29 important work in Tamil literature, judged from its popularity among the Tamil speaking people. It is composed in the form of couplets known as Kuralveņbā, a metre peculiar to the Tamil literature. The term kuraļ means “short' as opposed to the other type of veņbā which is also a metre peculiar to the Tamil litrature. The book derives its name Kurațfrom the metre employed in its composition. It is a work based on the doctrine of ahimsä; and throughout, you have the praising of this ahimsa-dharma and the criticism of views opposed to this. The work is considered so important by the Tamils that they use various names to designate this great work, such as Uttaravēda, Tamilvēda, 'divine scripture,' 'the great truth,' 'non-denominational Vēda' and so on. The work is claimed by
(xv) Tirukkural with Parimēlaļagar's commentary--Ed. by S. P. Rajaram, Madras, 1907;
(xvi) The Kural or The Maxims of Tiruvaļļuvar--English Translation by V. V. S. Aiyar, Madras, 1915, 1925, 1952, 1961;
(xvii) Tirukkural, Asattuppăl with Parimēlalagar's commentary (with notes by V. M. Sadagoparamanujacharya Swamigal), 1937;
(xviii) Tirukkural-Poruspal and Kamattuppal with Parimēlalagar's commentary, 1938;
(xix) Tirukkural-Kāmattuppăl with Kalingar and Paripperumāļ's commentaries--Ed. by T. P. Palaniappa Pillai, Tirupati, 1945;
(xx) Tirukkural - Poruļpal with Kalingar and Paripperumāļ's commentaries-Ed. by T.P. Palaniappa Pillai, Tirupati, 1948;
(xxi) Tirukkural, text, Tamil Paraphrase, English translation-Ed. by A. Ranganada Mudaliar, Madras, 1949;
(xxii) Tirukkural, text, commentary and exhaustive introduction-Ed. by A. Chakravarti, 1949.
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