cantos and covering 1576 verses. Some of his important Stotras are : Mukundaśatakam, 14 sivasatakam, Pañcapadi, Ambaranadiśa-stavam, Süryaśatakam. He has some scientific works also to his credit : Vịttavārtikam, i3 which deals with classical Vsttas or metres ; Rāsaktidā, a work in four Paricchedas illustrating different metres ; Tālaprastāra, which deals with the subject of Tāla and is written in Anuştubh metre. Besides his Svopajña glosses noted above, he has written a commentary called Vilasinile on Śti-Kışņavilāsakāvya of Sukumāra and ancther called Vivarana on the Dhātukāvya17 of Nārāyana Bhattapāda. The latter appears to have remained incomplete.
Rāma Pāṇivāda has written a large number of works in Malayālam,15 and only some important ones may be noted here: Šri-KȚşņacaritam in the maņi-pravāļa style ; Sivapurāņam (kilippāțțu ) ; Pañcatantram (kilippāțțu) which is an adaptation of the Sanskrit work in Malayalam; Rukmängadacaritam (kiļippāțţu) ; etc. It is a point of great controversy among the Malayalam scholars whether Rāma Pāṇivāda and Kuñjan Nambiār were identical or two independent authors of the Keraļa country. Eminent scholars like Mahākavi Ullur S. Parameswara AIYAR, Prof. WARRIER, Dr. GODAVARMA and others have discussed this subject in great details. Those who accept
14 Mukundaśataka with a commentary by his fellow-pupil : Govt. 0. Mss. Library Madras, No. 3403.
15 Vịttavārtikam and Rāsakrīdā ed. by K. Sämbaśiva Sāstri, Trivandrum Sanskrit Series No. cxxxi, Trivandrum 1937.
16. Vilăsini : M. KRISHNAMACHARIAR'S Classical Sanskrit Literature $ 169; the first four cantos are published at Palghat with the commentary of Rāma Pānivāda.
17. Dhātukävya-2'yākhyā : Govt. 0. Mss. Library Madras No. 3656.
18. Those who are interested in other Malayālam compositions of our author should kindly read the various contributions on the subject by Prof. WARRIER of Trivandrum.
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