Chapter # 4.12 Tenth spiritual development stage.
538. How can the tenth spiritual developmental stage, the stage of subtle greed
(Sukshma samparay) be described?
The soul is almost pure and possesses only one impurity, the experience of the soul with subtle greed.
How many types of karma become bonded in this tenth spiritual developmental stage?
In the ninth spiritual developmental stage, there was bondage including twentytwo types of karma. Five are now removed leaving total of 17 types of karma bondage to occur in this stage. The five removed are: male dispositions (Purush ved) and four types of subtle passions: anger, ego, deceit and greed (Sanjavalan kashay).
How many different types of karma reach fruition in the tenth spiritual developmental stage?
In the ninth spiritual developmental stage, 66 type of karma reached fruition. In the tenth spiritual developmental stage, six are removed leaving sixty types of karma to come in to fruition. The six to be removed are:
• Female disposition (Stri ved) • Male disposition (Purush ved)
Hermaphroditic disposition (Napunshak ved) Three types of subtle passions karma of anger, ego and deceit.
In the tenth spiritual developmental stage, how many types of karma remain in dormancy?
In the tenth spiritual developmental stage, karma remaining in dormancy are as follow:
Within the suppression ladder:
-There exists the second type of right belief with the suppression of karma. (Dwitiyopsham samyagdrasti) which possesses 142 types of dormancy, similar to
the 9th spiritual developmental stage; and