Jaina Philosophy of Word : (47) (2) Dvividha-nāma (Double-fold name)
In Anuyogadvāra-sutra, double-fold classification of name have been done on the basis of following three aspects: (i) On the basis of the numbers of alphabets
(a) Ekakşarika (Single lettered) e.g. HỊ (ET), hi (est:), sri (PT) etc.
(b) Anekāşarika (Multiple lettered) e.g. Vīņā, Latā, Mālā, etc. (ii) On the basis of consciousness
(a) Jiva-vācaka (name denoting living beings) e.g. Devadatta, Yajñadatta, Somadatta, etc.
(b) Ajīva-vācaka (name denoting non-living beings) e.g. Ghata (pitcher), Pața (cloth), ratha (chariot). (iii) On the basis of Generality and Indivuduality
(a) Vyakti-vācaka (Proper names denoting particularity) e.g. Devadatta.
(b) Jāti-vācaka (Common names denoting generality) e.g. Man.
It is worth mentioning here that the name, which is common (general) from the one point of view, may be particular from another point of view e.g. 'Indian'. This name is common from the point of view of inhabitants of India, whereas from the point of view of human race, it is particular. Anuyogadvāra-sūtra defines this fact with multiple illustrations and concludes that general or particular or the concepts of common and proper are relative. We have mention of another two-fold classification of name in Višeșāvaśyaka-bhāsya where the terms are classified into two types:
1. Vācāka-pada (expressive terms) e.g. "The tree is standing.'
2. Dyotoka-pada (Denotative terms) e.g. Prof. (professor), Dr. (doctor), etc. (3) Trividha-nāma (Three-fold name) The three-fold classification of name is done on the basis of two aspects: (i) On the basis of substance, attributes and modes
(a) Dravya-vācaka-nāma (name denoting substance) e.g. soul, matters, space, etc.
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