Book Title: Jainism Eternal and Universal Path for Enlightenment
Author(s): Narendra Bhandari
Publisher: Research Institute of Scientific Secrets from Indian Oriental Scriptures Ahmedabad
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Jainism : The Eternal and Universal path for Enlightenment
10. Sukshma Sampr lya (State of purity with subtle passions)
In spite of the purity, minor greed still persists, intentionally or unintentionally. The greed of attaining Mok-a is the most difficult to overcome., because that is actually the motive force for the journey to enlightenment. Those who have their sukshma karmas either subsided or destroyed are said to be in the Sukshama Samprly Gu dasth -n.
11. Upash-nt Kashy (State of mild passions)
The person in this Guasth 'n has subsided all external and internal passions. Out of the four destructive karmas, the Mohaniya is in the Upash? nt state while the other three have the Kshayopsham state. Since the soul has complete detachment with imperfect sentience, this stage is also called Upsh nt Kashy Veetrig Chhadmastha Gunasth'n.
12. Kshina Kash ly (Annihilation of all passions)
The souls that have annihilated all passions and attained perfect detachment with complete elimination of all the karmas occupy this Guoasth in named Kshina Kashy. Since there is yet some minor imperfection in sentience, though complete detachment has been attained, this Gunasth 'n is called Kshina Kashay Veetrig Chhadmastha. The saints following the perfect conduct in this stage have annihilated the Mohaniya Karma altogether and the remaining three destructive karmas are at Kshayopshama stage. As soon as these three karmas are destroyed, they will attain the thirteenth Gunasthan.
13. Sayog Kevali Jin (Enlightened souls, Enlightened preachers )
The souls have achieved the nine accomplishments (Kshayik) right faith, conduct, consciousness, perception, charity, gain, Bhog, Upbhog and vitality) and have become Kevalies. They become super-sensuous.Now their sentience does not require senses to observe or light to see. Since their mind, speech and body is still operating, they are Sayog and since they have conquered both the psychic and material karmas they are called the Jins and their Guoasth in is called, Sayog Kevali Jin. These Kevalis enlighten the path of emancipation for others by their divine discourses on the path of liberation of the soul. Influx of Sata Vedniya karma due to mental thinking, bodily movement and speech does not convert to bondage due to the complete absence of passions.