The fourteen Kula-karas :
1. Prati-svāti: 2. Sammati : 3. Kshemam-kara; 4. Kshemam-dhara ; 5. Sīmam-kara : 6. Simam-dhara : . 7. Vimala-vāhana:
8. Chakshushmant ; 9. Yasasvin ; 10. Abhichandra; 11. Chandrābha ; 12. Maru-dera : 13. Prasena-chandra; 14. Nābhi-narendra.
NOTE.—For most of the statements in Appendixes II and III authority will be found in Professor Jacobi's Eine Jaina-Dogmatik (see Bibliographical Note above), in Colebrooke's two essays on the Jains in his Collected Essays (ed. Cowell, London, 1873); also (for II) in the Samghayuni of Hari-bhadra Sūri (in Laghuprakarana-samgraha, Bombay, 1876) and the Lokanāludvātrimsikū (in Prakarana-ratnakara II, Bombay, 1876); and (for III) in the Uttura-purāņa of Guņabhadra Achārya, and in Hemachandra's Abhidhanichintamani.]