its denotation, Transience of the relationship of word and its meaning, Sphoțavāda (Theory of a meaning bearing unit of the language) and its criticism, Refutation of Sphoțavāda, Apohavāda (Theory of exclusion or double negation) and its refutation, Criticism of
Apohavāda, The Image theory and Jainism, Terms. Chapter 4: The Jaina Philosophy of Sentence
75-95 Jaina contention of Sentence, Different views on the nature of sentence and their appraisal, Kriyāpada, Sentence as a term-complex, Sentence as a Commonfactor, A sentence is an indivisible unit, Successivism (Kramavāda) and its criticism, The comprehension theory of meaning of a sentence: nature and criticism, First term (prathama-pada) is sentence: concept and criticism, Sākāíkşa-pada (term with mutual expectancy) is a sentence in itself, The Jaina view, Theory of Sentence Meaning, Abhihitānvayavāda, Abhitānvayavāda: a review, Anvitābhidhānavāda (Theory of concomitant expression): Plaintiff's thesis, The criticism of
Anvitābhidhānavāda. Chapter 5:
The Theory of Determination of Meaning; Naya & Nikṣepa
96-103 Meaning of word and Naya, Naigama-naya, Sarngrahanaya, Vyavahāra-naya, Rjusūtra-naya, Sabda-naya, Samabhirūdha-naya, Evaṁbhūta-naya, The Theory of Niksepa, Nāma-niksepa (Namal positing), Sthāpanāniksepa (Representational positing), Dravya-nikṣepa
(Substantive positing), Bhāva-nikṣepa (Modal Positing) Chapter 6: Capability of Expression in Language
104-112 Expressibility of Reality, Meaning of Indescribability, Negative approach of the Vedic period, Upanişadic approach, The third approach, The forth approach
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