Book Title: Sound Synthesis in Indo European Indo Iranian and Sanskrit
Author(s): Satya Swarup Mishra
Publisher: Ashutosh Prakashan Sansthan
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(masc) has extended the stem tettar- from neuter téttara; similarly Skt catvāri (apparently from IE q" etwōra; so Brugmann : CGIGL IV p. 10) has exte nded the masculine stem catvär- (cp catvāraḥ) to neuter plural; Gk pisura <IE q"tur-a shows merely a variation of syllabicity forom q" etwr with w replaced by u or r replaced by r, with contraction of a as if to a consonant.
IE nōmn+ǝ>nömṇ, cp Skt (vd) nāmā, Av dạma.
IE nōmn+anōmṇnə cp Av nāmān} <IIг namani cp also Skt nāmāni for *namani with a after yuga(ni) etc. IE ghna-to-s>8"hntos cp Skt ghataḥ, Gk (Dor) thnatós (Att) thnētos.
IE ghn+a-tos>ghnnatos cp Gk thánatos.
9. Combination of 1E Secondary Vowels with Secon dary Vowels
1) Combination of a secondary vowel with a secondary vowel of the same quality naturally resulted in a long secondary vowel of the same quality. i.e. ř+ři, ă+ă >u, t+t>z, I+I>Ï. m+m>m, h+h>. But illustrations can be cited for the first two types.
For the rest,.
because of the lack of frequency and because of the noninheritance of these sounds in exact proto form in the historical languages, illustrations are impossible. Skt however presents sandhi of r+r> in traditional grammars with artificial examples e.g. pitṛrna>pitiņa. But since historical has become ir/ur in Skt, the grammatical illustrations are of no use to IE comparative grammar. Examples therefore are cited below for the combinations ĭ+>i and й+ă>ū.
IE i-ig-ai (perfect middle 1st sg) > iĝai cp Skt ije, gAv ižā (< IE i+igh-so Impv).
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