Bharata-kshetra is 526, yojanas broad. The two rivers, the Great Indus and the Great Ganges, and the mountain Vijayardha divide it into six sections as seen above.
Our whole world, with its Asia, Europe, America, Africa, Australia, etc., are included in Arya-khanda.
Going upwards again in the trasa-nāḍī (HTT,н, on p. 121) we get into the Upper World. This has two parts, called: (1) Kalpa; (2) Kalpatita. The parts, etc., of Kalpa can be counted; those of Kalpātīta
The parts of Kalpa are the Sixteen Heavens respectively called (beginning from bottom to top): (1) Saudharma; (2) Aiśāna; (3) Sānatkumāra ; (4) Mahendra: (5) Brahma; (6) Brahmottara; (7) Läntava (Lāntaka); (8) Kāpiṣṭha; (9) Sukra; (10) Mahāśukra; (11) Satara; (12) Sahasrara; (13) Ānata; (14) Pranata (15) Arana; and (16) Acyuta.
In the Kalpatīta portion we have the nine Graiveyakas and the five Pañca-anuttaras.
After all these, at the summit of the universe, is the Siddha-sila. This is situated in the middle of the Ishat-prägbhära world, which is 1 rajju wide, 1 rajju long, and 8 yojanas high.
The Siddha-sila is in the form of a brilliant canopy. It is round, 45 lakhs of yojanas in width and 8 yojanas in breadth, tapering up towards the top. Above this Siddha-silā, at the end of the Tanu-vāta-valaya or the outermost atmosphere (III in the map on p. 120), the liberated souls rest in the blissful possession of their infinite quaternary (SS in the map).