69. #Anfaatzfachafqafe AETH गहणं सम्म णाणं सायारमणेयभेयं तु ॥ ४२॥
Drarya-samgraha, 12. Right and profound knowledge of the nature of the soul and non-soul, devoid of doubt, of belief in opposite of right, and of illusions is sākāra (definite) and of many
kinds. 70. मतिश्रुतावधिमनःपर्यायकेवलानि ज्ञानम ॥ ९ ॥
Tattrărtha-sutra, i, 9. Knowledge is (1) mati-jñāna (knowledge acquired by sense perceptions): (2) śruta-jñāna (knowledge acquireal by reading the scriptures) ; (3) aradhi-jñāna (knowledge of the distant, non-sensible—in time or space-possessed by divine and infernal souls); (4) manah paryāya-jñāna (knowledge of the thoughts and feelings of others) :
(5) kerala-jñāna (full or perfect knowledge). il. af farfafig ufafATA 119811 Ibid. 14.
Mati-jñāna is occasioned through the five senses and the non-sense (sc. intellect).
72. gå Afaqa canal TÄZA |2011 Ibid. 20.
Śrutu-jīūna comes after and includes) mati-jñāna. It is of two kinds, of many kinds, and of twelve kinds.
. एकादोनि भाज्यानि युगपदे कस्मिन्नाच तुर्थ्यः ॥ ३० ॥
Ibid. 30. Together in one soul there may be one, two, three, it's far as four, kinds of knowledge.
NOTE.—If one kind only, it is kerala-jiānu : if two kinds, the first two: if three kinds, the first three; if four kinds, the first four. For five kinds see 70 above.