Book Title: Jainism Eternal and Universal Path for Enlightenment
Author(s): Narendra Bhandari
Publisher: Research Institute of Scientific Secrets from Indian Oriental Scriptures Ahmedabad
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Jainism : The Eternal and Universal path for Enlightenment
a different state. It is not because of limitations of the instruments or their precision that one can not measure the parameters accurately but that the measurement can not be made without changing the state of the particle. For example, both of the parameters in the coupled (conjugate) pairs of energy (E) and time (t), or position (x) and momentum (p) can be known only within some minimum uncertainty uncertainty Ä: (ÄEÄT > h; ÄpÄr > h), defined by the Planck's constant h = h/28). which is quantum of action and is very small (6.625x10-34 joule.sec.), but none the less, has finite value. Uncertainty principle is one of the fundamental principles applicable to the realm of all the physical microworld. This can also be extended to the realms of consciousness (jiva) because consciousness of the observer (or jy ?t) is changing all the time by interaction with matter (fig.6.1).
The transfer of knowledge from the object to the knower changes both the object and the observer. This is precisely what happens according to the Uncertainty principle so that with every measurement, the object changes and it is not possible to determine its state completely. The Heisenberg's Uncertainty principle is silent about the knower. How does the measurement of an attribute of a physical object will change the state of the knower (jiva) has not been investigated by physics but Jainism asserts that any observation instantly brings about a change in consciousness.
Now let us frame the question in another way! If I hold "a particular perspective" of a thing or "concept”, is it a limitation of my consciousness or it is the way the object reveals it to me. I take the premise that the human consciousness has no limitation of comprehension and is capable of conceiving many or all the perspectives at once. It is the object which exhibits different perspectives at different times, in different contexts. In other words "multiple perspectives" is the inherent quality of an object of the physical world. Thus Anekintvd is not simply a multiview perception theory but indicates that reality manifests in multiple ways, sometimes at the same time. It is not a limitation of consciousness that it has limited capability of perception of the physical world. Neither it is looking at an object from different perspectives but that the object itself exhibits multiple perspectives which can not all be known at the same time, even by the Omniscient Kevalis". Thus, in the physical realm, Anekântvâd is as fundamental as the Uncertainty Principle, which states that some properties can not be measured accurately, because of the inherent nature of the behaviour in the microworld.