INTRODUCTION deprived.him of his magic powers (Vidyās) and threw him on the Kambū island.
Rāvaņa tried many ways to tempt Sītā into accepting him, but met with an insulting rebuff. Killing her would defeat his very purpose. Rape was already foresworn by him. The only course open to him was to bide his time..
When they reached Lankā, Sītā refused to enter it and took a vow to abstain from taking food until she got news from Rāma. She was kept in a park on the outskrits of Lankā.
XXXIX. Sandhi. Rama's vain search and sorrow.
Returning from Lakşmaņa, Rāma found Sītā missing. His fruitless search. He came across Jaţāyin who was breathing his last. On recitation of the five sacred salutations, he passed away. Overwhelmed with sorrow, Rāma was consoled by two Căraņa sages passing that way. They gave him a sermon on the filthiness of human body and worthlessness of worldly ties and pleasures. Rāma caught the mood of renunciation but only for a moment. Weeping he wandered through the woodland, and
completely out of his mind, begged for the news of Sītā from the trees and animals. Eventually he returned to his abode and fell down thoroughly shattered.
XL. Sandhi. Laksmana kills Khara and Düşana.
Viradhita is crowned as king in the Alan kāra • city.
Here Laksmana was assisted by Virādhita whose paternal kingdom was usurped by Khara and Düşana. At last Laksmana killed them, Finishing his job, when he returned, Rāma sorrowfully told him of Sītā's abduction and Jațāyin's sacrifice. Shortly there arrived Virādhita, who sent his army in search of Sitā all around, but it returned unsuccessful.
At Virādhita's suggestion they repaired to the Alankāra city. Candranakha's son Sunda opposed them, but advised by her, gave up fighting and went to Rāvana for help. Rāma and Lakşmaņa entered the city in triumph. Virādhita was crowned. But Rāma was quite disconsolate. He went to a Jina-shrine and prayed.
XLI. Sandhi. Rāvana's unsuccessful moves to win
Sitā's heart. . Lamenting Candranakhā was somehow consoled by Rāvana. Feeling highly depressed at his rejection by Sitā, he persuaded Mandodari to go to Sītā as a go-between. Next morning Mandodari paid a visit to Sītā. She was impressed by her beauty. She talked to her about Rāvana in superlatives and held forth temptations of power and pleasures. When
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