Book Title: Jainism Eternal and Universal Path for Enlightenment
Author(s): Narendra Bhandari
Publisher: Research Institute of Scientific Secrets from Indian Oriental Scriptures Ahmedabad
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Jainism : The Eternal and Universal path for Enlightenment
The perception related delusion is overcome in the fourth stage when a person gains right perception (samyakatva). As the aspirant goes ahead in thought and action (Jn in and Charitra), the perception gets clearer and thereby the character related delusion also continues to decrease and exists at trace level at stage 7. Eventually, when the traces also disappear, the aspirant attains 8th stage. Thereafter the progress in overcoming delusion is swift. When the character related delusion is totally overcome one reaches stage 12. The rest of the defiling Karmas are instantly destroyed and the person attains omniscience, which is designated as stage 13. At this stage, one attains infinite knowledge, infinite perception and infinite bliss etc. Enlightenment arises when the delusion is totally overcome. This does not mean end of the embodiment but at this stage, the person becomes indifferent to physical aspects and remains transcendental. When the omniscient ends the current life, it gives up the body and becomes a liberated soul, the Siddha.
Within these stages, there can be upward or downward movements. In case of jiva this highest energy state is the most stable state from where one does not go to the other lower states in contrast to the physical universe where the lowest energy state (called the ground state) is the most stable (Chapter 7).
Now we discuss each of the fourteen Guesth'ns in some detail. The path begins with realisation of correct perception (faith in the six cardinal truths) and follows the route through correct conduct, purity of thought, destruction of all karmas and annihilation of gross as well as subtle passions, as mentioned below.
1. Mithy tva (belief in wrong faith)
Mithy ?tva means false perception or wrong world view. Right faith means faith in the cardinal truths, i.e. existence of soul and Moka as mentioned in Chapter 2. A person having wrong faith does not relish the religion of the soul, which requires right faith, right knowledge and right conduct. Therefore there is no hope of salvation for him.
This wrong faith can either be inherited" or "adopted". The sense of oneness of soul with inanimate objects like physical bodies and worldly belongings is called the inherited wrong faith. In presence of such a belief, a person remains engrossed in worldly pleasures and can not comprehend the true nature of things, leading to "adopted wrong faith".