Book Title: Jainism Eternal and Universal Path for Enlightenment
Author(s): Narendra Bhandari
Publisher: Research Institute of Scientific Secrets from Indian Oriental Scriptures Ahmedabad
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Jainism : The Eternal and Universal path for Enlightenment
and weak nuclear forces are manifestation of the same basic force called electroweak. Thus we are left with three basic forces: Electro-weak, strong and gravitation. These may all possibly be manifestation of a single force resulting in
a Grand Unification theory of all the forces of nature. 20. Under the influence of the strong nuclear force, elementary particles combine to
form aggregates. They, in turn, combine to form protons, electrons and neutrons, which make atoms and atoms combine to form molecules. Molecules combine under the influence of electromagnetic forces to form compounds and compounds form minerals. Minerals form rocks and rocks, under the influence of gravitational force, form planets, stars and galaxies (see Chapter 9 for the theory of association
and dissociation). 21. Presently the universe is made of 4% matter, 20% dark matter and 74 % dark
energy. Space and time form the four dimensional universe but the universe may have
more dimensions. 23. Velocity of photons is the highest speed material particles can achieve. This is the
basic principle of Special theory of Relativity. 24. The present Universe, which is expanding, was created in an explosion, called
Big Bang, 14 billion years ago. The previous history of the Universe is not known but it would fit in an oscillating Universe, successively going through expansion and contraction. Or may be the Universe is in some kind of overall "Steady State".
In summary, the basic constituents of the physical universe are Mass (and Energy), Space and time and the three forces (Electro-weak, gravitation and strong).
We have discussed the major scientific concepts and summarized them in this style of søtras so that they can be directly compared to Jain thinking. We now turn to Tattvartha Søtra (chapter 5) where some of these aspects are mentioned to see what is common between science and Jainism.
Jainism believes that the Universe (material world) is real, perceived by mind through senses, which are not perfect and still evolving (Chapter 1). When mind perceives an object or a process, what is real? The object, the mind which perceives (acts like a mirror) or the perception? In the ultimate analysis, matter has many attributes (Anek ntav d), all of which can not be perceived at once. Furthermore, the mind