agreed and he has spared no pains in presenting the text as accurately and critically as was possible with the apparatus that he had before him.
We are very thankful to Dr. Vaidya for his valuable contribution to the Series as well as for the help he gave in making arrangements for the printing of the book, all this work being undertaken by him merely as a labour of love.
It is our great sorrow that one of the members of our committee who was also a cousin of Seth Gopal Ambădās Chaware and a leading Jain citizen of Berar, Mr. J. D. Chaware, B. A., LL. B., to whose efforts the inaguration of this Series owes a good deal, did not live to see even the publication of its first volume. By his death our committee has suffered an irreparable loss.
I can hardly adequately thank Seth Gopal Ambadasji to whose munificence this Series owes its inception. I pay my humble respects to Svāmī Virasenji Bhattăraka who is the custodian of the manuscript-store of the Sena Gaņa temple at Kāranjā and who encouraged Seth Gopal Ambadasji in his laudable munificence. I also thank the members of my committee for their co-operation in the work.
I take this opportunity to invite the co-operation of all scholars interested in the study of Jain literature in making the future volumes of this Series as suitable for study and research as possible. With their co-operation we hope to publish soon the remaining Apabhraņģa works at Kāranja.
King Edward College
Amraoti 20th March 1931
Jain Education International
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