Book Title: Jainism Eternal and Universal Path for Enlightenment
Author(s): Narendra Bhandari
Publisher: Research Institute of Scientific Secrets from Indian Oriental Scriptures Ahmedabad
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Jainism : The Eternal and Universal path for Enlightenment
joint meditation together can make the minds correlated or tangled and as a consequence, "intentionality" of one can be affected by the other. In case of correlated brains, consciousness is involved in establishing and maintaining correlation. It is possible to transfer thoughts (telepathy) in this state. To agree is to vibrate in phase in quantum correlation.
Quantum physics may not be the end of physics. One can speculate that even finer "particles" will be discovered as science progresses where not only duality but even tri-ality involving particles, waves and consciousness may have to be invoked to explain various phenomena. Or even multi-ality (Anek'ntav d) may come into action where more attributes would come into play. Science søtras
Having pointed out that some of the laws which operate upon the gross universe and the microuniverse are different, and nature follows some principles, we briefly summarise the basic understanding of physics in the following søtras: 1. The processes occurring in the physical universe are deterministic in the sense
that they all obey certain laws. These laws are universal, applicable at all places, at all times and govern all processes. The universe can be divided in two parts, the macro (gross) and the micro (fine,
sukshma). The laws governing these two regimes are different. 4. The macro world as well as micro world is symmetric in nature in most attributes.
The macro (visible to eyes and telescopes, as big as they can get) follows the laws of classical mechanics. The governing law is that the whole is the sum of parts. This is the law of addition of various properties of the gross world, like
mass, volume, and parameters of motion etc. 6. In both regimes, mass (M) and energy (E) are inter-convertible given by the
simple relation E=Mc, where c is the velocity of light. Mass can take many forms and so can energy but the sum of mass and energy of a system is always constant known as the "law of conservation". In any transformation, laws of conservation are obeyed. Energy can never be destroyed or created. Conservation laws are applicable to energy, momentum, charge, symmetry and