Book Title: Jainism Eternal and Universal Path for Enlightenment
Author(s): Narendra Bhandari
Publisher: Research Institute of Scientific Secrets from Indian Oriental Scriptures Ahmedabad
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Jainism : The Eternal and Universal path for Enlightenment
interconvertibility of 15th to 23rd vargan's is difficult. In view of convertibility of mass and energy (E=Mc), it does not make much sense in talking about massless but energetic particles. In any case modern physics measures mass of particles in terms of energy (rest mass of proton is 938 MeV). The remaining types of varganas deal with particles with mass where the parama aus are bonded by their electric charge. Some of these varganas are described as unya varga a 1, probably implying dissociation. The last, 23rd type of varga a 1, is supposed to constitute all the matter present in the cosmos.
Thus the Jain theory of combination deals with the interaction of soul with soul, soul with matter, and matter with matter and is wide in scope.
Now we discuss each varga a 1 separately. The summary given above, based on scriptures, may not be consistent with the following discussion which appears more logical. As the combination proceeds, aggregates of matter are formed and when they exceed a critical number or mass, qualities of consciousness, mind and speech are acquired by interaction with their respective varga ais('hrak, mano and bh-sh). Thus the Jain theory of varga a 1 is a step wise, sequential, progressive advancement for acquiring various qualities, we see in ajiva as well as in jiva.
The smallest material entity is param 1 au. It is extremely small, dimensionless, mass-less, can not be further subdivided, occupies one "unit" of space (one pradesha) and possesses high energy. Clusters of Param 1 aus, containing a very large innumerable) number of param 1 & us, form atoms known as anu varga a is. Thus according to Jainism, an atom is made of innumerable parama aus. On comparing with what we understand by modern physics, the formation of anu varga al must be governed by nuclear forces. The second category consists of skandha or composite bodies, which contain two to innumerable a aus. This may be compared with molecules and compounds, which may have two (as in inorganic molecules i.e. O,,N,,CO, etc) to innumerable atoms (as in organic molecules of proteins to amino acids, sugars etc).These combinations must be governed by electric bonding (valency, bonds). The third category is composite bodies, made of innumerable atoms. These may be compared to minerals, which are made of innumerable molecules. When infinite atoms unite then large structures (planetary bodies, stars, galaxies etc) are formed, which come under the fourth category, probably controlled by gravity. These four vargan's can form the whole universe (minus jiva), and this is a progressive theory of association from the smallest param 1 au, to molecules, minerals and structures where the four forces of nature i.e. strong (nuclear),