Book Title: Jainism Eternal and Universal Path for Enlightenment
Author(s): Narendra Bhandari
Publisher: Research Institute of Scientific Secrets from Indian Oriental Scriptures Ahmedabad
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Jainism : The Eternal and Universal path for Enlightenment
through (several stories. Drstivida', the twelfth Ang..gam is of vital importance but is considered lost by all Jain Sects. Its description, which is found in other Jain søtras, indicates that this Ang..gam was the largest of all the gam Søtras. It was classified in five parts: (1) Parikarma (2) søtra (3) Purvagata (4) Pratham-anuyoga and (5) Chulika. The third part, Purvagata contained 14 purvas. They contain the Jain religion's endless treasure of knowledge on every subject. Some scholars believe that it was named as Purva because it contained the knowledge which existed before Bhagvin Mahlvira, largely the preachings of Bhagvin Parshvanath. The legend has it that Srimad Rajchandra, born about a hundred years ago could recall the 7th purva through the knowledge of his previous births (Jiti smaran), which he heard directly from Bhagvin Mah?vir as one of his disciples in a previous birth. He summarized it in his book
tmasiddhi and this narration can be taken as authentic (see Chapter 2) version of this section of Drstivid.
The various Swetambar Upangs illustrate the teachings of Bhagvin Mah?vir by stories and include Aupa Patika søtra (Ovavaiya) which describes the view of King Konika when he visited Bhagvin Mah?vir. It also explains how a person can attain heaven in the next life; Raja Prashniya søtra (Raya Pasen Ijja) describes the story of sage Keshi. Keshi was the Ganadhara of Bhagvin Parshvanath. He removed the doubts of King Pradeshi regarding the existence and attributes of the soul. Jivabhigama søtra describes the universe and the subtle description of all living beings (souls) of the universe. It deals with various aspects of biology and botany. Prajnapana søtra (Pannavana) describes the form and attributes of souls from a different perspective. Surya Prajnapti (Surya Pannati) and Chandra Prajnapati dealing with astronomy, motion of Sun and Moon; Jambudveepa Prajnapti deals withgeography and history: The other four Nirayavali søtra, Kalpa Vatansika søtra (Kappavadamsiao), Pushpika søtra (Puspiao), Pushpa Chulika Søtra, Vrashnidasha søtra (Vanhidasao) describes some events and stories during ancient times. Besides there are several mool søtras like, vashyaka søtra describing
1. There are 12 original scriptures (gams) of Jains, but the last Drshtiväd, which had 14 Purvas, was lost about 2000 years ago but has been referred in, Sämävayang. Its 7th Purva is referred as Atmapraväd and deals with six fundamentals (see Chapter 2). They were described by charya Siddhasen Diwakar in Sanmati Prakaran about 1800years ago (cf Atmasiddhi by Srimad Rajchandra).