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twenty-seven stanzas were written by Acārya Gunabhadra himself and the remaining stanzas were written by Acārya Lokasena, the disciple of Acārya Guṇabhadra. Whatever it may be, the completion of the Prasasti was effected in the year 820 of the śālivāhana saka era as stated in the Praśasti itself. The Prasasti was completed when king Akālavarsa was ruling. Under these circumstances, it is very difficult to push the date of king Akālavarşa who was on the throne in the year 820 of the salivāhana saka era back to the period prior to the year 705 of the śālivāhana saka era. Is not this problem insoluble ?
In my opinion, this problem is not insoluble. I do not think that the Prasasti was written by Ācārya Gunabhadra himself or that the first twenty-seven stazas were written by Acārya Gunabhadra and the remaining stanzas by Acārya Lokasena. In my opinion the whole of the Praśasti was written by one author only. It was Ācārya Lokasena who wrote it. Had all the stanzas of the Praśasti or the first twenty-seven stanzas of it been written by Acārya Guņabhadra, he could not have employed the Imperfect form pra in the stanza,
प्रत्यक्षीकृतलक्ष्यलक्षणविधिविद्योपविद्यातिगः सिद्धान्ताब्यवसानया न जनितप्रागल्भ्यवृद्धद्धधीः । नानानूननयप्रमाणनिपुणोऽगण्यैर्गुणभूषितः
frou: Tuwzgferagittaturfega: 11 88 11 of the Praśasti of the Uttarapurāņa. I, therefore, think that the first twenty-seven stanzas were not written by Ācārya Gunabhadra. Moreover, it can be inferred that at the time when the Prasasti was written Ācārya Guņabhadra might not be alive. The fact, that the remaining portion of the Prasasti was written by Acārya Lokasena, is admissible. As I have arrived at the conclusion that the first twently-seven stanzas could not have been written by Acārya Gunabhadra, then those stanzas must have been written by some one else. In my opinion the other person is none else but Acārya Lokasena himself.
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