Book Title: Jainism Eternal and Universal Path for Enlightenment
Author(s): Narendra Bhandari
Publisher: Research Institute of Scientific Secrets from Indian Oriental Scriptures Ahmedabad
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Jainism : The Eternal and Universal path for Enlightenment
Simply stated, the shape of the universe is determined by competition between the momentum of expansion and the pull of gravity. The rate of expansion is expressed by the Hubble Constant (H) while the strength of gravity depends on the density and pressure of the matter in the Universe. The fate of the Universe is then governed by the density. If the density of the Universe is less than the critical density" which is proportional to the square of the Hubble constant, then the universe will expand forever. If the density of the universe is greater than the critical density", then gravity will eventually win and the universe will collapse back on itself, the so called "Big Crunch". However, the results of a recent study suggests that the expansion rate of the universe is actually increasing and not slowing down. One way it can happen is if a form of matter exists which applies a strong negative pressure. This form of matter is sometimes referred to as the dark energy". If dark energy in fact plays a significant role in the evolution of the universe, then in all likelihood the universe will continue to expand forever.
Recently the temperature of the Universe has been measured using space crafts. The observed density of the universe based on the fluctuations of the microwave temperature is found to be close (within 2% uncertainty) to the critical density, and therefore it appears that the geometry of the universe is flat.
Two things are clear from the observational asronomy. Firstly, everything in the universe is rotating, around its axis and around the centre of the system, be it planets, galaxy or any other object. Secondly everything within the universe is expanding and contracting, in howsoever miniscule manner (akin to breathing), for whatever reason, be it the Sun, Earth, or stars. These two points must be borne in mind when we discuss
The Jain Cosmic Wheel of Time
Kal Chakra
Fig 8.2 Jain Cosmic periodicities