleared; (00., Appendix II.). Jinavallabha caused temples of Mahavira and Pârśvanâtha to be constructed at Chitrakuta and of Neminatha at Nagapura and Naravarapurî. On one occasion two Pandits from a foreign country went to the court of Naravarman, the grandson of Bhoja, at Dhârâ, and proposed some poetic riddle, which the Pandits of Narvarman were not able to solve. At the suggestion of a courtier the riddle was sent by the king to Jinavallabha, who solved it at once, and the solution was sent to Naravarman with all despatch. On this account, when after some time Jinavallabha went to Dhârâ, Nara For Private and Personal Use Only Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir varman received him with great honour and offered him a large sum of money. This he declined to accept, but asked the king to make some endowment to the temples constructed at Chitrakūta. Naravarman died in 1190 Sariyat or 1131 A.D. according to an inscription deciphered by Colebrooke. The installation of Jinavallabha in the place of Abhayadeva took place after he had done all that is related above, He did not long survive this event, having died six months after in the last quarter of the night on the twelfth of the dark half of Kartika in Samvat 1167, i.e. 1111 A.D. He wrote the following works :-(1) Sûkshmârthasiddhậnta, (2) Vichậrasâra, (3) ShadaSîti, (4) Sârcha ataka, a karma grantha, (5) Piņdaviśndali, () Paushadhavidhi, (7) Pratikramaņasâmâchârî, (8) Samghapattaka, (9) Dharmaśikshâ, (10) Dvâdašakulaka, (11) Praśnottarasataka, (12) Sringaraśataka and many other kâvyas, (13) Sarasvatasatasamkhyastuti, and (14) Stotras; (PP., Appendix II.). Several of these exist in the Government collections deposited in this college, while in the present collection there is a stotra written by him. Jinadatta, the author of the work on which SumaJinadaita. tigami comments, succeeded. He was the son of Bahadadevi and Vâchhika, and was born in Samvat 1132 or 1076 a.). He read his Pañjikâ at the Dharmaśâlâ of Bhavadacharya and was taught all the Siddhântas by Harisiinhâchârya. He was installed in Jinavallabha's place at Chitrakûța by Devabhadrâchârya. On one occasion he went to Ajayameru (Ajmir), where he was well received by Arņo, the king of the country. At the request of the Srâvakas of the place the king granted a site for Jaina temples, and on a second visit Jinadatta laid the foundation stones. He made many converts to Jainism as well as to his particular sect. He wrote the Ganadharasaptati for exorcising a man possessed by a ghost and also a For Private and Personal Use Only Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 49 Chachchart on the precepts engraved hy Jinavallabha on the walls of certain temples. He once went to Naravara and thence to Tribhuvanagiri where he preached the truth to king Kumârapâla. Besides the works named above Sumatigaņi quotes from or refers to the following :-Pravachanasâra, a Smriti, Bharataśâstra, Damâdhyâya, a Prayoga, Âvaśyakachûrņi, Daśavaikâlika, Chitrakútîyaprašasti by Jinavallabha, and Upadeśamâlâ. He also quotes some verses which are now found in the Panchatantra. The Râmacharitra in prose was composed by Devavijayagaņi, pupil of RâjaRamacharitra. a. vijayasûri, who himself was a pupil of Vijayadânasûri, the Yugapradhâna or head of the Tapâgachchha. It was written at Śrîmâlapura in Marusthalî or Mârrâd in the year 1652 Samvat or 1596 A.D. in the reign of Akbar. The author tells us that in the composition of his work he followed Hemachandra's Râmâyana and that he wrote it in prose, though there was a Râmacharitra in verse in the Prâkțit as well as Sanskrit, to divert himself and also to put an end to his Karman. (QQ., Appendix II.). Escamination of private Libraries.--As to the other branch of the work the libraries of the following persons at Nâsik have been catalogued this year :-- Sitârâmas'âstrî Pațvardhan. Râmas'âstrî Châmdorkar. Nârâyaņas'âstri Sâțhe. Yadus'âstrî Takle. Vishnu Gangadhar Mâchegan. Devrâv Hosing. Achyutas'âstrî Dâtâr. Govindbâbâ Vaidya. Eighteen libraries were reported to have been catalogued last year; so that twenty-six in all have been examined at Nasik. The printing of these catalogues has now been begun. There is very little work left to be done at Nâsik and my Sâstri intended to go to Trimbak to catalogue the private collections existing there. But in the month of June last he was car B 904-7 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 50 ried off by cholera, which prevailed widely at Nâsik about that time. He was a man of learning and great intelligence and did very good service. He possessed much influence with the people at Nâsik and hence was able to examine for us so many collections at the place. Otherwise the jealousy as regards one's literary treasures is still so strong that it would not have been possible to do that amount of work there. Account of the Manuscripts in the Government Collections.—I will close this report by a short account of the present state of the collections in my charge. The following table will show the number of manuscripts collected for Government each year since 1868-69 and the number lent to scholars and forwarded to Germany to be catalogued according to Professor Kielhorn's scheme : Collection of atol NUMBER OF MANUSCRIPTS Number Number Number LENT TO SCHOLARS. sent to jof Manuof Ma Europe scripts nuscripts to be now in collect cata- the In In In al. logued. Library. Europe. America. India. 1oguelibrary. 47 120 NI N 1868-69 1869-70 1870-71 1871-72 1872-73 1873-74 1874-75 1875-76 1877-78 1879-80 A 1879-80 1880-81 1881-82 A 1881-82 ... 1882-83 57 422 200 289 54 838 54 428 125 413 196 467 772 42 111 53 408 189 268 51 704 54 404 125 384 180 465 771 Total ... 4,482 13 11344,209 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 51 Thus the total number of manuscripts in the collections is 4,482, of which 78 have been lent to scholars in Europe, 68 in India, and 13 in America, while 113 have been sent to be catalogued, 22 to Professor Kielhorn, 33 to Professor Pischel, and 58 to Professor Jacobi. In all 273 manuscripts are out, and the rest, 4,209, are in the library. Palm-Icaf Manuscripts. Ages of Manuscripts. Of the 4,482 manuscripts about a third bear dates. There are 108 written on palm-leaves of which 37 are dated. Three were transcribed in Samvat 1138, 1145, and 1146, corresponding to 1082, 1089, and 1090 of the Christian era; cight, from Saivat 1164 to 1218, i.e. from 1108 to 1162 A.D.; twenty, from Samvat 1260 to Kali 4398, i.e. from 1204 to 1297 A.D.; and six, from Samvat 1359 to 1450, i.e. from 1303 to 1394 A.D. The earliest paper manuscript in the collection was transcribed in 1376 Samvat, Paper Manuscripts. corresponding to 1320 A.D., and there are eight bearing dates from 1426 to 1454 Samvat, i.e. from 1370 to 1398 A.D. There are 48 transcribed in the first half of the fifteenth century of the Christian era and 91 in the latter half. In some of the published lists an earlier date than 1376 Samvat occurs against one or two manuscripts; and one is represented to have been transcribed in Samvat 1401. I have examined the manuscripts themselves and found all these entries to be erroneous. I have however not been able to examine one manuscript the date of which is in the list given as 1415 Samvat, as it has been lent. The rest of the dated manuscripts were transcribed after the close of the fifteenth century. Manuscripts written on palm-leaves are found in Gujarat and Mârvâd, principally at Cambay, Pâṭan, For Private and Personal Use Only Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 52 and Jesalmir. From the above statement it is clear that in Gujarat and Mâryâd palm-leaves were used as a writing material before the introduction of paper. The earliest palm-leaf manuscript we possess was, it will be seen, written in 1082 A.D., and our earliest paper manuscript in 1320 A.D. So far as our present researches go, therefore, paper did not come into use till the beginning of the fourteenth century; and since our latest palm-leaf manuscript is dated 1450 Sanyat or 1394 A.D., it appears that palm-leaves continued to be used as well as paper till about the end of that century. From the beginning of the fifteenth we find paper only employed. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient Servant, R. G. BHANDARKAR, Professor of Oriental Languages. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir APPENDICES. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private and Personal Use Only Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I. A Catalogue in English of Manuscripts collected during the year 1882-83. 1.-GUJARAT SECTION. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Name of Work. No, of No. of No. of lines | letters leaves. on each in each page. line. Author's Name. Age. REMARKS. For Private and Personal Use Only CLASS I–VEDAS INCLUDING UPANISHADS. Âtharvaņa Pârvottaratâpanîyo- 21 | 12 1st leaf wanting. „panishad. Aranyakopanishad Sâmkhyâ- 60 1st two leaves and some yana. at the end wanting. Ūhagâna of Sâmaveda ... 414 Samvat 1712. I.--XXIII. Prapâtha kas; complete. Úhyagâna of do. ... 82 Samvat 1704. I.–VI. Prapâțhakas; complete. 5 Rigveda, Pada text, Ashțakas Sańyat 1520. Leaf 33 wanting. VII. and VIII. Kesirâju Brâhmana, (Devâ ha 53 Leaf 21 wanting. vai.) 7 | Gaņaśânti Brâhmana Complete. 8 Purushasûkta with Commentary 6 Do. 9 Mantrabrâhmaņa of Sâmaveda . Saṁyat 1610. 10 Mundaka and other Upanishads. Samvat 1740. 11 Yajurveda Brahmopanishad ... Samyat 1844. Do. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Do. Do. Page #61 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I-continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra No. No. of No. of No. of lines | letters leaves. on each in each page. line, Name of York, Author's Name. Age. RESIARKS. CLASS I.-VEDAS INCLUDING UPANISHADS—-continueil. For Private and Personal Use Only ..... Samvat 1528. Complete. Samyat 1736. Do. Uvața or Ūața. Leaves 1-5,8—25 and some more wanting. Do. ... Leaves 1, 2, 37–48,55, 57, and 61 wanting. Do. ... Samvat 1431. Complete. 56 Yajurveda Samhitâ Vâjasaneya, 130 1 Part I. Do. Part II.... 149 Yajurveda Mantrabhâshya, Chaps. 160 II.-XXI. 15 Yajurveda Mantrabhâshya, Chaps. 61 II-XVIII, 16 Yajurveda Mantrabhâshya, Chaps. 108 XIX–XL. S'atapatha Brâhmaņa, Kânda IV. 75 Do. Kânda V. 52 Do. Kânda VI. 92 Kanda VIII. 12 Kânda x. 141 Do. beginning with 72 sa vai satya. Do., Hastighata Kânòa, or 57 Kânda IX. 24 | Sâmavedarahasyopanishad ... Do. NNOR Leaf 15 wanting. Complete. Do. Do. Do. Saṁvat 1672. Leaves 99--107 want ing. Some leaves at the end wanting Do. Samvat 1806. Complete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #62 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ B 904-8 | Anukramaņikâbhâshya of the Vâjasaneyins. Charanavyûha 27 Sânkhâyana Grihya Smțiti, Commentary on. 28 Šikshâ CLASS II.- VEDÂNGAS. 128 / 12 42 | Devayajñika ... Samvat 1602. First eightleaves want ing. Samyat 1914. Complete. 77 81 36 Samvat 1548. First ten and 27-39 leaves wanting 9 11 37 Yâjñavalkya ... Complete. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra CLASS III.- ITIHÂSAS, PURÎNAS, MÂHÂTUYAS AND STOTRAS. 81 For Private and Personal Use Only Complete. Do. 57 Do. Samvat 1737. Samyat 1858. 29 Anusmriti 81 30 Adi Purâņa–Vșindavanamâhât- 171 mya. 31 | Kârtikamâhâtmya from Padma 77 | Purâņa. Kâyajvalîvratakathâ from Va 61 mana Purâņa. 33 Kâśikhanda from Skanda Pu- 314 râņa with Commentary. 34 | Kedârakhanda from Skanda 256 Purâna." 35 Ganapatikhanda from Brahma-/ 144 vaivarta Purâņa. 36 Gayâmâhâtmya from Svetavâ- 31 råhakalpa, Vâyu Purâņa 37. I Gotrirâtrakathầ ... Com.----Râmâ- ...... nanda. Samyat 1777. Samvat 1805. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Do. | Leaf 2 wanting. Page #63 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only No. Name of Work. 38 Gautamîmâhâtmya 39 Chanda Purana 40 Jagannathamâhâtmya 41 Do. 42 Jitam te Stotra 43 Dankapuramâhâtmya 44 Tulasîmâhâtmya Do. 45 46 Devîmahimnah Stotra 47 Draupadivastraharana 48 Dvârakâmâhâtmya from Prahlâ dasamhitâ. 49 Dvârakânâhâtmya from Skanda Purâņa. No. of leaves. 50 Nâgapañchamîvratakathâ from Rudrayâmala. 51 Pañchasûkta from Purâņas CLASS III.-ITIHASAS, PURANAS, MAHATMYAS AND STOTRAS-Continued. 53 84 320 176 288--21 APPENDIX I.-continued. 38 47 25 11 No. of lines on each in each page. line. 2884 12 7240908 12 14 10 10 13 10 No. of letters 11 13 39 27 20 80 25 212 40 Author's Name. 24 Age. 21 32 Durvâsas 19 49 39 30 30 REMARKS. Complete. Chapters I.-XXI. Complete. Do. Engraved on Tâla leaves. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Samvat 1827. Samvat 1849. Samvat 1529. Incomplete. Samvat 1833. Complete. Do. 58 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #64 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Do. 251 19 56 11 Chapter I.—XXX Complete. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 46 99 10 10 370 478 10 Vyâsa Do. Do. 42 Do. Do. Do. A few leaves at the end wanting Complete. Do. 52 Prabhâsakhaņda ... 53 | Brahmakhanda from Brahma- vaivarta. 54 Bhagavadgîtâmâhâtmya from Varâha Puràņa. Bhagavatamâhâtmya Bhârata, --Sabhậparvan Do.-Aranyaparvan 58 Do. Do. Do.-Virâțaparran 10.-Udyogaparvan Do.-Bhishmaparvan Another copy Do.-Karnaparvan Do.--Gadâparvan 64 Do.-Mausalaparvan Moksha dharma, 65 Do.--Śântiparyan.. < dharma. Râj a ( dharma, 66 | Do.--Anusâsanikaparvan ... 67 Do.-Âśramayâsikaparvan ... 68 Bhuvanesvarîstotra 10 274 246 57 191 Do. Do. Do. For Private and Personal Use Only 10 10 Do. Do. Incomplete. . Samvat 1674. Complete. Firsttwo leaves wanting. Complete. Do. 59 78 10 Do. Do. 14 10 Do. Do. 12 44 Do. ... Sanivat 1617. . (Incomplete. Complete. Do. 39 Do. 40 Do. 42 Text.—Prithvi dharâchârya. Com.-Padmanâbha. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Do. Page #65 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.- continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra No. Name of Work, Numbor Number of 11 of lines of letters on each in each leaves. page, line. Author's Name. Age. REMARKS. For Private and Personal Use Only 60 226 CLASS III.-ITIHÂSAS, PURÂNAS, MÂHÂTMYAS AND STOTRAS—continued. 69 | Mathurâ mâhâtmya from Vârâ-| 118 | Saṁyat 1866. Complete. ha Purâņa. 70 Màghamâhâtmya from Vậyu 191 Samvat 1757. Do. Purâņa. 71 Mârkandeya Purâņa Samyat 1619. A few leaves at the end wanting 72 Yogavâsishtha, with Commenta 48 Text.- Valmîki; Complete. ries-Chandrika on 1.—III. Chandrika and Saṁsâratarani on IV.-VI. Âtmasukha. 73 | Yogavâsishthasâra with com 61 Commentary Do. mentary. Mahîdhara, 74 Do. Do. ...Samvat 1730. Do. 75 Do. Do. ... Samvat 1775. Do. 76 | Raghunâthavratakathâ Samyat 1748. First 13 leaves want ing. 77 Lalitâsahasranâmastotra Complete. do. do. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #66 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private and Personal Use Only 78 Vâmana Purâņa ... 245 Saṁvat 1714. Do. 79 Vishņuvșiddhasahasranâmastotra Samvat 1759. Do. from Padma Purâna. 80 Vyankațagirimâhâtnya from Vâ râha Purâņa. 81 Sivagîtà froin Padma Purâņa ... Samyat 1775. I Do. do. Do. Sishțagîtâ .. Nimbârk Do. Harigurustavamâlâ 33 Râdhikâdâsa ... Do. CLASS IV.-DHARMAŚÂSTRA OR RELIGIOUS AND Civil Law. Âchârapradîpa . 32 Nâgadeva ... Samvat 1618. Complete. Upanayanakarmapaddhati Samyat 1832. Do. Upavîtakarman ... Samyat 1791.! Do. Karmapradîpa ... Leaves 2-4 wanting. Karmavipâka ... Samyat 1811. Chaps. I.--XII. Kâlanirņaya Mâdhavâchârya Complete. Kâlanirņayadîpikâ, Gloss on ... 172 Nộisimhâchârya Samvat 1621. Leaves 59 & 60 wanting. Do. 111 Do. ...Samyat 1651. Incomplete. 93 Krityaratnâvalî ... 81 / 12 Râmachandra . Saṁvat 1827. Complete. 94 Grahapîthamâlâ Apâdeva Samyat 1804. Do. 95 Grahaśântipaddhati 34 Vasishtha Samvat 1801. Do. Samvat 1607. Leaves 40-137. 96 Jñânabhâskara ... Leaves 175--262. 1 12 13 Leaves 148–189. A few leaves in the middle wanting. 163 98 88 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I. continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra No, Name of Work. Number Number Number of lines of letters of leaves, on each in each! page. line. Author's Name. Age. REMARKS. CLASS IV.--DHARMASİSTRA OR RELIGIOUS AND Ciril LAW-continued. 8 62 Jñânabhaskara—Vidhavâdharma 120 | 98 Trimsachchhlokî with comment- 33 ary. 99 Daśaslokî, Commentary on ... 5 For Private and Personal Use Only o 100 Dharmatattvasamgraha 101 | Navagrahamakhaśânti 102 | Nibandhanavanîta... 103 Prayogapaddhati ... 104 Prâyaschittamayûkha 105 Mităksharâ, Chap. I. 106 Do., Chaps. II. & III. ... 107 Do., Chap. II. ... 108 Do., Chap. III. 109 Yâjñavalkya Dharmaśâstra ...! 33 175 Complete. Samvat 1596. Do. Bhattoji Dîk Do. shita. 37 Mahadeva A few leaves wanting at the end. Samvat 1643.! Complete. 32 Râmajit ... Saṁvat 1673. Leaves 10-12 wanting. Gangadhara Complete. Nîlakantha ... Samvat 1806. Do. Vijñânesvara. Do. 35 Do. Samyat 1535. Do. 46 Do. Do. 56 Do. Do. Yâjñavalkya ... Samvat 1709. Do. och cool e Co o o 99 32 129 174 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 54 0 24 Page #68 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 101 34 Raghavânanda. ...... First leaf and the last sis wanting 32 Son of Viśve- Samvat 1801. Complete. śvara. Sanıvat 1840. Do. Mahîdâsabhatta Samvat 1778. Do. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 17 11 16 10 11 Gangadhara ..Saṁvat 1650. Khandabhatta.. Saka 1725... Samvat 1844. 15 Do. Do. Do. First leaf wanting. 20 110 Râghavânandî, Commentary on 266 / Manusmriti. 111 Rudrakalpatarunibandha ... 262 112 Rudravidhâna 113 Shaďangarudrajapa, Comment- 25 ary on, 114 Samskârapaddhati... 124 115 Saṁskârabhaskara 100 116 Samdhyâbhâshya .... Samnyâsanirņaya, Commentary on. 118 S Samnyâsapaddhati 119 Samnyâsa paddhati from Pratâpa nârasimha. Samnyàsapaddhati 121 Samnyâsavidhâna ... 122 Samnyâsisamârâdhana 2 123 Samayamayûkha ... 153 124 Sârasamgraha--Karmavipâka... 174 125 Smritichandrika ... 22 For Private and Personal Use Only Complete. Rudradeva ... Saka 1718 ... Do. 10 63 20 Šamkara ... Samyat 1765. 15 11 12 Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 12 9 Nilakanţha ... Samvat 1809. Son of Kânhada Samvat 1865. Yâjñika Devanabhatta. Do. Vaishnava Dharmasớstra. 126 Dikshâmâsâdivichâra 127 Bhagavatapurânamañjarî 128 Samnyâsapaddhati 11 .. Complete. Samyat 1675. Leaf 18 wanting. Complete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ... Pupil of Nimbầrka. Page #69 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.--continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra No. Name of Work. Number Number Number of lines of letters , of on each in each leaves. de page. line. Author's Name. Age. REMARKS. For Private and Personal Use Only 64 CLASS V.--POEMS, PLAYS, FABLES, &c. 129 | Amaruśataka, Commentary on... 6 14 44 Kokasambhava. First six leaves and some at the end wanting. 130 Aryâvijñapti 32 Râmachandra... Samvat 1771. Complete. 131 | Aryâstuti Mudgala Do. 132 Karuņâlahari Jagannâ tha ... Samvat 1793. Do. 133 Karņånandaprakâsini, a Com Leaves 32-35, 64, 65 mentary on Krishnalîlâ. and a few at the end wanting 134 Kâdambarî Bâna ... .. A few leaves at the end wanting. 135) Do. 32 Do, 136 Kirâtârjunîya, a Commentary 110 10 Ekanatha Cantos IX. to v. 44 of on, entitled Prasannasâhitya XVIII. chandrikâ. 137 Kirâ târjunîya, a Commentary on. 30 11 48 Lokânanda ... Samvat 1522. First canto. A few leaves wanting at the end. Do. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #70 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 87 17 38 | Kalidâsa ... Samvat 1797. Cantos I.–VII. 42 Text--Kâlidâsa Cantos I.-VIII. Com.-unknown B 904-9 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 17 ary. 138 | Kumârasambhava... .. 139 Kumârasambhava, with a com- mentary entitled Sukhâva bodha. 140 Khandaprašasti, a Commentary on, entitled Tilaka. 141 Gîtagovinda, with a comment142 Gîtărâghaya 143 Chaurapañchâśikâ 144 Nộisimhachampû ... Naishadha, Commentary on 146 Do., Commentary on ... For Private and Personal Use Only 65 . . . . . . 147 Panchatantra Gangâdâsa alias First leaf and the last Jõầnânanda. wanting. Com.- Nârâ- Samvat 1706. Cantos 1.-XII. First yaņa. leaf wanting. 3 Prabhakara First three leaves wanting 24 Bilhaņa Complete. Kesava Samvat 1854. Do. Isânadera Canto VI, without the first three verses. 48 Narahari Complete-22 Sargas or Cantos. Sarvat 1534. First two leaves want ing. 32 Lakshmana First 23 leaves and bhatta. some at the end wanting. Krishṇamiśra... Sańvat 1676. Complete. | Jagannâtha ... Samvat 1892. Do. 34 | Nagaraja .:: 32 Dinanâthasûri. 24 Ballâla ... Sarvat 1719. Do. Samvat 1821. 35 l Ânandadhara... Samyat 1610. Do, 148 Padyarachana 10 11 13 Do. 149 Prabodhachandrodaya 150 Bhâminîyilâsa ... 151 Bhâvasataka 152 Bhairavanavaratna 153 Bhojaprabandha ... 154 Mâdhavânalakathânaka 155 Do. Do. 10 10 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Do. Page #71 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I. - continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Number Number Number of lines of letters of leaves. on each in each page. line. Name of Work. No. Author's Name. Age. REMARKS. CLASS V.-Poems, PLAYS, FABLES, &c.—continued. 13 | Kalidasa For Private and Personal Use Only anon 99 41 Do., Do., sta ... Saṁvat 1642. Complete. Saṁvat 1617. Do. Samvat 1626. Incomplete. 42 Lakshmîniyâsa. Samvat 1759. Do. 156 Meghadůta 157 Commentary on ... 158 another Commentary on. 159 Do., another Commentary on. 160 Do., a Commentary on, entitled Meghalatâ. 161 Raghuvaṁsadarpaņa 162 Raghuvamśasaṁkshepa 163 Rasasarvasva 164 Raghavapândavîya 165 | Do., a Commentary on ... 166 Râmašataka ... 127 Hemâdri, son of Cantos V.-XV. Isvara. Complete. Vitthaleśvara... Do. Kaviraja Do. S'aśadhara ... Saṁyat 1670. Do. Someśvara ... Saryat 1672. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 153 30 36 101 Do. Page #72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 167 | Vidagdhamadhava and Prasan-| naraghava. 24 | Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 168 Viddhaśâlabhañjikâ For Private and Personal Use Only 169 Bilhaņapañchâsikâ 170 | Vetâlapañchavimśatika 171 Siśupâlavadha ... 172 Áringâraśataka ... 173 Do., Commentary on ... Sîtâsvayaṁvara from Hanûman nâţaka. Sudhâlaharî 176 Sûryaśataka with commentary . 9 | 43 | Jayadeva Leaves 1-14, Prasanna râghava; and 68-78 Vidagd ham âdhava. Both incomplete. 40 Râjasekhara ... First two Acts complete; third incom plete. 30 Bilhaņa Incomplete. Sivadasa Complete. | Magha Do. Amaru ... Samvat 1680. 2nd leaf wanting. Sarvat 1739. First four leaves wanting. Complete. 30 Panditarâja Do. 11 38 Text--Mayûra ; Leaves 23—41 and a Com.-Tribhu few at the end want. vana. ing. 67 8 74 177 Kavikalpadruma ... 178 Kârakavichåra CLASS VI.-VYÂKARANA OR GRAMMAR. 30 Bopadeva ... Complete. 32 S'eshach a kra Do. pâņi. 32 | Pậnini Samvat 1736. Do. 36 Bhima... Do. 36 | Do.... Incomplete. 179 Dhâtupâţha 180 Paribhashârthamañjarî Do. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 181 Page #73 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I. --continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra No. Name of Work No. of No. of lines letters on each in each page. line. No. of leaves, Author's Name. Age. REMARKS, For Private and Personal Use Only 68 CLASS VI.–VYÂKABANA OR GRAMMAR-continued. 182 | Prakṣitaprakâśa ... .. 20 | 11 | 30 | Text-Varar u Parichchhedas I-VIII. chi; Commentary-B h â - maha. 183 Prâkritasamskåra ... 13 10 Incomplete. 184 | Bhâshyapradîpa, Exposition of.. 28 14 Isvarânanda ... Do. 185 | Mahâbhâshya with Pradipa ... 849 64 Text-Patañjali; First pâda only wantCommentary ing. Kaiyața. 186 Mûlaparibhâshầ ... 241 Complete. 157 Vârtikapâtha 16 Kâtyâyana ... Samvat 1826. Do.. 188 | Vaiyakaranasiddhantamañjûshâ. 458 48 Nâgesabhatta... Do. 189 | Vaiyâkaranasiddhantaratnắkara. 197 36 Râmakris h ņ a- Samvat 1848. A Commentary on bhatta. Bhattoji Dikshita's Siddhantakaumudi. -From Declensions to the end of Taddhita. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only 190 Laghuśabdaratna 191 Laghusabdendusekhara, mentary on. 192 Sabdakaustubha, Commentary .j Com on. ... 193 Sârasvata, Commentary on 194 Do., Commentary on, entitled Sâradîpikâ. 195 Siddhântakaumudî 196 197 198 *** Do.-Vaidikî, Svara, Lingânuśâsana. Do.-Vaidiki, Commentary on. Do.-Svara,Commentary on. 199 Anekârthadhvanimanjarî 200 Amarakosa, Commentary on 201 Nâmamâlâ 202 Mahipakośa or Sabdaratnakara -Anekârthatilaka. 203 Mâtrikânighanta 111 407 2 7 & 359 88888 38 11 96 218 6 21 4 17 40 12 16 39 15 27 8 11 11 154 11 CLASS VII.-Kos'AS OR LEXICONS. 15 38 Hari Dikshita 39 Vaidyanatha 14 10 34 Râmabhaṭṭa 38 ****** 64 Bhattoji Dik shita. 28 Do. 32 Jayakrishna 44 Do. Samvat 1865. Samvat 1850. First pâda. 40 Dhanamjaya 52 Mahîpa 32 Mahîdâsa To the end of Kâraka. Do. ...... Samvat 1880.) Incomplete. Seven leaves wanting. 32 Mahâkshapana- Samvat 1820. Complete. ka. 47 Bhanu Dikshita. Samvat 1705. Kânda II. To the end of Kridanta, part I. Complete. Do. Do. Complete. Do. Do. 69 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only No. Name of Work. 204 Anangaranga 205 Kâvyaprakâśa 206 Do. Do., 207 208 Do., Commentary on Commentary on 209 Do., Commentary on, entitled Sârabodhinî. 210 Kâvyâlamkâraśiśuprabodha 211 Kuvalayânandakârikâ with a gloss. 212 Pingalaśâstra, Prâkṛita No. of leaves. 49 73 166 19 61 79 CLASS VIII.-POETICS AND METRICS. 52 APPENDIX I.-continued. 122 No. of No. of lines letters on each in each page. line. 89706 21 Kalyanamalla. Samvat 1664. 10 40 Mammaţa Saka 1582. Samvat 1753. 16 10 9 Author's Name. 16 26 10 28 Do. 40 Jayarâma Paramânanda 37 40 Vatsalâñchhana 23 Puñjarâja Age. 49 36 Pingala REMARKS. Complete. Do. 1st leaf wanting. Stray leaves. To the middle of Chap. III; leaves 51-66 wanting. Chaps. IV-VII. To Chap. VIII; several intermediate leaves lost. Complete. 1st leaf wanting; some leaves eaten by worms. 70 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #76 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 213 Do. do. with commentary. 10 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 214 Ratirahasya 215 Rasamañjarî, with commentary. 15 / 122 13 58 Text-Pingala ; ...... A fragment. Commentary -Manohara krishna. 91 30 Sri Kukkoka... Samvat 1711. Leaf 15 wanting, 12 44 Text-Bhânu; Samyat 1817. Complete. Com mentary-Ananta Pandita. 43 Appa Dikshita. Do. 9 46 Rudrabhasta ... Samvat 1656. To Chap. III.; leaves 1 and 4 wanting 216 Vrittivârtika 217 Áringâratilaka ... 28 For Private and Personal Use Only 71 CLASS IX.—SÂNKHYA AND YOGA. 218 | Sâmkhyatattvakaumudî .. 20 | 2191 Do. 36 220 Yogachintamaņi ... 68 81 53 | Vâch a spati. First 6 leaves and 23rd misra. wanting. 13 40 Do. ... Samvat 1732. Complete. 10 24 Gorakshamiśra. Samvat date Do. looks like 1172 but must bel 1772. 16 | 48 Svâtm ârâ ma 1 Yogin. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 221 Hathapradîpika ... ... 15 | Page #77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only No. Name of Work, 222 Advaitaviveka with comment ary. 223 Advaitâmṛita 224 Do. with commentary. 225 Atmabodha with a gloss ... 226 Atharvana Mundakopanishadbhâshya. 227 Isa, Kena, Katha, Praśna, Munda, Aitareya, and Taittirîya, Bhâ shya on. 228 Îsâvâsyabhâshya APPENDIX I.-continued. Number of leaves. 14 41 42 33 22 24 17 Number Number of lines of letters on each in each page. line. CLASS X.-VEDANTA. 10 10 15 ♡ 17 14 7 Author's Name. 36 Ramakrishna... 26 Jagannatha 48 Jagannatha Sarasvati; Commentary -unknown. 24 Text-Sam kara; Commentary-unknown. 41 S'amkara 70 Ditto. 26 Ditto. ... Age. Complete. Samvat 1739. Kavalas I.-V. Kavalas I. & II. Complete. Do, REMARKS. Do. Samvat 1816. Do. 72 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #78 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only B 904-10 Do. 229 230 Do. 231 Upadesasâhasrî, in verse, with commentary. 232 Do., in prose, with commentary. 233 Upanishads with Dipikâs o Glosses. 234 Omkâramáâhâtmya or Gîtâsâra.. Govindavilâsa 235 236 Chitradîpa with commentary 237 Tattvâvabodha 238 Triptidîpa with commentary.. 239 Taittiriyopanishadbhâshya 240 241 242 ttagîtâ Dvâdasamahâvâkya, a Comment. ary on. Panchakośaviveka with com. mentary. 243 Pañchikaraṇavârtika 17 9 124 46 677 4. 19 49 2 51 37 24 28 14 3 co 12100 12 13 12 10 10 60 16 13 co co co 9 43 Text-Vidyaranya; Com.Ramakrishna. 44 Vasudevendra sishya. 12 35 Text-Vidyâra 9 28 32 49 11 Ditto. Samvat 1816. Ditto. Text-S a m- Samvat 1842, kara; Commentary--Ràmatîrtha. Ditto. 40 40 Narayana 5: 10 to Govindarâma... Samvat 1840 nya; Com. Ramakrishna. Samkara 39 28 Dattatreya 32 42 Text-Vidyâranva; Com.Ramakrishna. 12 34 Sureśvara Samvat 1741 Do. Do. Do. Do. See J., Appendix II. Complete. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Sections I-VIII Complete. Do. Do. 73 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #79 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.--continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra No. Name of Work. No. of No. of No. of lines letters leaves. on each in each page, line. Author's Name. Age. REMARKS. For Private and Personal Use Only 74 13/ 11 CLASS X.-.VEDINTA-continued. 244 | Pañchikaranarârtika, Drâdasa- 58 si 28 | Sarkara Complete. malâvâkyasiddhậnta, and Ma hâvâkyârtha. 245 Praņavakalpa Do. 246 Prabodhamañjarî ... 11 Vaikuntha Do. 247 Brihadâranyakabhâshya 1 ... 164 46 | Samkara First 16 leaves wanting; Chap. VIII. comes up to the end of the third Brâhmaņa. Do., a Commentary on... 353 10 50 Anandajūâna... Samvat 1727. Complete. A few leaves eaten through by worms. 249 Do., Vârtika on 463 9 40 Sureśvara ... Saṁvat 1728. Complete. 250 Bșihadaranyakavârtika, a Com- 409 25 | Anandajõâna... Samvat 1771. Do, mentary on.--Chapter VI. 251 | Brahmasûtra 24 61 24 | Bâdarayaņa ...! | Do. 248 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #80 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 137 165 14 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Do, Do. 111 35 B hâ s hy a--- Sarvat 1463. Do. Samkara. Do. Do. Commentary Sridhara. Do. Samvat 1745. Do. | Samkara 37 Test.-Vidyâra Do. nya; Com.-- Râmaksishna. Do. Do. 252 Bhagavadgîtâ with Bhâshya ... 253 Do. ... 254 Bhagavadgitâ with commentary. 255 256 Mabâvâkyârtha ... 257 / Malå vâkyavireka with com- mentary. 258 Mânasollâsa, a Commentary on Dakshiņâmûrtistotra. 259 Do. 260 Yajñavaibhavakhanda–Brahma gitâ, with commentary. 261 Vivekachûdâmaņi... 262 Vedântaparibhâshå 4 25 1 For Private and Personal Use Only 8 121 / 75 263 Do., a Commentary on... 264 | Vedanta-Discourses from the Pañchadasî. Samrat 1735. Incomplete. Commentary- Samyat 1889. Complete. Màdh a v e chọya. 40 Samkara .. Do. 35 Dharm a râja Do. bhatta. 30 Ramakrishna.. Incomplete. 43 Text-Vidyâra- Samvat 1721. A few leaves in the nça; Com. middle wanting. Râmakțishņa. 34 Nrisimhasaras Complete. vatî. 30 Anandajõâna... Samvat 1812. First leaf wanting. Samyat 1822. Complete. 265 Vedantasâra, a Commentary on. 58 266 S'âmkarabhâshya, a Comment- 1172 ary on. 267 Sivatattvaviveka ... ... 196! Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #81 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.--continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra No. Name of Work. No. of No. of No. of lines letters leaves. on each in each page. line. Author's Name, Age. REMARKS. CLASS X. --Venânta--continued. For Private and Personal Use Only 28 ...... 268 | Sarkshepaśârîraka 269 Do., a Commentary on ... 101 45 Sarvaj ñât ma- malåmuni. 10 27 Râmatîrtha ... Last two Chapters. Chapter IV. 76 8 Systems of Vallobha and Madhva. 40 47 11 273 270 | Bhaktiratnâvali 271 Do. 272 Bhaktisiddhântavivšiti Vivekadhairyâśrayavivșiti 274 Samarpaņagadyârtha 275 Vishộubhaktich 41 FOOOOO 18 32 Vishņupurî Complete. 24 Do. ... Samvat 1712. Do, 33 Gokulanâtha .. Do. 18 Gokulotsava Do. 31 Vallabha ... Samrat 1781. Do. 28 Nộisini bayaran. Leaves 1–3,5, 7-15, 17-19 and some at the end, wanting Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 101 Page #82 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CLASS XI.-NYÂYA AND VAIŠESHIKA. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 21 / 256 11 7 Complete. Do. 38 Yâdava 33 Gangârâma 276, Anumânamañjarisâra 277 Chashakatâtparya, a Comment ary on. 278 Chintamaniprakâśa-Anumâna khanda. 279 Do.--Pratyakshakhanda ... 280 Chintâ mani, a Commentary on... 140 11 269 10 For Private and Personal Use Only 281 9141 Tarkadspikâ 282 Tarkabhâshậprakāśa 283 Do, 284 Tarkabhâshậvivaraņa 285 Tarkabhâshậprakâśikâ 286 Padârthachandrikâ, a Comment ary on the Saptapadârthî. 287 Do. 288 Bhâshậparichchheda 40 Ruchidatta ... Do. 40 Do. Incomplete. 45 (Оf the portion Up to Arthâpatti. 'to the end of the Vyâptirahasya) Mathurâu åt ha; (thence up to Arth â patti) Gadâdhara. 29 Viś v a n â thâ Complete. srama. 35 Govardhana ... Do. 35 Do. Do. 56 Madhavabhatta. Saṁyat 1662. Do. 60 Chinnabhațţa... First two leaves want. ing. 35 S'eshậnanta ... Complete. 34 Do. ... Saṁyat 1685. 32 Viśvanâtha Pañ- Samyat 1763. Do. chấnana. Do. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #83 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.-continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra No. Name of Work. No. of No. of No. of lines | letters | leaves, on each in each page. line. Author's Name. Age. REMARES. SaPoo. Do. For Private and Personal Use Only CLASS XI.--NYAYA AND VAISESTIIKA-continued. 289 Saptapadârthî ... .. 7: 32 Sirâditya ... Samvat 1751. Complete, 290 48 Do. 291 Do., a Commentary on ... 19 64 Jinavardh a n a- Saṁvat 1758. Do. sûri. Siddhậntamuktâvalî 34 Vis v an â tha Pañchânana. 78 Do. CLASS XII.--JYOTISHA OR ASTRONOMY, ASTROLOGY, AND DIVINATION. 15 32 Bhâskara ... Saṁvat 1789. Complete. Do. Do. 293 | Karaṇakutûhala or Grahậgama- kutûhala. 294 295 296 Do. with commentary 297 do. Do. Do. 28 Do. Samvat 1607. Do. .Saṁvat 1870. 56 Com.-Sodhala. Samvat 1519. 32 Commentary-Samyat 1796. Padmanabha. Do. Do. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Do. Page #84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only Do. with commentary and illustrative calculations. 298 299 Karanaprakasa 300 Kamadhenupaddhati 301 Do. 302 Keśavîpaddhati, Illustrative cal culations of. 303 Kheṭakasiddhi 304 Grahachintamani 305 Grahayoginîdasa 306 Grahalaghava, Illustrative cal culations of. 307 Chandeśvarajâtaka--Jâtakâshṭa kavarga. 308 Chandrârkî 309 Chandronmîlinî 310 Chamatkarachintamani 311 Jâtakakarmapaddhati 312 Do., a Commentary on 313 Jâtakachandrikâ 314 Jâtakapaddhativivarana 315 Jâtakâlamkârakarman 316 Jyotiratnamâlâ with comment ary. ... 60 11 54 6158 5 1 4 40 9 17 40 22 25 2 138 15 11 6 1.00 13 100 13 40 Samkarakavi. 28 21 Dinakara 20 Srinatha 26 14 26 Viśvanâtha 13 ∞∞∞2482 - 22 24 32 Samvat 1802. Brahma deva, Samvat 1682. son of Chandrabhaṭṭa. 24 27 Dinakara 32 24 20 Sripati 25 32 24 Yajnikanâtha Kesava 18 44 Srisuka 12 Madhava Samvat 1796. Samvat 1824. Samvat 1803. Samvat 1814. Samvat 1726. Complete. Samvat 1909.] Do. Do Do ****. Leaf 6th wanting. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 24 Patalas. Samvat 1841. Bhâvâdhyaya. Samvat 1799. Complete. Samvat 1646. Do. Samvat 1809. Samvat 1803. 36 Text-Sripati; Samvat 1665. Com.-Mahâdeva. Do. Do. Do. Do. 779 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only No. Name of Work. 317 Todarânanda-Jyotiḥsukhasamhitâskandha. 318 Tâjikakaustubha 319 Do. 320 Tâjikatantrasâra 321 Tâjikatantrasâra bhushana. ... or Ganaka Do. Chapter III CLASS XII.-JYOTISHA OR ASTRONOMY, ASTROLOGY AND DIVINATION-continued. 30 Todaravarman Samvat 1672. Complete. 171 Samvat 1797. 45 Balakrishna 37 41 Do. 24 68 322 323 Tâjikasâra 324 Tâjikasâra and Manittha Tâjika grantha. APPENDIX I.-continued. 325 Tâjikasâroddhâra 326 Tâjikâlamkara 327 Daivajñâlamkriti 328 Dvâdaśabhâvavichara 329 Dhruvabhramanṇayantra Number of leaves. 14 72 14 11 046010 19 21 10 Number Number of lines of letters on each in each page. line. 5 21121∞o 978 80120 10 11 818 8888 12 32 50 33 32 13 32 (of the Second) Manit thâcharya. Author's Name. 24 Samarasimha. Do. Do. 24 Vâmana 32 26 Sûryadaivajña. Tejaḥsimha 24 Age. 10 22 Yajña... Do. Do. First leaf wanting. 1458. Complete. ...... Saka Saivat 1491. Samvat 1825. Samvat 1803. Samvat 1672. REMARKS. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 80 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #86 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 9 154 13 330 | Nakshatrajâtakâdibhậvaphala...! 331 Narapatijayacharya 332 Nârapradipa ... 333 Pañchapakshipraśnagrantha 331 Pañchašaranirņaya 335 Pâtasârani with commentary ... Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 10 11-106 u 13 12 12 Incomplete, Narapati Sarnvat 1644. Complete. Keśava Samvat 1796. Do. Samvat 1813. Do. Prajâpatidîsa... Samvat 1891. Do. Test-Ganesa; Do. Commentry Visvanàtha. 38 Vedângaraya... Do. 36 Bhojadeva First leaf wanting 18 Brahmârka Complete. 26 Kâśînâtha ...Samvat 1728. Do. 45 Siddhanârayana First leaf wanting. 38 Varâhamihira. Complete. 32 Mahîdâsabhatta Samvat 1801. Do. Varahamihira Samyat 1804. Do. and Mahidhara. Samvat 1796. Do. Samyat 1861. Do. 12 : 336 Pârasîprakâsa 337 Praśnajñâna 338 Praśnajñâna 339 Praśnadîpika 340 Praśnavaishnava ... 341 Brihajjậtaka 342 Brihajjậtaka vivarana 343 Bșihajjataka with commentary. 11 21 For Private and Personal Use Only : 30 : 16 10 15 10 81 : ... 31 22 13 Do. 344 Brahmatulya, a Gloss on 345 | Brahmasiddhânta of S'âkalyasam- hitâ. 346 | Bhațatulya, a Karamagrantha ... 347 Muhûrtachintâmaņi with com- mentary. 348 Muhûrtatattva, Commentary on 349 Yavanajầtaka 350 | Yoginîdasâkrama ... 23 230 24 Damodara Ramada Do. 116 lo Ganesadaivajña Do. Saṁyat 1621. Incomplete. Leaves 133 and 134 wanting. 20 Balakrishna ... Samvat 1796.! Complete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ...! 3 Page #87 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.--continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra No. Name of Work. No. of No. of lines leaves. on each page. No. of letters in each line. Author's Name. Age. REMARKS. 111 13 For Private and Personal Use Only 12 Do. 82 16 ary. CLASS XII.-JYOTISHA OR ASTRONOMY, AstroLOGY AND DIVINATION-continued. 351 | Yoginîdasâjõâna ... Samvat 1797. Complete. 352 Ramalachintâmaņi Chintâmaņi ... Samvat 1$11. Do. 353 Râjâvalî Samvat 1796.1 354 Râjâvalîphalagrantha Samvat 1803. Do. 355 Shățpañchâsikâ with comment 32 Com.-Utpal a- Samvat 1891. Do. bhatta. Saṁvitprakasa ... 37 Govindakav îs- Samvat 1858. Do. vara. Siddhântaśiromaņi—Part I. Bhaskara Do. 358 Do. -Golâdhyâya with Vâ Do. ... Samvat 1576. Do. sanıbhâshya. 359 Do. -Golâdhyâya 10 ... Samvat 1833. Incomplete. 360 Sûryasiddhânta ... 20 Complete. 361 Strajanmapatrîbhâvâdhyâya ... 12 Samyat 1801. Do. 362 Horåpradspa, with commentary 12 30 Mahadeva Saṁyat 1810. Do. in Vernacular. 357 10 14 16 Do. 13 13 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 13 Page #88 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CLASS XIII.-VAIDYAKA OR MEDICINE. 249 89 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 364 10 | Ashțângayogahridayasamhitâ... Ayurvedaprakâśa... 365 | Ayurvedamahodadhi-Rasavîrya 366 Ayurvedarasậyana, Comment | ary on. 367 Ayurvedaśastra-Vșiddhayoga sataka. 368 Charakasamhita-Sârîraka 369 Chikitsâsârasamgraha For Private and Personal Use Only 370 371 372 Dravyagunaśataślokî Yogachintâmani ... Rasapaddhati with commentary. 83 37 Vâgbbața ... Samvat 1486, Incomplete. 58 Mâd havopâdh Complete. yâya. 42 Susheņa ... Samvat 1791 Do. Hemâdri 232-278 leaves only. Samvat 1779 Complete. 38 Charaka First leaf wanting. 28 Kshemasar m â- Samvat 1811 One leaf wanting charya. 26 Trimalla Complete. 27 | Dhanvantari ... Samvat 1842 Do. 38 Commentary 37th leaf wanting. Mah â derapandita. Leaves 7, 8, 10 and 11 wanting 34 Ļolimbarâja ... Samvat 1848 Complete. 50 Srîkaņķhadatta. Leaves 43-55 want ing. 165—220 leaves only -a few leaves in the middle wanting. Samvat 1555 103-148 leaves only. 34] Râma .. Complete. 49 373 Rasâvatâra 37 tiyar vana ... khyakusumâvati 376 Vyâkhyâmadhukośa Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 11 40 377 | Samkara–Vaidyakasara Page #89 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.--continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Name of Work.. No. of leaves. No. of lines on each page: No. of letters in each line. Author's Name. Age. REMARKS CLASS XIII. VAIDYAKA OR MEDICINE--continued. 378 879 380 Sataślokî Do. Do. with commentary 16 1 114 For Private and Personal Use Only 16 84 381 10 Siddhayogamâlâ ... Sausruta--Sûtrasthâna | Bopadera ... Samvat 1612 Complete. I Do. Samvat 1760 Do. 66 Of both, Bopa- Samvat 1771 Incomplete. deva. Siddharshi ...Samvat 1524 Leaves 9-12 wanting. 11 Samvat 1647 48—88 and 92–118 | leaves only. CLASS XIV.-TANTRIKA LITERATURE. 81 10 / 34 ...... Complete 114 Sarvat 1839 Do. 383 | Kârtavîrgârjunakavacha from Uddâmaratantra. 384 | Gayatrîsahasranâman and others. 385 Gautamîya Mahâtantra 386 Chandîvidhânapaddhati ... 387 Tattvânandatarangini ... 113 19 Samvat 1733 Do. 26 Kamal â ka ra Do. bhatta. 40 | Pûrnananda ... Samvat 1743 As far as Ullâsa XI. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 21 10 | Page #90 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only 388 Tantrasâra 337 389 Dakshinâmûrtisamhitâ 38 390 Baṭukapañchângaprayoga pad- 104 dhati. 391 Mantrapârâyana and Tripuro 8 392 panishad. Mantramuktâvalî. 393 Mantraratnamañjûshâ 394 Mantrasâstra Urdhvâmnâya Mahâkâlîsûkta from Rudrayâ mala. 395 396 Yogasârasamuchchaya from Akulagamamahâtantra. 397 Yoginîhridayadîpikâ ――― 16 40 19 do. 27 38 398 Râmastavarâja from the Sanat- 9 kumârasamhitâ. 399 Satachandîpaddhati 400 Sivarahasya Himavatkhanda 545 Bk. VII. Do. 401 402 Sriparapijana 403 Samkshepârchanavidhi 72 53 24 25 2 95 51 25 6 00 00 8 8 10 8 9 10 10 10 7 9 10 14 46 13 36 2-1 32 28 36 32 16 28 21 24 28 00 00 28 9 43 8 28 29 Krishnananda- Samvat 1685 Complete. bhaṭṭâcharya. Trivikramabhaṭṭa. Ânandanâtha Yogipravara. Isvaray o gin Chidrûpânanda 25 Patalas. Samvat 1897 Complete. Do. Samvat 1833 Samvat 1764 Do. Do. Do. Do. As far as the 9th pa tala. Complete. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 85 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #91 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only No. Name of Work, 404 Râjavallabhavâstuśâstra 405 Vâstuniandana 406 Samgîtaratnâkara, Commentary 407 Samgîtaratnâkara--Pindaprakarana Sârîra. on. 408 Chaturangavilâsamanimañjarî 409 Yâvanaparipâtyanakrama 410 Lekhapañchâśikâ. 411 Anuttarovavâisûtra .. 412 Anuyogasûtra, Commentary on. APPENDIX I.-continued. No. of leaves. 35 33 No. of No. of lines. letters on each in each page. line. CLASS XV.-SILPA AND SAMGITA OR ART. 30 8 13 32 10 14 38 Mandanasûtr a- Samvat 1578 Complete. Samvat 1675 Do. Incomplete. As far as the 4th Adhyâya. 12 11 13 ∞ Author's Name. 48 Singabhûpâla 32 CLASS XVI.--MISCELLANEOUS. 48 10 39 9 20 12 38 CLASS XVII.-JAINA LITERATURE (a). 9 39 162 228 dhâra. Do. 1224 32 Dalapatirâya 52 Age. REMARKS. Complete. Do. Samvat 1536 First leaf wanting. Complete. Hemachandra Samvat 1652| Do. 86 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #92 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 413 Anekaśâstrasârasamuchchaya... 43 40 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 6 Anekârthasamgraha 415 | Upadeśamâlâprakaraņa (in Pra krit). 416 | Upâsakadašângasútra in Pra | krit). 417 | Oghaniryukti with commentary. For Private and Personal Use Only Samvat 146] Leaves 1-5 and 10--22 wanting. Hemachandra. First leaf wanting. 37 Dharma d â s a Complete gani. Saṁvat 1566 First leaf wanting. Leaves 1--18, 82102, 104-113, 115125 and 127-132 wanting. 37 | Vachanacharya Complete. Do. ... 3rd leaf wanting. 36 Dharmasâgara . Sarıvat 1677. Complete. Sahajakîrti ... Do. Incomplete. Pupil of Var Complete. dhamânasûri. 4.7 Amarasimha ... Do. 57 Dharmasekha Do. ragani. 60 Sumatigaņi, pu Do. pil of Jinapati. Sariivat 1721. Samyat 1758.1 87 418 | Karpûramañjarî-Javanikâ I .. 8 | 419 Karpûramañjarî-Javanikâ II.. 11 420 Kalpakiraņâvalî, a commentary 321 on the Kalpasútra. 421 Kalpamañjarî, a commentary on 128 the Kalpasútra. Kalyâņamandirabâlâyabodha ... 423 Kálikâchâryakathâ 424 Kâvyakalpalatâ with the Sûtras. 425 Kshullakabhavâvaliprakaraņa... 426 Ganadharasârdhaśatakavritti - Livesof Vardhamâna and others 427 Gurvậyalî 428 Chatuhsaraṇap a innâ, with commentary in Vernacular. ! Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Do. Do. Page #93 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only No. Name of Work. 429 Chandraprajñaptisûtra 430 Jñâtâdharmakathâsûtra 431 Jyotishkasâra-Mandalavichara. 432 Trishashtiśalâkâpurushacharitra -Parvan VII. Do. VIII. 433 Darsanaratnakara 434 Daśavaikâlikasûtra 435 436 437 Duriyarayastotra Do. with Avachûri CLASS XVII.-JAINA LITERATURE (a)-continued. 65 40 147 60 Daśâśrutaskandhasutra ... No, of No. of lines on leaves. each page. 2 113 124 94 ་་་་་ 14 APPENDIX I.-continued. 24 19 3 11 13 14 15 15 15 21 14 CO + No. of letters in each line. 13 37 33 08 09 38 Author's Name. 53 Indranandi 51 Sayyambhavaganadhara. 72 (Avachûri) Tilakâchârya. 888888 48 28 Jinavallabha Age. Complete. Samvat 1686. First three leaves Samvat 1655. REMARKS. Samvat 1703. wanting. Complete. Do. 234-338, leaves only. A few intermediate leaves wanting. Complete. Do. Do. Do. 88 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #94 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 60 49 Hemachandra... A few leaves wanting at the end. 33 Harshakîrtisûri. Complete. 46(Of both) Do. Saṁvat 1691. Do. 23 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Do. XI-106 NO 16 166 181 325 35 438 | Desînâmamâlâ with Vritti .. 439 Dhâtupâţha of the Sarasvata ... | Do. with commentary ... Navatattvaprakaraṇa with com mentary in Vernacular. Niśîthasắtra ... Pândavacharitramabâkâvya ... Pårávanáthacharitra mahâkâvya. 445 Prajñâpanâsútra ... 446 Praśnavyâkaraṇasútra (in Pra krit). 447 Bhagavatîsâtra ... 448 Bhagavatîgûtraviśeshavritti ... 449 aritra 450 Bhojaprabandha ... 451 Yogaśâstra, Prakâsas of, with commentary in Vernacular. 452 Râmacharitra 453 Vasudhârâmahâvidya 454 Vidagdhamukhamaņdana Samvat 1609. Do. Devaprabhasûri. Samvat 1451. First leaf wanting. Bhâyadevasûri. Do. Complete. Do. 7 56 For Private and Personal Use Only 54 400 38 19 39 28 . 如如如如如胡協姆 155 Samyat 1570. Ist leaf wanting. evasûril Complete. 40 Râjavallabha ... Samvat 1498. Do. Meru tunga 12th leaf wanting. chấty. 60 Hemachandra Complete. Devavijayagaņi. Saṁvat 1652. Do. 66 Dharmadâsa ... As far as the 4th Parichchheda. 41 Jinadattasûri...] Complete. 32 Bhadrabâhu ... 32 Dânavijay o pâ Do. dhyâya. Do. 455 Vivekavilâsa 456 Satrumjayakalpa ... 457 Sabdabhûshaņa, a grammar ... Do. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 12 Page #95 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENIDIX I.--continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra No. Name of Work. No. of No. of No. of lines on letters leaves. each in each page. line. Author's Naine. Age. REMARKS. For Private and Personal Use Only 16 90 CLASS XVII.—Jaina LITERATURE (a) —-continued. 458 S'abdânuśâsana—Chapter VIII. 6 56 Hemachandra . Complete. --Prâkrit Grammar. 459 Sântistava ... 35 Sântisûri .. Do. 460 Shaddarśanasamuchchaya Samvat 1582. Do. 461 Do. with commentary 50 Text-Hari. Samvat 1661. Do. bhadra; Com. -His pupil. 462 Samayasâraprabhțita with com- 144 14 37 Kundaku nda- ...... Leaves 1--6and 16-48 mentary. chânya. wanting.--A Digam bara work 463 Samudrapâlitâdhyayana with Complete. commentary in Vernacular. 464 Samyaktvakaumudi in prose Do. 465 Siddhachakramahimakatha ... Do. 466 Siddhasabdârnava Sahajakîrti ... 467 Sindûraprakaraprakarana 58 Somapr a bhậ- Samyat 1811. Do. | charva. Do. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #96 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 468 Sinhâsanadyatrimśatkathâ 469 Sûktimuktâvalî ... Do. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 16 470 Do. with commentary 471 Sûtras, Stories from 13 401 Samvat 1713. 40 Soma prabhâ- Samvat 1514. Do. | | charya. Do. Samrat 1718. Do. 17 14 40 (6) --JAINA WORES IN THE VERNACULAR. 30 Râjendrasågara .... Complete. Do. 472 Âbutîrthamâlâ 11 474 Ashetravichara ... Do. Do. CNN Samvat 1766. Samvat 1812. Matikusala Do. Do. For Private and Personal Use Only 474 Kshetrasamâsa 475 Chandralekhârâsa ... 476 Rathodaratanamahesadâsotarîva chanikâ. 477 Do. 478 Vayarakumârarâsa 479 Sûktamuktavalî Do. 15 16 Samvat 1755. Samvat 1680. 41 Kaur a pâla Samvat 1698. Vânârasi. Do. Do. CLASS XVIII.-BRAHMANIYA WORKS IN THE VERNACULAR. 110 11 10 12 480 | Áraṇyakânda ... 481 Kavitaprabandha 482 Jñânamañjarî ... 483 Bhagavadgîtâ ... 484 Veintamahâvâkya 485 Do. 486 Sârasamgrahajõânabhûshaņa | bhâshya. Do. Do. 27 Tulasîdâsa ... Samvat 1896. Complete. Manikadâsa ... Samvat 1809. Do. Manoharadâsa . Samvat 1853. Bhagavândâsa. Manoharadâsa . Samvat 1887.1 Do. Do. ... Samvat 1803. Do. Trivikramananda. 10 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 11 Do. Page #97 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only No. Name of Work. 488 Atharvaṇamundakopanishad 489 Kanvasâkhâ, Pada text of 490 Kenopanishad No. of leaves. 487 Ashtottarasatopanishadah, or 108 542 Upanishads. ter VI. 495 Vâjasaneyasamhita ww 83 II.-MARATHA SECTION. CLASS I.-VEDAS INCLUDING UPANISHADS. 14 38 3 B488 6 Mândûkyopanishad 491 Chhandogyopanishad 492 Talavakaropanishad 493 Praśnopanishad... 494 Brihadâranyopanishad-Chap- 16 9 168 108 APPENDIX I.-continued. No. of lines on each page. لہاسہ 7 8 88666 9 10 9 No. of letters in each line. 7 25 32 26 28 38 28 28 Author's Name. 30 ...... Age. Śaka 1532 Samvat 1816. The Taittirîya and Mantrika Upanishads wanting. Complete. Incomplete. REMARKS. Complete. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 92 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #98 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only 496 Satapatha-Brahmana-Kanda I. -Haviryajña. Do. - - do. 497 498 499 500 501 do. Kânda II-Ekavai. Do., Do., Kânda IV.-Graha Do., Do., kânda. Kânda V.-Sa vai, Kânda X. 502 | Ekâksharî Baita-Chaps. I.—III.Į 503 Kâtyâyana Srautasûtra, Com mentary on-Chaps. I.-III. 504, Do., mentary on-Chap. X. 505 Do. do.-Chap. XXV 506 Do. do. 507 Kâtyâyana Śrautasûtra 508 Do., mentary on. 509 Kâtyâyana Grihyasûtra 510 511 512 Do. Do. Do., mentary on. 165 132 111 24 Com 73 57 20 42 61 Com- 66 Com CLASS II-VEDANGAS AND SACRIFICIAL MANUALS. (a) Vedangas. 7 NOUAN 88 72 65 50 00 سلم 34 37 29 78 877 11 9 9 10 8 11 27 22 28 28 8861 28 30 Do. 8 Do. 36 11 26 Kâtyâyana 27 11 52 13 44 44 32 Yâjnika Deva 3222 2225 36 50 28 Kâtyâyana Do. 20 Do. 61 Jayarama 20 Samvat 1610. Do. Samvat 1680. First 22 leaves wanting Saka 1725 Complete. Incomplete. ****** Samvat 1782. Complete. ****** Leaves 38-42 wanting. Complete. Do. Saka 1717 Samvat 1626. First two leaves wanting. Samvat 1848. Complete. Saka 1662 Incomplete. Do. 51-77 leaves. Incomplete. Do. 2 Kândas. Samvat 1858. Complete. 93 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #99 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.--continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra No. Name of Work. No. of No. of No. of lines letters leares, on each in each page. line. Author's Name. Aye. REMARKS, ... 24 For Private and Personal Use Only 10 CLASS II.–VEDÂNGAS AND SACRIFICIAL MANUALS-continued. (a.) — Vedängas-continued. 513, Jațâpatalavyakhyâ ... 7 36 Dagåśamkara... Complete. 514 Pratijūâsâtra and Navakandika- 81 8 Do. sûtra. 515 Prâtisakhya, Commentary on ... 32 Uvața Chap. V. 516 Prâtiśâkhya, Commentary on ... 28 U vata Incomplete. 517 Prâtisakhya, Commentary on 40 Råma Do. Jyotsnâ. 518 Prấtiśâkhyavyâkhyâ ... ... Anantabhatta Do. 519 Bhâshikavșitti ... 22 Mahâsvâmin ... Saka 1713... Complete. 520 Sarvânukrama ... 10 Incomplete. 521 Snânasůtradîpikâ 81 24 Gopinatha ... Saka 1722 ... Complete. (5.)-Sacrificial Manuals. 522 | Agnishțoma prayoga of the Vâ. 67 91 29 80—146 leaves. jasaneyins. 523 Âgrahầyaņeshţikálanirņaya of 21 12 50 Complete. Į the Vấjasaneyins. Oo Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #100 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.--continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Name of Work. No. No. of No. of No. of lines on letters leaves. each in each page. line. Author's Name. REMARKS. Age. For Private and Personal Use Only 96 ing CLASS II.-VEDÂNGAS AND SACRIFICIAL MANUALS—continuerl. (6.) - Sacrificial Manuals-continued. 539 | Sâyamprâtarhoma of the Vâ- 61 11 24 Complete. jasaneyins. 540 Somapadârthakathana of the 107 71 Samyat 1855 Do. Vâjasaneyins. Saka 1720. 541 Somaprayoga of the Vâja- 130 101 First 46 leaves want. saneyins. CLASS III.—ITIHÂSAS, PURÂNAS, MÂHÂTMYAS AND STOTRAS. 542 | Anantavrata kathâ and pûjê ... 1517 9 18 Saka 1780 ... Complete. 543 Rishipañchamîkathâ and pûjà .. 32 6 16 Do. Samvat 1899. 544 Gangâs a hasran â man and 29 19 B Ashta ka-Samvat 1903. Do. Ashtaka. Kalidasa. Do. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 12 Râmachandra Gaņeśa. Incomplete Sanivat 1703. Leaves 11--13 wanting. Complete. Do. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra B 904-13 Saka 1699... Leaf 2 wanting. Complete. Do. For Private and Personal Use Only 545 Gaņeśabrahmaviveka ... . li 7 Garuda Purâņa-Pretakhanda... 92 | Turajâsahasranaman from Skan- 14 da Prırâņa. i Trimsatîstotra from the Lalito pâkhyâna in Brahmânda Pura na. 549 Nâsikakshetramâhâtmya ... 550 Pañchavațîmâhâtmya from Pad ma Purâņa. 551 Påñcharâtrâgama-Jitam te Sto tra. 552 Purushottamamâhâtmya .. 553 Prayagamâhâtmya from Brahma Purâņa. 554 Brahma Purâņa-Srirangamâ- 23 hâtmya. 555 Brahmavaivartasâra ... 556 Bhaktiratnâvali or Collection of Verses from the Bhagavatal with commentary. 557 Bhagavata, Skandha II, with 78 commentary. 558 | Bhâgavata, Skandha VI, with! 100 commentary. Incomplete. Complete. Do. 97 Do. Saka 1760... Do. 12 / 54 First 3 leaves and a few at the end wanting. Samyat 1782. Complete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 101 30 Page #102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.- continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Name of Work, No. of No. of No. of lines letters leaves. on each in each page. line. Author's Name. Age. REMARKS. 98 For Private and Personal Use Only Do. CLASS III-ITIHÂSAS, PURANAS, MÂHÂTMYAS AND STOTRAS--continued. 559 | Bhâgavata, Skandha VII ... 67 | 15 Incomplete. 560 Do do with 94 10 Commentary by Complete. commentary. Sridhara. 5611 Bhâgavata, "Skandha X, with 132 Incomplete. commentary. 562 Bhagavata, Skandha XII Complete. 563 Bhâgavata, Commentary Commentary by on, Skandhas X & XI. Satyabhinava yati. 564 Bhagavata, Commentary on, Incomplete. entitled Bhagavallilachinta maņi. 565 Bhârata from Âdi to Bhîshma 1,047 16 48 Saka 1616 Complete. Parvan. Bâva Sam vatsara. 566 Bhârata from Droņa to Svargâ- 725 16 48 Do. ... Sânti Parvan wanting. | rohana Parvan. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #103 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only 567 Mâghamâhatmya from Vâyu| 123 Purâņa. 568 Râmanamamahâtmya 569 Râmastutivyâkhya 570 Vajrapañjarastotravyâkhya 571 Vishnu Purana with comment ary. 572 Vyankatesamâhâtmya from Brahmânda Purana. 573 Sivagîtâ from Padma Purâna 574 Sivastuti and Commentary 575 Srinivasakavachântastotras from Agni Purâņa. 576 Skanda Purâna-Kârtikamâhâ tmya. 577 Skanda Purana-Mârgasîrshamâhâtmya. 578 Haritâlikâvratakathâ and pûjâ 579 Harivamsa 11 74 13 580 Adhyâyopâkarmaprayoga 581 Anteshṭiprayoga 427 12 17 447 24 112 15 10 50 36 10 414 3834 16 32 13 11 11 98 7 -T 11 14 11 14 32 35 Achyutâśrama 25 9 9 3.1 54 Commentary by Ratnagarbh a Bhattacharya. 28 16 40 Both by Viśvanâtha Nâr yana. 28 34 ***... 34 26 40 CLASS IV.-DHARMASASTRA OR RELIGIOUS AND CIVIL LAW. (a)-General. 32 18 Saka 1715. Samvat 1607.; Leaves 105--119 want ing. Complete. Incomplete. Do. Do. Complete. Do. Do. Do. First 3 leaves wanting. Incomplete. Complete. Do. Complete. Incomplete. 99 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #104 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only No. &c. Name of Work. 582 Asauchanirnaya 583 Kâkamaithunadarśanaśânti 584 Kâlabheda-Chândra, Sâvana, 585 Gotrapravaranirṇaya 586 587 Do. Do. 588 Goprasavaśânti 589 Grahadîpika 590 Grahayajña 591 Tirthaprâptadinakritya 592 Dvârayâtrâvidhi from a Purâṇa.. 593 Pallisaraḍaśânti No. of No. of lines on leaves. each page. 824 CLASS IV.-DHARMASASTRA OR RELIGIOUS AND CIVIL LAW-continued. (a)-General-continued, 9 36 11 35 42 APPENDIX I.-continued. 5 35 24 40 14 10 10 32 KB4842 799649 12 No. of letters in each line. + 14 9 28 23 Govindâchârya. 46 40 41 Bhattoji Dîk shita. Kamalâkara 36 | Raghunatha bhaṭṭa. * Author's Name. 20 32 28 26 44 40 Age. Śaka 1669 Saka 1678 Saka 1703 Complete. Do. Incomplete. Complete. Do. Do. REMARKS, Do. Do. Incomplete. Do. Do. Complete. 100 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #105 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 41 10 | Incomplete. 29 Rudradera, son of Toro-Nara yaņa. 30 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 16 Complete. 97 Dinakara Rấma ... 1 594 Půrtaprakâsa from Pratâpanâra- simha. 595 Prathamartau Dushţamâsâdi- śânti. 596 Prayogasara 597 Prayaschittadinakaroddyota ... 598 Prayaschittadîpikâ 599 Madanapârijataka ... 600 Do. - Sâpindya- nirnaya. 601 Mâtrigotranirnaya... 602 Mâsanirnaya, from some work... 603 Mâsâdinirnaya 604 Mitâkshara-Achâra 605 Yaiña valkva Smriti 606 Râmârchanachandrika Incomplete. ... Saka 1677 ... Complete. Incomplete. Two or three leaves at the end wanting. Saka 1646 ... Complete. 8 10 For Private and Personal Use Only 19 11 11 TOT 54 12 10 50 123 Nârâyaņa 26 Dhundi 56 Vijñâneśvara ... 30 Ânand a va na, pupil of Mukundavana. 18 Do. Incomplete. Complete. Do. Do. First twelve leaves and a few at the end wanting. From Madhuparka to the end of Chaturthîkarman. Complete. Do. Do. 607 Vivâhapaddhati ... 10 608 Vyatipâtajananaśânti 609 Shashţipârtiśânti ... 610 Samskâragangâdhara 32 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 9 29 Gang â dhara Dikshita. Page #106 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.- continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra No. Name of Work, No. of No. of No. of lines on letters leaves. each in each page. line. Author's Name. Age. REMARKS CLASS IV.-DHARNAŚÅSTRA OR RELIGIOUS AND CIVIL LAW-continued. For Private and Personal Use Only 611, Samskârabhâskara ...! 170 (a)-General continued. 9 25 Khandablatta, Saka 1773 ... Up to the end of son of Mayû Arkavivaha. reśvara, 9 19 Complete. 12! 21 Apadeva ... Saka 1760 ... Do. 612 Sarvatobhadralingatobhadra ... 613 Sâpiņdyakalpalatâ... 18 3 (6) --Of the followers of Madhra. 614 Karmanirnaya, Commentary on. 31 9 ..... Complete. 33 Jaya tîrth a. (The original by Anandatîrtha). Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #107 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 8 ...... 615 Karmanirņaya, Gloss on the 104 Commentary on. 616 Dinatrayanirnaya ... 617 Dinatrayamîmâîså 42 Roti Vyankațâ chấtya. 32 Vidyâdhisamuni 27 Nârâyaņa ... Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ... 56 i Incomplete. Complete. Leaves 1, 19, 51 and 52 wanting. Leaves 60, 61, 64, 180 and 181 wanting. 11 618 Sadâchârasmriti with Dîpikâ ... 221 81 30 Text-Ânanda tîrtha ; Dîp.Nârây a ņachâuya. For Private and Personal Use Only CLASS V.--POEMS, PLAYS, FABLES, &c. 103 619 Kirâtârjunîya ... . 127 620) Khandaprašasti with com- mentary. 621] Gîtagovinda with commentary ... 90 90 71 22 | To the end of Canto XVII. Leaves 14-21, 116 and 126 want ing. 11 26 Commentary Complete. Guņavinaya. 1 10! 40 Commentary by Sarvat 1782. Do. Nâ r â y a ņabhatta at the suggestion of Bhîkadâsa. 1 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #108 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only No. Name of Work. 622 Tîrthaprabandhakâvya Do., 623 Comment ary on, entitled Bhâvaprakâ sikâ. 624 Narakasuravadhavyâyoga 625 Nrisimhachampû 626 Bhâminîvilâsa, Commentary on 627 Madhvavijaya 628 Raghuvamsa 629 Do., Commentary on No. of leaves. 630 Ratnâvalî 631 Ramakrishnakâvya with com mentary. 22 30 CLASS V-POEMS, PLAYS, FABLES, &c.-continued. 33 Vâdirâjatirtha. 30 Nârâyanacharya 11 14 54 94 133 18 2 22 20 25 APPENDIX I.-continued. 32 No. of lines on each page. 8 13 13 13 16 8 10 No. of letters in each line. Author's Name. 13 7 43 37 Kesava Pandita 68 30 Nârâyanacharya Kâlidâsa 31 13 47 Dinakaramiśra. 25 Śriharsha 29 Age. Both by Daivajña. Saka 1749 ...... REMARKS, Complete. Do. Incomplete. Complete. Leaves 19, 21, 23-25 Incom wanting. plete. Incomplete. A leaf or two wanting at the end. Canto III.; Canto IV. unfinished. Complete. Do. 104 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #109 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 33 | 37 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 527 40 12 524 | Â.dhânapaddhati of the Tâjasa- neyins. 525 Ishţikâlanirņaya of the Vâjasa- neyins. Châturmâsyaprayoga of the Vâjasaneyins. Jyotishțoma, Part II, of the Vâjasaneyins. Darsapûrņamâsapaddhati of the Vâjasaneyins. Darsapûrņamâsahautra of the | Vâjasaneyins. Do. do. Darsapûrņamâseshți of the Va jasaneyins. Nirûdhapasubautra of the Va- jasaneyins. Do. do. Pishtapaśukhandanamîmârsâ... 535 Paurņamâseshți of the Vâja- saneyins. 536 Prâtarmâdhyamdinasavana of , the Vâjasaneyins. 537 Srantakarma or rituals of the Vâjasaneyins. 538 Srautaprayogas of the Vâja- saneyins. 40 Gangad ha r a- ...... Do. Murâri ... Saka 1704 ... Do. Incomplete. ...... Do. Deva ... ... Śaka 1667 ... Complete. Naraharibhatta. Śaka 1761 ... Do. Saka 1719 ....Do. Leaf 3 wanting. Śaka 1712 ... Complete. For Private and Personal Use Only 95 9 Do. 534 15 27 2 138 Nârâyaņa Pan Do. dita. Saṁvat 1834. Do. Incomplete. First 4 leaves wanting. Complete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 14 Page #110 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Rukmiņiśavijayakávya ... 114 11 B 904-14 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 10 32 Vâdirâjatîrtha. Leaves 1–7 and 21 wanting: Canto I. wanting. 37 Nârâyaņâchårya Leaves 1--41 and 316-- 329 wanting. Canto I. wanting. 39 Dharmadása ... Saka 1750 ... Incomplete. 17 Srinivasa ... Leaves 143 wanting. 633 Do., Commentary on, 421 entitled Blåvaprakásikả. 631 Vidagdlamukhamandana 18 635 Srinivasachampú ... 42 11 / 13 CLASS VI.---VYâEARANA OR GRAMMAR. For Private and Personal Use Only 636 | Uņâdisâtrarritii 637 Kårakachakra ... 638 Dhâ turûpâņi ... 639 Prayogamukhamandana 640 Madhyakaumudi 105 . 39 Ujjvaladatta ... Saṁyat 1680. Complete. Ananta Leaf 2 wanting Paradigms of roots of the first three classes. Complete. Varadaraja ... Up to the end of De clensions. Do. ... Up to the end of Con jugations. Do. Křidanta or Verbal 49 Bhattoji Dîk Derivatives. Complete. 641 Do. 613 69 642 Do. f1. Up to the end Manoramâ. of compounds. (2. Taddhita 644 Śabdaratna ... shita. 40 66 A Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir SO CEN 40 Hari Dikshita Up to the end of Prâti padikasamjõâsâtra. Page #111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.--continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra No, Name of Work, No, of No. of | No, of lines letters leaves, on each in each page. line, Author's Name, Age. REMARKS CLASS VII.-Kos'as or Lexicons. 771 For Private and Personal Use Only 645 | Abhidhanaratnamila ... ... 646 Ekâksharanighanța ... 647 Dhanamjayakosa 648 Nânârthamañjarî 649 Vyâkhyâsudhà, à commentary on the Amarakośa. 18 Halâyudha ....Samvat 1510. Complete. 28 Sadachârya ... ...... Do. 30 Dhanamjaya ... Saka 1574 ... Incomplete. Saka 1710 ... Complete. 33 Bhânu Dikshita. Incomplete. 106 106 650 Navarasaratnahara ... 651 Rasatarangini 652 Śrutabodha 653 | Vâg bhatâlaṁ kâra ... CLASS VIII.---POETICS AND Metrics. ... 6: 11, 36 Tripathî Śiva Complete. | rầma. 34 | 12 | 31 | Bhânu Incomplete. 39 Kâlidâsa .... Saka 1759 ... Complete. 34 Vâgbhata Incomplete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 12 Page #112 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only 654 Sâmkhyatattvakaumudi 655 Yogasûtra 656 Aparokshânubhuti with a Marâthî commentary. 657 Atharvanopanishad vyâkhyâ 658 Ganapatigitâbhâshya 659 Pañchadaśî 660 Pañchadasîchitradîpa 661 Mahâvâkyavivarana 662 Vishnusahasranâmabhâshya 663 Vedantaparibhâshâ 664 Vedantasâra CLASS IX-SAMKHYA AND YOGA. 29 6 11 36 41 33 16 39 36 40 93 CLASS X.-VEDANTA. (a)- Samkaracharya's or Advaita. 32 122 S 9 29 Text-Samka râchârya. Com. Vaman a 14 15 D 14 7 11 19 40 Patanjali 15 11 12 Pandita. 49 Narahari 42 Chaturdhara 45 Vidyaranya 28 Do. 23 Samkaracharya Samvat 1871. Saka 1736. Samvat 1708. 48 Do. 32 Dharm a râja bhaṭṭa. 36 Sadananda *** Incomplete. First chapter. Complete. Do. Incomplete. Do. Complete. Do. Do. Do. Do. 107 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #113 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.--continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra No. Name of Work. No. of leaves. No. of i No. of lines letters! on caci in each page. i line. Authore Name. Age. REMARKS, CLASS X.-VEDÂNTA—continued. For Private and Personal Use Only 108 (1) Sankarůcharya's—continued. 665 Siddhantabindu ... . 22 11 35 Madhus ûda na sarasvatî. 666 Sûtasarhitâ-Yajñavaibh a v a- 189 12 57 Com.--- Jadhavâkhanda with commentary. | chấty:.. 667 Saundaryalahari with comment- 46 12 45 Text.--Samkarâ-| ary. charya. Com. R m a - | chandra. Complete. Part I. Complete. (1)-Madhva's or Draita. 668 | Advaitasiddhikhandana ... 269 9, 669 | Abhinayachandrikâ, à com-5 156 12 181 | mentary on Tattvaprakâsika. R 15 87 " 37 Vanamâlin ... Saka 1742 ... Leaves 33–42 and 241-243 wanting 38 Satyanâthayati. Chapters I. & II. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #114 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only 670 Atharvana Mundaka Upanishad, 671 a Bhashya on. Do. on. 672 Isàvâsya, a Bhashya on 673 do. Do. 674 Aitareyopanishad, a Comment ary on. 675 Kathalakshanavivarana Do., 676 do., a Gloss ... a Comment ary on. 677 Gîtâ, a Commentary on 678 Tattvanirnaya, a Gloss on 679 Tattvaprakasika, a commentary on Madhvabhashya. 680 Tattvaprakasikavivarana (Upàdhikhandana). Do. Do. 681 682 683 Tattvaprakâsikâvyâkhyâvivṛiti (Mandaramañjari). 684 Tattvavivekavivarana 685 Do. 686 Tattvasamkhyâna, a Comment ary on. 687 Tattvasamkhyânavivarana 688 Tattvoddyota (original) 689 Tattvoddyota 6 13 Coco Co 6 3 16 16 Oa 10 124 12 176 19 13 16 29 848 13 10 5 16 10 11 10 14 12 11 13 10 10 15 725 12 15 TOT 11 11 34 Anandatîrtha... Saka 1544 40 Vyasatirtha Saka 1514 18 Anandatîrtha. 32 Do. 38 47 Jayatirtha 40 Vyasatirtha 37 Vidyadhiraja. 40 Jayatîrtha 39 Do. 42 32 45 Do. Do. Vyasayati Jayatîrtha Do. 32 42 32 Yadupati 26 Jayatirtha 34 Anandatîrtha.. 25 Do. Saka 1664 Complete. Do. Do. Do. Incomplete. Complete. Do. Incomplete. Do. Chapters I-II. Incomplete, Complete. Do. Leaf 2 wanting. Complete. Incomplete. Complete. Do. Do. Do. 109 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #115 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I..continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra No. Name of IFork, No. of leaves. No. of No. of lines letters on each in each page. i line. Author's Name. Age. REMARKS. For Private and Personal Use Only 110 CLASS X.–VEDINTA.--continued. (b)-Madhra's or Draita.--continued. 690 Talarakâropanishadbhâshya, a 5 : 10 3 6 Bhashya-ÂConimentary on. mandatirtha. Commentary Saka 154+. Complete. Vyâsayati. 691 Tâtparyachandrika, a gloss on 62 42 Vyåsatîrtha Incomplete. Jayatîrtha's Tattraprakâsikâ. 692 Taittirîyopanishad, a Bhashya on. 13 35 Anandatirtha... Saka 1592 ... Complete. 693 Durmatakhandana ... ... 14 Saka 1706 ... Do. 694 Dyâdaśastotrâni with com- 40 36 Text.-Anandamentaries. tirtha. Com- Saka 1698. Do. Gorindamiśra.) 695 Nyâyasudha, a commentary on 158 14 56 Jayatîrtha Incomplete Brabmasûtrânuvyâkhyâna. 696 Nyâyâmțitatarangimî, a com- ( 18 ) mentary on Vyâsatîrtha's Nyâ- 49 || 11 56 Râmâchârya .. Do. yâmrita. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir | 22 | Page #116 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only 697 Do. 698 Prapanchamithyâtvakhand a na Vivarana. do. 699 Do. 700 Pramânapaddhati 701 Pramâlakshana, a Commentary on, entitled Nyâyakalpalatâ. 702 Praśnopanishaddîpikâ 703 Brihadaranyabhâshya, a Commentary on. 704 Brahmasûtra, a Bhâshya on Do. do. 705 706 Do. do. 707 Brahmasûtra, a Gloss on 708 Brahmasûtrânubhashya 709 Brahmasûtrânuvyâkhyâna 710 Bhaktiratnâkara, with comment ary. J ~ 26 10 19 30 72 3 23 29 14 32 58 94 39 5 21 32 24 11 619 8 11 12 11 7 11 1241 8 9 25 13 32 12 35 41 14 Do. Complete. Incomplete. Complete. Do. 34 Anandatîrtha... S'aka 1544 Do. 39 Bhashya-Anan- Samvat 1678. Chaps. V.-VII. datîrtha. Com.-Raghût 31 36 Jayatirtha 21 Do. 29 45 19 Do. Orig.-Anandatirtha. Vivarana -Jayatîrtha. Do. 35 11 44 tamayati. Ânandatîrtha Do. Do. Anandatîrtha.. Do. Text-Vana mâlin. CommentaryUnknown. Saka 1594 First three pâdas of Chap. I. wanting. Incomplete. Complete. A few leaves torn. Incomplete. Complete. Chaps. I.-III. Nine Prakaraṇas. 111 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #117 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.- continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra No, Name of Work. No. of ! No, of No. of lines letters leaves. on each in each i Authors Name, page, line, Age. REMARKS CLASS X.-VEDÂNTA-—-continued. For Private and Personal Use Only 112 Skandha X. and a por tion of Skandha II. Chaps. IV.-XXXII. 9 39 (6) Madhra's or Druita--continued. 711 | Bhagavatatât paryanirnaya ... 43 9 35 Ånandatîrtha... 712 Bhâratatât paryanirnayapramâna- 37 10 29 samgraha. 713 Bhâvaprakâsa, a commentary on Nrisimha Anubhâshya. 714 Bhâvaprakåsikâ, a gloss on Ja 12 31 Vyâsayati yatîrtha's Commentary on Prapanchamithyâtvânumânakhan dana. 715 Mâyâyâdakhagdanavivaraña ... 14 7 28 Orig.-Ânanda tirtha. Viv.-J a y atîrtha. Complete. Do. 36 Do. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #118 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only B 904-15 Do. 716 717 Do., 718 Mârutamanḍana 719 Vishnutattvanirnaya 720 Do., 721 Do. 722 Vishnupañchaka a Gloss on. a Commentary on. do. " 723 Bhaktimîmâmsâsûtra with a 32 Bhashya. 724 Anumitiparâmarśakâryakârana bhâva. 725 Akhyâtavâda 726 Do. 727 Kârikâvalî 728 Kârakavyâkhyâ 11 13 63 30 167 180 11 a Gloss on 17 6M9 9 37 2101 14 12 11 (c).-Bhakti. 12 10 11 11 CLASS XI-NYAYA AND VAISESHIKA. 7 11 9 10 11 25 Do. 31 Srinivasa 50 Vanamâlin 29 Anandatîrtha 40 Jayatîrtha 39 Do. 11 16 32 38 | Sûtra-Sând i- Saka 1739... Complete. Iyamuni. Bhashya-Svapneśvara. 46 40 29 Raghudeva Vis van â tha Pañchânana. Do. Do. 36 Jayarama Saka 1589. Samvat 1741. Leaf 1 wanting. Complete. Leaves 11, 12, 15-20, 159 and 160 wanting. Leaves 1, 99, and 162 wanting. Incomplete. Complete. Do. Do. Do. Do. 113 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #119 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.-continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Vaine of Work, No. of leaves. No. of No. of lines letters on each in each page. line. Author's Name. Age. REMARKS. CLASS XI.-NYAYA AND VAISESHIKA-continued. ... 42 729 | Gâdâdhari–Vyâptivada 730 Do. -Såmânyanirukti ... Chintâmaại-Pratyakshakhanda 42 10 15 For Private and Personal Use Only 114 .. Watania 171 8 9 11 NE 10 Do. - S'abdakhanda Jâgadisî —Vyâptivâda ... Do. - 'do. Do. --Sâmânyanirukti . 736 Tarkachandrika, a commentary on Tarkasamgraha. 737 Tarkaprakâsa .... 738 Tarkasamgrahadipikâ ... 739 Dîdhiti--Sâmânyanirukti 740 Do.-Anumânakhanda 741 Nañarthavâda ... 742 | Nyâyaratnávali, a commentary 1 on the Siddhậntamañjarî. 48 Gadâdhara Incomplete. Do. Complete. 50 Gangeša Maho Incomplete. | pâdhyâya. 41 Do. A few leaves wanting. 45 Jagadîsa Incomplete. Do. Complete. 45 Do. Incomplete. 33 Vaidy a n â th a S'aka 1614... Complete. Gâdagiļa. 46 Srikantha Incomplete. 31 Annambhatta . Saka 1711... Complete. 46 Siromaņi Incomplete. 45 Do. ...Saka 1734... Complete. 45 Raghudeva Do. 40 Vasudeva Incomplete. 291 14 12 132 19 15 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 14 Page #120 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 743 Nyâyarabasya, a commentary on Nyâyasâtra. 744 Ngàyására ... ... ... 42 47 11 10 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Ngàyasiddhậntamañjarî 15 Do. For Private and Personal Use Only Do., Com-1 mentary on. 718 Nyâyasâtra 749 Padárthakhandana 750 Padârthachandrika, a Comment ary on. 9 16 39 | Râmabhadra ... Leaves 3, 4, 13 and 14 wanting. 46 Leaves 1, 17 and 22 wavting. Incomplete at the end. 41 Jânakî n â tha Leares 1, 2, 19 and 20 Chuẩmai. } wanting. Do. Three prakaraņas, viz., Pratyaksha, Anumâ - na, and Upamâna. 40 Śr îk șish ņ a S'abdakhanda. Nyâyavågiấa. 42 Gautamamuni . S'aka 1739... Incomplete. 47 Siromani, ... Complete. 23 Orig. ---Seshâ-| Up to the end of Cananta. Com. deśa. -Nrisim hâcharya. Incomplete. Do. Jayarâma Do. Complete. Bhavânanda .. Incomplete. Mathurânâtha . Complete. Do. Incomplete. 115 11 13 21 13 12 751 Padârthadîpika 752 Do. 753 Padârthamâlâ 754 Parâmarsakâraņapakshatâvâda..! 755 Bhavânandî-Vyậptivâda ... 756 Mathurânâthi sharahasya. 757 Mûlamathurânâthî --Vyâptigra- | hopâya. 16 210 14 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 14 | Page #121 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only No. Name of Work. 758 | Mûlamathurânâthî 759 760 Sâmânyaniruktikroḍa Do. No. of leaves. 761 Muhurtachintamani 762 Svapnâdhyâya 65 Hetvâbhâsas. 13 CLASS XI.-NYAYA AND VAISESHIKA-continued. 8 44 Mathurânâtha Do. ∞ ∞ 18 APPENDIX I.-continued. 42 No. of No. of lines letters on each in each page. line. 00 8 12 47 ོར་ 763 3| Vaidyakayogachandrika... 150 | 7 | Author's Name. 53 CLASS XII-JYOTISHA. 11 24 |Râma 8 25 Brihaspati ... CLASS XIII.-VAIDYAKA OR MEDICINE. - 36 Lakshmana Age. REMARKS. Up to the end of Siddhântalakshana. Complete. Incomplete. Saka 1743. Complete. Do. Complete. 116 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #122 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CLASS XIV.-TANTRIKA LITERATURE. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 24 Siddhan â g â rjuna 481 26 / 29 9 mas. 764 Kakshapuțî .. ... 765 Devîpâjâprakaraṇa from Niga- 766 Bhavânîsahasranaman from Ru- drayâmala. 767 Mantraśâstra, a portion of a treatiso on. 768 Lakshmihridayastotra from Atharvanarahasya. 769 Lalitâsahasranaman Up to the end of Pa. tala XI. Complete. Śaka 1608 ... Leaf 11 wanting. Incomplete. Complete. Do. 23 8 For Private and Personal Use Only o 21 117 CLASS XV.—Śilra or Art. 26 18 | 47 | Anantabhatta, Śaka 1672 ... Complete. 770 | Kundamârtanda with comment-1 ary. CLASS XVIII.--WORKS IN THE VERNACULAR. 10 | 55 15 | 771 | Mahâvâkyapivarana ... 772 Vâkyavritti, a Commentary on.. 27 Jñânadeva ... . Leaves 1–4 wanting, Complete. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only अनुक्र माक APPENDIX I. -continued. भरतवर्षाधीश्वर्य मोहमयीप्रदेशे १८८२ - १८८३ ख्रिस्तवत्सरे संगृहीतानां पुस्तकानां सूचिः। ग्रन्थनाम. ar:. ३ ऊहगानं सामवेदस्य ४ ऊह्यगानं तस्यैव ५ ऋग्वेदपदानि - अष्टमाष्टकम् पत्र संख्या. १ | आथर्वणपूर्वोत्तरतापनीयोपनिषत्.... २१ २ आरण्यकोपनिषत् सांख्यायनशाखा- ६० ६ ६ केशिराजब्राह्मणम् -देवा ह वै. ७ गणशान्तिब्राह्मणमू ८ | पुरुषसूक्तं व्याख्यया सह अ - गुर्जर देशत: वर्ग: प्रथमः -- सोपनिषदो वेदाः ... ५३ ४ पृष्ठग- क्त तपङ्कि - ताक्षर - ग्रन्थकृतो नाम. संख्या. संख्या. 20 पाङग १२ २८ ९ २२ rof ४१४ ७ २४ ८२ ७ २७ ६६ १२ ३४ Rutor 8 ३३ ... ... ... ... लेखनकालः ... अवशिष्टं किमपिपूर्णे Sपूर्णो वा. प्रथमपत्रं नास्ति. प्रथमं पत्रद्वयं नैव अन्ते च कानिचित्पत्राणि न. संवत् १७१२ | १-२३ प्रपाठकाः - समग्रम्. संवत् १७०४ | १-६ प्रपाठकाः- समग्रम्. संवत् १५२० | ३३ पत्रं नास्ति. प्रथमपत्रं सप्तमाष्टकस्य. २१ पत्रस्याभावः समग्रम्. समग्रम. 118 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #124 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22 r ९ । मन्त्रब्राह्मणम् ( सामवेदस्य) ... १९ १० मुण्डकायुपनिषदः ११ यजुर्वेदे ब्रह्मोपनिषत् १२ | यजुर्वेदसंहिता वाजसनेयिनां पू. १३० १३ सैव १४ यजुर्वेदमन्त्रभाष्यम्-- अध्यायाः २-- १६० | १० २१. १५ तदेव-अध्यायाः १२-१८ ... ६१ ११ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra v_ उवटः स एव For Private and Personal Use Only संवत् १६१० | संपूर्णम्. संवत् १७४० संपूर्णाः. संवत् १८४४ | संपूर्णा. संवत् १५२८ संपूर्णम्. संवत् १७३६ | संपूर्णम्. ... |१-५,८-२५, अन्यानि च | पत्राणि न. १,२,३७-४८, ५५, ६७, ६१ पत्राणि न सन्ति. संवत् १४३१ / संपूर्णाः. सपूर्णम्. १५ पत्रस्याभावः संपूर्णः संपूर्णः संवत् १६७२/९९-१०७पत्राणि न सन्ति. . ७. अन्ते. 119 e स एव . १६ | तदेव-अध्यायाः १९-४० ... शतपथब्राह्मणम्-चतुर्थकाण्डम् ... १८ तदेव-पञ्चमकाण्डम् १९ । तदेव-षष्ठः काण्डः तदेव-अष्टमः काण्डः २१ तदेव-दशमः काण्डः २२ तदेव-स वै सत्येत्यादि ७२ | ८ | २५ 9 x v Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #125 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.-continued. पत्र-पृष्ठग- पङिगसंख्या.तपाङ्ग ताक्षर-| ग्रन्थकतो नाम. | लेखनकाल : Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक्रमाङ्कः ग्रन्थनाम. अवशिष्टं किमपि प? ऽपूर्णो वा. संख्या..' ताक्षर संख्या. संख्या १७ | २० ७. अन्ते. २३ । तदेव-नवमं काण्डम-हस्तिघट- काण्डम. २४ सामवेदरहस्योपनिषद् | १२ । ३७ संवत् १८०६ संपूर्णा. For Private and Personal Use Only 120 वर्गो द्वितीयः-वेदाङ्गानि. देवयाज्ञिकः २५ अनुक्रमणिकाभाष्यम् (वाजसनेयि- | १२ | ४२ नाम). २६ चरणव्यूहः ... ६ / ९ २४ २७ | शाढायनगृह्यस्मृतिविवरणम्. ... ७७ २८ | शिक्षा याज्ञवल्की ११ । ३७ / संवत् १६०२ आदिमान्यष्ट पत्राणि न सन्ति . | संवत् १९१४ | संपूर्णः संवत् १९४८११०,२७-३९ पत्राणि न सन्ति. ... संपूर्णा. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir याज्ञवल्क्यः Page #126 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 8904---16 For Private and Personal Use Only 422 » वर्गस्नृतीयः- इतिहासपुराणमाहात्म्यस्तोत्राणि. | अनुस्मृतिः ... ८) ८२० .. संपूर्णा आदिपुराणे वृन्दावनमाहात्म्यम. ... १७१ | १४ | ३४ संपूर्णम्. कार्तिकमाहात्म्यं पद्मपुराणे. ... ७७ | संवत् १७३७ संपूर्णम्. कायज्वलीव्रतकथा वामनपुराणे. ... ६ संवत् १८५८ संपूर्णा काशीखण्डः स्कान्दे सटीकः ... ३१४ रामानन्दः ... संपूर्णः केदारखण्डः स्कान्दे. संवत् १७७७ | संपूर्णः गणपतिखण्डो ब्रह्मवैवर्ते संवत् १८०९ संपूर्णः गयामाहात्म्यं वायुपुराणस्थश्वेतबारा हकल्पोक्तम्. गोत्रिरात्रकथा द्वितीयपत्राभावः गौतमीमाहात्म्यम् संपूर्णम. | चण्डपुराणम् एकविंशतिरध्यायाः सन्ति. ४० जगन्नाथमाहात्म्यम् संपूर्णम्. ४१ | तदेव संपूर्णम्-तालपत्रेषु लिखि तम्. १२ जितं ते स्तोत्रम् ... १२ । ७ / २५ ... संपूर्णम्. 121 संपूर्णम्. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #127 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only अनुक्र माङ: क ग्रन्थ नाम. ४३ || डङ्कपुरमाहात्म्यम् ४४ तुलसीमाहात्म्यम् ४५ तदेव ४६ देवीमहिम्नः स्तोत्रम् ४७ द्रौपदीवस्त्रहरणम् ४८ द्वारकामाहात्म्यं प्रल्हादसंहितायाम. ४९ द्वारकामाहात्म्यं स्कन्दपुराणे. ५० नागपञ्चमीव्रतकथा रुद्रयामले ११ ५२ | प्रभासखण्डम् ५३ । ब्रह्मखण्डं ब्रह्मवैवर्ते APPENDIX I. -- continued. पत्र संख्या. ... टउग-पाङग - क्त तपति ताक्षर संख्या. सख्या. ३८ १२ ३८ | १४ ७९ 10 ४० २४ १० २१ 10 १२ ४७ १३ २५ ५ पञ्चसूक्तम पुराणान्तर्गतानि सूक्ता न ११ १३ १३ २९१| ५६ ११ Ov of ३२ १९ ४९ ३९ ३० ३० ३८ ५० ग्रन्थकृतो नाम. ... दुर्वासाः : ... ... लेखनकालः अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णा Sपूर्णो वा. संवत् १८२७ संपूर्णम्. संपूर्णम्. संपूर्णम्. संपूर्णम्. संपूर्णम्. संवत् १८४९ संपूर्णम्. संवत् १९२९ त्रुटितम्संवत् १८३३ | संपूर्णा. ... संपूर्णम्. त्रुटितम्. संवत् १७९९ १-३० अध्यायाः ... 122 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #128 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra व्यासः स एव. स एव. स एव. :::::: : :: :: :: :: :: : ए " mov 2222 For Private and Personal Use Only स एव. ५४ | भगवद्गीतामाहात्म्यं वराहपुराणे.... ३ | ९ | ५५ | भागवतमाहात्म्यम् भारते सभापर्व भारत आरण्यपर्व भारत आरण्यपर्व भारते विराटपर्व भारत उद्योगपर्व भारते भीष्मपर्व भारते तदेव भारते कर्णपर्व ६३ भारते गदापर्व ६४ भारते मांसलपर्व ६५ भारते शान्तिपर्व-मोक्षधर्माः -आपद्धर्माः -राजधर्माः ६६ / भारत आनुशासनिकपर्व ६७ | भारत आश्रमवासिकपर्व स एव. संपूर्णम्. संपूर्णम. संपूर्णम्. संपूर्णम्. त्रुटितम्. संपूर्णम. संपूर्णम्. संपूर्णम्. त्रुटितम्. संवत् १६७४ संपूर्णम्. आदिमं पत्रद्वयं न. संपूर्णम्. ( संपूर्णम् संवत् १६१७ र संपूर्णम्. (त्रुटितम्. ... संपूर्णम्. ___... संपूर्णम्. 123 स एव. स एव. स एव. : : ___ स एव. स एव. स एव. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #129 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only अनुक्रभाङ्कः ग्रन्थनाम. ७४ तदेव सटीक म् ७५ | तदेव सटीकम् ७६ | रघुनाथव्रतकथा पत्र पृष्ठग- पङ्किगसंख्या. तपति ताक्षर संख्या. संख्या. ६८ भुवनेश्वरीस्तोत्रम् ११८ १० २० ६९ | मथुरामाहात्म्यं वाराहपुराणे. माघमाहात्म्यं वायुपुराणे. ७० १९१ २८ ७१ मार्कण्डेयपुराणम् २२६ । ३६ ७२ | योगवासिष्ठं सटीकम् । १-३ टीका | ४०० | १० संसार - चन्द्रिका | ४-६, तरणी. ७३ योगवासिष्ठसारं सटीकम ... APPENDIX I.-continued. ... ... १८ | १३ २४ ४१ ७१ ३३ C १० ४२ मू. पृथ्वीधराचार्यः टी. पद्मनाभः ग्रन्थकृतो नाम. ६१ ९ ४२ १४ २७ ७ २३ ... ... मू. वाल्मीकिः चन्द्रिका - आत्म सुखः टी. महीधरः टी. स एव. टी. स एव. ... लेखनकाल: अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो ऽपूणों वा. संपूर्णम्. संवत् १८६६ | संपूर्णम्. संवत् १७५७ | संपूर्णम्. संवत् १६१९ | त्रुटितम् संपूर्णम्. ... संपूर्ण म. संवत् १७३० संपूर्णम्. संवत् १७७५ | संपूर्णम्. संवत १७४८ आद्यानि त्रयोदश पत्राणि न 12-4 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #130 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ७७ | ललितासहस्त्रनामस्तोत्रम् वामनपुराणम् .... २४५ १२ । | विष्णुवृद्धसहस्रनाम पद्मपुराणे ... २० ९/ व्यङ्कटगिरिमाहात्म्यं वाराहपुराणे. | ६३ | शिवगीता पद्मपुराणान्तर्गता. ... ३३ | संपूर्णम्. संवत १७१४ संपूर्णम. संवत् १७५९ संपूर्णम्, संपूर्णम्. संवत् १७७५ संपूर्णा. संपूर्णा. संपूर्णा. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra |सैव शिष्टगीता ८४ | हरिगुरुस्तवमाला निम्बार्कशिष्यः १० ३३ | राधिकादासः | संपूर्णा. For Private and Personal Use Only 125 งะ : : : : Verm वर्गश्चतुर्थः--धर्मशास्त्रम. | आचारप्रदीपः ७४ | १० | ३२ नागदेवः संवत् १६१८ संपूर्णः उपनयन कर्मपद्धतिः | १० | २४ संवत् १८३२ संपूर्णा. उपवीतकर्म संवत् १७९१ संपूर्णम्. कर्मप्रदीपः कर्मविपाकः संवत् १८११ / १-१२ अध्यायाः कालनिर्णयः माधवाचार्यः । ... संपूर्णः । ९१ | कालनिर्णयदीपिकाविवरणम्. ... १७२ ९ | ३० । नृसिंहाचार्यः संवत् १६२१ । ५९,६० पत्रयोरभावः त्राणामभावः Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #131 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.--continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक्र ग्रन्थनाम. पृष्ठग-पङिगसंख्या. तपाड-ताक्षर- ग्रन्थकतो नाम लेखनकाल: संख्या. संख्या. अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो ऽपूर्णो वा. माङ्क ९२ रामचन्द्र For Private and Personal Use Only 126 ... कालनिर्णयदीपिकाविवरणम. १० ६७ नृसिंहाचार्यः संवत् १६९१ खण्डितम्. ९३ कृत्यरत्नावली | संवत् १८२७ | संपूर्णा. ९४ | ग्रहपीठमाला अपादेवः | संवत् १८०४ संपूणी. ९५ | ग्रहशान्तिपद्धतिः वसिष्ठः | संवत् १८०१ । संपूर्णा. संवत् १६०७ ४०–१३७ पत्राणि । ज्ञानभास्करः १७५-२६२ पत्राणि । १४८-१८९ पत्राणि । मध्ये कतिचिन्न. ९७ | ज्ञानभास्करे विधवाधर्मप्रकरणम्. १२० ११ । संपूर्णम. ९८ | त्रिंशच्छोकी सटीका ३३ / २८ संवत् १९९६ | संपूर्णा. ९९ दशश्लोकीविवरणम् १२ २२ भट्टोजिदीक्षितः संपूर्णम्. १०० धर्मतत्त्वसंग्रहः ... २८८) ९ ३७ । महादेवः । | अन्ते खाण्डतः Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #132 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only १०१ | नवग्रहमखशान्तिः १०२ | निबन्धनवनीतम् १०३ | प्रयोगपद्धतिः १११ | रुद्रकल्पतरुनिबन्धः ११२ | रुद्रावधानम ११३ ११४ | संस्कारपद्धति: ११५ संस्कार भास्करः १०४ | प्रायश्चित्तमयूखः १०९ | मिताक्षरायां प्रथमोध्यायः . १७४ १०६ | मिताक्षरायां द्वितीयतृतीयाध्यायौ . १२९ १०७ मिताक्षरायां व्यवहाराध्यायः १०८ मिताक्षरायां प्रायश्चित्ताध्यायः १०९ | याज्ञवल्क्यधर्मशास्त्रम् ११० राघवानन्दा मनुस्मृतिव्याख्य. षड रुद्रजपभाष्य पू ग 20 ११६ | संध्याभाष्यम् ११७ / संन्यासनिर्णयविवरणम् ३३ ...१७५ 10 ५४ ८० २६६ २६२ ११ २५ १२४ co vo V V Y 104 10 of O of V u m m o ३५ ५६ 2 သ ३४ ३२ २४ रामजित. गङ्गाधर. नीलकण्ठः विज्ञानेश्वरः संवत् १६४३ | संपूर्णा. संवत् १६७३ १०-१२ पत्राभावः संपूर्णा. संवत् १८०६ संपूर्ण: संपूर्णः स एव. संवत ११३१ संपूर्णी. स एव. संपूर्ण: विज्ञानेश्वरः संपूर्ण: याज्ञवल्क्यः संवत १७०९ | संपूर्णम्. राघवानन्दः : आदिममन्तिमानि च षट् पत्राणि न सन्ति विश्वेश्वरपुत्रः संवत् १८०१ संवत् १८४० महीदासभट्टः संवत् १७७८ संपूर्णम्. गङ्गाधरः संवत् १६५० संपूर्णा. खण्डभट्टः संपूर्ण: संपूर्णम्. शक १७२५ | संपूर्णः संवत् १८४४ संपूर्णम्. प्रथमपत्राभावः 127 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #133 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.--continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक्र ग्रन्थनाम. पत्र- पृष्ठग- पङ्किग संख्या तपात ताक्षर- ग्रन्थकतो नाम. लेखनकाल: संख्या. संख्या. माङ्कः अवशिष्टं किमापि पूर्णो ऽपूर्णो वा. For Private and Personal Use Only संपूर्णा. रुद्रदेवः शक १७१८ | संपूर्णा. शंकरः संवत् १७६५ । संपूर्णा. ... संपूर्णम्. ... संपूर्णम्. नीलकण्ठः संवत् १८०९ संपूर्णः कान्हडसुतः । संवत् १८६५ संपूर्णः याज्ञिकदेवणभट्टः संपूर्णा. 128 ११८ | संन्यासपद्धतिः ११९ | संन्यासपद्धतिः प्रतापनारसिंहे १२० संन्यासपद्धातः १२१ | संन्यासविधानम् १२२ । संन्यासिसमाराधनम् १२३ | समयमयूखः १२४ | सारसंग्रह:-कर्मविपाकशास्त्रम्. ... १२५ | स्मृतिचन्द्रिका वैष्णवधर्मशास्त्रम्. १२६ | दीक्षामासादिविचारः १२७ | भागवतपुराणमञ्जरी १२८ । संन्यासपद्धतिः :: : | संपूर्णः संवत् १६७९ | १८ पत्र नैव. ९ । ३२ निम्बार्कशिष्यः । ... संपूर्णा Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #134 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ घर्गः पञ्चमः-काव्यनाटककथाख्यायिकाः Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Qw 4904-17 रामचन्द्र: For Private and Personal Use Only १२९ । अमरुशतकस्य टीका काकसंभवः प्रथमाने घट् पत्राणि न । अन्ते च कानिचित्. आर्याविज्ञप्तिः संवत् १७७१ | संपूर्णा. १३१ | आर्यास्तुतिः .... ८ | १० | ३८ | संपूर्णा १३२ | करुणालहरी जगन्नाथः संवत् १७९३] | संपूर्णा. १३३ | कर्णानन्दप्रकाशिनी टीका कृष्णली. ७३ ३२-३५,६४,६९ पत्राणि लाख्यकाव्यस्य. न सन्ति अन्ते खण्डितः १३४ | कादम्बरी ...२९६ / ८ बाणः अन्तिमानि कतिचित्पत्राणि गतानि. १३५ ...२८० | १० स एव. १३६ | किरातार्जुनीयकाव्यटीका प्रसन्नसा ११० | १५ | एकनाथः |९-१७ सर्गा अष्टादशस्य च हित्यचन्द्रिकानाम्नी. १३७ | किरातार्जुनीयकाव्यटीका ११ | १८ | लोकानन्दः संवत् १९२२ प्रथमसर्गः । अन्ते खण्डितः १३८ | कुमारसंभवकाव्यम् ... २१ | १३ | ३८ | कालिदासः संवत् १७९७ | सप्त सर्गाः सन्ति. 129 तथैव. किंचित. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #135 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.--continued Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक्र पृष्ठग- पङिगमयमा ताक्षर- ग्रन्थकृतो नाम. | लेखनकाल: संख्या संख्या. अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो ऽपूर्णो वा. ग्रन्थनाम. पत्र- तपाक्त ताक्षर १३९/ कुमारसंभवकाव्यं सुखावबोधाख्यटी- ८७ | १७ कासहितम. १४०/ खण्ड प्रशस्तिव्याख्या तिलकनाम्नी. ४४ । For Private and Personal Use Only 130 १४१] गीतगोविन्दं सटीकम् १४२ गीतराघवम् १४३| चौरपञ्चाशिका २४४ नृसिंहचम्पूः १४५/ नैषधकाव्यटीका | मू० कालिदासः अष्ट सर्गाः सन्ति । | टी. अज्ञातः गङ्गादासो ज्ञानान आद्यन्त पत्रे न स्तः न्टापरनामा. ५० | टी. नारायणः | संवत १७०६ | द्वादश सर्गाः। प्रथमपत्रा भावः आद्यपत्रत्रयं नास्ति. प्रभाकरः २४ । बिल्हणः संपूर्णा. केशवः संवत् १८५४ | संपूर्णा. ईशानदेवः ... आद्यश्लोकत्रयविहीनः षष्ठः सर्ग: नरहरिः | संपूर्णा-२२ सर्गाः ४० संवत १५३४ प्रथमपत्रद्वयाभावः १४६ नैषधकाव्यटीका १९७ पञ्चतन्त्रम् १५८ २१ । Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ... १२१ ११ Page #136 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private and Personal Use Only १९८१ पद्यरचना १. । ३२ । लक्ष्मणभट्टः ... १-२३ पत्रााणे न । अन्ते खण्डिता. १४९ प्रबोधचन्द्रोदयः कृष्णमिश्रः | संवत् १६७६ संपूर्णः १५० भामिनीविलासः जगन्नाथः | संवत् १८९२ संपूर्णः १५१/ भावशतकम् नागराअनृपः संपूर्णम. १५२/ भैरवनवरसरत्नम् दीननाथसूरिः संपूर्णम्. १६३ भोजप्रबन्धः बल्लालः संवत् १७१९ संपूर्णः १५४ माधवानलकथानकम |संवत् १८२१ | संपूर्णम्. १५५/ तदेव आनन्दाधरः | संवत् १६१० संपूर्णम् . १५६ मेघदूतकाव्यम् कालिदासः संवत् १६४२ , १५७/ मेघदूतकाव्यस्य टीका | संवत् १६१७ | संपर्णा. १५८ मेघदूत काव्यस्य टीका ... संवत् १६२६ खण्डिता. १५९ मेघदूत काव्यपनिका लक्ष्मीनिवासः संवत् १७५९ संपूर्णा. १६० मेघदूतकाव्यस्य पञ्जिका मेघलता. | संपूर्णा. १६१ रघुवंशदर्पणम् ३६ हेमाद्रिरीश्वरसूनः | ५-१५ सर्गाः १६२/ रघुवंशसंक्षेपः १६३/ रससर्वस्वम् ... २९ ७ २१ विठ्ठलेश्वरः संपूर्णम्. १६४/ राघवपाण्डवीयकान्यम् .. ५० । ९ । ३५ । कविराजः | संपूर्णम. 131 संपूर्णः Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #137 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.--continued Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक्र अवशिष्टं किमाप पूर्णो ऽपूर्णो वा. ग्रन्थनाम. पृष्ठग-पतिग ख्या. तपात ताक्षर- ग्रन्थकृतो नाम. | लेखनकाल: संख्या संख्या. माङ्क: १६५/ राघव पाण्डवीयस्य टोका ... १५३ १० १६६/ रामशतकम् १२ १० १६७/ विदग्धमाधवनाटकं प्रसन्नराघवं च- २४ ९ orm शशधरः सोमेश्वरः जयदेवः For Private and Personal Use Only १६० विद्धशालभञ्जिकानाटकम् ... १४ १३ / ४० । राजशेखरः संवत् १६७० | संपूर्णा. संवत् १६७२ संपर्णम. १-१४ प्रसन्नराघवम् । ६८-७८ विदग्धमाधवम् । उभयमपि त्रुटितम् । अद्वयं संपूर्ण तृतीयश्च त्राटितः। स्खण्डिता। संपूर्णा. संपूर्ण म. संवत् १६८० द्वितीय पत्राभाव: संवत् १७३९ १-४ पत्राणि न. संपूर्णः ... संपूर्णः ३ १६९/ बिल्हणपञ्चाशिका १७० वेतालपञ्चविंशति का १७१ शिशुपालवधकाव्यम १७२ शङ्कारशतकम् १७३ तस्य टीका १७४/ सीतास्वयंवरो हनुमन्नाटकान्तर्गतः १७५/ सुधालहरी बिल्हणः शिवदासः माघः अमरुः Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ३० } पण्डितराजः Page #138 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ १७६ | सूर्यशतकं सटीकम् ... ७४ ११ । ३८ | मू.-मयूरः । | टी.-त्रिभुवनः | २३-४१पत्राणि न । अन्ते च कानिचित Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra वर्गः षष्ठः-व्याकरणशास्त्रम्. ३० संपूर्णः | संपूर्ण: For Private and Personal Use Only १७७ कविकल्पदुमः १७८ कारकविचारः १७९ धातुपाठः १८० परिभाषार्थमञ्जरी १८१ सेव १८२ प्राकृतप्रकाशः 133 बोपदेवः ३२ । शेषचक्रपाणिः पाणिनिः संवत् १७३६ संपूर्णः भीमः संपूर्णा. स एव त्रुटिता. मू. वरहाचेः १-< परिच्छेदाः वृत्ति-भामहः असंपूर्णः ईश्वरानन्दः खण्डितम्. पतञ्जलिः प्रथमपादं विना समग्रम. संपूर्णाः कात्यायन: | संवत् १८२६ | संपूर्णः ८४८ नागेशभट्टः संपूर्णा. रामकृष्णभट्टः | संवत् १८४८ षडलिङ्गादि तद्धितान्तम. १८३ प्राकृतसंस्कारः १८४ भाष्यप्रदीपविवरणम् १८५, महाभाष्यं सकैयटम् १८६ मूलपरिभाषाः १८७ वार्तिकपाठः १८८/ वैयाकरणसिद्धान्तमञ्जूषा. १८९| वैयाकरणसिद्धान्तरत्नाकरः- | कौमुद्रीव्याख्या 220422222 । Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I. - continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक्र पत्र पृष्ठग-पङिगसंख्या.तपाङ्गताक्षर- ग्रन्थकृतो नाम. संख्या संख्या. ग्रन्थनाम. अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो ऽपूर्णो वा. लेखनकाल: माङ्क: For Private and Personal Use Only 22 134 १९० लघुशब्दरत्नं कारकान्तम् ३८ हरिदीक्षितः संपूर्णम्. १९१/ लघुशब्देन्दुशेखरटीका कारकान्ता. ४०७ वैद्यनाथ: | संवत् १८६५ संपूर्णा. १९२ शब्दकौस्तुभव्याख्या नवाहिक्याः... संवत् १८९० | संपूर्णा. १९३ सारस्वत टीका ... ... रामभट्टः खण्डिता. १९४| सारस्वतटीका सारदीपिका ... सप्त पत्राणि न. १९५ सिद्धान्तकौमुदी ... ... भट्टोजिदीक्षित: पूर्वकृदन्तान्ता. १९६/ सैव-वैदिकीस्वरलिङ्गानुशासनानि. __ स एव. संपूर्णानि. १९७ सिद्धान्तकौमुदीवैदिकीव्याख्या ... ३८ जयकृष्णः संपूर्णा. १९८ सिद्धान्तकौमुदीस्वरटीका ... ३९ | १५ | ४४ स एव. | संपूर्णा. वर्गः सप्तमः-कोशाः १९९ अनेकार्थध्वनिमञ्जरी .... ११ | ११ | ३२ | महाक्षपणकः । संवत् १८२० | संपूर्णा. २००) अमरकोशद्वितीयकाण्डटीका ... २१८ | ११ | ४७ | भानुदीक्षितः संवत् १७०६ / संपूर्णा. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #140 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only २०१| नाममाला २०२ महीप कोशापरनामशब्दरत्नाकरस्या- २१ नेकार्थतिलकः २०३| मातृका निघण्टः २०४ | अनङ्गरङ्गः २०५ | काव्यप्रकाशः २०६ स एव. २०७ तस्य टीका. २०८ सेव ४ ४९ ७३ १६६ १९ १५ १४ २०९ सैव सारबोधिनी ७९ २१० काव्यालंकार शिशुप्रबोधः ५२ २११| कुवलयानन्दकारिकाः सव्याख्यानाः १२ १ वष्टम : - छन्दोऽलंकारशास्त्रे. ० ४० ५२ ܘܐ ३२ २१ १० १० ७ २८ १६ ४० ३७ or धनंजयः महीपः महीदासः ४९ कल्याणमल्लः संवत् १६६४ संपूर्ण: मम्मटः स एव. जयरामः परमानन्दः ४० वत्सलाञ्छनः २३ | पुञ्जराजनृपतिः संपूर्णा. संपूर्ण: सवन १८०८ | संपूर्ण : शक १५८२ संपूर्ण: संवत् १७५३ | नादिमं पत्रम्. ... ... : त्रुटितातीव. तृतीयोल्लासमध्यान्ता | ५१ - ६६ पत्राणि नोपलब्धानि . ४-७ उल्लासा: अष्टमाध्यायपर्यन्तः । मध्ये नष्टानि पत्राणि । संपूर्णा: 135 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #141 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only अनुक्र- | माङ्कः ग्रन्थनाम. ९१२ पिङ्गलशास्त्रं प्राकृतभाषायाम्. २१३ | तदेव सटीकम् २१४| रतिरहस्यम्. २१५ रसमञ्जरी सटीका २१६ | वृत्तिवार्तिकम्. २१७| शृङ्गारतिलकः APPENDIX I.. -- continued. पत्र सख्या. ... पृष्ठग- पाडग क्त तपङि क्त ताक्षर | ग्रन्थकृता नाम. संख्या. संख्या. | २६ १० ३६ पिङ्गलाचार्य: १० १३ ५८ १५ १२२ १२ १३ १२ res ३० ४४ ४८ ४६ मू. स एव टी. मनोहर कृष्णः श्रीकुक्कोकः मू. भानुः टी. अनन्तपण्डितः अप्पदीक्षितः रुद्रभट्टः लेखनकाल: अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो पूर्णो ना. आदिमं पत्रं नास्ति । कीटै विलुप्तानि च कानिचित्प त्राणि. अल्पांशमात्रम. संवत् १७१९ | १५ पत्रं नास्ति, संवत् १८१७ | संपूर्णा. संपूर्णम्. संवत् १६५४ तृतीयपरिच्छेदपर्यन्तः. १, ४, पत्रे न. 136 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #142 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra : B904-18 २१८ सांख्यतत्त्व कौमुदी. २१९ सैव. २२० योगचिन्तामणिः वर्गो नवमः-सांख्ययोगौ. २० । ८ । ६३ । वाचस्पति मिश्रः ... १-६,२३, पत्राणि न सन्ति. ... ३६ / १३ / ४० स एव. संवत् १७३२ संपूर्णा. | १० | २४ गोरक्षमिश्रः ११७२१प्रमा- संपूर्णः दोयामिति भाति।१७७२ इत्यवश्यम्. १५ । १६ ४८ स्वात्मारामयोगी. संपूर्णा. : २२१) हठप्रदीपिका. For Private and Personal Use Only 137 वर्गो दशमः-वेदान्तशास्त्रम्. अ-शंकराचार्यसंप्रदायः २२२) अद्वैतविवेकः सटीक १० ३६ टी. रामकृष्णः | __... संपूर्णः २२३ अद्वैतामृतम् १० | २६ जगन्नाथसरस्वती. संवत् १७३९ पञ्चमकवलपर्यन्तम्. २२४ तदेव सटीकम् मू. स एव द्वितीयकवलपर्यन्तम्. २२५) आत्मबोधः सटिप्पणः । ६ २४ । मू. शंकराचार्यः संपूर्णः २२६ आथर्वणमुण्डकोपनिषद्भाष्यम् ... २२ । १७ / ११ / शंकराचार्यः । | संपूर्णम्. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #143 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.-continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक्र ग्रन्थनाम. | पृष्ठग-पङिगपत्रसंख्या. ताक्षर तपङि-" | ग्रन्थकतो नाम. लेखनकाल: संख्या. संख्या. अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो ऽपूर्णो वा. माङ्क: शंकराचार्य : ... संपूर्णानि. For Private and Personal Use Only २२७ ईशके नकठप्रश्नमण्डै तरेयतैत्तिरीयोपः २४ । १४ ७० निषदां भाष्याणि. २२८ ईशावास्यभाष्यम् २२९ तदेव ... १७ ७ । २८ २३० तदेव ... ९, १२, ३२ २३१/ उपदेशसाहस्री सटीका (पद्यबन्धः) १२४ / 138 स एव. | संवत् १८१६ संपूर्णम्. स एव. संवत् १८१६ संपूर्णम्. स एव. संपूर्णम्. मू. शंकराचार्य: संवत् १८४२ संपूर्णा. टी. रामतीर्थः मू. शंकराचार्यः संपूर्णा. टो. रामतीर्थः दी. नारायणः | अन्ते खण्डितो ग्रन्थ ... संपूर्णम्. २३२/ उपदेशसाहस्री सटीका (गद्य बन्धः ) ४६ | २३३ उपनिषद: सदीपिकाः ... ६७७ १०४० २३४ ओंकारमाहात्म्यं गीतासारापरनाम. ४ | १० | ४२ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #144 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ : Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra : :: For Private and Personal Use Only २३६ गोविन्दविलास: । ३२ | गोविन्दरामः । संवत् १८४० संपूर्णः २३६ चित्रदीपः सटीकः ९ ४३ / मू. विद्यारण्यः ... संपूर्ण: टी. रामकृष्णः २३७ तत्वावबोधः १६ / ४४ वासुदेवेन्द्राशेष्यः संपूर्णः २३८ तप्तिदीपः सटीकः ३९ । म. विद्यारण्यः संपूर्णः टी. रामकृष्णः २३९, तैत्तिरीयोपनिषद्भाष्यम् शंकराचार्यः संवत् १७४१ | संपूर्णम्. २४० दत्तगीता ... २४ ९ २८ दत्तात्रेय: अष्ट प्रकरणानि. २४१ द्वादशमहावाक्यविवरणम् संपूर्णम. २४२ पञ्चकोशविवेकः सटीकः मू. विद्यारण्यः संपूर्णः टी. रामकृष्णः २४३ पञ्चीकरणवार्तिकम् ... ३ १२ । ३४ । सुरेश्वराचार्यः संपूर्णम्. २४४ पञ्चीकरणवार्तिकं द्वादशमहावाक्य-५८ २८ शंकराचार्यः संपूर्णानि. सिद्धान्तो महावाक्यार्थश्च. २४५ प्रणवकल्पः ... २१ ... संपूर्णः २४६ प्रबोधमञ्जरी ....१३ । ११ । ३२ । वैकुण्ठः । ... संपूर्णा. 139 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #145 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.-continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक्र माङ्क: ग्रन्थनाम. | पत्र पृष्ठग- पङिगसंख्या.तपात ताक्षर| ग्रन्थकृतो नामः | लेखनकाल: संख्या संख्या अवशिष्टं किमाप पूर्णो ऽपूर्णो वा. For Private and Personal Use Only 140 २४७| बहदारण्यकभाष्यम् ... १६४| ११ | ४६ शंकराचार्य: ... | १-१६ पत्राणि न । अष्टमा. ध्यायश्च तृतीय ब्राह्म णान्तः २४८ तस्यैव टीका ... ३५३| १० | ५० | आनन्द ज्ञानः । संवत् १७२७ / संपूर्णा । कानिचित्पत्राणि कीटकविलुप्तानि. २४९ तस्यैव वार्तिकम् ४६३ ९ १० । सुरेश्वराचार्यः । संवत् १७२८ संपूर्णम. २५० बृहदारण्यकवातिकटीका षष्ठाध्यायः- ४०९७ २५ आनन्द ज्ञानः | संवत् १७७१ सपूर्णः २५१ ब्रह्मसूत्राणि . ... २४ ६ २४ बादरायणः संपूर्णानि. २५२ भगवद्गीता सभाण्या ३५ । भा. शंकराचार्यः | संवत् १४६८ | संपूर्णा. २५३ सैव तथैव ... १६५/ १४ | ३३ भा. स एव । ... संपूर्णा. २५४ भगवद्गीता सटीका ... १०८ १९ ३५ टी. श्रीधरः ... संपूर्णा. २५५/ सैव तथैव १२ । ४० । टी. स एव । संवत् १७४५ | संपूर्णा. १३७ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #146 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .... सपूणः संपूर्णः २५६ महावाक्यार्थः • ४१० | २४ । शंकराचार्यः । २५७ महावाक्यविवेकः सटीकः .... ४१० ३७ म. विद्यारण्यः टी. रामकृष्णः २५८ मानसोल्लास:--दक्षिणामूर्तिस्तोत्रटी- २६१०२६ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra डा. ... संपूर्णः For Private and Personal Use Only 141 २५९ स एव संवत् १७३५ खण्डितः २६० यज्ञवैभवखण्डे ब्रह्मगीता सटीका... १२१ टी. माधवाचार्यः संवत् १८८९ संपूर्णा. २६१ विवेकचूडामाणः ... २७/ १२ शंकराचार्यः । संपूर्णः २६२ वेदान्तपरिभाषा. ... ३२ १३ धर्मराजभट्टः संपूर्णा. २६३ तस्याष्टीका. रामकृष्ण : | अपूर्णा. २६४ वेदान्तप्रकरणानि सटीकानि. ८० १८३ मू. विद्यारण्यः संवत् १७२१ मध्ये कानिचित्पत्राणि न. टी. रामकृष्णः २६५ वेदान्तसारटीका २१ नृसिंहसरस्वती. संपूर्णा. २६६ शांकरभाष्यटीका आनन्द ज्ञान ः संवत् १८१२ प्रथमपत्राभावः २६७ शिवतत्त्वविवेकः | संवत् १८२२ संपूर्णः २६८ संक्षेपशारीरकम् ... २८ १० ४५ सर्वज्ञात्ममहामुनिः | अन्तिमाध्यायद्वयम्. २६९ तस्य टीका .... ८/१० २७ । रामतीर्थः । चतुर्थाध्यायः و ته سه ۹ 0 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #147 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only अनुक्र माङ ग्रन्थनाम. २७० | भक्तिरत्नावली २७१ सैव २७२ भक्तिसिद्धान्तविवृतिः २७३ | विवेकधैर्याश्रयविवृतिः २७४ | समर्पणगद्यार्थः २७५] विष्णुभक्ति चन्द्रादयः APPENDIX I.-continued. पत्रसंख्या. ४० ४७ ११ ४ १ १८ पृष्ठगत-पडिग पडि फ संख्या. रसंख्या इ. - वल्लभ मध्व संप्रदायौ. < ef of त ताक्ष- ग्रन्थकृतो नाम. 10 ३२ १८ ३४ १०१/११ | २८ विष्णुपुरी स एव गोकुलनाथः गोकुल्टोत्सव : वल्लभ : नृसिंहारण्यः लेखनकाल : अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो ऽ पूर्णो वा. संपूर्णा. संवत् १७१२ | संपूर्ण. संपूर्णा. संपूर्णा. संवत् १७८९ संपूर्णः ... १- ३, ५, ७-१५, १७ १९ पत्राण्यन्ते च कानेि चित्र, 142 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #148 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ वर्ग एकादश:-वैशेषिकन्यायशास्त्रे. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra २७६ अनुमानमञ्जरीसारः ... २१ ११ ३८ यादवः संपूर्णः ३२ । २७७ चषकतात्पर्यटीका ... २५६ ७ २७८ चिन्तामाणिप्रकाशः'-अनुमानखण्ड- १४० ११ ग गङ्गारामः रुचिदत्तः संपूर्णा. संपूर्ण म. For Private and Personal Use Only २७९ स एव-प्रत्यक्षखण्डम् २८० चिन्तामणिटीका खण्डितम् . अर्था पत्त्यन्ता. 143 .... १६९ १० स एव. ... २६९ १० १६ व्याप्तिरहस्यान्तं मथुरानाथः। गदाधरापि ततोनन्तरमापत्तिपर्य न्तम्. ९ १४ २९ विश्वनाथाश्रमः गोवर्धनः २८१ तर्कदीपिका २८२ तर्कभाषाप्रकाशः २८३) सएव संपूर्णा. संपूर्णः Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir स एव. Page #149 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.--continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुका माङ्क - पृएग- पाङिग संख्या तथा ताक्षर- ग्रन्थकतो नाम. लेखनकाल; ख्या संख्या. अवशिष्टं किपपि पूर्णो ऽपूर्णो वा. ग्रन्थनाम. - चिन्नभट्टः For Private and Personal Use Only 144 २८४)तर्कभाषाविवरणम् २८५, तर्कभाषाप्रकाशिका २८६) पदार्थचन्द्रिका सप्तपदार्थीटीका... २८७ सैव २८८ भाषापरिच्छेदः २८९, सप्तपदार्थी २९० सैव २९१ सप्तपदा टीका २९२) सिद्धान्तमुक्तावली ... ७१ माधव भट्टः संवत् १६६२ संपूर्णम्. आवपत्रे न. शेषानन्तः संपूर्णा. स एव | संवत् १६८५ संपूर्णा. विश्वनाथपञ्चाननः संवत् १७६३ संपूर्णः शिवादित्यः संवत् १७५१ संपूर्णा. स एव. संपूर्णा जिनवर्धनमूरिः संवत् १७५८ संपूर्णा. ९ ३४ विश्वनाथपञ्चाननः ... संपूर्णा. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #150 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 61-7064 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private and Personal Use Only घर्गो द्वादशः--ज्योतिषशास्त्रम्. २९३ करणकुतूहलं ग्रहागमकुतूहलापर- १५ (३२ भास्करः | संवत् १७८९ संपूर्णम्. संज्ञकन. . २९४ तदेव स एव संवत् १६०७ संपूर्ण म्. २९८ तदेव १४ ९ ३२ स एव संवत् १८७० संपूर्णम्. २९६ तदेव सटीकम् ... ५६ । टी. सोढलः संवत १५१९ संपूर्णम्. २९७ तदेव नामदोटीकया सहितमं. टो. पद्मनाभः संवत् १७९६ | संपूर्णम्. २९८ तव सटीकं सोदाहरणं च । ४० शंकर कविः संवत् १८०२ | संपूर्णम्. २९९ करणप्रकाशः २८ चन्द्रभट्टसुतब्रह्मदेवः संवत् १६८२ | संपूर्णः ३०० कामधेनुपद्धाते : १६ पत्र न. ३०१ सेव | संवत् १७२६ र पूर्णाः ३०२ केशवीपद्धत्युदाहरणम् संवत् १९०९ संपूर्णम्. ३०३ खेटकसिद्धिः दिनकरः | संवत् १७९६ संपूर्णा. ३०४ ग्रहचिन्तामणिः श्रीनाथः संवत् १८२४ संपूर्णः ३०५, ग्रहयोगिनीदशा ... संपूर्णा. ३०६, ग्रहलाघवस्यादाहरणम् ...६९ । १४ ।२६ । विश्वनाथः संवत् १८०३ | संपूर्णम्. 145 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #151 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only अनुक्रमाङ. क ग्रन्थनाम. ३१० | चमत्कार चिन्तामणि : ३११ जातककर्मपद्धति : ३१२ तस्य टीका ३१३ | जातकचन्द्रिका ३१४ | जातक पद्धति विवरणम् ३१५ जातकालंकारकर्म ३१६ ज्योती रत्नमाला सटीका ३०७ चण्डेश्वरजात के नातकाष्टकवर्ग : २६ ३०८ चन्द्रार्की ३०९ चन्द्रोन्मीलिनी : ... ... पत्र संख्या. co APPENDIX I.-continued. ४० १७ पृष्ठग पडिग त तपति ताक्षर ग्रन्थकृतो नाम. संख्या. संख्या. १३ २४ ९ २७ ३२ १० ९ १३ २४ < २० १३ २५ १२ २४ ३२ ४० २२ २५ १४ २ १८ १४ १३८| १२ | ३६ दिनकर : श्रीपति : माधवः याज्ञिकनाथः केशवः श्रीशुकः मू. श्रीपतिः टी. महादेवः लेखनकालः संवत् १८१४ | संपूर्णः ... अवशिष्टं किमापे पूर्णो sपूर्णो वा. संपूर्णा. चत्वारिंशत्पलानि. ...* संवत् १८४१ | भावाध्यायः संवत् १७९९ | संपूर्णा. .... संवत् १६४६ | संपूर्णा. संवत् १८०९ | संपूर्णा. संवत् १८०३ | संपूर्णम्. संपूर्णम्. संवत् १६६५ | संपूर्णा. 146 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #152 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra स एव For Private and Personal Use Only ३१७/ टोडरानन्दान्तर्गतज्योति:सुखसंहिता- १७१ ११ | ३० । तोडरवर्माः । संवत् १६७२ संपूर्णः स्कन्धः ३१० ताजिक कौस्तुभः बालकृष्णः संवत् १७९७ संपूर्णः ३१९ स एवं स एव संपूर्णः ३२० ताजिकतन्त्रसार : ... २४ । १२ । ५० समरसिंहः . प्रथमपत्राभावः ३२१ ताजिकतन्त्रसारो गणकभूषणापर शक १४५८ संपूर्णः नामा. ३२२ स एव-तृतीयाध्यायः ___... १४ ९ २१ स एव संवत् १४९१ संपूर्ण: ३२३ ताजिकसारः संपूर्णः ३२४ ताजिकसारो मणित्थताजिकग्रन्थश्च. | द्विती० मणित्था ... संपूर्णी. चार्यः ३२५ ताजिकसारोद्धारः वामनः संवत् १८२५ संपूर्णः ३२६ ताजिकालंकारः सूर्यदैवज्ञः | संपूर्णः ३२७ दैवज्ञालं कृतेः तेज:सिंहः संवत् १८०३ संपूर्णा. ३२८ द्वादशभावाविचारः संवत, १६७२ संपूर्णः ३२९ ध्रुवभ्रमणयन्त्रम् ... ५१०२२ यज्ञः संपूर्णम्. ३३० नक्षत्रज त कादिभावफलम् ... ९ १० | ३२ खंडितम. ३३ / नरपतिजयचर्या ... १५४ १३ | ४० । नरपातः । संवत् १६४४ संपूर्णा, 147 س ०० १२/२४ mom Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #153 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX 1.--continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक प ठग- पागसंख्या.तपाङ ताक्षर-ग्रन्थकतो नाम. | लेखनकाल: सख्या. संख्या. अवशिष्टं किमपि पूणों ऽपूर्णो वा. ग्रन्थनाम. M 90 m ३३२ नावीपः ३३३ पञ्चाक्षिप्रश्नग्रन्थः ३३४ पञ्चशनिर्णयः ३३६/ पातसारणी सटीका For Private and Personal Use Only 148 ३३६ पारसीप्रकाशः ३३७/ प्रश्नज्ञानम् ३३८ प्रभज्ञानम् ३३९ प्रश्न दीपिका ३४० प्रश्नोष्णवम् ३४ ९ बृहज्जातकम् केशवः संवत् १७९६ संपूर्ण: संवत् १८१३ संपूर्णः प्रजापतिदासः | संवत् १८८१ संपूर्णः | मू. गणेशः संपूर्णा. टी. विश्वनाथः वेदाङरायः संपूर्णः भोजदेवः प्रथमपत्रं विना. ब्रह्मार्कः | संपूर्णम्. काशीनाथः | संवत् १७२८ संपू. सिद्धनारायणः ... प्रथमपत्राभाव: ३० | १० | ३८ ] वराहमिहिरः । ... संपूर्णम्. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #154 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only ३४२ | बृहज्जातक विवरणम् ३४३ बृहज्जातकं सटकम् ३४४ | अतुल्यटिप्पणम् ३४५ ब्रह्मसिद्धान्तःशाकल्यसंहितायाम् ३४६ भटतुल्यनामा करणग्रन्थः ३४७ मुहन्तामणिः सटीकः ३४८ मुहूतीका ३४९ यवनजातकप ३५० | योगिनी दशाक्रमः ३५१ योगदिश ज्ञानम् ३५२ रमलाचेन्तामाणः ३५३) राजावली ३५४ राजावलीफलग्रन्थः ३५५ षट्पञ्चाशिका सटीका ... ९५ | १५ ११० १० .. ३१ mo २२ २३ o ܐܐ २३० ११६/ ११ ९१ १० の ३ ११ ७ o ३२ ४० ४ www U ३ २६ V 0 ३२ ३२ २६ २४ महीदासभट्टः संवत् १८०१ संपूर्णम्. मू- वराहमिहिरः | संवत् १८०४ | संपूर्णम् - टी. महीधरः ut ... ... दामोदर: रामदेवज्ञः गणेशदैवज्ञः ... बालकृष्णः संवत् १७९६ | संपूर्ण: संवत् १७९७ | संपूर्णम्. संवत् १८११ | संपूर्ण: संवत् १७९६ | संपूर्णा. संवत् १८०३ | संपूर्णः ३२ टी. उत्पलभट्टः | संवत् १८९९ | संपर्णा. चिन्तामणिः संवत् १७९६ | संपूर्णम्. संवत् १८६१ | संपूर्ण: संपूर्ण: ... ... संपूर्ण: ू संपूर्णा. संवत् १६२१ त्रुटितम. १३३,१३४ पत्रे न स्तः .... 149 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #155 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only अनुक माङ : ብ ग्रन्थनाम. हितः. ३५९ | स एव - गोलाध्यायः ३६०| सूर्यसिद्धान्त: ३५६ | संवित्प्रकाशः ३५५ | सिद्धान्त शिरोमणिः - पूर्वार्द्धम् . ३५८ स एव - गोलाध्यायः वासनाभाष्यस - ३७ ३६१ | स्त्री जन्मपत्राभावाध्यायः ३६२ होराप्रदीपः सभाषः ३६३) अष्टाङ्योगहृ दयसंहिता ग ३६४] आयुर्वेदप्रकाशः ... APPENDIX I. -continued. ... पत्र संख्या. २५ २८ V पृष्ठग- पाडग क्त ताङ ताक्षर - ग्रन्थकृतो नाम. संख्या. संख्या o २० १२ १६ १० १३ ३७ गोविन्दकवीश्वरः | संवत् १८५८ | संपूर्णः १. भास्करः संपूर्णम्. १४ स एव संवत् १५७६ | संपूर्ण: O ނ ނ އ m 20 ... २४९ ९ ८९ | ११ ४० 5 ४ 40 स एव वर्गस्त्रयोदशः- वैद्यकम्. ३७ ३८ महादेव: लेखनकाल: वाग्भटः माधवोपाध्यायः अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो Sपूर्णो वा. संवत् १८३३ | त्रुटितः संपूर्ण: संवत् १८०१ | संपूर्णः संवत् १८१० | संपूर्णः संवत् १४८६ | त्रुटिता. संपुर्णः 150 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #156 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ४२ सुषेणः संवत् १७९१ / संपूर्णः Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ३६५) आयुर्वेदमहोदधौ रसवीर्यघृताधि | १० | १५ कारः ३६६ आयुर्वेदर सायनस्य टीका ... ४७ ३६७ आयुर्वेद शास्त्रे वृद्धयोगशतकम् ... ३६८ चरकसंहिता-शारीरकम् ३६९ चिकित्सासारसंग्रहः ३७० द्रव्य गुणशतश्लोकी ३७१/ योगचिन्तामणिः ३७२/ रसपद्धतिः सटीका ४५ हेमाद्रिः | २३२-२७८ पत्राणि. संवत १७७९ संपूर्णम्. चरकः प्रथमपत्राभावः २८ क्षेमशर्माचार्यः । संवत् १८११ पत्रमेकं न. त्रिमल्लः संपूर्णा. २७ : धन्वन्तरिः । संवत् १८४२ संपूर्णः ३८ टी.महादेवपण्डितः | ३७ पत्रं न. سه For Private and Personal Use Only 151 ३७३/ रसावतारः ३७४/ वैद्य नीवनम् ३७५ व्याख्याकुसुमावली ५० (७,८,१०,११ पत्राणि न. लोलिम्बराज: | संवत् १८४८ संपूर्णम्. श्रीकण्ठदत्तः ४३-५५ पत्राणि न स न्ति . १६५-२२० पत्राण्येव । मध्ये कानिचिन्न. । संवत् १५६५, १०३-१४८ पत्रााणे. ३७६/ व्याख्यामधुकोशः Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #157 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ - APPENDIX I.-continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra पत्र- पृष्ठग-पडिग अनुक्र माङः अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो ऽपूर्णो वा. ग्रन्थनाम. संख्या.पत ताक्षर- ग्रन्यकृतो नाम. | लेखनकाल: संख्या संख्या. ४ संपूर्णः ه For Private and Personal Use Only 152 ३७७/ शंकराख्यवैद्य कसारः रामः। ३७८ शश्लोकी बोपदेवः वित् १६४२ संपूर्णा. ३७९ संव ... १८ | १४ | ३२ स एक | सवत् १७६०, संपूर्णा. ३८० सेव सटीका ... ६६ | १६ | २४ द्वयोःस एव | संवत् १७७१(खण्डिता. ३८१ सिद्धयोगमाला .... ३० | १० | २६ / सिद्धर्षिः सिद्धार्षः । संवत् १५२४९-१२ पत्राणि न स न्ति. ३८२ सौश्रुते सूत्रस्थानम् ६८ ११ | ३३ संवत् १६४७ ४८-८८,९२-११८ पत्रा. जि. वर्गश्चतुर्दशः-मन्त्रतत्रशास्त्रम्. ३८३/ कार्तवीर्यार्जुन कवचम् उड्डामरतन्त्रो- ८ | १० | ३४ .. संपूर्णम् . | तम्. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #158 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only B 904-20 ३८ ४ | गायत्रीसहस्रनामादि ३८५ | गौतमीयमहातन्त्रम ३८६ चण्डीविधानपद्धतिः ३८७| तत्त्वानन्दतरङ्किणी ३८८ तन्त्रसारः ३८९ दक्षिणामूर्ति संहितापटलानि ३९० | बटुकपञ्चाङ्गप्रयोगपद्धतिः ३९१ | मन्त्रपारायणं त्रिपुरोपनिषञ्च ३९२ | मन्त्रमुक्तावली ३९३ मन्त्ररत्नमञ्जूषा ३९४ मन्त्रशास्त्र ऊर्ध्वाम्नायः ३९५) महाकाली सूक्तं रुद्रयामले ३९६ योगसारसमुच्चय :- अकुलागममहातन्त्रे ३८ ३९७| योगिनीहृदयदीपिका .. ... ११४ ५ ११३ | १० १९ १७ २१ १० .. ३३७९ ३८ १ ०४ C ३९८ रामस्तवराजः सनत्कुमारसंहितान्तर्गत: ९ ३९९| शतचण्डीपद्धतिः ५३ V < १० १६ ४० १९ २७ १० V of २१ of o mo 4us Ac ३६ कमलाकरभट्टः पूर्णानन्दः ४६ कृष्णानन्दभट्टाचार्यः संवत् १६८५ संपूर्णः ww ३२ २८ ... २४ २८ ... V ... ... १६ १० २८ ७२ ७ २१ आनन्दनाथयो गिप्रबरः *** त्रिविक्रमभट्टः ... ... .. ... संवत् १८३९ | संपूर्णम्. संवत् १७३३ | संपूर्णम्. संपूर्णा. संवत् १७४३ | एकादशोल्लासान्ता. ... ... संवत् १८९७ | संपूर्णा. संपूर्णे. संपूर्णा. संपूर्णा. संपूर्णः संपूर्णम्. नवमपटलान्ता. संपूर्णा. ... ... ... ... पञ्चविंशतिः पटलानि. संपूर्ण: संवत् १८३३ | संपूर्णा. ... 153 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #159 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only अनुक्रमाका ग्रन्थनाम. 200 ४०१ तदेव - - सप्तमांशः ४०२ श्रीपरापूजनम. ४०३ संक्षेपार्चनविधिर्देव्याः पृष्ठग-पङ्किग संख्या. पत्र- तपङ्कि- ताक्षर ग्रन्थकृतो नाम. संख्या. संख्या. शिवरहस्यम् - हिमवत्खण्डे सप्तमांशः ५४५ १४ APPENDIX L-continued. ९ ५१ २५ ४०४ राजवल्लभ वास्तुशास्त्रम ४०५ वास्तुमण्डनम ४० ६ संगीतरत्नाकरटीका ४०७ | संगीतरत्नाकरे पिण्डप्रकरणं शारीरम्. < mm or v ९ ३९ ३३ १३ | ८ २८ ईश्वरयोगिचिद्रूपा नन्दः वर्ग: पञ्चदशः - ० १४ २८ ४३ Vv Co 20 २९ ३८ १३ ३२ - शिल्प संगीतशास्त्रे. ... मण्डन सूत्रधारः स एव ४८ | सिङ्गभूपालः ३२ लेखनकाल: अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो sपूर्णो वा. संवत् १७६४ संपूर्णम्. संपूर्णम्. संपूर्णम्. संपूर्ण: ... संवत् १९७८ | संपूर्णम्. संवत् १६७५ | संपूर्णम्. त्रुटिता. चतुर्थाध्याय पर्यन्तम. 154 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #160 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private and Personal Use Only वर्ग: षोडशः-प्रकीर्णकानि. ४०८ चतुरङ्गविलासमणिमञ्जरी ... ४८ | १० ४२ । संपूर्णा. ४०९ यावनपरिपाटयनुक्रमः ... ३९ ९ ३२ दलपतिरायः संपूर्ण: ४१० लेखपञ्चाशिका ... २० । १२ ३८ ... संवत् १९३६ प्रथमपत्राभावः वर्गः सप्तदशः--जैनीयग्रन्थाः अ-संस्कृतप्राकृतनिबद्धाः ४११ अणुत्तरोववाइसूत्रम् ... ... ९ ___... संपूर्णम. ४ १२/ अनुयोगसूत्रस्य टोका ... १६२ हेमचन्द्रः संवत् १६५२ संपूर्णा. ४१३ अनेकशास्त्रसारसमुच्चयः ... संवत् १४६१ १-५,१०-२२ पत्राणि न. ४१४/ अनेकार्थसंग्रहः कोशः हेमचन्द्रः प्रथमपत्राभावः. ४१५/ उपदेशमालाप्रकरण प्राकृते ... २१ धर्मदासगणिः संपूर्णम्. ४ १६ उपासकदशाङसूत्रं प्राकृते | संवत् १५६६ प्रथमपत्राभावः ४१७ ओघनियुक्तिटीका सूत्रसहिता १-१८,८२-१०२, १०४-११३,११५-१२६, । १२७-१३२ पत्राणि न. 155 MAMMA Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #161 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only अनुक्र माङ्कः ग्रन्थनाम. नादि चरित्रम. ४२७ | गुर्वावली पत्र संख्या. ४१८ | कर्पूरमञ्जरी नाटकं - प्रथमा जवनिका ४१९ तदेव - द्वितीया जवनिका १२८| १२ ४२० | कल्पकिरणावली कल्पसूत्रटीका... ३२१ ४२९१| कल्पमञ्जरी कल्पसूत्रटीका ४२२ कल्याणमन्दिरबालावबोधः ४२३ कालिकाचार्य कथासंवादः ४२४| काव्यकल्पलता ससूत्रा ४२५| क्षुल्लकभवावलिप्रकरणम् १५ ६६ २ ४२६ गणधरसार्धशतक वृत्त्यन्तर्गत वर्धमा | २३ ... APPENDIX I. --continued.. ... .... पृष्ठग- पाग त तपडि. ताक्षर- ग्रन्थकृतो नाम. संख्या. संख्या, ७ ११ । ३७ ११ ७ ३५ ३६ ९ १५ | ४६ १९ | ४५ १३ ३२ वर्धमानसूरिशिष्यः ४७ १७ । ५७ १५ ६० १५ वाचनाचार्यः स एव धर्मसागरः सहजकीर्त्तिः ४० अमरसिंहः धर्मशेखरगणिः । जिनपतिशिष्यः । सुमतिगणिः ... लेखनकालः ... ... संवत् १६७७ संपूर्णा. संपूर्णा. खण्डितः ... ... ... संपूर्णः संपूर्णा संपूर्णम्. संपूर्ण म. संवत् १७२१ | संपूर्णा. ... अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो sपूर्णो वा. .. संपूर्णा. ३ पत्रं न. ... 156 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only ४२८| चतुःशरणाख्यपइन्ना भाषासहिता... ९ ४२९| चन्द्रप्रज्ञप्तिसूत्रम् ६५ २ ४३०| ज्ञाताधर्मकथासूत्रम ४३१ ज्योतिष्कसारे मण्डलविचार: ४३२ त्रिषष्टिशलाका पुरुषचरित्रे सप्तमपर्व | ११३ अष्टमपर्व च १२४ | दर्शनरत्नाकरः ४३३ ४३४ | दशवैकालिकसूत्रम् ४३५ | तदेव सावचूरि ... ... ... ... ... ४३६ दशाश्रुतस्कन्धसूत्रम ४३७ दुरियरयस्तोत्रम् ४३८ देशीनाममाला सवृत्तिका ४३९ धातुपाठः सारस्वतस्य ... ४४० स एव सटीकः ४४१| नवतत्त्वप्रकरणं सभाषम् ४४२| निशीथसूत्रम् ... ... ... ... 0.0 .. .. .. ... ९४ ११ | ४० १४७ १३ ६० १४ ३७ १९ Mustar १४ १५ २४ २१ el m > ३ १५ ३८ १५ ५३ १४ ނ ނ STD 209 १३ १७ १३ १७ < १६ १५ :::: ... | ... इन्द्रनन्दिः ५९ शय्यंभवगणधरः ७२ अव० तिलकाचार्य: ४८ २८ जिनवल्लभः ४९ ३३ ४६ २५ ४७ हेमचन्द्रः हर्ष कीर्तिसूरिः स एव द्वयोः संवत् १७५८ | संपूर्णा. संपूर्णम् . ... संवत् १६८६ | प्रथमपत्रत्रयं नास्ति. संपूर्ण: संवत १६५५ संपूर्ण. .... ... ... ... २३४-३३८पत्राणि सन्ति. मध्ये कानिचिन्न. संपूर्ण म. संवत् १७०३ | संपूर्णम्. ... संपूर्ण म. संपूर्णम्. अन्ते कानिचित पत्राणि न. संपूर्ण: संवत् १६९९ | संपूर्ण: संपूर्ण म. संवत् १६०९ | संपूर्णम्. 157 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #163 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.-continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra पत्र अनुक्र माङ ग्रन्थनाम. | पृष्ठग- पाङिगसंख्या. तपाक्तताक्षर | ग्रन्थकतो नाम. | लेखनकालः | संख्या. संख्या. अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो ऽपूर्णो वा. का प्रथमपत्राभावः For Private and Personal Use Only 158 ३७२ १३ :::::::::: ४४३ पाण्डवचरित्रं महाकाव्यम् देवप्रभसूरिः ४४४ पार्श्वनाथचरित्रं महाकाव्यम् ...) १८१ १३ भावदेव सूरिः प्रथमपत्राभावः ४४६ प्रज्ञापनासूत्रम्. संपूर्णम्. ४४६) प्रश्नव्याकरणसूत्रं प्राकृते संपूर्णम्. ४४७ भगवतीसूत्रम् संवत् १९७० प्रथमपत्राभावः ४४८ भगवतीसूत्र विशेषवृत्तिः ... १६ अभयदेवसरिः ... संपूर्णा. ४४९ भोजचरित्रम् राजवल्लभः संवत् १४९८ | संपूर्णम्. ४५० भोजप्रबन्धः मेरु तुकाचार्यः द्वादशपत्रं नास्ति. योगशास्त्रस्य प्रकाशाः सभाषाः हेमचन्द्रः संपूर्णाः ४५२ रामचरित्रम् ४१ | देवविजयगाणः संवत् १६५२ | संपूर्णम्. ४५३ वसुधारामहाविद्या संपूर्णा. ४५४ विदग्धमुखमण्डनम् ६ । २१ । ६६ । धर्मदासः । .... चतुर्थपरिच्छेदान्तम्. ४५१ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir m Page #164 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ४५६) विवेकावेलासः ... ४२ | १३ | ४१ । जिनदत्तसरिः ४५६, शत्रुनयकल्पः ... २ १० । ३२ भद्रबाहुः ४५७ शब्दभूषणनामकव्याकरणम्. ... १२ । १३ । ३२ दानविजयोपा ध्यायः ४५८ शब्दानुशासनस्याष्टमः प्राकृताध्याय: ६ १५ ५६ हेमचन्द्रः संपूर्णः संपूर्णः संपूर्णम्. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra संपूर्णः For Private and Personal Use Only 159 ४५९/ शान्तिस्तवः ३५ शान्तिसरिः संपूर्णः ४६० षड्दर्शनसमुच्चयः | संवत् १५८२ संपूर्णः ४६१ स एव सटीकः २५ १७ ५० मू. हरिभद्रः संवत् १६६१ संपूर्णः टी. तच्छिष्यः ४६२ समयसारप्राभृतं सटीकम् ... १४४ १४ । ३७ कुन्दकुन्दाचार्यः १-६, १६-४८पत्राणि न. दिगम्बरग्रन्थः ४६३|समुद्रपालिताध्ययनं भाषासहितम् ... १५ १७ ४६४ सम्यक्त्वकौमुदी (गद्यम्) ... ४४ संपूर्णा. ४६५ सिद्धचक्रमहिमकथा संपूर्णा. ४६६ सिद्धशब्दार्णवः ३२ सहजकीर्तिः संपूर्णः ४६७/सिन्दूरप्रकरप्रकरणं सूक्तिमुक्तावली वा. ४ १९ । ५८ । सोमप्रभाचार्यः । संवत् १८११ संपूर्णम्. संपूर्णम्. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #165 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPEN DIXI.-continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक्र पत्र ग्रन्थनाम. पृष्ठग-पाङगसंख्या. पाक्त ताक्षर-| ग्रन्थकतो नाम./ लेखनकालः | संख्या. संख्या. अवशिष्टं किमाप पूर्णो ऽपूर्णो वा. माङ्कः ४० For Private and Personal Use Only ४६८ सिंहासनद्वात्रिंशत्की ४६९ सक्तिमुक्तावली ४७० सैव सटीका १७१ सूत्रोद्धृतकथाः संवत् १७१३ संपूर्णा. सोमप्रभाचार्य: | संवत् १९१४ संपूर्णा. मू. स एव. संवत् १७४८ संपूर्णा. संपूर्णाः 160 | १४ ४० इ-नैनीयभाषाग्रन्थाः ११ । ३० राजेन्द्रसागरः ... संपूर्णा. १७२ आबुतीर्थमाला १७३ क्षेत्रविचारः ४७४/ क्षेत्रसमासः संपूर्णः Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir संवत् १७६६ संपूर्णः Page #166 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ४७५/ चन्द्रलेखारासः ४७६/ राठोडरतनमहेशदासोतरीवचनिका. ४७७ सेव ४७८ वयरकुमाररासः ४७९ सूक्तमुक्तावली 16706 | ४४ मतिकुशलः संवत् १८१२ | संपूर्णः ... संपर्णा. संवत् १७५५ संपूर्णा. संवत् १६८० संपूर्णः १५ | ११ | ४१ कौरपालवानारसी. संवत् १६९८ संपूर्णा. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private and Personal Use Only 161 ४८० आरण्यकाण्डः ४८१ कवितप्रबन्धः १८२ ज्ञानमजरी ४८३ भगवद्गीता ४८४ वेदान्तमहावाक्यानि ४८५, तान्येव ४८६ सारसंग्रहज्ञानभूषणभाष्यम्. 2522 वर्गोऽष्टादशः-ब्राह्मणभाषाग्रन्थाः ४१ । १० २७ । तुलसीदास : संवत् १८९६ | संपूर्णः ११ । ३२ मणिकदासः संवत् १८०९ संपूर्णः ... ३४ / १० ३२ मनोहरदासः | संवत् १८५३ / संपूर्णा. भगवानदासः संपूर्णा. ३२ मनोहरदासः | संवत् १८८७ | संपूर्णानि. २८ स एव संवत् १८०३ संपूर्णानि. | ३५ त्रिविक्रमानन्दः संपूर्णम्. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #167 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.- continuel. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक्र ग्रन्थनाम. माङ्क पत्र- तपाङ्गता पृष्ठग-पडिग अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो तपात ताक्षर- ग्रन्थकतो नाम. | लेखनकाल: संख्या . ते ऽपूर्णो वा. सख्य. संख्या. इ--महाराष्टदेशतः वर्गः प्रथमः-सोपनिषदो वेदाः | ५४२| १४ | ३८ | तैत्तिरीयमन्त्रिकोपनिषद्भयां विना. | संपूर्णा. शक १५३२ । खाण्डतानि. ४८७) अष्टोत्तरशतोपनिषदः For Private and Personal Use Only : 162 : ४८८ आथर्वणमुण्डकोपनिषत् ४८९ कण्वशाखापदानि | संपूर्णे. : ४९० केनोपनिषद् माण्डूक्योपनिषच्च. ४९१ छान्दोग्योपनिषत् ४९२ तलवकारोपनिषत् ४९३ प्रश्नोपनिषत् Prem so v mer ::: संपूर्णा. संपूर्णा. | संपूर्णा. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #168 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ । १६ | ८ | २८ ___... संपूर्णः ४९४| बृहदारण्योपनिषत-षष्ठाध्यायः ४९५ वाजसनेवशाखासंहिता Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra संवत् १८१६ संपूर्णा. For Private and Personal Use Only 163 ४९६, शतपथब्राह्मणस्य हविर्यज्ञनाम प्रथ- १६५ < संवत् १६१० संपूर्णम्. मकाण्डम्. ४९७ तदेव ... १३२ ८ संवत् १६८० आदिमानि२२पत्राणि न. ४९८ शतपथब्राह्मणस्य एकवैद्वितीयका- १११ ७ शक १७२९ संपूर्णम्. ण्डम. ४९९/ तस्यैव ग्रहकाण्डं चतुर्थम. .. २४ खण्डितम्. ५०० तस्यैव सवैकाण्डम् | संवत् १७८२ संपूर्णम्. ५०१ तस्यैव दशमं काण्डम् ... ५७ ३८-४२ पत्राणि न सन्ति. वर्गो द्वितीयः-वेदाङ्गानि श्रौतकर्मप्रयोगाश्च. अ-वे. नि. ५०२ एकाक्षरीबैटः ... २० । ७ | १३ | ... संपूर्णः ५०३/ कात्यायन श्रौतसूत्रभाष्यम् १-३ अ- (४२ / ९४४) शक १७१७ | संपूर्णाः ध्यायाः .../६६१ १० । ४४)। Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #169 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only अनुक्रमाङ. ग्रन्थनाम. ५०६ तदेव ५०७ कात्यायन श्रौतसूत्रम् ५०८ तस्यैव भाष्यं श्रीभाष्याभिधम् ५०९| कात्यायनगृह्यसूत्रम ९१० | तदेव ५११ तदेव ५१२ कात्यायनगृह्यसूत्रभाष्यम ५०४ | कात्यायनी । तसूत्रभाष्यम् - दशमा ६६ ध्यायः ५०५ तदेव पञ्चविंशतितमोध्यायः : ... संख्या. पत्र- तपाड़े ७२ (६५) ० 415 MY २७ ३४ ३७ २९ Y APPENDIX I.-continued. ७८ पृष्ठग- पङिग क्त क् ताक्षर - ग्रन्थकृतो नाम. संख्या. संख्या. ११ ११ ११ ނ vat kat ३२ ३६ ur ५२ २८ ६ २० याज्ञिकदेवः स एव. स एव. कात्यायनः ... कात्यायनः स एव. स एव. जयरामः लेखनकाल: संवत १६२६ प्रथमपत्रद्वयाभावः अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो Sपूर्णो वा. संवत् १८४८ | संपूर्णः खण्डितम्. शक १६६२ खण्डितम्. ... ... ५१-७७ पत्राणि वर्तन्ते. खण्डितम्. खण्डितम्. काण्डद्वयम्. संवत् १८५८ | संपूर्णम. 164 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #170 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only ५१३ जटापटलव्याख्या ९९४ प्रतिज्ञासुत्रं नवकण्डिकासूत्रं च. ११५ प्रातिशारव्यभाष्यम् ५१६ | तदेव ५१७ प्रातिशाख्यभाष्यं ज्योत्स्ना ५१८ प्रातिशाख्यव्याख्या ५१९| भाषिकवृत्तिः ५२० सानुक्रमः ५२१| स्नानसूत्रदीपिका ... आधानपद्धतिः वाज● ५२४| इष्टिकालनिर्णयः वाज० १२५/ ... २४ १० ४८ ९ ११ १२ २१ १२ ५२२| अग्निष्टोम प्रयोगः वाजसनेयिनाम्... ६७ ५२३ आग्रहायणेष्टिकालनिर्णयः वाज० m m < ११ ∞ 9 इ. ३६ | दयाशंकरः २५ ३२ २८ ४० ११ ३३ १० | २२ १० २४ २४ -श्रौतकर्म प्रयोगाः. ९ २९ १२ ५० १० ४० २४ ... उवट: स एव. रामः अनन्तभट्टः महास्वामी. गोपीनाथः ... गङ्गाधरभट्टः मुरारिः ... ... ... शक १७१३ संपूर्णा. ... संपूर्णा. संपूर्णे. पञ्चमाध्यायः खण्ड खण्डिता. खण्डिता. शक १७२२ | संपूर्णा. ... खण्डित : ८०-१४६ पत्राणि सन्ति. संपूर्णः संपूर्णा. शक १७०४. संपूर्ण: ... 165 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #171 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.-continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक्र. पत्र- एठग- पङिगसंख्या.तपाङ्ग ताक्षर- ग्रन्थकतो नाम. लेखनकालः संख्या. संख्या. ग्रन्थनाम. अवशिष्टं किमपि पर्णो पूर्णो वा. माङ्क: For Private and Personal Use Only 166 : :: :: :: :: :: : ५२६ चातुर्मास्यप्रयोगः वाज० ... २६ ५२७| ज्योतिष्टोमःवान०-उत्तरार्द्धः । ५२८ दर्शपूर्णमासपद्धतिः वाज० ५२९ दर्शपूर्णमासहौत्रं वाज० ५३० दर्शपूर्णमासहोत्रं वाज० ५३१ दर्शपूर्णमा सेष्टिः वाज ५३२ निरूढ पशुहोत्रं वाज. ५३३ तदेव. ५३४| पिष्टपशुखण्डनमीमांसा ५३५ पौर्णमासेष्टिः वाज. ५३६ प्रातर्माध्यंदिनसवनं वान. ५३७ श्रीतकर्मप्रयोगाः वान. or of or 9 of Vood खण्डित: खण्डितः देवः शक १६६७ संपूर्णा. नरहरिभट्टः | शक १७६१ / संपूर्णम. शक १७१९ संपूर्णम. ३ पत्रं नास्ति. |शक १७१२ संपर्णम. संपूर्णम् नारायणपण्डितः संपूर्णा. संवत् १८३४ संपूर्णा. ... खण्डितम्. १-४ पत्राणे न सन्ति. १२ । Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #172 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra es For Private and Personal Use Only ५३८/ श्रौतप्रयोगाः वाज० ... १४ | ९ २८ ... संपूर्णाः ५३९ सायंप्रातोमः वान० __... ६ | ११ | २४ संपूर्णः ५४० सोमपदार्थकथनं वाज. (संवत् १८५५ मा (शक १७२० संपूर्णम्. ५४१, सोमप्रयोगः वाज. ... १३०, १०२८ .... १-४६ पत्राणि न सन्ति. वर्गस्तृतीयः-इतिहासपुराणमाहात्म्यस्तोत्राणि. ५४२ अनन्तव्रतकथा |शक १७८०, संपूर्णे. पूजा च. ५४३ ऋषिपञ्चमीकथा पूजा च ... ३२ | ५४४ काशीखण्डे गङ सहस्रनाम अष्टकं च । कालिदासः संवत् १९०३ ।। ५४९ गणेशब्रह्मविवेकः रामचन्द्र गणेशः खण्डित: ५४६ गरुडपुराणे प्रेतखण्डः । ... ९२ ८ संवत् १७०३ / ११-१३ पत्राणि न. ५४७ तुरजासहस्रनाम स्कन्दपुराणोक्तम्. । १४ ६ । संपूर्णम्. ५४८ त्रिंशतीस्तोत्रं ब्रह्माण्डपुराणस्थलाले- ९ ९ ३० संपर्णम्. | तोपाख्यानान्तर्गतम्. ... 167 w | संपूर्णे. संवत् १८९९१ संपणे. a Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #173 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only अनुक्रमाङ : ग्रन्थनाम. APPENDIX I. -continued. पृष्ठग-पडिंग पत्र तपाई.. सख्या. tti ३७ २५ ताक्षर संख्या. संख्या. ५४९ नासिकक्षेत्रमाहात्म्यम् ५५० पञ्चवटीमाहात्म्यं पद्मपुराणोक्तम ५९१ पञ्चरात्रागमोक्तं जितंते स्तोत्रम् ५५२ पुरुषोत्तममाहात्म्यम् ५१३ | प्रयागमाहात्म्यं ब्रह्मपुराणोक्तम. ५५४ ब्रह्मपुराणे श्रीरङ्गमाहात्म्यम्. १५५| ब्रह्मवैवर्त सारम् २१ ५५६ भक्तिरत्नावल्पाभिधभागवत श्लोकसंग्र- ८२ १३ ३० हः सटीक : ५५७ | भागवते द्वितीय स्कन्धः सटीकः ७८ १२ ५४ ७९ २८ | १२ > Vম 1 2 १२ o २४ ३७ २६ coc Vas ग्रन्थकृतो नाम. ... ... ... ... ... ... : लेखनकाल: शक १६९९ द्वितीयं पत्रं न. संपूर्णम्. संपर्णम. ... ... ... ... ... अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो sपूर्णो वा. शक १७६० त्रुटितम् . संपूर्णम. संपूर्ण म. संवर्णम. संपूर्ण: आदिमपत्रत्रयं न । अन्तिमानि च कानिचित पत्राणि न. 168 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #174 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ९५८ भागवते षष्ठस्कन्धः सटीकः ... १०० ६५९ भागवते सप्तमस्कन्धः ३ ५६० भागवते सप्तमस्कन्धः सटीकः ... ९४ | १० | ५६१ भागवते दशमस्कन्धः सटीकः ... १३२ ५६२ भागवते द्वादशस्कन्धः ... ३४ ११ 1065 संवत् १७८२ | संपूर्ण: खण्डितः संपूर्ण: खण्डित: Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra टी. श्रीधरः संपूर्णः (३४) ६६३ भागवत टीका-दशमैकादशस्कन्धा १६८ ११२ For Private and Personal Use Only ५६४ भागवतटीका भगवल्लालाचिन्तामाणः ३३ | १० | ५६५ भारतमादिपर्वादि भीष्मपर्वान्तम् ...१०४७ १६ | १८ टी. सत्याभिनव संपूर्णो. यतिः खण्डि ता. शक १६१६ संपूर्णम्. भाव |शक १६१६ संपूर्णम 169 भाव .. ५६६ तदेव द्रोणपर्वादि स्वर्गारोहणान्तं ७२६ १६ / ४८ शान्तिपर्व विना. ५६७ माघपाहात्म्यं वायुपुराणोक्तम्. ... १२३ ११ ५६८ रामनाममाहात्म्यम् ... ७४ | १३ | ३५ . ५६९ रापस्तुतिव्याख्या ... १२ / ९ २५ ६७० वज्रपजरस्तोत्रव्याख्या. ..... १७ | १३ | ३४ अच्युताश्रमः १०५-११९ पत्राणि न. संपूर्णम. त्रुटिता. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir | वाटता. Page #175 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only अनुक्रमाङ्कः ग्रन्थनाम. ५७१ | विष्णुपुराणं सटीकम ५७२ व्यङ्कटेशमाहात्म्यं ब्रह्माण्डे ५७३ | शिवगीता पद्मपुराणे ५७४ | शिवस्तुतिः टीका च ... ... पत्र संख्या १७५ श्रीनिवासकवचान्तस्तोत्राणि (आग्ने १० पुराणोक्तानि). ५७६ स्कन्दपुराणोक्तकार्तिक माहात्म्यम् ५७७ तत्रैव मार्गशीर्ष माहात्म्यम् ५७८ हरितालिका व्रतकथा पूजा च ५७९ | हरिवंशः .. APPENDIX I. --continued.. ४४७ १४ २४ १४२ १५ पृष्ठग-पड़िग क तपात- ताक्षर ग्रन्थकृतो नाम. th सख्या संख्या. ५० ११ २८ १६ ४० ७ < (0) ५४ टी. रत्नगर्भभट्टा चार्यः ७ १८ ११ १४ ११ १० ३४ খ 30 २६ १४ १४ ४० ... विश्वनाथनारायण उभयोः कर्ता. ... ... लेखनकाल: शक. १७१५ ... अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो पूर्णो वा. त्रुटितम्. संपूर्णम् - संपूर्णा. संपूर्ण. संपूर्णानि, आदिमपत्रत्रयाभाव: खण्डितम. संपूर्णे. संवत् १६०७ | संपूर्ण : 170 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #176 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only ९८० अध्यायोपाकर्म प्रयोगः ९८१ अन्तेष्टिप्रयोगः ९८२ अशौचनिर्णयः ५८३ का कमै थुनदर्शन शान्तिः ५८४ कालभेदः - चान्द्रसावनादिः ९८५ गोत्रप्रवरनिर्णय: ९८६| गोत्रप्रवरनिर्णयः ९८७ गोत्रप्रवनिर्णयः ९८८ गोप्रसवशान्तिः ५८९| ग्रहदीपिका १९० | ग्रहयज्ञः १९१| तीर्थप्राप्तदिनकृत्यम् ५९२ द्वारयात्रा विधि: पुराणोक्तः ५९३ पल्लीसर डशान्तिः ... ... ... वर्गश्चतुर्थ:- धर्मशास्त्रम् असाधारणम्. १६ aur r ११ ४२ ww ३५ २४ V ac 1010 १० १० Jo ୭ of Jo ३२ a AA 02 ४६ १० २६ ४ १४ ४४ ४० ३२ २८ ... गोविन्दाचार्यः ४१ भट्टोजिदीक्षितः २८ कमलाकरः रघुनाथभट्टः ... ... ... ... ... संपूर्ण: खण्डितः संपूर्ण: संपूर्णा. त्रुटित: संपूर्ण: शक १६६९ संपर्ण: संपूर्ण: संपूर्णा. ... ... ... ... ... शक १६७८ | संपूर्णा. चाटत: त्रुटिनम् - ... ... त्रुटि: शक १७०३ | संपर्णा. 171 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #177 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.--continued, Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक्र ग्रन्थनाम. अवशिष्टं किमपि पूणों ऽपूर्णो वा. माङ्क: तपात ताक्षर ग्रन्थकतो नाम. लेखनकाल: । संख्या संख्या. ५९४ प्रतापनारसिंहे पूर्तप्रकाशः ... ४१ १० २९ । तोरोनारायणा मजरुद्रदेवः ... खण्डितः For Private and Personal Use Only 172 evor era दिनकरः ५९५ प्रथमतॊ दुष्टमासादिशान्तिः.. ५९६ प्रयोगसारः ५९७ प्रायश्चित्तदिनकरोद्दयोतः ५९८ प्रायश्चित्तदीपिका ५९९ मदनपारिजातकः ६०० तत्रैव सापिण्डयनिर्णयः ६०१) मातृगोत्रनिर्णयः ६०२ मासनिर्णयः कुतश्चिथात ६०३/ मासादिनिर्णयः रामः संपूर्णा. त्रुटित: शक १६७७ । संपूर्णः त्रुटिता. द्वित्राण्यन्तिमान पत्राणि गतानि. शक १६४६ संपूर्ण: संपूर्णः त्रुटित: ... संपूर्णः ... नारायणः Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir धुण्डिः । Page #178 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only ६०४ | मिताक्षरा - आचारः ६०९| याज्ञवल्क्यस्मृतिः ६०६ | रामार्चनचन्द्रिका ६०७ विवाहपद्धतिः ६०८ व्यतिपातजननशान्तिः ६०९| षष्टिपूर्तिशान्तिः ६१०| संस्कारगङ्गाधरः ६११| संस्कारभास्करः ६१२| सर्वतोभद्रलिङ्गतोभद्रम् ६१३ | सापिण्ड्यकल्पलता ६१४ | कर्मनिर्णयटीका ६१९ कर्मनिर्णयटीकाविवरणम् ... ५४ १२ ५६ विज्ञानेश्वरः ५० १० ४१ १२३| ३० | मुकुन्दवन | शिष्य आनन्दवनः ३२ १० १८ १७० १८ ३ ... ३१ O V c ३३ इ - मध्वसंप्रदायः ९ | २९ | गङ्गाधरदीक्षितः ९ २५ |मयूरेश्वरसुतख ण्डभट्टः of ९ १२ । २१ of ov し १९ ... ... अपदेवः ३३ मू. आनन्दतीर्थः टी. जयतीर्थ: ४२ वि. रोटिव्यङ्कटाचार्यः ... संपूर्ण : संपूर्णा. १ - १२ पत्राणामभावः अन्तिमानां च केषांचित्. मधुपर्कादारभ्य चतुर्थीक मन्तिा. संपूणा. संपूर्णा. संपूर्ण: शक १७७३ | अर्कविवाहपर्यन्तः A संपूर्णम्. शक १७६० | संपूर्णा. संपूर्णा. त्रुटितम् - 173 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #179 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only अनुक्रमाङः ग्रन्थनाम. ६१६ दिनत्रयनिर्णयः ६१७ दिनत्रयमीमांसा ६१८ | सदाचारस्मृति: सदीपिका ६१९ | किरातार्जुनीयं काव्यम् ६२० खण्डप्रशस्तिः सटीका. .. .. APPENDIX I. -continued. पत्र संख्या. ary पृष्ठ पङ्गि - तपति २२१ तँ ताक्षर | गन्थकृतो नाम. ६ ५६ ११ संख्या. संख्या. ७ ३२ २७ A ३० विद्याधीशमुनिः नारायणः मू. आनन्दतीर्थः दी. नारायणाचार्य: लेखनकालः वर्ग: पञ्चमः - काव्यनाटककथाख्यायिकाः १२७ / ७ २२ ९० | ११ | २६ |टी. गुणविनयः ... अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो sपूर्णो वा. संपूर्ण: १, १९,५१, ५२, पत्राणि न सन्ति. ६०,६१,६४, १८०, १८१ पत्राणि न सन्ति सप्तदशसर्गपर्यन्तम्१४-२१, ११६, १२६ पत्राणि न सन्ति संपूर्णा. 174 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #180 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra ३३ । संपूर्णम. त्रुटितः ६२१ गीतगोविन्दं सटीकम ....९० | १० | ४० | टी. भीकदासका- संवत् १७८२ | संपूर्णम. रितनारायणभट्टः ६२२ तीर्थप्रबन्धकाव्यम्. वादिराजतीर्थः ६२३/तस्यैव टीका भावप्रकाशिकाख्या नारायणाचार्यः संपूर्णा. ६२४, नरकासुरवधव्यायोगः १३ । ४३ ६२६/ नृसिंह चम्पू: केशव पण्डितः संपूर्णा. ६२६ भामिनीविलासटीका १९,२१,२३,२४,२५ पत्राणे न. ६२७/ मध्वविनयः नारायणाचार्यः त्रुटितः ६२८ रघुवंशः कालिदासः अन्ते पत्रद्वयमात्रं त्रुटितं For Private and Personal Use Only 175 स्यात्. ६२९ रघुवंशटीका २० | १३ | ४७ | दिनकरमिशः तृतीयसर्गश्चतुर्थस्यचांश मात्र. शक १७४९ संपूर्ण म. ६३० रत्नावलीनाटकम. ६३१/ रामकृष्णकाव्यं सटीकम ... २५ | २९ श्रीहर्षः उभयोः कर्ता दैवज्ञः संपूर्णम. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #181 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.-continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक्र पृष्ठग-पडिग है ताक्षर- ग्रन्थकृतो नाम. | लेखनकाल: माङ ग्रन्थनाम. पत्र-तपडिया संख्या संख्या. अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो ऽपूर्णो वा. न्य For Private and Personal Use Only त my 176 ६३२ रुक्मिणीशविजयकाव्यम् ... ११४ ११ | ३२ / वादिराजतीर्थः प्रथमसर्गाभावः।१-७,२१, पत्राणि न सान्त. ६३३ तस्यैव टीका (भावप्रकाशिका) ... ४२१ १० | ३७ नारायणाचार्यः प्रथमसगाभावः। १-४१, ३१६-३२९ पत्राणि न सन्ति . ६३४ विदग्धमुखमण्डनम् ... १८ | ११ | ३९ धर्मदासः शक १७९० त्रुटितम्. बोधः ६३५ श्रीनिवासचम्पू: ... ४२ | १३ | ४७ । श्रीनिवासः । ... | आदिम पत्रत्रयाभावः वर्गः षष्ठः- व्याकरणशास्त्रम. ६३६/ उणादि सूत्रवृत्तिः ... १२२ ७ | ३९ | उज्ज्वलदत्तः | संवत् १६८० | संपूर्णा. ६३७ कारकचक्रम् ... १३ १४ | ४२ अनन्तः । ... | द्वितीयपत्रं न. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #182 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only ६३८ | धातुरूपाणि * ६३९ प्रयोगमुखमण्डनम् ६४० मध्य कौमुदी ६४९ | सैव B 901--23 ६४२ | सेव ६४३ मनोरमा - ९ समासान्ता -२ तद्धितम. ६४४ | शब्दरत्नम ६४५ | अभिधानरत्नमाला ६४६ | एकाक्षरनिघण्टः ६४७ धनंजयकोशः ६४८ ना नार्थमञ्जरी ६४९ व्याख्यासुधा अमरकोशटीका १८ ४५ ८० o sty ५२/ ३५) a of ७७ v M ६९ १२ ४९ ( भट्टोजिदीक्षित : १९ ४० ११ हरिदीक्षितः ४० वर्ग: सप्तमः --- ११ | १८ ११ २८ ... १८ १२ ३० १६ १० वरदराजः स एव स एव -कोशा : हलायुधः सदाचार्यः धनंजयः भानुदीक्षितः ... :: : प्रथमगणत्रयधातूनाम. संपूर्णम्. षडिड़ान्ता. लग तिङन्तान्ता. कुदन्तम. संपूर्णा, प्रातिपदिकसंज्ञासूत्रपर्यन्तम्. संवत् १५४० | संपूर्ण संपूर्ण: शक १५७४ | त्रुटित: शक १७१० संपूर्णा. त्रुटिता. 177 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #183 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.-continued.. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक्रमाङ्कः पृष्ठग- पङिगसंख्या तपाङ्ग ताक्षर- ग्रन्थकतो नामलेखनकाल: | सख्या सख्या. अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णा ऽपूर्णो वा. ग्रन्थनाम. वर्गोऽष्टमः-छन्दोऽलंकारशास्त्रे. For Private and Personal Use Only 178 त्रुटिता. ६५० नवरसरत्नहार: ६५१ रसतरङ्गिणी ६५२ श्रुतबोधः ६५३ वाग्भटालंकारः ... ६/ ११ / ३६ त्रिपाठीशिवरामः | | संपूर्णः ... ३४ / १२ / ३१ भानुः ... ४ ९ ३९ कालिदासः शक १७९९ संपूर्णः ... ११ / १२ / ३४ वाग्भटः . ... त्रुटितः वर्गो नवमः-सांख्ययोगौ. . ६५४ सांख्यतत्त्वकौमुदी ६५९/ योगसूत्रम् ... २९ ९ ... ६ ८ ४९ ४० त्रुटिता. ध्यायः Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir पतञ्जलिः । ... Page #184 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra वर्गो दशमः-वेदान्तशास्त्रम् अ-शंकराचार्यसंप्रदाय: ६५६|अपरोक्षानुभूतिः महाराष्ट्रीटीकया सह। ३२ | ९| २९ मू. शंकराचार्यः | संपूर्णा, टी. वामनपण्डितः ६५७ आथर्वणोपनिषद्वयाख्या . . . ११ । १४ । ४९ नरहरिः संपूर्णा. ६५८ गणपतिगीताभाष्यम् चतुर्धरः त्रुटितम. ६५९) पञ्चदशी विद्यारण्य : त्रुटितम्. ६६० पञ्चदशीचित्रदीपः स एव. | संपूर्णः ६६१ महावाक्यविवरणम् शंकराचार्यः संवत् १८७१ / संपूर्णम्. शक १७३६ ६६२ विष्णुसहस्रनामभाष्यम्. । स एव. संवत् १७. ८ संपूर्णम. ६६३ वेदान्तपरिभाषा धर्मराजभट्टः संपूर्णा. ६६४ वेदान्तसारः १२ । १२ । ३६ ६६५ सिद्धान्तबिन्दुः २२ / ११ / ३५ मधुसूदनसरस्वती. संपूर्णः ६६६ सूत संहितायां यज्ञवैभवखण्डं सटीकम् १८९, १२, ५७ टी. माधवाचार्यः प्रथमभाग: 179 For Private and Personal Use Only सदानन्दः संपूर्णः Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #185 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.--continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक्र पत्र- 2ठग- पङिगसंख्या.तपात ताक्षर- ग्रन्थकतो नाम. लेखनकालः संख्या-संख्या. अवशिष्टं किमापि पूर्णी ऽपूर्णो वा. ग्रन्थनाम. ६६७) सौन्दर्यलहरी सटीका संपूर्णा. | १२ | ४५, मू. शंकराचार्य: टी. रामचन्द्रः For Private and Personal Use Only इ-मध्वसंप्रदायः 180 ६६८ अद्वैतसिद्धि खण्डनम् वनमाली. शक १७४२ ३३-४२,२४ १, २४२, २४३, पत्राणि न. .६६९ आभनवचन्द्रिका तत्त्वप्रकाशिका- १५६ | ३८ सत्यनाथयतिः प्रथमद्वितीयाध्यायौ. व्याख्या. ६७० आथर्वणमुण्डकोपनिषद्भाष्यम्. ... ६ | १० | ३५ , आनन्दतीर्थः । शक १५४४ | संपूर्णम्. ६७१ तस्य व्याख्या ... १३ । ११ । ४० व्यासतीर्थः । शक १५४४ | संपूर्णा. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #186 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ | १८ आनन्दतीर्थः स एव. संपूर्णम. संपूर्णम. urmus sure... Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra जयतीर्थः व्यासतीर्थः विद्याधिराजः वाटता. संपूर्णम्. संपूर्णा, त्रुटिता. त्रुटिता. प्रथमद्वितीयाध्यायो. जयतीर्थः For Private and Personal Use Only ६७२/ ईशावास्यभाष्यम् ६७३ तदेव ६७४ ऐतरेयोपनिषट्टीका ६७५ कथालक्षणविवरणम् ६७६ कथालक्षणविवरणटीका ६७७ गीताटीका ६७८ तच्चनिर्णयटिप्पणी ६७९/ तत्वप्रकाशिका मध्वभाष्यटीका. ... ६८० तत्त्वप्रकाशिकाविवरणम् (उपाधिख ण्डनन) ६८१/ तदेव ६८२ तदेव ६८३ तत्त्वप्रकाशिकाव्याख्याविवृतिः (मन्दा रमञ्जरी) ६८४ तत्त्वविवेकविवरणम् ६८५/ तदेव ६८६ तत्त्वसंख्यानटीका ६८७ तत्त्वसंख्यानविवरणम् 181 more स एव. स एव. स एव. व्यासयतिः त्रुटितम्. संपूर्णम. संपूर्णम. पत्राभाव: 2 जयतीर्थः स एव. यदुपतिः जयतीर्थः संपूर्णम्. त्रुटित म. संपूर्णा. || शक १६६४ | संपूर्ण म. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 2 Page #187 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.-continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक्र पत्र पृष्ठग- पङिगतपा-ताक्षर- ग्रन्यकृतो नाम. ! लेखनकाल: संख्या. संख्या. अवशिष्टं किमापे पूर्णो पो वा. माङ ग्रन्थनाम. संख्या ... 182 For Private and Personal Use Only ६८८ तत्वोद्दयोतः । मूलम् ) | १० | ३४ आनन्दतीर्थ: ६८९ तत्वोद्दयोतः ११ । २५ स एव. | संपर्णः ६९० तलवकारोपनिषद्भाष्यटीका ३६ भा. आनन्दतीर्थः। शक १९४४ संपूर्ण म्. टी. न्यासयतिः ६९१ तात्पर्यचन्द्रिका अयतीर्थ कृत तत्त्वप्र- ६२ | ४२ व्यासतीर्थः त्रुटिता. काशिकाव्याख्या ६९२ तैत्तिरीयोपनिषद्भाष्यम् । .... १३ आनन्दतीर्थः || शक १५९२ | संपूर्ण म. ६९३ दुर्मतखण्डनम् शक १७०६ / संपूर्णम. १९४ द्वादशस्तोत्राणि सटीकानि .... ४० । ३६ / मू. आनन्दतीर्थः । शक १६९८ | संपूर्णानि. | टी. गोविन्दमिश्रः ६९५) न्यायसुधा ब्रह्मसूत्रानुव्याख्यानटीका. १५८ | १४ / ५६ नयतीर्थः । ... त्रुटिता. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #188 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private and Personal Use Only ६९६ न्यायामृततरङ्गिणी (व्यासतीर्थकृत-१८)। ४९ | रामाचार्यः न्यायामृतटीका) त्रुटिता. ६९७ सैव ... २६ ११ ३५ स एव. त्रुटिता. ६९८ प्रपञ्चमिथ्यात्वखण्डनविवरणम् ४७ । म. आनन्दतीर्थः | संपूर्णम. वि. जयतीर्थः ६९९ तदेव __... १९ ८ ३१ जयतीर्थः शक १५९४ त्रुटितम. ७०० प्रमाणपद्धतिः स एव. संपूर्णा. ७०१ प्रमालक्षणटीका (न्यायकल्पलता)... ७२ स एव. संपूर्णा. ७०२ प्रश्नोपनिषद्दीपिका आनन्दतीर्थः । शक १९४४ - संपूर्णा. ७०३ बृहदारण्यभाष्यटीका भा. आनन्दतीर्थः टी. रघत्तमयतिः / संवत १६७८ ५,६,७ अध्यायाः ७०४ ब्रह्मसूत्रभाष्यम् ... ३२ । ७ आनन्दतीर्थः प्रथमाध्यायस्यादिमपादत्रयं नास्ति. ७०५/ तदेव स एव. त्रुटितम. ७०६ तदेव १३ । ३२ स एव. संपूर्णम्. कानिचित्पत्राणि विदीर्णानि. 188 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #189 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.-continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra - अनुक्र पत्र ग्रन्थनाम. पृष्ठग-पङिगसंख्या. या. ताक्षर- ग्रन्थकतो नाम. | लेखनकाल: क्त ताक्षर संख्या संख्या. अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो ऽपूर्णो वा. त्रुटिता. आनन्दतीर्थः संपूर्णम. For Private and Personal Use Only ७०७ ब्रह्मसूत्रव्याख्या ७०८ ब्रह्मसूत्राणुभाष्यम् ७०९ ब्रह्मसूत्रानुव्याख्यान ७१० भाक्तिरत्नाकरः सटीकः ७११ भागवततात्पर्यनिर्णयः 184 स एव. पू. बनमाली. आनन्दतीर्थः ... ४३ ९ ३५ १,२,३ अध्यायाः. नव प्रकरणानि. दशमस्कन्धो द्वितीयस्य च कश्चिदंश: ४--३२ अध्यायाः संपूर्णः संपूर्णा ७१२ भारततात्पर्यनिर्णयप्रमाणसंग्रहः ... ३७ ७१३ भावप्रकाशः-अणुभाष्यटीका. ... २२ / ९ ७१४/ भावप्रकाशिका जयतीर्थकृतप्रपञ्च- ३६ / १२ / ३१ मिथ्यात्वानुमानखण्डनव्याख्यायाष्टीका. नृसिंहः व्यासयतिः Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #190 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only B 904-24 ७१५ | मायावादखण्डनविवरणम् ७१६ | तदेव ७१७ तस्यैव टिप्पणी ७१८ मारुतमण्डनम् ७१९ विष्णुतत्त्वनिर्णयः ७२० | तस्य टीका 7/ ७२१ सेव ७२२| विष्णुपञ्चकम् भक्तिमीमांसासूत्रं सभाय्यम् १४ १३ ७ ११ १८० ११ ९ २५ १२ ३१ ११ ५० १० २९ २८ । मू. ७ ३९ १६ उ -- भक्तिसंप्रदाय: आनन्दतीर्थः वि. जयतीर्थः जयतीर्थः श्रीनिवासः वनमाली आनन्दतीर्थः जयतीर्थः स एव. संपूर्णम्, शक १५८९ | संपूर्णम्. संपूर्णा. संवत् १७४१ प्रथमपत्राभावः संपर्णः ११, १२, १ ... - | ३२ | १२ | ३८ सू. शाण्डिल्यमुनिः | शक १७३९ संपूर्णम्. 4/18/19/20/21 भा. स्वप्नेश्वरः •,१५९, १६० पत्राणि न. १,९९,१६२ एतानि प त्राणि न. खण्डितम्. 185 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #191 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.-continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक्र पृष्ठग- पाङगपत्रमलया.तपात ताक्षर- ग्रन्थकतो नाम. | लेखनकाल: संख्या संख्या. अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो ऽपूर्णो वा. माङः ग्रन्थनाम. वर्ग एकादश:--न्यायवैशेषिकशास्त्रे. For Private and Personal Use Only 186 संपूर्णा. ะ / 8ะะ • • • V / ७२४| अनुमितिपरामर्शकार्यकारणभावः | १७ | ११ | ७२५ आख्यातवाद: ७२६, तस्य व्याख्या ... ३७ / १० रघुदेवः ७२७ कारिकावली विश्वनाथपञ्चाननः ७२८ कारकव्याख्या. जयरामः ७२९ गादाधरी-व्याप्तिवादः गदाधरः ७३० सैव-सामान्यनिरुक्तः ४२ स एव. ७३१ चिन्तामाणे:-प्रत्यक्षखण्डम् १५ । ५० गड़ेशमहोपाध्यायः ७३२ म एव-शब्दखण्डम स एव. ७३३, जगदीशी-व्याप्तिवाद: ... ३२ । ९ ४५ जगदीशः संपूर्णः संपूर्णः संपूर्णा. संपूर्णा. त्रुटितः संपूर्णा. त्रुटितम. कानिचित्पत्राणि न. त्रुटित: Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #192 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ | ४५ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra For Private and Personal Use Only ७३४ सैव-स एव ... ८५ | ११ | ३६ । स एव. .. संपूर्णः ७३५, सैव-सामान्यनिरुक्तिः स एव. त्रुटिता. ७३६ तर्कचन्द्रिका तर्कसंग्रहटीका ३५ वैद्यनाथगाडागळ: | शक १६४४ | संपूर्णा. ७३७ तर्कप्रकाशः श्रीकण्ठः | त्रुटितः ७३८ तर्कसंग्रहदीपिका ... २९ / १० अन्नंभट्टः | शक १७११ | संपूर्णा. ७३९ दीधितिः-सामान्यनिरूक्तिः ... १४ | १२ शिरोमणिः त्रुटिता. ७४० सैव-अनुमानखण्डम् १३२ / ९ स एव.. शक १७३४ संपूर्णम. ७४१ नअर्थवादः रघुदेवः संपूर्णः ७४२ न्यायरत्नावली सिद्धान्तमजरीटाका. वासदेवः त्रुटिता. ७४३, न्यायरहस्यं न्यायसूत्रटीका रामभद्रः ३,४, १३, १४ पत्राण न. ७४४) न्यायसारः १,१७,२२ पत्राणि न. अन्ते च त्रुटितः ७४६ न्यायसिद्धान्तमञ्जरी जानकीनाथ १, २, १९,२० पत्राण चूडामणिः न सन्ति . प्रत्यक्षमनुमानमुपमानमिति ७४६ सैव. ३५ स एव. त्रीणि प्रकरणानि. ७४४ न्यायसिद्धान्तमञ्जरीटीका १४ | ४० श्रीकृष्णन्यायवा शब्दखण्डम. गीशभट्टः 187 (१२/ Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #193 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.-continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra - पत्र-पृष्ठग- पडिग अनुक्र अवाशेष्टं किमाप पूर्णो ग्रन्थनाम. माङ्क संख्या.तप ताक्षर- ग्रन्थकतो नाम. लेखनकाल: सख्या. संख्या. ऽपूर्णो वा. For Private and Personal Use Only शक १७३९ त्रुटितो ग्रन्थः संपूर्णम्. उद्देशपर्यन्ता. 188 ७४८ न्याय सूत्राणि १३ / ९ ४२ । गौतममुनिः ७४९ पदार्थ खण्डनम् शिरोमणिः ७५० पदार्थचन्द्रिकायाः शेषानन्तकृताया- ४६/ ९ नृसिंहाचार्य: ष्टीका. ७५१ पदार्थदीपिका ७६२/ सेव ७५३ पदार्थमाला जयरामः ७९४| परामर्शकारणपक्षतावादः ७५५/भवानन्दीव्याप्तिवादः भवानन्दः ७५६ मथुरानाथी व्यामिपूर्वपक्षरहस्यम् ... २१० मथुरानाथ: ७५७ मूलमथुराना व्याप्तिग्रहोपापः ... १४ | स एव. ७५८ मूलमथुरानाथी स एव. त्रुटिता. त्रुटिता. त्रुटेता. संपूर्णः त्रुटितः संपूर्णम. त्रुटित: | सिद्धान्तलक्षणान्ता. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #194 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only ७५९ | सैव -- हेत्वाभासाः ७६० | सामान्यनिरुक्तिक्रोडानि. ७६१| मुहूर्तचिन्तामणिः ७६२] स्वमाध्यायः ७६३ वैद्यकयोगचान्द्रका R < ४७ ५३ १८ | १२ वर्गो द्वादश:- ज्योतिषशास्त्रम. ४२ २४ राम: ७ < २५ बृहस्पतिः वर्गस्त्रयोदश: वैद्यकम् ७६४ कक्षपुटी ७६५ देवपूजाप्रकरणं निगमोक्तम. ७६६ भवानीसहस्रनाम रुद्रयामलोक्तम. | २९ स एव. ७ ३६ --| 190 | | 29 || वर्गश्चतुर्दशः – मन्त्रतन्त्रशास्त्रम्. ४८ < लक्ष्मणः २४ सिद्धनागार्जन: २७ १९ संपूर्णा: त्रुटितानि. शक १७४३ | संपूर्ण : संपूर्ण: संपूर्णा. एकादशपटलपर्यन्ता. संपूर्ण पू. शक १६०८ एकादशपत्राभावः 189 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #195 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX I.-continued. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra अनुक्र पत्र ग्रन्थनाम. पृष्ठगत-पङिगव्या. पाताभ- ग्रन्थकृतो नाम. | लेखनकालः | संख्या. रसंख्या अवशिष्टं किमपि पूर्णो ऽपूर्णो वा. त्रुटितम. ७६७ मन्त्रशास्त्रप्रकरणं किंचित ... १८ | १० | २४ ७६८ लक्ष्मीहृदयस्तोत्रमाथर्वणरहस्योक्तम्. २३ | ८ | १८ ७६९ ललितासहस्त्रनाम ... २१ , ९ २५ वर्गः पञ्चदशः-शिल्पशास्त्रम्. संपूर्णम For Private and Personal Use Only 190 ७७० कुण्डमार्तण्डः सटीकः ... २६ । १८४७ अनन्तभट्टः | शक १६७२ | संपूर्णः ७७१) महावाक्यविवरणम् ७७२) वाक्यवृत्तिटीका वर्गोऽष्टादश:-ब्राह्मणभाषाग्रन्थाः ... १० | १५ | २७ / ज्ञानदेवः ... ६५ | ९ | २० | ... आदिमपत्रचतुष्टयाभावः संपूर्णा. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir ... Page #196 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 191 APPENDIX II. A. From Uvata's Mantrabhdshya, No. 14, Fol. 50a. ऋष्यादींश्च पुरस्कृत्य अवन्त्यामूअटो वसन् । मन्त्रभाष्यमिदं चक्रे भोजे राष्ट्रं प्रशासति ॥ Fol. 135 b, 145 a, No. 15, Fol. 35 a. आनन्दपुरवास्तव्यवज्रटाख्यस्य सूनुना । मन्त्रभाष्यमिदं कृप्तं भोजे पृथ्वीं प्रशासति || Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir On another copy of the Bhashya of the last chapter under No. 15 we have - भोजराज्ये प्रशासति for भोजे राज्यं प्रशासति । 1 Isâvasya. ईशावास्य-पत्राणि २. B. No. 489 contains the following Upanishads : *** 2 Kena • केनोपनिषत् २. 3 Katha ... कठोप०७. 4 Prasna... प्रश्नोप० ५. 5 Mundaka. *मुंडको० ४. 6 Mânda - मांडूक्यो ०२. kya. --- 10 Brihada- बृहदारण्यको० ५० ranyaka. 11 Brahman. ब्रह्मो० २. 12 Kaivalya. कैवल्यो० २. 13 Jabala. जाबालो० २. 14 Svetas - श्वेताश्वतरो० ६. vatara. 15 Harsa... हंसो ० २. 16 Aruņika. आरुणिको० २. 17 Garbha... गर्भो ० २. 18Nârâyana. नारायणो० २. 19 Parama- परमहंसो ० २. hamsa. For Private and Personal Use Only 7 Taittiriya तैत्तिरीयो०. (wanting ). 8 Aitareya. ऐतरेयो० ४. 9 Chhando- छांदोग्यो० ४३. gya. * The nasals are in this Appendix mostly represented by a dot. They are usually so represented in Manuscripts, and our copyists are accustomed to write them thus. Their restoration would only have caused a good deal of what might well be considered unnecessary trouble. Page #197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 192 APPENDIX II.-continued. yani. ki. 20 Anurita- अमृतबिंदू० २. | 37 Tejobindu तेजोबिंदू० १५. bindu. 38 Nadabin- नादविदू० ४. 21 Amrita. अमृतनादो० २.। du. mada. 39 Dhyana- ध्यानबिंदू० ६. 22 Atharva- अथर्वशिर उ० ४. bindu. s'iras. 40 Brahma- ब्रह्मविद्यो० ५. 23 Atharva- अथर्वशिखो० २. ___vidya. s'ikhâ. 24 Maitra- मैत्रायण्यु० ६. 41 Yogatat- योगतत्त्वो० ६. tva. 25 Kaushita- कौषीतक्यु० १०. 42 Atmabo- आत्मबोधो० ३. dha. 43 Naradla नारदपरिव्राजको० 26 Brihajja- बृहज्जाबालो० ४. parivraja- १८. bâla. ka. 27 Nrisimha- नृसिंहतापिन्यु० ८. 44 Trisikhi- त्रिशिखिब्राह्मणो० tapini. brahma- ७. 28 Kalagni- कालाग्निरूद्रो० १. rudra. 45 Sita ... सीतो० ३. 29 Maitreyi मैत्रेय्यु० ४. 46 Yogacht- योगचडो० ५. 30 Suhala ... सुबालो० ॥. da. 31 Kshurika. क्षुरिको० ॥. 47 Nirvana. निर्वाणो० २. 32 Sarvashra सर्वसारो० अनुभव. 48 Mandala- मंडलब्राह्मणो० ६. or Anu- सारो० वा १. . brâhmana. bhavash. 49Dakshina- दक्षिणामूर्षु० २. mûrti. 33 Mantrikh मंत्रिको० २. 50 Sarabha. शरभो० २. (wanting). 51 Skanda. स्कंदो० १. 34 Niralam- निरालंबो० २. 52 Mahana. महानारायणो. ba. rayana. . २३. 35 Rahasya. रहस्यो० ४. 53 Taraka... तारको० ४. 86 Vajrast- वज्रसूच्यु० २. 54 Ramara- रामरहस्यो० ८. chi, hasya. ma. ra. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #198 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 193 va. APPENDIX II.-continued. 55 Ramata- रामतापिन्यु० १२. । 73 Adhyat- अध्यात्मो० ३. pinî. ma. 56 Vasule- वासुदेवो० २. 74 Kundika. कुंडिको० २. 75 Savitri... सावित्र्यु० २. 57 Mudgala. मुद्गलो० ३. 76 Atman... 3 THÌ . 58 Sandilya. शांडिल्यो० १२. 77 Pasupata- पाशुपतब्रह्मो० ३. 59 Paingala. पेंगलो० ८. brahman. 60 Bhikshu- भिक्षुको० २. 78 Parabrah- परब्रह्मो० ३. ka. man. 61 Mahopa- महोपनिषत् २४. 79 Avadhuta अवधूतो० २. nishad. 80 Tripurata- त्रिपुरातपनो०८. 62 Sariraka. शारीरको० २. pana. 63 Yogasi- योगशिखो० १२. 81 Devi ... देव्यु० २. khâ. 82 Tripura .. त्रिपुरो० २. G+ Turiyati- तुरीयातीतावधूतो० 83 Katha ... कठो० ३. tavadhuta. २. 84 Bhavand. भावनो० २. 65 Sannya- संन्यासो० ६. 85 Rudrahri- रुद्रहृदयो० २. sa. 66 Parama- परमहंसपरिव्राजhamsapa- को. ३. 86 Yogakum- योगकुण्डल्यु० ६. rivrâjaka. dalî. G7 Akshamid- अक्षमालिको० ३. 87 Bhasma- भस्मजाबालो० ५. lika. jâbâla. 68 Avyakta. अव्यक्तो० ३. 88 Rudraja- रुद्रजाबालो० ३. 69 Ekaksha- एकाक्षरो० २. bala. 89 Ganapa- गणपत्यथर्वशीर्षो. 70 Annapur- अन्नपूर्णो० ११. tyathar- २. na. vastrsha. 71 Surya- सर्याथर्वांगिरसो० 90 Darsana.. दर्शनो० ७. tharvan- २. 91 Tarashra.. तारसारो० २. girasa. 92 Mahava- महावाक्यो० २. 72 Akshi ... अक्ष्यु० ३. kya. B904-25 daya. ra. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #199 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 194 APPENDIX II.-continated. gyala. 93 Pancha- पंचब्रह्मो० २. 101 Dattatre- दत्तात्रेयो० २. brahman. ya. 94 Prandgni- प्राणाग्निहोत्रो० २. 102 Garuda... गारुडो० ३. _hotra. 103 Kalisan- कलिसंतरणो०१. 95 Gopalata- गोपालतापिन्यु० tarana. pini. 104 Jabali ... जाबाल्यु० १. 96 Krishna... कृष्णो० २. 105 Saubha- सौभाग्यलक्ष्म्यु०३. 97 Yajna- याज्ञवल्क्यो० २. ___valkya. kshmi. 98 Varaha... वराहो० ९. _106 Sarasvati- सरस्वतीरहस्यो०४. 99 Satya- शाट्यायन्यु० २. rahasya. yanin. 107 Bahvri- बहुचो० २. 100 Hayagri- हयग्रीवो० २. cha. va. | 108 Muktika.. मुक्तिको० ६. No. 10 contains the following Upanishads :1. Mundakopanishad मुण्ड- 10. Brahmopanishad ब्रह्मो० कोपनिषद्, ___11. Pranagnihotropanishad 2. Prasnopanishad प्रश्नो०. प्राणाग्निहोत्रो० 3. Brahmavidyopanishad 12. Mandakyopanishad मा. ब्रह्मविद्यो० ण्डूक्यो० सगौडपादीय कारिका. 4. Kshurikopanishad क्षुरिको० (Agamaprakarana, Vai tathyâkhyaprakara5. *Chulikopanishad चूलि na, Advaitakhyapra karana, and Alataको० śântyâkhyaprakara na, being the Kari6. Atharvasira-upanishad kâs of Gaudapâda अथर्वशिरउ० on the Mândukyopa nishad). 7. Atharvasikhopanishad 13. *Nîlarudropanishad at अथर्वशिखो० लरुद्रो० 8. Garbhopanishad गर्भो० 14. Nâdabindûpanishad alr9. Mahopanishad महो० दबिन्द्र० *Those marked with an asterisk do not occur in the last list. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #200 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 195 APPENDIX II.-continued. 15. Brahmabindupanishad | 25. Atmopanishad आत्मो० (called Amritabindu in the other MS.) ब्रह्म 26. Nrisimhatâpingupaबिन्दू० nishad नृसिंहतापिन्यु० 27. Atharvavallyupanishad 16. Amritabindupanishad (called Amritanâda in (same as Kathopanishad) the other MS.) अमृत अथर्ववल्लयु० कठोपनिषदबिन्दू० भिन्ना. 17. Dhyânabindûpanishad 28. Kenopanishad केनो० ध्यानबिन्दू० 29. Narayamopanishad ना18. Tejobindâpanishad Q - रायणो० जोबिन्दू० 30. Mahanarayanopanishad 19. Yogasikhopanishad यो. महानारायणो० गशिखो० 31. *Sarvopanishatsâra pat20. Yogatattvopanishad 41 पनिषत्तारः गतत्त्वो० 32. Hainsopanishad हंसो० 21. Sainnyâsopanishad - 33. Paramahamsopanishad न्यासो० परमहंसो० 22. Aruņeyopanishad 3715 - 34. Taittiriyopanishad ते. यो० त्तिरीयो० 23. *Kathasrutyupanishad 35. Garudopanishad गा(or Katharudropanishad) रुडो० कठश्रुत्यु० कठरुद्रो० वा 36. Kalagnirudropanishad 24. *Pindopanishad पिण्डो० कालाग्निद्रो० * Those marked with an asterisk do not occur in the last list. C. From the Ruleminisavrijayalkavrya, No. 632, Canto II BATT. Beginning. ततो यशोदा स्वकुलस्य पुण्यलसद्यशोदा हि करिष्यमाणः ॥ स गोकुलं गोकुलगोपपुंजावभूषितं प्राविशदब्जनेत्रः ॥ १ ॥ विकीर्णपुष्पांबुद For Private and Personal Use Only Page #201 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 196 APPENDIX II.--continued. लबिचंद्रमहःपताका नववारिसिक्ता ॥ फणींद्रकंठोदररत्नकांतिविचित्रिता सा गृह वीथिकासीत् ॥२॥ फणावलीतोरणभाग्विमानवितानयुक्तोरगराजमौलेः ॥ पतत्पयोबिंदुसिताक्षता सा स्थली निशीथेपि विभूषितेव ॥ ३ ॥ विमुक्तवर्गाधिपति पतिं श्रीः शिशुं तमालोक्य विलज्जितेव ।। इयेष दोषांतर एव गंतु स्वयं गृहीताभकरम्यरूपा ॥ ४ ॥ हरेः प्रिया तद्भगिनीत्वमित्थमुपेयुषी तत्र न सा स्थिरासीत् ॥ मनोज्ञमूयं रतस्तदीयविशाल वक्षस्थलमेय तृप्ता अंते. End. उषाभिधायां स च वनसंज्ञमजीजनद्वैरिनगौघवजं ॥ तमःसमुन्मूलनमुज्ज्वलंतमुषस्यसीतांशमिवोदयादिः ॥ ३२ ॥ यः पृथ्वीपतिमीलिरत्नघटित श्रीपादपीठः क्षितौ यः स्वर्गीश्वर फालमंडनकरश्रीपादरेणुर्दिवि ॥ यः श्रेयःपथपांथसज्जनमनःपाथेयगेयोदय स्तस्य द्वारवती पुरी प्रियतमा सेयं बभूवासमा ॥.३३ ॥ मध्येसमुद्रं मणिमंजुमौलिविद्योतिताशाद शकः स देवः ॥ अद्यापि भैष्म्या सह भासयंस्तामाद्यः पुमानार्यवृतः किलास्ते ॥ ३४ ॥ कुशस्थली सा कुशलैकगम्या प्रशस्तकीर्तेः प्रथिता पुरीयं ॥ शरीरिणां सर्वपुमर्थसार्थकरी नरीनतु मदंतरंगे ॥ ३५ ॥ वंदारुद्विजवर्यवांछितनिजध्यानः क्षमाशंकरः स्वर्वाग्मिनजवर्ण्यदिग्विततिकृत्कर्मोंघराजस्करी ॥ रुद्राणीपतिमान्यराजितगतिः सत्यासहायः सतां तां रेमे वरदः स्वबंधुरुचिरां रक्षन्पुरीमद्भुतां ॥ ३६ ॥ कृष्णस्योदयवर्णनैः सुचरितस्तो. मस्तवैः सूक्तिभिः सुश्लोकः सुभगा रसैश्च विविधैः स्वानंदसर्गेवता ॥ दुष्टागम्यनिजार्थतोषितखगा सास्याः कृते।खरी बिभ्राणेव विभाति विठ्ठल पुरी विष्वक् सुवर्णोज्वला ॥ ३७॥ यस्मिन्मंगलदेवताखिलजगन्माता रमा नायकी पद्मापाभवादिसेव्यचरणस्तद्वल्लभो नायकः ।। अश्वग्रीवदयापयोब्धिफलितप्रायोक्तिरत्नोज्ज्वलं तदासानुगवादिराजरचितं काव्यं विभाव्यं बुधैः ॥ ३८ ॥ कृष्णः काव्यकृते स्वहस्तकमलच्छत्रं प्रदद्या प्रभुः सच्छास्त्राभिधरम्यराजपदवीं सुज्ञानयानं मुदा ॥ स्वांद्रयाराधनकंकणं करयुगे कैंकर्यहारं गले स्वात्मानं हृदि नियचिंतनधनं सांद्युक्तिरत्नान्यपि ॥ ३९ ॥ हंसानां हृदयंगमं कविलसद्गादृतं मौक्तिक प्ररव्याघ्योक्ति नवं For Private and Personal Use Only Page #202 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 197 APPENDIX II.- continued. प्रबंधजलनं पादेपितं स्यादरेः ॥ लक्ष्मीरम्यकरे वरामरततेः सन्मानसे शारदानंदं तत्पवन: स्वहस्कृतगुणं विस्तारयत्वं जसा ।। ४० ॥ रोम्णां हर्षणकारिणि श्रवणतः पापौघविध्वंसिनि प्रेम्णा चिंतयतां विचित्रविमलश्लाघ्यार्थसंदायिनि ॥ संजाते भुवि रुक्मिणीशविनये सद्वादिराजोदिते सर्गोभूसुरमंडलीषु सुतरामेको नविंशो मुदा ॥ ४१ ॥ इति श्रीमत्कविकुलतिलकश्रीवादिराजपूज्य चरणीवराचते रुक्मिगीशविनये महाकाव्ये एकोनविंशः सर्गः॥ D. From the Khandupras'astiţika, No. 140. Fol. 150. भदृश्रीपोचियाख्याद्रुधवरतिलकाद्नंगदासं यमार्य देवी सौभाग्य युक्ता ह्यजनयदपरागं महालक्ष्मिसंज्ञा । तेनास्मिन् रच्यमानेखिल बुधजनसंतोषदायिन्यवृद्धे रामाकारस्य विष्णोरजनि नुतिरियं व्याक्रियामंडने हि ॥ Fol. 24 a. The 3rd and 4th lines are : सोयं प्राप्ते यतित्वे रचयति रमणी रामचन्द्रस्य कीर्ति ज्ञानानन्दो हनूमत्कृतनुतिघटनाव्याक्रिणमंडनस्मिन् ॥ From the Naishaulhalâvyaţiků of Narahari, No. 146. Fol. 49 b, and 50 a. यं प्रासूत त्रिलिङ्गक्षिति पतिसतताराधिताङ्किः स्वयंभूः पातिकसीमा सुकविनरहरि नालमा निर्मलश्रीः। यं विद्यारण्ययोगी कलयति कृपया तत्कृतौ दीपिकायां सर्गः षष्ठो वरिष्ठः क्षितिपति चरितश्चारुनीराजितोभूत ॥ In other places we have नालमा यं च माता. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #203 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 198 APPENDIX II.--continued. F. I'rom the Bhävasatuka of Nagarđja, No. 151. आसीत्कार्पयगोत्रसागरसुधाधामासुकामा [?] पुनः श्रीविद्याधर इत्यशेषभुवनःनि प्रख्यातनामामृतः यः केदारपदारबिंदु [द] युगलः [ल] प्रत्यु [य] ग्रपूजाविधि[धिः] प्राप्ताशेषपवित्रभव्य विभवैः सार्थीकृतार्थिश्रमः ॥ तत्पुत्रः सर्वमित्रं सरसकविकुलस्तूयमानौ [नो] रुकीर्ति [:] प्रख्याती ता] जालयाख्यो जगति विजयते टाकवंशप्रशस्यः । विष्णुर्दैत्येंद्रबुद्धव्यतकरण व्यतिकरणरण] व्याकुलत्वात्स्वभायाँ लक्ष्मी निक्षिप्य यस्मन [स्मिन् ] व्यवहरदनिशं स्वेच्छया स्व च्छचित्ते ॥ तस्माज्जातः सुजातौ नि [तनि] जगुणमणिभि : प्रीणिताशे षलोक कोकाहंकारकारिस्मितमाह [म मुखष्टाकवंशावतंयः[स:] । भाति श्रीनागराजो परनृपतिशिरोर्दै [द] शिताद्यप्रतापे [पो] . राजेते यं समेते विगलति [लित] कलह [हे) वाक् च पद्मा लया च ॥ G. From Bhairavasâhanavarasaratna, No. 152. भैरवसाहनवरसरत्नम् प.१ पृ. १ पं. १. Beginning. Pol. 1a.,l. 1. श्रीगणेशाय नमः ॥ वागीश्वर्यै नमः गणेशानं मानं सकलपुरुषार्थेकघटनेऽटने शास्त्राटव्यामनुगति ममंदादरजुषाम् ॥ प्रणम्याथो देवीं वचननिचयैकप्रभुमिमां महाराजश्रीमद्वहिरमरसान वच्मि सकलान् ॥ १॥ End.- श्रीमद्धैरवसाहस्य रसरत्ननिरूपणम् ॥ अकारि विदुषां प्रीसै दिननाथेन सूरिणा ॥ ४१ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #204 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 199 APPENDIX II.--continued. इति श्रीमत्सकलसामंतसीमंतिनीसौभाग्यसंभावननिपुणश्रीमत्प्रौढराष्ट्रौढ कुलतिलकश्रीमद्वैरवसाहरसरत्ननिरूपणं नाम ॥शुभमस्तु. H. From Punjarâja's Kavyalańkáraśiśuprabodha, No. 210. काव्यालंकारः प. १ ४. १ पं. १. Beginning Fol. 1a.,l. 1गंधर्वरुपगीयमानचरितः प्रीया मिललोचनो लीलाचंचलकर्णतालचकिता उड्डीय कुंभस्थलात् ॥ व्यालीनां भ्रमरावली *चिटुतलेलंकाररूपां दधन [ त् ] कस्तूरीतिलकोपमां स जयति श्रीमान् गणानां पतिः ॥ १ ॥ अन्ते प. ७० पृ. २ पं. १ End. Fol.---70 8., L. 1सोयं श्रीपुंजनृपतिः परोपकृतिकौतुकी ॥ व्यधत्त काव्यालंकारं श्रोतृव्युत्पत्तिसिद्धये ॥ १०३ ॥ इति श्रीमालकुलश्रीमालभारमालवमंडलालंकारश्रीजीवनेंद्रनंदनमफरलमलिकश्रीपुंजराजविरचिते शिशुप्रबोधे काव्यालंकारेलंकाराध्यायोष्टमः समाप्तः ॥ No. 233 contains Narayana's Dipikas on the following Upanishads :1 Mundakopanishaddipika. मुण्डकोपनिषद्दीपिका.१-१७पत्राणि 2 Pras nopanishaddi.... ... प्रश्नोपनिषद्दी० ...१८-३६ 8 Brahmavidyopanishaddi. ब्रह्मविद्योपनिषद्दी० ३७-३९ 4 Kshurikopanishaddi. ... क्षुरिकोपनिषद्दी० ४०-४७ 5 Chulikopanishaddi. ... ... चूलिकोपनिषदी०१८-६१ 6 Atharvasirshopanishaddh. अथर्वशीर्षोपनिषद्दी०१२-१३ 7 Atharvas'ikhopanishaddi. अथर्वशिखोपनिषद्दी० ६४-६८ * चिटुः कुंभयोर्मध्यभागः - - For Private and Personal Use Only Page #205 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 200 APPENDIX II.--continued. 8 Garbhopanishadan. ... ... ग पनिषद्दी० ...६९-७३ 9 Mahopanishaddi. ... ... महोपनिषद्दी० ... ७३-८० (Fols. 75-78 wanting.) (अत्र ७५-७८ पत्राणि न सन्ति ), 10 Brahmopanishaddi. ... ... ब्रह्मोपनिषद्दी० ... ८०-८७ 11 Pranāgnihotropanishaddi. प्राणाग्निहोत्रोपनिषदी०८०-९० 12 Mandakyopanishadli. ... माण्डक्योपनिषद्दी० . ९१-२३५ (in four divisions.) (अत्र चत्वारि प्रकरणानि सन्ति). 18 Nilarudropanishaddi. ... नीलरुद्रोपनिषद्दी० ...२३६-२३९ 14 Nadabindupanishadai. ... नादबिन्दूपनिषद्दी०...२३९-२४२ 15 Brahmabindapanishadai. ब्रह्मबिन्दूपनिषद्दी०...२४२-२४४ 16 Amritabindupanishaddh.... अमृतबिन्दूपनिषद्दी० २४५-२५६ 17 Dhyanabindupanishaddi.. ध्यानबिन्दूपनिषद्दी० २५७-२६३ 18 Tejobindupanishaddi. ... तेजोबिन्दूपनिषद्दी०...२६४-२६६ 19 Yogasikhopanishaddh. ... योगशिखोपनिषद्दी०...२६६-२६८ 20 Yogatattvopanishaddi. ... योगतत्वोपनिषद्दी०...२६८-२७१ 21 Sunnyasopanishaddi. ... संन्यासोपनिषद्दी० ...२७२-२९६ 22 Aruneyopanishaddi. ... आरुणेयोपनिषदी० ...९९६-३०३ 23 Kathopanishaddi. ... ... कठोपनिषद्दी० ...३०३-३०७ 24 Pindopanishaddi. ... ... पिण्डोपनिषद्दी० ...३०८ 25 Atmopanishaddi. ... ... आत्मोपनिषद्दी० ...३०९-३१० 26 Mahopanishaddi. ... ... महोपनिषद्दी० ...३११-३३६ (This is a different work from No. 9. It is in four इयमन्या महोपनिषत् । अत्र चत्वारि sections). प्रकरणानि 27 Nrisimhapurvatāpaniyopa- नृसिंहपूर्वतापनायापनिnishaddi. षद्दी० ...३३६-३४७ 28 Shadvaktropanishaddi. ... षडकोपनिषद्दी० ...३४८-३४९ 29 Nrisimhottaratapaniyopa- नृसिंहोत्तरतापनीयोपनि nishaddi. षद्दी० ...३५०-४०५ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #206 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 201 APPENDIX II. --continued. 30 Kathavallyupanishaddi. ... कठवल्ल्यु पनिषद्दी०...४०६-४३० (Six Vallîs. ) (अत्र षडल्ल्यः ) 31 Kenopanishaddi. ... ... केनोपनिषदा० ...४३१-४४४ 32 Narayanopanishadat. ... नारायणोपनिषदी०...४४९-४५६ 33 Atmabodhopanishaddi. ... आत्मबोधोपनिषद्दी० ४५६-४५७ 34 Mahānārāyanopanishaddi. महानारायणोपनिषद्दी०४५८-४९० 35 Ramapurvatipaniyopani- रामपूर्वतापनीयोपनिषदी० shaddî. ___ ४९१-५१८ 36 Ramottaratapantyopani- रामोत्तरतापनीयोपनिषद्दी० shaddi. ५१९-५३४ 37 Sarvopanishaddi. ... ... सर्वोपनिषद्दी० ...५३५-५३८ 38 Hamsopanishaddi. ... ... हंसोपनिषद्दी० ...५३९-५४४ 39 Paramaharnsopanishaddi. परमहंसोपनिषद्दी० ...५४५-५५५ 40 Jabalopanishaddi. ... ... नाबालोपनिषद्दी० ...५५६-५६३ 41 Kaivalyopanishaddi. ... कैवल्योपनिषद्दी० ...५६४-६६५ 42 Siksha-Brahmavida-Bhxi. शिक्षाब्रह्मविदाभाग्वतिgupanishaddi. __ वल्लोत्रितयदी० ...९६६-६९० (Leaves 571-589 and (अत्र ९७१-५८९, ५९१--५९४ 591-594 missing.) च पत्राणि न सन्ति.) 43 Kalagnirndropanishaddh. .. कालानिरुद्रोपनिषद्दो०५९५-५९६ 44 Copālatāpaniyopanishaddi. गोपालतापनीयोपनिषद्दी० (Leaf 605 wanting.) (अत्र ६०६ पत्रं नास्ति.) 45 Krishnapurvatāpaniyopa- कृष्णपूर्वतापनीयोपनिषदी० nishaddi. ६०६-६१७ 46 Krishnottarathpaniyopani. कृष्णोत्तरतापनीयोपनिषद्दो० shaddi. ६१८-६३५ 47 Krishnopanishaddi. ... ... कृष्णोपनिषद्दी० ...६३५-६४२ 48 Vasudevopanishaddi. ... वासुदेवोपनिषद्दी ...६४३-६४७ B904-26 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #207 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 202 APPENDIX II.--continued. 49 Gopichandanopanishaddî. Ì91a-catalageto €84-893 50 Svetâśvataropanishaddî... Qarapati faqaTO 898--&C€ (Leaves 655–657 wanting.) (3757849-equipo #fa) 51 Prathamopanishaddî. ... TAATETO ...&(-898 52Fragment of some unknown कानिचित्पत्राणि कस्याश्चिदुपनिषदो Upanishaddi. दीपिकायाः ६९४-६९७ From the Samshepaśårêraka, No. 268. श्रीदेवेश्वरपादपङ्कजरजःसंपर्कपूताशयः सर्वज्ञात्मगिराङ्कितो मुनिवरः संक्षेपशारीरकम् । चक्रे सज्जनबुद्धिवर्धनमिदं राजन्यवंश्ये नृपे श्रीमत्यक्षतशासने मनुकु लादिये भुवं शासात ॥ L. Ânandatîrtha was born on the 4th of the dark half of Âshâdha in Kali 4220, corresponding to S'aka 1040, and in the Vilambin Samvatsara. He was made a Samnyâsin by Achyutaprekshâchârya and afterwards went to Badari. kảśrama and came back in 1057 S'aka, Ânanda Samvatsara, bringing with him idols of Digvijaya Râma and Vedavyâsa. He was raised to the seat of High-priest in the presence of kings. Padmanabhatîrtha, Naraharitîrtha, Mâdhavatîrtha and Akshobhyatirtha were his pupils. Naraharitîrtha was sent to Jagannâtha, in Orissa, to bring the original idol of Râma and Sîtâ. Ânandatîrtha went from country to country putting down the advocates of the doctrine of Mâyâ and others and established the Vaishnava creed. He died on the 9th of the light half of Mâgha in 1120 Śaka current and the Pingala Sam. vatsara, having raised Padmanâbhatîrtha to the seat of Pontiff in the presence of all his disciples. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #208 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ APPENDIX II.- continued. Succession list of the High-priests of the Madhva Sect. Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra DATE OF DEATH. Name. Name before initia. tion. Place of inter ment. Notes. Samvatsara. saka. Month. Day. i Ânandatîrtha ... 2 Padmanabhatirtha 3 Naraharitirtha... ... Pingala ... .. Raktakshi... ... Śrimukha ... 1119 1126 1135 Magha Kartika ... Pausha ... 2 For Private and Personal Use Only 203 4 Mâdhavatirtha Vikțiti ... 1152 Bhadrapada. 5 Akshobhyatirtha Plavanga ... 1169 6 Jayatîrtha ... ... Vibhava ... 1190 7 Vidyâdhirajatîrtha ... Angiras ... 1254 8 Kavindratîrtha Pramåthin. 1261 Ashâąha ... Vaisakha ... Chaitra 9 $. Vasudevâchârya ... Badarikâsrama. 14 v. Subanabhatta Anegundi 1 Ânandabhatta, Bel 7 v. Râmaśâstrin Hampi ... i śâmašâstrin, Bel. 2 Chakratirtha, Bel. 2 3 v. | Vishnusastrin ... Hampi ... i Govindašâstrin, Bel. 2 Manpur, Bel. 5 v. Govindasâstrin ... Malkhed ... 1 Visvavasu, Bel.; P. agrees with M. 5 v, Dhoodo Raghunatha. Do. Native of Mangalave. dhem. 3 6. Krishṇabhatta ... Yaraga!. 9 s. Vasudevalâstrin ...Ânegundi ... 1 1257, M.; P. and Bel. agree in the Samvat. sara. 2 v. Rangâchârya ... Do. .1 P. agrees with M. ; Bel. has Sarvajit and 1269 Saka, 23 v, Bel. 1 3 Raghunathâchârya, Bel. 3 9 | vagibatirtha ... ... Subhânu ... 1265 | Do. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #209 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only No. Name. 10 Râmachandratîrtha 11 Vidyânidhitirtha 12 Raghunâthatîrtha 15 Vedavyâsatirtha 16 Vidyâdhisatîrtha 17 Vedanidhitirtha 18 Satyavratatîrtha Succession list of the High-priests of the Madhva Sect-continued. Samvatsara. Saka. Nala Raktákshi 13 Raghuvaryatirtha Pingala 14 Raghuttamatirtha Manmatha Dundubhi... Siddharthin Prajapati Yuvan DATE OF DEATH. 1 1364 1 1298 Pausha 1 1306 Kârtika 1 1419 APPENDIX II.-continued. 1 1457 1 1481 Month. 1 1497 Bahudhânya 1560 Mârg asirsha Jyeshtha Pausha Chaitra 1 1493 Pausha Kârtika Phalguna Day. 6 s. 2 11 8. Name before initiation. 2 1 v. Krishnasâstrin 22 Mâdhavasâstrin Krishnacharya 3 v. Ramachandrasâstrin. 11 v. Do. §. Vyâsâchârya... 6 §. 14 v. Nrisimhacharya 2 12 §. Pradyumnâchârya 1 Janârdanâchârya Place of interment. Yaragal... Ânegundi 3 Do. Do. 2 Pinâki Pinagundi Notes. 1 Vaisakha, Bel. 1 1366 Śaka, Bel. 2 4 v., Bel, 3 Yaragal, Bel. 1 1424, Bel. 2 Vishnusâstrin, Bel. 3 Malkhed, Bel. 1 1479, Bel. ...1 1517, Bel. ... 2 Tirakallur-Dakshapinâkini, Bel. ...1 1541, Bel. 23 §., Bel. Ekachakra 1 1553, Bel. Pandharpur 1 1557, Bel. 2 11 s., Bel. Sângali 1 Ranganathâchârya, Bel. 204 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #210 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 19 Satyanidhitîrtha... ... Sarvajit ..1582 20 Satyanâthatirtha ... Pramâdin ... 1595 Mârgabirsha 10 6. Raghunathacharya.... Nivritisaṁgama. 1 Raghupatyacharya, Bel. Do. ... 11 .1 Do. ... Virchoļa Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 21 Satyabhinavatirtha .. Vyaya ... 1628 22 Satyapürşatîrtha ... Parâbhava. 1648 23 Satyavijayatirtha ... Siddhârthin 1661 For Private and Personal Use Only Jyesh tha ... 14 y, Narasimhacharya ... Nâchâragundi... 1 14 s., Bel. 2 Keśavâchârya, Bel. Do. ... 2 v. Keśavâcharya ... Kodtikollur... 1 Krishạâchârya, Bel. 2 Kollur, Bel. M. pats between 21 and 22 one of the name of Satyadhirâjatirtha, who occupied the seat for about ten days. Chaitra ... 12 v. Do. ... Araại ... ... 1 Pingala 1659, Bel. 2 11 v., Bel. 3 Baláchârya, Bel. Do. ... 13 s. Ramachandrâchârya. Bhagyanagar ... 1 1664, M. 2 Manamadhuri, Bel, Phâlguna ... lv. | Râmâchârya... - Såvnur, Jyesh tha ... 2 $. Do. Mahishi... ... 1 Raghavendracharya, Bel. Śrâvana ... 7 $. Krishņâcharya ... Santi Binur ... 1 Santî Bedanur, Bel. Do. ... ... 13 v. v. Annayyâchârya ... Hole Honur. Ashâdha ... ģ. Srinivâsâcharya ...Mahisur 1 15 s., Bel. 205 1666 24 Satyapriyatirtha ... Raktákshin. Satyabodhatîrtha ... Sobhana ... 26 Satyasamdhatirtha ... Ananda ...) Satyavaratîrtha ... Pingala ... 28 Satyadharmatirtha ... Vikriti 29 Satyasamkalpatîrtha.. Plava 1705 1716 1719 1752 1763 Satyasaṁtushțatîrtha. Plava ... 1763 Phâlguna ... 30 v. Bâlâchârya ... .. Do. ... 1 Ghuļi-bâlâcharya, Bel. Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 31 Satyaparāyaṇatirtha ... Rudhirodga- 17 rin. Asvina ... Guracharya ... .. Santi Binur ... 176., Bel. 1 2 Gurlahosur, Bel. Page #211 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ For Private and Personal Use Only No Name. 32 Satyakâmatirtha APPENDIX II.-continued. Succession list of the High-priests of the Madhva Sect-continued. DATE OF DEATH, Samvatsara. S'aka. Month. 1793 Pausha Prajapati 33 Satyeshtatîrtha Angiras 34 Satyaparâkramatîrtha Pramâthin 1801 35 Satyaviratirtha 1794 Bhadrapada Âśvina ****** Day. Name before initiation. 1 30 v. Srinivasacharya 11 s. Narasimhacharya 1 6. Srinivâsâcharya Bodharâyâchârya ... Place of interment. Notes. Atakur, then Râi- 1 6 v., Bel. chur. Âtakur Chittâpur M. omits all except the Dikshâ name by mistake. 1 8 s., Bel. Now living. M. represents the list procured at Miraj; Bel. represents the list published at Belgaum ; P. represents the list procured at Poona; §. represents the light half of a month; v. represents the dark half of a month. 206 Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Page #212 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 207 APPENDIX II.--eontinued. M. Works composed by Madhva. || श्रीवेदव्यासाय नमः॥ ॥ श्री० अथ ग्रंथमालिकास्तोत्रप्रारंभः॥ कृष्णं विद्यापति नत्वा पूर्णबोधार्थसद्रुरून् । ग्रंथान्मध्वश्चकारासी सप्तत्रिंशदमंदधीः॥१॥ गीताभाष्यं चकारासौ प्रथम तुष्टिदं हरेः ।। भाष्याणुभाष्ये चकेऽथ अनुव्याख्यानमव्ययं ॥२॥ संन्यासपद्धतिं चके न्यायशास्त्रनिकंतने॥ प्रमाणलक्षणं नाम कथालक्षणसंज्ञकं ॥३॥ उपाधिखंडनं चके मायावादस्य खंडनं ॥ चके प्रपंचमिथ्यात्वमानखंडनमुच्चधीः ॥ ४॥ चकार तत्त्वसंख्यानं साधनं तत्वदर्शनं ॥ ग्रंथ तत्त्वविवेकाख्यं तचोदयोतं हरेः प्रियं ॥६॥ कर्मनिर्णयनामानं ग्रंथं न्यायार्थबंहितं ॥ सुखतीर्थयतिश्चक्रे विष्णुतत्त्वविनिर्णयं ॥६॥ ऋग्भाष्यं च चकारासी सर्ववेदार्थनिर्णयं ॥ ऐतरेयं तैत्तिरीयं बृहदारण्यमेव च ॥ ७॥ ईशावास्य काठकं च छांदोग्याथर्वणे तथा ॥ मांडूक्यं नाम षट्प्रश्न तथा तलवकारकं ॥८॥ चके भाष्याणि दिव्यानि दशोपनिषदां गुरुः॥ निर्णयं सर्वशास्त्राणां गीतातात्पर्यसंज्ञकं ॥९॥ नरसिंहनखस्तोत्रं चक्रे यमकभारतं ॥ द्वादशस्तोत्रमकरोकृष्णामृतमहार्णवं ॥ १० ॥ तंत्रसारं चकारासी सदाचारस्मृतिः [ति] सुधीः॥ श्रीमद्भागवतस्यापि तात्पर्य ज्ञानसाधनं ॥११॥ महाभारततात्पर्य निर्णयं संशयच्छिदं ॥ यतिप्रणवकल्पं वा प्रणवार्थप्रकाशकं ॥ १२ ॥ जयंतीनिर्णयं चके देवकीगर्भजन्मनः ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #213 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 208 APPENDIX II.-continued. कृष्णस्य कृष्णभक्तोयं द्वैपायनकरावुभौ [Sic] ॥१३॥ एतेषां पाठमात्रेण मध्वेशः प्रीयते हरिः॥ इति ग्रंथमालिकास्तोत्रं संपूर्ण श्रीकृष्णार्पणमस्तु । N. Succession list of the High-priests of the Sect founded ___by Nimbarka. From the Harigurustavamdla; No. 84. (A). Fol. 28 -30b. २८ पत्रस्य निरंकं पृष्ठमारभ्य ३० पत्रस्य सांकपर्यंत. श्रीमद्वंदावनं देवं भाष्यकारं प्रणम्य च ॥ आचार्यवंदनां वक्ष्ये भक्तिविघ्नोपशांतये ॥ १ ॥ राधाकृष्णावहं वंदे हंसरूपं महागुरूं ॥ महानंदमयं श्रीमद्वैताद्वैतमतप्रदं ॥२॥ तस्य शिष्यं कुमारं वै वंदे सर्वसतां पति ॥ कृताचार्य महाचर्य चतुराकतिधारिणं ॥३॥ तस्य शिष्यशिरोरत्नं नारदं भवपारदं ॥ त्रेतायुगाचार्यवर्यं प्रेमभक्तिविशारदं ॥ ४ ॥ तस्य शिष्याधिपं वंदे द्वापरे भक्तिदायकं ॥ निंबादित्यं सदानित्यं कृष्णपूजाविधायि(य)कं ॥५॥ तस्य शिष्यं महाचार्य श्रीनिवासं महाहणं ॥ घोरे कलियुगे प्राप्ते कृष्णनामोपदेशिनं ॥ ६ ॥ तदंतेवासिनं वंदे विश्वभक्तिप्रदं श्रुभं ॥ विश्वाचार्यं जगद्वंद्यं स्वामिनं सकलेश्वरं ॥ ७ ॥ तच्छिष्यं सर्वदा वैदे पुरुषोत्तमनामतः ॥ आचार्यशेखरं श्रीमद्धंसवंशयशस्करं ॥ ८ ॥ तस्य शिष्यं विलासाख्यं भक्तवात्सल्यसागरं ॥ आचार्यरानकं वंदे भक्तिकंजप्रभाकरं ॥९॥ श्रीस्वरूपाचार्यपालं वदे श्रीमन्महाप्रभु ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #214 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 209 APPENDIX II.--cuntinnnel. आनंदरसकूपारं सत्यसंधविचक्षणं ॥१०॥ श्रीमाधवाचार्यवयं तस्य शिष्यं गुणाकरं ॥ राधाकृष्णयशोगीतं चाश्रयं भक्तपक्षिणां ॥ ११ ॥ बलभद्राचार्यदेवं तस्य शिष्यधुरंधरं ॥ वंदेहं सततं श्रीमद्भक्तिवृक्षालवालकं ॥ १२ ॥ पद्माचार्यमहं वंदे तस्य शिष्यगणाधिपं ।। श्रीमंतं दिग्विजेतारं नेतारं साधुतः पति [ ॥ १३ ॥ श्यामाचार्यमहं वंदे तस्य शिष्यजनेश्वरं ॥ सदाचारप्रकाशं वै त्रासकं भक्तवैरिणां ॥ १४ ॥ श्रीगोपालाचार्यधुर्यं तस्य शिष्यमहेश्वरं ॥ वंदेहं सर्वदा श्रीमद्वेदवेदांत पारगं ॥ १५ ॥ तच्छिष्यं श्रीकृपाचार्य वंदेहं सत्यवायिकं ॥ राधाकृष्णकृपामति रसाधीशप्रदायि(य)कं ॥ १६ ॥ देवाचार्यमहं वंदे तस्य शिष्यसुखावहं ॥ सर्वलोकविजेतारं वादिनागगणे हारें ॥ १७ ॥ गुणागुणसतां नेता पापभेत्ता कुयोगिनां ॥ महाधुर्थः सर्वदा मां देवाचार्यः प्रसीदतु ॥ १८ ॥ श्रीमत्सुदरभट्ट तच्छिष्यछत्रं द्विजेश्वरं ॥ वंदे राधाकृष्णलीलागायि(य)काचार्यनायि(य)कं ॥ १९ ॥ तच्छिष्यं श्रीपद्मनाभं वंदेहं प्रेमसागरं ।। व्रजलीलाप्रकाशं श्रीरसाधीशे सुनागरं ॥२०॥ उपेंद्रभट्टनामानं वंदे तच्छिष्यनायकं ॥ राधाकृष्ण महालीलागायि(य)कं प्रेमदायि(य)कं ॥२१॥ तच्छिष्यं श्रीरामचंद्रं भट्ट वंदे महाप्रभुं ॥ वृंदावनेशलीलानां प्रकाशं रागमार्गगं ॥ २२ ॥ तच्छिष्यं श्रीवामनाख्यं भट्ट वंदे जनाधिपं ॥ वेदागमपुराणानां सारंसारं प्रकाशकं ॥२३ ॥ तच्छिष्यं श्रीकृष्णभट्ट कृष्णभक्तारिमर्दनं । वंदेहं सर्वदा तं वै भक्तिविघ्नार्दनं सतां ॥ २४ ॥ } 904-27 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #215 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 210 APPENDIX II.--continneil, वंदे पद्माकरं भट्ट भट्टाचार्यगुरुं सदा ।। तच्छिष्यगणमुख्यं श्रीहंसधर्मप्रकाशकं ॥ २५ ॥ वंदेहं तच्छिष्यवयं श्रीमच्छ्रवणभट्टकं ॥ श्रीमद्वंदावने राधाकृष्णलीलाविहारदं ॥ २६ ॥ तच्छिष्यं श्रीभूरिभट्टं वंदे भूरिगुणाकरं । अज्ञानतिमिरांधानां भक्तिरूपं विभाकरं ॥ २७ ॥ तच्छिष्यं माधवं भट्ट वंदे भूदेवप्त दुरुं ॥ माधवानंददातारं पातारं सर्वदा सतां ॥ २८ ॥ वंदेहं श्रीश्यामभट्ट श्यामश्यामागुणार्णव ॥ मडनं सर्वसाधूनां भंडनं साधुवैरिणां ॥२९॥ तच्छिष्यं सर्वदा वंदे श्रीमद्गोपाल भट्टकं ।।। गोपीगोपाललीलानां मंदिरायतमुंदरं ।। ३० ॥ श्रीबलभद्रभट्ट तच्छिष्यं विद्यानिकेतनं ।। महोदारं जनाधारं प्रचारं भक्तिसंपदा ॥ ३१ ।। श्रीमद्रोपीनाथभट्ट वंदे तच्छिष्यभूषणं ॥ अविरोधमताध्यक्षं विरोधमतदूषणं ॥ ३२ ॥ तच्छिष्यं श्रीकेशवाख्यं भक्तं वंदे समुक्तिदं ।। मंत्रार्थदाय(य)कं श्रीमन्मंत्रराजविधायि(य)कं ॥३३॥ श्रीमंत गंगलं भट्ट वंदे मंगलमूर्तिकं ॥ निर्गुणानां सतां नित्यं प्रेमभक्तिप्रपूर्तिकं ॥ ३४ ॥ तच्छिष्यवर्यं जनवैरिचंडं काश्मीरिणं केशवभट्टमंडं । वंदे सदा ब्रह्मतेजोग्निकुंडं दिग्जिगुरुं शारदावासतुंड ॥ ३५ ॥ भक्त्यालवालं हरिदासघालं दासारिकालं भजने रसालं ॥ काश्मीरिणं केशवभट्टशिष्टं वेदे सदाहं हरिभक्तिनिष्ठं ॥ ३६ ॥ तच्छिष्यं सर्वदा वदे श्रीमन्ड्रीभट्टनामकं ॥ अनंतभक्तकर्तारं भर्तारं प्रेमसंपदां ॥ ३७ ॥ तच्छिष्यं श्रीहरिव्यासं देवं देव्यादिसद्गुरूं। वंदेहं सच्चिदानंदं राधाकृष्णस्वरूपकं ।। ३८ ॥ तस्य श्रीपरशुरामदेवं शिष्यमहामुनि ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #216 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 211 APPENDIX II.--continued. सर्वशास्त्रार्थतत्त्वज्ञं सिद्धमित्रजगद्गुरुं ॥ ३९॥ श्रीहरिवंशदेव तच्छिष्यं विद्यापयोनिधि ॥ वंदेहं भक्तपं भूमावनाचारप्रणाशनं ॥ ४० ॥ श्रीमन्नारायणं देवं वंदे तच्छिष्यमंडनं ।। नरराजगुरुं श्रीशं ध्रुवं भक्तारिभंडनं ।। ४१ ॥ तच्छिष्य वल्लभं वंदे श्रीमढुंदावनं सुरं ।। निंबादित्यस्वरूपं च भक्तभूपं सतां गुरुं ॥ ४२ ॥ पठेद्यो वै महाभक्त आचार्यवेदनामिमां ।। तस्य लोके परे वापि भाक्तिविघ्नं [नो न जायते ।। ॐ तत्सदिति श्रीसर्वाचार्यभगवलिंबादित्यपदाधिराजश्रीवृंदावनदेवपट्टालंकारश्रीगोविंददेवेन कृती श्रीआचार्यवंदनास्तव(वः) समाप्त(प्रः) ।। (B). 375-38 1. List in Hindi. हरिगुरुस्तवमालायामाचार्यनामरत्नावलीस्तवः __ ३७,३८ पत्रस्थमिदं. आदि श्री हंसरूपि नारायण १ तिनके शिष्य श्री सनकादि २ तिनके शिष्य श्री नारदजू ३ तिनके शिष्य श्री निंबादित्यज ४ तिनके शिष्य श्री श्रीनिवासाचार्यजू ५ तिनके शिष्य श्री विश्वाचार्यजू ६ तिनके शिष्य श्री पुरुषोत्तमाचार्यजू ७ तिनके शिष्य श्री विलासाचार्य ८ तिनके शिष्य श्री स्वरूपाचार्यजू ९ तिनके शिष्य श्री माधवाचार्य न १० तिनके शिष्य श्री बलभद्राचार्यजू ११ तिनके शिष्य श्री पद्माचार्यजू १२ तिनके शिष्य श्री श्यामाचार्य १३ तिनके शिष्य श्री गोपालाचार्यज १४ तिनके शिष्य श्री कृपाचार्यजू १५ तिनके शिष्य श्री देवाचार्यजू १६ तिनके शिष्य श्री सुंदरभट्टजू १७ तिनके शिष्य श्री पद्मनाभभट्टजू १८ तिनके शिष्य श्री उपेंद्रभट्टजू १९ तिनके शिष्य श्री रामचंद्रभट्ट २० तिनके शिष्य श्री वामनभदृज २१ तिनके शिष्य श्री कृष्णभट्टज २२ तिनके शिष्य श्री पद्माकरभहजू २३ तिनके शिष्य श्री श्रवणभट्टज २४ तिनके शिष्य श्री भू For Private and Personal Use Only Page #217 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 212 APPENDIX II. -- continued. रिभट्ट २५ तिनके शिष्य श्री माधवभट्टजू २६ तिनके शिष्य श्री श्यामभट्ट २७ तिनके शिष्य श्री गोपालभट्टजू २८ तिनके शिष्य श्री बलभद्र भट्टज २९ तिनके शिष्य श्री गोपीनाथभट्टज ३० तिनके शिष्य श्री केशवभट्ट ३१ तिनके शिष्य श्री गंगभट्टजू ३२ तिनके शिष्य श्री केशवकाश्मीरिभट्टजू ३३ तिनके शिष्य श्री श्रीभट्टजू ३४ तिनके शिष्य श्री हरिव्यासदेवन ३५ तिनके पट्टश्री श्री परशुरामदेवज ३६ तिनके पट्टश्री श्री हरिवंशदेवज ३७ तिनके पदृश्री श्री नारायणदेवनू ३८ तिनके पट्टश्री श्री वृंदावनदेवजू ३९ तिनके पट्टश्री श्री गोविंददेवज ४० पठेदिदं यो हि भक्ताक्तिया]चार्यनामावलीस्तवं ।। तस्य साक्षात्परेशी श्रीराधाकृष्णी प्रसीदतः ॥ इति श्रीआचार्यनामरत्नावलीस्तवं(वः) समाप्तं (तः) ।। (C) 1 Nimbarka. 20 Padmâkarabhatta. 2 Srînivâsâcharya. 21 Sravanabhatta. 3 Visvacharya. 22 Bhuribhatta. 4 Purushottama 23 Madhavabhatta. 5 Vilâsâchârya. 24. Syamabhatta. 6 Svarûpâchârya. 25 Gopalabhatta. 7 Mâdhavâcharya. 26 Balabhadrabhatta. 8 Balabhadrâchâryn, 27 Gopinathabhatta. 9 Padmâchârya. 28 Kesavabhatta. 10 Syâmâchârya. 29 Gangabhatta. 11 Gopâlâchârya. 30 Kesava Kasmirin. 12 Kripâchârya. 31 Sribhatta. 13 Devâchârya. 32 Harivyasadera. 14 Sundarabhatta. 33 Parasuramadeva. 15 Padmanabbabhatta. 34 Harivamsadeva. 16 Upendrabhatta. 35 Narayanadeva. 17 Ramachandral, hatta, 86 Vrindavanadeva. 18 Vâmanabhatta. 37 Govindadeva. 19 Krishna bhatta. From the Chashakatâtparyaţikâ of Gangåráma Jadi; No. 277. Fol. 2, 4. नीलकण्ठस्तच्छर्मा गुरुरूपदेष्टा तस्मै नमोनमः । Tol. 22, ८. किंच सग्रहश्चन्द्रचूडो योग्रणीः सर्वश्रेष्ठस्तस्य तनयो For Private and Personal Use Only Page #218 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 213 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir APPENDIX II. -continued. गणेशो यस्याग्रे तिष्ठति यदाराध्यो भवतीने यावत्तं नारायणाभिधं ततं वन्दे नौमि स्तौमि च । Fol. 3,0. सुधियः प्रतिभा जुषो गङ्गारामेण मया मुक्तावलीप्रकाशात्तन्नामकास्मन्मातामहग्रन्थान्स्फुरिते निष्पत्रे चषके पानपात्रे ... Fol. 3,6. इति श्री ड्युपनामकगङ्गारामविरचितायां चषकतात्पर्यटीकायां श्लोकव्याख्या ॥ End: Fol. 225, b. स्वकीर्त्यनुवृत्तये आशास्ते चषकेति । चिपकः सुवर्णस्य साभिप्रायपदस्य स्पर्शेऽभिप्रेतार्थग्रहणोपायो यस्य तत् । दिनकरेणास्मन्मातामहेन कर्त्रा करेण लेखनत्वात्करणेन कृतः परामर्शः शोधनं यस्य तत् जगदीशस्य ग्रन्थकर्तुमैन्थनं शास्त्रार्णवालोडनं दुरूहशास्त्रमननमिति यावत् तस्य कल्पो.. . कल्पतरुरूपं फलं कामितार्थप्रकाशकत्वात्तदित्यं व्याख्यातं तर्कामृतमाकल्पं पिबन्त्वित्याशीव्युत्थित्सव इत्यार्थिकमत्र कर्तृपद मध्याहार्यम् । P. From Jinavardhanasuri's Commentary on the Saptapadarthi; No. 291, Fol. 25, a. सप्तपदार्थीटीका प. २५ पृ. १ पं. १४ इति श्रीखरतरगच्छे श्रीजिनराजसूरिपट्टे श्रीजिनवर्द्धन सुरिविरचिता सप्तपदार्थीका समाप्ता ॥ Q. From Govardhand's Tarkabhashaprakidsa ; Nos. 282 and 283. यत्तकै भाषामनुभाषते स्म गोवर्द्धनस्त र्ककथासु धीरः । तेनानवद्येन सुधांशुगौरी कीर्त्तिगुरूणाममृताधिकास्तु ॥ विजयश्रीतनजन्मा गोवर्धन इति श्रुतः । तर्कानुभाषां तनुते विविच्य गुरुनिर्मिति ॥ श्रीविश्वनाथानुजपद्मनाभानुजो गरीयान्बलभद्रजन्मा । तनाति तर्कानधिगत्य सर्वान् श्रीपद्मनाभाद्विदुषो विनोद || For Private and Personal Use Only Page #219 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 214 APPENDIX II.--continnerd. R. From the Brahmatulyodlaharına; No. 298, Fol. 1, b). ब्रह्मसिद्धांततुल्योदाहरणं. प्रथमसांक पृष्ठे । श्लोक ६ यादी गुरुवरमतिशयवंतं श्रीमंतं हर्षरत्ननामानं ॥ करणकुतहलवृत्तिं नत्वा वक्ष्ये सयुक्तिकामेतां ॥ ७ ।। श्रीश्रीपतिविहितकेशवपद्धती द्वे ब्रह्मार्कशीघ्रखगसिद्धिमधो विवृत्य ।। माला च पर्वसाहिता बृहतीति तस्या सारस्य ताजिकधरो विवृती अनुद्यां [?] ॥ ८ ॥ - - S. From Dâmolare's Bhutatuly; No.349, F01. 1, 6. ___ भटतुल्यनामा करण ग्रन्थः प. १ पृ. १ पं. १. जयति भवलयेऽधिमेखले प्रथितकीतिरसी जनको गुरुः ॥ य इह मौट्यतमःप्रशमेशुमान् हृदि जनस्य हि चित्कनबोधने ।। १ ।। दामोदरः श्रीगुरुपद्मनाभपादारविंद शिरसा प्रणम्य ।। प्रत्यब्द शुद्वयार्यभटस्य तुल्य विदां मुदेऽहं करणं करोमि ॥२॥ गोदेवेंदु १३३९ विहीनशाकगुणिता वारादिका गुणाः स्वस्वक्षेपयुताश्च मध्यमरवी मेखा षा] दिगे स्युधू [६] वाः ॥ वारादि गुतोब्दपः स च भवेत् प्राध्यदशांततः शुद्धियूंनदिनावशेषघटिकायेनोनितात्स्यात् स्फुटाः ॥ ४ ॥ From Brahmalera's Kuranuprakasa ; No. 299. ब्रह्मच्युतत्रिनयनार्कशशांकभीमसौम्येज्यशुक्रशनिवागधिपान्गणेशं । नत्वाहमार्यभटशास्त्रसमं करोमि श्रीब्रह्मदेवगणक करणप्रकाशं ॥१॥ शाकः शक्रदशो १०९४ नितो रवि १२ गुणश्चैत्रादिमासान्वितो द्विस्थो दस्र २ हतो द्विराम ३२ सहितोधो भूपनंदै ९१६ र्हतः ।। लब्धोनो विहतः शिलीमुखरसै ६५ राप्ताधिमासैर्युतः खत्रि ३० नः सतिथिविधाकररसै ६२ र्युक्तस्ततोधः कृतः ।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #220 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 215 APPENDIX II.-- continued. U. From Gencsa's Gruhlapuvut with Visounâtha's commentary, _No. 306, Fol. 1, 4. ग्रहलाघवटीका. प. १ पृ. १ पं. २. आदिः । ज्योतिर्विद्गणा गणेशगुरुणा निर्मथ्य शास्त्रांबुधि यच्चक्रे ग्रहलाघवं विवरणं कुर्वेस्य तत्प्रीतये ॥ स्मृत्वा शंभुसुतं दिवाकरसुतस्तद्विश्वनाथः कृती जाग्रज्ज्योतिषवर्गगोकुलपरित्राणाय नारायणः ॥१॥ प. १ पृ. १ पं. १०. __ श्रीमत्कौशिक मुनि श्रेष्ठवंशोद्भवो जलधिमी ती] रनिकटवर्ती नदिग्रामनिवासिसकल भूमंडलपतिपूजितचरणयुगलांभोरुहनिखिलशास्त्रार्थप्रवीणाष्टादशसिद्धांतोपवर्ति कोविद समस्तयाकरणाग्रणि [णी:] अगणित शास्त्रविचारसारचतुरो ज्योतिर्वित्कुलावतंसः श्रीमत्केशवदैवज्ञा. त्मनं* श्रीमद्गुणेशदैवज्ञवों ग्रहलाघवाख्यं करणं चिकीर्षुस्त त्रादौ निर्विनन ग्रंथसमायर्थं तत्परिचा [च ] यर्थिं च आशि [शी]र्नमस्क्रियावस्तुनिर्देशात्मकानांशू तिदेवतागुरू[रुवाकानर्देशात्मकं म. गलं वसंततिलकया बध्नाति ॥ 10/. 09, 4. अन्ते प. ६९ पृ. १ पं ११. नंदिग्राम इहापरांतविषये शिष्यादिगीतस्तुतियोभूतकोशिकवंशजः सकलसच्छास्त्रार्थवित् केशवः ।। सनुस्तस्य तदंहिपद्मभजनालब्धावबोधांशक स्पष्टं वृत्तविचित्रमल्पकरणं चैतद्गणेशोकरोत् ॥ २ ॥... गोलग्रामनिवासिनो गुरु पदद्वंद्वाब्जभक्तौ रतस्यासीत्तत्र दिवाकरस्य तनयः श्रीविश्वनाथायः ॥ तेनेदं ग्रहलाघवस्य गणितं स्पष्टीकृतं तद्वधैः । शोध्यं शुद्वमिदं तदा तु गणकैः स्वांते सदा धार्यताम् ॥१॥ इति श्रीदेवज्ञवर्यदिवाकरात्मजविश्वनाथविरचितं ग्रहलाघवस्योदाहरणं समाप्तम. *The MS. repcats the words आत्मज and वर्थ. For Private and Personal Use Only Page #221 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 216 APPENDIX II.-continued. U. 1 From a manuscript of Sripati's Jyotiratnamala with Mahûdeva's टीकांते. commentary. शरवसुशशिसोमैः११८५संमिते शाककाले नभसि सितचतुर्थ्यामिदुपुत्रस्य वारे॥ निजमतिपरिणामात्तत्तनूजेन तेन विवृतिरिति किल श्रीश्रीपतिप्रोक्तशास्त्र॥४॥ From the Tajikatantrasára; No. 322, Fol. 15,1). ताजिकतन्त्रसारः प. १५ 'ट. २ पं. १ . चौलुक्यक्षितिपालमूलसकलव्यापारपारंगमः प्राग्वाटान्वयभूर्बभूव सचिवः श्रीचंडसिंहाहयः॥ श्रीमान् शोभनदेव इत्यभिजने तस्याभवत् सज्जनः श्रीसामंत इति प्रशांतसुमातस्तस्मादभूदंगभूः ॥ २०३ ॥ तस्यात्मनः समजनिष्ट कुमारसिंहनामा प्रमाणितगुरुगरिमायगेहः ॥ तत्सनुना गणक गमुदे स्मरेण गंधोभ्युदध्रियत ताजिकपद्मकोशात् ॥२०४॥ यत्तातीयकतंत्रतः स्मृतमिदं खेटात्मयोगावली पृच्छावर्षफलांकितं द्रुतमतिः सत्तंत्ररत्नत्रयम् ॥ आकल्पं किल कल्पयिष्यति गले भ्राजिष्णु सोतःसभं भावि [वी] न्यत्र शुभाशुभानि निगदन गुम्नं यशः प्राप्स्यते [ति?] ॥२०॥ इति प्राग्वाटान्वयकुमारसिंहात्मजसमरसिंहसमुद्धते ताजिकतंत्रसारे गणकभूषणनाम्नि वर्षफलाध्यायस्तृतीयतंत्रं समाप्तमिाते ॥ संवत् १४९१ वर्षे मार्गशीर्षवदि १० गुरी ज्योतिः श्रीविश्वरूपानुचरेण चतुर्भुजेन स्वप. ठनाय लिखितं ॥ __ w. From the Daivajindlavnlexiti of Tejahsimha ; No. 327, Fol. 21. दैवज्ञालं कृति: लक्ष्मीर्यस्य प्रतेन [ने ] स्वयमचलमिहाचंद्रतारं निवेशं यस्मिन् मुक्ताफलेतिप्रगुणतरगणा दोषपंक्त्या विमुक्ताः॥ यस्मिन् विश्रामभाजः परमपृथुतर श्रेणय : सज्जनानां । सोयं प्राग्वाटवंशो जगति विजयतेनल्पशाखातिशाली ॥१॥ . स्फूर्जच्चालुक्यवंशोद्भवनृपतिवो [ शिरोभूषणीभूत कीर्तिः [ तैः ] For Private and Personal Use Only Page #222 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 217 APPENDIX II. -continued. श्रीमच्छारंगदेवाद्द्यपुरुष [ प ]तेः पादपद्मप्रसादात् ॥ सर्वव्यापारभारं समखमपगतः सद्गुणोदै[ णौघै ]कपात्रं तत्र श्रीविक्रमा [ हो ] जनि विजितरिपुत्रिणः सत्यमित्रम् ॥ २ ॥ मंत्री तस्मादयादी घृतविजयपदा[ दो ]सिंहसंज्ञां दधानो जज्ञे विद्वज्जनानां हृदयकुमुदमुदावा [ दायिवा ] कूचंद्रिकाभूत ॥ साहित्यन्यायवाद प्रमुख परिणमत्सर्वशास्त्राब्धिपारं प्राप्तः सौख्यैकपात्रं विनयन ( य ) मुखैः सद्गुणैर्गीतकीर्त्तिः ॥ ३ ॥ तस्योच्चैर्मान्यबंधुस्तनुजरजनिनी [ स्तनुजनिरजनि] ख्यातमादौ च तेज: प्रांत सिंहेति नाम प्रदधदवनतः सर्वदा सद्गुरूणां ॥ किंचिलब्धप्रबोधः पृथुमतिविदुषां पादपद्मप्रसादात् [[]]]:] सज्जनानां विनयनययुतो लोकदुर्वाक्यभीरुः ॥ ४ ॥ दैवज्ञालंकृतीति प्राथैतमवितथं संज्ञया स प्रतेने तेनेदं वत्सरीयं फलमिह सकलं सर्वलोकोपकृत्यै ॥ हृज्जीवंति [ती][भूवाभरणगणना विभ्रते ये महेंद्रा : शश्वद्भृत्सभायामृतिधनगुरुता मैत्रभाजोत्र ते स्युः ॥ ५ ॥ According to the way in which I here propose that stanza 4 should be corrected, Tejaḥsimha was the son of Vijayasimha and not his brother. Vikrama also would appear to be rather a friend of the minister of S'ârangadeva than the minister himself, though he must have held some high office. X. From the Tajikdlanikara of Surya; No. 326, Fol. 19, a. ताजिकालंकारः प १९ पृ. १ पं. ४. गौतम्युत्तरतीर चारुवसतिः श्रीपार्थसंज्ञं पुरं : तत्रत्यो गणकाप्रणीः पृथुयशाः श्रीज्ञानराजाभिधः ॥ पुत्रस्तस्य महोदयो मतिभरोत्कर्षादका[र्षीदिमां सूर्य: सुज्ञविधिज्ञ पंडितमुदे श्रीताजिकालंकृतिम् ॥ ४॥ टीके वासनयान्विते ] * गणितपोलीलावतीबीजयोस्तद्वत् श्रीपतिपद्धतेश्च गणितं बीजं तथैकं व्यधात् ॥ एतत्तानिकमच्युतो तार्थ ]मपरं काव्याष्टकं प्रौढधी [] सूर्यो बोधसुधाकराख्यर [ म ] करोदध्यात्मशास्त्राष्टमम् ॥ ५ ॥ B 904-28 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #223 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 218 APPENDIX II.--continued. इति श्रीताजिकालंकारे दैवज्ञसूर्यविरचिते सहमाध्याये दशमस्समाप्तोयं ग्रंथः ॥ * The part here enclosed within rectangular brackets is from Prof. Weber's Berlin Catalogue. Y. From the Ttjilbalecaustubha, of Bolalerishna, No. 318, Fol. 36, 0. . ताजिककौस्तुभ: प. ३६ पृ. २ पं. ९. या ताप्युत्तरतीरसंश्रयवती ख्याता प्रकाशापुरी यश्चासीदिह याज्ञवल्क्यतिलकः श्रीरामजित पंडितः ।। षट्शास्त्राध्ययनाधिराट् समभवन्नारायणस्तत्सुत. स्तत्सनुनयवेदवित्समभवद्यो रामकृष्णाभिधः ॥ १५ ॥ तदंगनो यादवभट्टनामा नानागमार्थाकलितो बभूव ।। साहित्यपीयूषसुघोषितांगः श्रितप्रकाशो जगति प्रसिद्धः ॥ १६ ॥ इह यादवभजातजन्मा कृतजंबसरआलयस्ततान ॥ स हि ताजिककौस्तुभाभिधानं कमनीयं भवि बालकृष्णभट्टः ॥ १७ ॥ श्रीनारायणशंकरस्तवनके स्तोत्रं शिवायास्त तो यंत्रोद्धारयुतं महागणपतेः स्तोत्रं त्रिवेण्यास्ततः ॥ योगिन्यष्टदशाकमश्च तरणे: संक्रांतिजो निर्णयः पल्याकस्य विराजते कृतिरियं पांडियचिंतामणिः ॥ १८ ॥ Z. I'rom the Manitthatäjika; No. 324, Fol. 1a, 2b, . 8a. मणित्थताजिक ग्रन्थः आदी। पूर्वं प्रणम्येश्वरपादपद्मं ततो भवानी गणनायकं च ।। करोमि रम्यं फलमत्र हायनं भवंति तज्ञा[ज्ज्ञा] विदितेन येन ॥ ५ ॥ प. १ पृ. १ ५ ११. बलाबलज्ञानविना कदाचित् । विवेचनं नैव शुभाशुभस्य ॥ ततः प्रवक्ष्ये यवनानुसारात । बलाबलं यगृहसंभवं च ॥८॥ प. २ पृ. २ पं १. कष्टात्तथा कष्टतरं निरुक्तं युक्त दशायां यवनै[ : ] पुराणैः।। For Private and Personal Use Only Page #224 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 219 APPENDIX II.—continued. वृथा फलं हायनमत्र यस्मान्न जीवितं हायनरिष्टयोगात् ।। १७ ॥ रिष्टानि यस्मात्प्रथमं प्रवक्ष्ये मणित्यपूर्वैः कथितानि यानि ॥ प. ८ पृ. १ पं. १. अन्ते । मंदे जलाश्रय महीरुहरोहकर्मवाणिज्यकृष्यवनिलब्धधियोधिवीर्ये ॥ मध्ये तु मध्यमधमे तु सुहृद्विपत्तिकष्टं क्रियाविफलतानिलरुविकाराः ॥१० ४ ॥ इति वर्षेशानां फलम् ।। इति श्रीमणित्थाचार्यविरचिते तो मणित्थताजिकः समाप्तः ॥ A A. I'rom the Parasiprakasa of Vedângaraya ; No. 336, Fol. 1,1. पारसीप्रकाश : प. १ पृ. १ पं. १. नत्वा श्रीभुवनेश्वरी हरिहरी लंबोदरं च द्विजान श्रीमच्छाहजहांमहेद्रपरमप्रीतिप्रसादाप्तये ॥ ब्रूते संस्कृत पारसीकरचनाभेदप्रदं कौतुकं ज्योतिः शास्त्रपदोपयोगि सरल वेदांगरायः सुधीः ॥ १ ॥ संस्कृतोक्तिविदि पारसीज्ञता पारसीविदि च संस्कृतज्ञता ॥ तद्व[]याविदि च तद्वदृपज्ञता जायते तु तदधीयतामिदम् ।।२।। ... तंत्रव पं. ११॥ अथ सन्नोपरि हिंदुकशाकमासज्ञानोपायः ।। सनस्तर्कवस्वंक ९८६ हीनोक १२ निनो महीदिमासान्वितोधस्त्रिदत्रैः २३॥ विहीनोश्चि २ निघ्नः खखामांक ९०० भागयुतोक्षांगलब्धाधिमासौर्पिहीनः।। युनाथाप्तशेषे मधोर्मास इष्टः खखाक्षेदु १५०० युक्ते च लब्धे तु शाकः ।। अस्योदाहरणम् सन्नः १०९३ तर्कवस्वंक ९८६ हीनो जातः ६७ अर्कनिनो जातः ८०४ महादिवर्तमानमास ५ रविलव्य तेन युक्त जातः ८०९ अधस्त्रिदौ २३ विहीने जातः ७८६ द्विनिने जातः १९७२ ततः खखाभ्रांक ९०० भागैर्युते जातः १५७३ अक्षांगै ६५ भक्तेधिमासैरुपरि हीने जातः ७८५ द्वादशभ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #225 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 220 APPENDIX II.--continued, क्ते लब्धं ६५ शेषं ६ तेन त्रैदे [ चैत्रादि] वर्तमानः पंचमः शुक्लादिश्रावणो मासः ६५ लब्धमध्ये १५०० एतद्युक्ते जातो वर्तमानशाकः १५६५।। B B. From Bhoja’s Vidvajjanavallabha ; No. 337, Fol. 10, a. प्रश्नज्ञानम् प. १० पृ. १ पं. १०. अन्ते । आख्या दालिल[ ? ]वारिराशिरशन विच्छेदिनी मेदिनी शास्येकां नगरीमिव प्रतिहतो[ त प्रत्यर्थिनो यस्य सा ।। प्रश्नज्ञानमिदं स पार्थिवशिरोविन्यस्तपादांबुनः श्रीविद्वज्जनवल्लभाख्यमकृत श्रीभोजदेवो नृपः ।। ८१ ॥ इति श्रीमहाराजाधिराजभोजदेवविरचिते प्रश्नज्ञाने चिंताध्यायोष्टादशः ॥१८॥ CC. From the Nurapatijayacharya ; No. 331, Fol. 154, a. नरपतिजयचर्या-प. १५४ पृ. १ पं. ६ अन्ते-विद्यालये मालवसंज्ञदेशे धारापुरीरम्यनिवासवासी ॥ नानागमज्ञो नृपलोकपूज्यो नाम्नाम्रदेवो विबुधः प्रसिद्ध ॥ १ ॥ स्वरबलफलवेत्ता देहतत्त्वेष्वभिज्ञो विदितशकुनशास्त्रस्तंत्रमंत्रप्रवीणः ॥ कलितगणितसारश्चारुचूडामणिज्ञो नरपतिारीतिनामा तस्य पुत्रो बभूव॥२॥ ज्ञाने यः सर्वज्ञो नृपगणपूज्यः सरस्वतीसिद्धः ॥ तेन कृत शास्त्रमिदं प्रचुरगुणं दोषरहितं च ।। ३ ।। यो वोत्ते शास्त्रमेतद्रुरुमुखकथितं सुयुक्तिसंयुक्तम् ॥ निवसति सदा समग्रा ज्ञान श्रीस्तस्य करकमले ॥ ४ ॥ विक्रमार्कगते काले पक्षाग्निभानु १२३२ वत्सरे मासे चैत्रे सिते पक्षे प्रतिपद्भौमवासरे ॥ ५ ॥ श्रीम यणहिलनगरे ख्याते श्रीअजयपालनृपराज्ये ॥ श्रीमन्नरपतिकविना रचितमिदं शाकुनं शास्त्रम् ॥ ६ ॥ षड्रिंगैश्चकारेदं नृपतीनां जयावहम् ।। अनुष्टुब्छंदसां श्लोकः सार्द्धपंचसहस्रकैः ॥ ७ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #226 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 221 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir APPENDIX II. --continued. इति श्रीपंडित श्रीनरपतिविरचितायां नरपतिजयचर्यायां स्वरोदये शाकुनं शास्त्रं समाप्तमिति ॥ CC1. From the Ashtangayogahridaya; No. 363, Fol. 25, b. of the Kalpasthana. संवत् १४८६ वर्षे माघवादे १ गुरावद्येह श्री भृगुक्षेत्रे पारसीकवंशप्रवीण आध्यारु श्री अर्द्धसेर [र : ] सुतस्याध्ययनाय कल्पसिद्धिस्थानम - लीलिखत ॥ DD. From Bopadeva's S'atas'loki; No. 378 and No. 379, Fol. 23, b. शतश्लोकी प. २३ पृ. २ पं. २. देशानां वरदातटं वरमतः सार्थाभिधानं महास्थानं वेदपदं सदग्रजगणाग्रण्यं सहस्रं द्विजाः ॥ तत्रामषु धनेशकेशवविद वैद्य वरिष्ठ क्रमाचक्रे शिष्यसुतस्तयोः कृतिमिति श्रीवोपदेवः कविः ॥ ९९ ॥ कैलासाचलमौलिमंडनमणेर्नृत्योत्सवे यद्यशो गायंति त्रिदशांगनाः कलरणगंभीरतारस्वरैः ॥ चक्रे चंद्रकलांशगोपितशतश्लोकीं पदाल्हादिनीं स त्रैलोक्यकवींद्रचक्रतिलकः श्री बोपदेवः कविः ॥ १०० ॥ E E. From the Rájavallabhamandana ; No. 404, Fol. 30, a. ३० पत्रे निरंकपृष्ठे . अन्ते । श्रीमदपाठे नृपकुंभकर्णस्तदंधिराजीव परागसेवी । स मंडनारूपो भुवि सूत्रधारस्तेन कृतो भूपतिवल्लभोऽयम् ॥ ४३ गणपतिगुरुभक्त्या भारती पादतुष्टया मुनिमतमिदमुक्तं वास्तुशास्त्रं सुवृत्तं ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #227 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 222 APPENDIX 11.—continuedl. गणितमपि च सारं शाकुनं सारभूतं भवतु चतुरयोग्यं विश्वकर्मप्रसादात् ॥ इति वास्तुशास्त्रे राजवल्लभमंडने शकुनलक्षणं ॥ संपूर्णं चतुर्दश संवत् १९७९. ___F F. From the Vastumantana ; No. 405, Fol. 35, b. सुतेन देवसिंहेन प्रार्थितः क्षेत्रनन्दनः। स्थपति [ : ] सृजति स्मेदं मंडनो वास्तुमंडनम् ।। ९ ॥ इति श्रीसूत्रधारमंडनविरचिते वास्तुशास्त्रे वास्तुमंडने प्रकीर्णकाध्याया 5ष्टमः ॥ G G. From the Sumgituratukuradikû ; No. 100. संगीतरत्नाकरटीका त्रु. पं. ४. अन्ते । गीतगुणान् कथय ति] व्यक्तमिति व्यक्तादयो दश गुणा भवंति तेषां लक्षणं कथयति तत्र व्यक्तमिति सुगमं ॥ गीतदोषानाह सु--मिति ॥ लोकेन शास्त्रेण च दुष्टत्वं कालविरोधः निषिद्धकाले गानं श्रुतिविरोधो हानश्रुतित्वं ।। इति गीतदोषाः ॥ इति श्रीमदंधमंडलाधीश्वरप्रतिगंडभैरव श्रीअनवोतं - - - - - -न भुजबलभीमश्रीसिंगभूपालविरचितायां संगीतरत्नाकरटीकायां संगीतसुधाकराख्यायां प्रबंधाध्यायश्चतुर्थः समाप्तः॥ HH. From the Lekhapañchůs'ika; No. 110, 101.66,-S b. लेखपञ्चाशिका प. ६ पृ. २ पं. १२. अथ ताम्रशासनम् ॥ श्रीनृपविक्रमसमयातीतसंवत्सरशतेषु द्वादशसु अष्टाधिकाशीत्याधि' । केषु संवत्सरांतः वैशाषमासे शुक्लपक्षे तृतीयायां गुरुवासरेऽस्यां For Private and Personal Use Only Page #228 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 223 APPENDIX II.-continued. संवत्सरमासतिथिवारपूर्व शासनपत्रमिदं । अत्रांकितोऽपि संवत् १२८८ वर्षे वैशाषशुदि ३ गुरावद्येह श्रीमदणहिल्लपाटके समस्तरामावलीसमलंकृतमहाराजाधिराजसमलंकृतमहाराजाधिराज परमेश्वरपरमभट्टारकउमापतिवरलब्धप्राढप्रतापश्रीवृहन्मूलराजमूलदेवपादान् [नु] ॥ १ ध्यात महाराजाधिराजपरमेश्वरपरमभट्टारकउमापतिवरलब्धप्रौढप्रतापश्रीचामुंडदेवपादान् नु] ॥ २ ध्यातश्रीअरिराजनंदनशंकरश्रीवल्लभदेवपादान नु] ॥ ३ ध्यात श्रीमहाराजाधिराजश्रीदुर्लभदेवपादान् [नु ] ॥ ४ ध्यानरतमहाराजाधिराजश्रवृिहद्भीमपादान [नु ॥ ५ ध्यानरतमहा० श्रीमत्कर्णदेवपादान् न ॥ ६ ध्यानरत महाराजाधिराजरिपुराज्यलक्ष्मीस्वयंवरावरवेकजिर्ण. [?]अवंतीनाथ त्रिभुवनमंडन श्रीमज्जयसिंहदेवपादान् [नु] ॥ ७ ध्यातवरदीकृतांगणविनिज्जितशाकंभरीभूपाल श्रीकुमारपालदेवपादान [नु ॥ ध्यातपंचमाक्रांतसपादलक्षलपीपालश्रीमदजयपालपादान [ न ] ।। ९ ध्यात बालनारायणावताररणांगणविनिजितगूर्जराधिकाराधिराजश्रीमूरदेवपादान [नु ] || १० ध्यात अभिनवसिद्धराजरिपुराज्यलक्ष्मी स्वयंवर श्रीमद्भीमदेव कल्याणविजयराज्ये तत्पादपमोपजीविनि प्रभभक्तिसिद्धमंत्रकाभ्यसनव्यसनिनि सुनयानुरंजितगीयमानगुणोघे महामायश्रीभाभूये श्रीश्रीकरणादिसमस्तमुद्राव्यापारान् परिपथयतीत्येवं काले प्रवर्तमाने प्रभोः प्रसादान्महामंडलाधिपतिराणकश्रीलावण्यदेवप्रसादेन प्रसादपत्तालायां भुज्यमानखेटकारापथके तन्नियुक्तदंड श्रीमाधवप्रभूतिपंचकुलप्रतिपत्ती ताम्रशासनं लिख्यते यथा ॥ श्रीमच्चालाक्यवंशान्वये प्रसूतराणकश्रीआनलदेसुत महामंडलेश्वराधिपति श्रीराणकलावण्यप्रसाददेवः स्वपितुरात्मनश्च परमपुण्याभिवृद्धये अग्मितीर्थे स्नात्वा त्रिभुवनस्वामिनं श्रीसोमनाथं पंचांगपूजोपहारविधिना समभ्यर्च्य नमस्कृत्य च संसारासारतां विचित्य दृष्टिगोचरगतानां समस्तपा[प]दार्थवस्तूनामनित्यतां सम[सं]दृश्येत्यमुना प्रकारेण नलिनीदलगतजलदतरलतरं यौवनं जीवितव्यं च प्रहरद्वयसदृशीछाया लक्ष्मीविषप्राया विषया दुःखप्राया भोगाः पुत्रमित्र कलत्रादिकं च स्वार्थसंपत्या नि For Private and Personal Use Only Page #229 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra 224 Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir APPENDIX II. -continued. विकारमन्यथा सविकारीति युक्त्या इदमपि च परं संसारादिकं विलसितं च क्षणदृष्टविनष्टं चेत्याकलय्य सर्वमप्यनित्यं निश्वित्य केवलो धर्मकीर्तिश्च तस्मात् परलोक सुखाय देवब्राह्मणान् गुरूंश्च सुवर्ण - रूप्याभरणवस्त्रादिभिः संपूज्य तन्निवासिनो ब्राह्मणोत्तमान् वियु - त्याधिकरणो ग्रामे जनपादान् मठस्थानाधिपतीन राजपुत्रांश्च दानेन कांश्चिद्वसनसन्मानेन कामलाप्य [?] संभाष्य च बोधयन् सर्वेषां विदितं शासनं चकार । अस्मिन् खेटकाधारपथके अमुकग्रामस्वसीमापर्यंत: सवृक्षमाकुलः सकाष्ठतृणोदकोपेतः सर्वस्वीयसी मोपेतो नवनिधानसहितः पूर्वरूढ्या पलमानदेवदायब्रह्मदायवर्जं श्रीदेवपत्तनवास्तव्यप्रत्यक्षजनकठ० अमुकाय श्री सोमेश्वरदेवस्य पंचोपचारस्नानपूजादिनैवेद्यादिनिमित्त अमुकपूर्वमस्माभिः शासने प्रदत्तः ॥ ग्राम्याघाटा यथा ॥ अयं चतुराघाटोपलक्षितं ग्रामं प्रदत्तमित्यवगम्य तन्निवासिभिर्ज्जनपदैर्ग्रामस्यास्य भोगकरहिरण्यादिकं सर्वमपि श्रीसोमनाथ देवस्य पूजार्थं प्रत्ययं जनकठ० अमुकाकस्य समर्पयितव्यं ॥ संपादनीयं च । सामान्यमत्पुण्यफलमेतदवगम्य मद्वंशजैरन्यैरापि भुवो भोक्तृभिरस्मत्प्रदत्तधर्मदायो ऽनुगंतव्यः ॥ पालनीयश्च ॥ उक्तं च ॥ भगवता व्यासेन || बहुभिर्वसुधा मुक्ता राजभिः सगरादिभिः । यस्य यस्य यदा भूमी तस्य तस्य तदा फलम् ॥ १ षष्टिर्वर्षसहस्राणि स्वर्गे तिष्ठति भूमिदः । आछेत्ता चानुमंता च तान्येव नरकं वसेत् ॥ २ स्वदत्तां परदत्तां वा यो हरेच्च वसुंधरां । स विष्टायां कृमिर्भूत्वा पितृभिः सह मज्जति ॥ ३ इह हि जलदलीलाचंचले जीवलोके तृणतुषलघुसारे सारसंसारसारे । अपहरति दुराशःशासनं देवतानां नरकगहनगर्त्तावर्त्तपातो ध्रुवोयम् ॥ ४ दत्त्वा दानं भाविनः पार्थिवेद्रान् भूयो भूयो याचते रामचंद्रः । सामान्योऽयं दानधर्मो नृपाणां स्वे स्वे काले पालनीयो भवद्भिः ॥ ५ यानीह दत्तानि पुरा नरेंद्रैर्दानानि धर्मार्थयशस्कराणि । निर्माल्यवत [वान्त] प्रतिमानि तानि को नाम साधुः पुनराददीत ६ ॥ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #230 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 225 APPENDIX II.--continued. वं [विं] ध्याटवीषु तोयेषु शुष्ककोटरवासिषु । कृष्णसर्पाः प्रजायंते दत्ता [त्त] दानापहारिणः ॥ ७ मम वंशक्षये क्षीणे कोऽपि राजा भविष्यति । तस्याहं करलग्नोऽस्मि मम दत्तं न चालयेत् ॥८ मांधाता स महीपतिः कृतयुगेऽलंकारभूतो गतः । सेतुर्येन महोदधौ विरचितः कासौ दशास्यांतकः । अन्ये चापि युधिष्ठिरप्रभृतयो यावद्भवान् भूपते नैकेनापि समं गता वसुमती मन्ये त्वया यास्यति ॥ ९॥ JJ. From the Lekhapañchâśika ; No. 410, Fol. 19, b. प. १९ पृ. २ पं. ७. यमलपत्रं यथा ॥ संवत् १२८८ वर्षे वैशाषशुदि १५ सोमेऽोह श्रीमद्विजयकटके महाराजाधिराजश्रीमात्संहण देवस्य महामंडलेश्वरराणकश्रीलावण्यप्रसादस्य च संरा सम्रा] अकुलश्रीश्रीमत्सिंहणदेवेन महामंडलेश्वरराणश्रीलावण्यप्रसादेन पूर्वरूढ्यात्मीय २ देशेषु रहणीयं । केनापि कस्यापि भूमी नाक्रमणीया । उभयोर्मध्याद्यः कोपि बलिष्ठः [ष्ठ] शत्रुणा गृह्यते तदा तस्य शत्रोरुपयुभाभ्यामाप कटकं कर्त्तव्यं । अथ च शत्रुदंडाधिपो गृहाति । तदा दलेन संवाहना कार्या । यद्युभयोराप देशयोर्मध्यात्कोऽपि राजपुत्रः किमपि विनाश्यापरदेशे प्रविशति । तदा स्वदेशे केनापि स्थानं न दातव्यं ॥ अन्यत्र विनष्टं समरा [रो] पनी [णी] यं लिखितविधेः पालनाय व्यभिचाररक्षणाय दत्तप्रतिभूः । दत्तांतरदेव श्रीवैद्यनाथपत्रमुत्पाटितम् । KK. From the Súktamuktávali; No. 469, Fol. 11 a. and No. 470, Fol. 18 a. __ सूक्तमुक्तावलि. प. ११ पृ. १. अमजदजितविद्यो वादवादाद्रिवज्रो नृपतिविबुधवंद्यो गौरसेनांनिकजमधुकरसमतां यः सोमदेवेन तेन व्यरचि मुनिपराजा सूक्तिमुक्तावलीयम्।।९५ B904-29 For Private and Personal Use Only Page #231 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 226 APPENDIX II.---continued.. इति सोमदेवसूरिविरचिता स्तूक्तिमुक्तावली समाप्ता ॥ सटीकसूक्तमुक्तावली प. १८ पृ. १ पं. १०. अमजदजितदेवाचार्यपट्टोदयाद्रिद्युमणिविजयसिंहाचार्यपादारविंदे मधुकरसमतां यस्तेन सोमप्रभेण व्यरचि मुनिपराज्ञा सूक्तमुक्तावलीयम् २ इति श्रीसोमप्रभसारिविरचितं सिंदूरप्रकराख्यं शास्त्रं शतकं समाप्तम् ॥ LL. From the S'abdabhúshaņı of Dânavijaya; No. 457, Fol. 1. शब्दभूषणनामकव्याकरणम् . प्रथमपत्रे २ पृष्ठे ॥ श्लो. २ अ इ उ क ल इत्येते समानाः पंच कीर्तिताः ॥ तेषां मिथो हस्वदीघप्लुतभेदाः सवर्णकाः २ -हस्वदीर्घप्लताख्यः [ख्याः] स्युस्त एकद्वित्रिमात्रका।। संध्यक्षराभिधा एऐ ओ अ [औ इस्वेण वर्जिताः ३ चतुर्दश भवत्येते उभये मिलिताः स्वराः॥ अवर्णवर्जितास्सर्वे स्वरास्स्यु मिसंज्ञिताः ॥ व्यंजनानि. त्रयस्त्रिंशत् हादिसांतान्यनुक्रमात ४ षट्पदी गृह्यमाणः पूर्ववर्णो वर्णेनांत्येन तेषु च प्रत्याहारस्तदाख्यःस्यादबाद्याते [स्ते]च विंशति[:]९ व्यंजनानि हसा वाच्याः स्वरहीनं च व्यंजनं तेष्वकारसुखोच्चारार्थत्वादिसंज्ञको भवेत् ६ प्रयोगे दृश्यमानश्चोदितः केनापि हेतुना ॥ वर्णो वर्णगणो वा स इत्संज्ञो लोपभाग्भवेत् ।। ७ ॥ वर्णस्यादर्शनं लोपो लोपश् वर्णविरोधतः आगमो मित्रवत् ज्ञेयः आदेश : शत्रुवत् ध्रुवं ८ संयोगो हि यत्र स्युः स्वरानांरिना हसाः कवर्गाद्याःपंच वर्गा: पंचपंचाक्षरात्मका : ९ गुणोम्बृणां स्यादेदोदर औरऔ वृद्धिरुच्यते टिसंज्ञोत्यस्वरः स्याद्वा शब्देवर्णस्तदादिकः १० अंते । इति ताद्विताधिकारः संपूर्णः इति...श्रीविनयराजसरिशिष्योपाध्यायश्चीदानविजयविरचिते शब्दभूषणे स्याद्यंताधिकारः प्रथमः For Private and Personal Use Only Page #232 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 227 APPENDIX II.-continued. M M. From Ilarshakirti's Dhátupâțha, and his commentary on ___it; Nos. 439 and 440, Fol. 69 1. धातुपाठः ॥ प.६९ पृ. १ पं. ३ गछे यत्र पवित्रितावनितले हम्मीरदेवाचितः सूरिः श्रीजयशेखरः सुचरितश्रीशेखरः सद्गुणः । रूणायां पुरि सहिडस्य वचनादलावदीभभुजा सदासःफरमानदानमहितः श्रीवज्रसेनो गुरुः ॥ १ सूरिश्रीप्रभुरत्नशेखरगुरुर्विद्यानिधिर्यं मुदा सत्क्षीमैः किल पर्यधापयदरं पेरोजसाहिप्रभुः । श्रीमत्साहिसिकंदरस्य पुरतो जातः प्रतापाधिको दिल्यां नागपुरीयपाठकवरः श्रीहंसकीत्या.] हुयः ॥ २ आनंदं जनयन सदा मुनिजनेष्वानंदरायः स्म भूत् प्रादाद्यस्य चिराय रायपदवीं श्रीमान् हमाऊंनृपः । श्रीमत्साहिसलेमभूमिपतिना समानितः सादरं सूरिः सर्वकलिंदिकाकलितधीः श्रीचंद्रकीर्तिप्रभुः ॥ ३ साहे: संसदि पद्मसुंदरगणिार्जित्वा महापंडितं क्षौमग्रामसुखासनाद्यकबरश्रीसाहितो लब्धवान् । हिंदूकाधिपमालदेवनृपतेर्मान्यो वदान्योधिकः श्रीमद्योधपुरे सुरोप्सितबचाः पञ्चाइयः पाठकः॥ ४ तद्गछामलमंडनं सुविहितश्रीचंद्रकीर्तिप्रभोः शिष्यः सूरिवरः स्फुरद्युतिभरः श्रीहर्षकीर्तिः सुधीः । तेनेयं रचितात्मनिर्मितशुभश्रीधातुपाठस्य सद्वृत्तिः स्फुतिमियर्तुं यावदुदितः श्रीपुष्पदंताविमौ॥ ६ धातुपाठस्य टीकेयं नाम्ना धातुतरंगिणी प्रक्षालयतु विज्ञानामज्ञानमलमांतरं ॥ ६ शुद्धबोधजलागाधामिमां धातुतरंगिणीम् अवगाह्य बुधा : सम्यक् कुर्वतां निर्मलां मतिम् ॥ ७ For Private and Personal Use Only Page #233 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 228 APPENDIX II. — continued. इति श्रीमन्नागपुरीयतपागच्छाधिपभट्टारक श्रीहर्ष कीर्त्तिसूरिविरचितं स्वोपद्मधातुपाठविवरण संपूर्णम् समाप्ता चेयं धातुतरंगिणीनाम्नी धातुपाठटीका ।। N N. From the Subhashitaratnasamdoha of Amitagati; No. 782 of 1875-76. अन्ते । समारूढे पूतत्रिदशवसति विक्रमनृपे सहस्त्रे वर्षाणां प्रभवति हि पञ्चाशदधिके । समाप्तं पञ्चम्यामवतेि धरणीं मुञ्जनृपती सिते पक्षे पौषे बुधहितमिदं शास्त्रमनघम् । 0 0. From Sumatigani's Lives of Jaina Pontiffs; No. 426, Fol. 13 b. प. ९३ पृ. २ पं. १५. तेच श्रीजिनवल्लभगणिवाचनाचार्याः समस्त विद्यानिधीभूताः कथं तथाहि सर्वसिद्धांतवेदिता सूत्रतोर्थतश्च कंठस्थपाणिन्याद्यष्टव्याकरणा मे - घदूतादिमहाकाव्यादिसर्व काव्य रुद्रटोद्भटदंडिवामनभामहाद्यलंकारचतुरशीतिनाटक समग्र ज्योतिषशास्त्रजयदेवादिनिःशेषछंदो निग्रंथजिनेंद्र मतव्यवस्थापका भयदेवानेकांतजयपताकादितर्ककंदली [ + किरणावली ] न्यायशंकरनंदनकमलशीलादिपरसमयतर्कनिष्णाता अतस्तत्सौरभ्येण श्री चित्रकूटे प्रकर्षेण विख्याताः संजाताः ॥ * Another MS. has ग्रंथ for निग्रंथ. + Another MS. adds this. PP. From Sumatigani's Iives of Jaina Pontiff's ; No. 426, Fol. 17 b. प. ९७ पृ. २ पं. ११. अद्यापि येषां भगवतामवदातचरितनिधीनां श्रीमरुकोट सप्तवर्षप्रामितकृतनिवासपरिशीलितसमस्तागमानां समग्र गच्छादृत सूक्ष्मार्थ सिद्धांत विचारसारषडशीति सार्द्धशतकाख्यकर्मग्रंथ पिंडविशुद्विपौषधविधिप्रतिक्रमणसामाचारी For Private and Personal Use Only Page #234 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir 229 APPENDIX II.---continued. संघपट्टकधर्मशिक्षाद्वादशकुलकरूपप्रकरणप्रश्नोत्तरशतकशृंगारशतकनानाप्रकारविचित्रचित्रकाव्यसारस्वतशतसंख्यस्तुतिस्तोत्रादिरूपकीर्तिपताका सकल महीमंडलं मंडयंती विद्वज्जनमनांसि प्रमेादयति QQ. From the Ramacharitra of Devavijayagani; No. 452, Fol. 155a. . रामचरित्रम् प. १५५ पृ. १ पं. ७. इति श्रीमत्तपागछे भट्टारकश्रीहीरविजयमूरिराज्ये आचार्यश्रीविजयसेनसरियौवराज्ये पं०श्रीदेवविजयगणिविरचिते गद्यबंधे श्रीरामचरित्रे श्रीरामनिर्वाणगमनो नाम दशमः सर्गः ॥ १० ॥ समाप्तं चेदं रामायणम। श्रीः इदं रामायणं प्रायेण श्रीहेमाचार्यकृतरामायणं उपजीव्य मया कृतमिति संस्कृतभाषयव लिखितं । सत्यपि प्राकृतपद्यबंधचरित्रे तथा सत्यपि संस्कृतपद्यबंधचरित्रे मया आत्मविनोदार्थं कर्मक्षयार्थं च गद्यबंधेन कृतमिति॥ स्वस्ति श्रीमत्तपागछे भट्टारकप्रधानश्री ५ युगविजयदानसूरिशिष्यआचार्य: श्रीराजविजयसूरिशिष्यपं० श्रीदेवविजयगर्णाभिर्विरचितं समाप्तं चेदं श्रीरामायणं ॥ संवत् १६५२ वर्षे आश्विनमासे कृष्णपक्षे दशम्यां तिथी गुरुपुष्ययोगे श्रीमत्मरुस्थल्यां ज्येष्ठस्थित्यां स्थितेन पं०श्रीदेवविजयेन श्रीमालपुरनगरे श्रीमदकबरराज्ये विरचितं श्रीरामायणं । - HOMBAY: PRINTED AT THE GOVERNMENT CENTRAL PRESS, 1904-30 TA For Private and Personal Use Only Page #235 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir Seri Sub Alm For Private and Personal Use Only