Book Title: Jain Rup Mandan
Author(s): Umakant P Shah
Publisher: Abhinav Publications

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________________ 202 दीर्घजंघाझ्यस्तालद्रुमारूढा इवोच्चकैः ।। ज्वालामुखेन मुञ्चन्तो जठराग्निरिइवायताः । ते प्रभु परितोऽधावन् सारमेया इव द्विपम् ।। प्रभुस्तै रपि नाक्षुभ्यल्लीनो ध्यानसुधाहदे । विशेषेण ततः ऋद्धो मेघमाल्यसुरः स्वयम् । मेघान्विचके नभसि कालरात्रिसहोदरान् ।। स्वामी रत्नशिलास्तम्भ इवांभस्यपि निश्चलः । नासाग्रन्यस्तदृग्ध्यानान्मनागपि चचाल न । आनासान यावर्दभः श्रीपाश्र्वस्वामिनोऽभवत् । धरणस्योरगेन्द्रस्यासनं तावदकम्पयत् ॥ cor: Farfe SFATEC उन्नालमंबुजं तुगं केवल्यासनसन्निभम् ॥ पृष्ठपाश्र्वोरः पिदधे स स्वभोगेन योगिराट् ।। फणश्च सप्तभिश्च्छवं चकार शिरसि प्रभोः । धरणेन्द्र महिष्योऽपि श्रीपालस्वामिनः पुरः। विदधुर्गीतनृत्यादि भक्तिभावितचेतसः ।। ध्यानलीनः प्रभुश्चास्थान्निबिशेषो द्वयोरपि । नागाधिराजे धरणे मेघमालिनि चासुरे ।। ---Trisasi., parva IX.3.249-81 299. Coomaraswamy, A.K., History of Indian and Indonesian Art, fig. 86. 300. For this and other Caumukha sculptures with Pårsvanatha as one of the four Jinas see J.U.P.H.S., vol. XXIII (1950), pp. 55ff; Epi. Ind., II, 207ff. 301. Coomaraswamy, A.K., History of Indian and Indonesian Art, pp. 68-69. For sculptures of Nägas from Mathura, sec V.S. Agrawala's Catalogue of Brahmanical Images in Mathura Art (Lucknow), pp. 98ff; J. Ph. Vogel, Naga Worship in Ancient Mathura, A.S.I., A.R., for 1908-09. For Naga Cult, see Coomaraswamy, The Yaksas, parts I and II (Washington, 1928-31) or reprint (Delhi). 302. Siri-Pasanäha-cariyam, prastāva 3, 1-7, pp. 187f. 303. Ahicchatra is modern Rämnagar in Bareilly district, U.P. For Ahicchatra, with Adi-Naga as its presiding deity and for Näga-worship in India from Vedic times, see The Age of Imperial Uniry, pp. 471ff, Fergusson, J., Tree and Serpent Worship in India; Vogel, J. Ph., Indian Serpent Lore or the Nagas in Hindu Legend and Art. 304. For Buddhist representations, cf. Benjamin Rowland, Jr., Gandhara Sculptures from Pakistan Museums (New York, 1960), p. 32 showing a sculpture from Peshawar Museum and plate on p. 55 showing host of Mara, from Central Museum, Lahore. Harold Ingholt, Gandharan Art in Pakistan (New York, 1957), figs. 61-66; Joshi, N.P., Mathura Sculptures (Mathura, 1966), pl. 86. 305. Shah, U.P., A Pārsvanatha Sculpture in Cleveland Museum, Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art for December 1970, p. 303, fig. 6. 306. Dhaky, M.A., Santara Sculpture, Journal of the Indian Society of Oriental Art, New Series, Vol. IV (Dr. Vasu- Jaina-Rupa-Mandana deva Saran Agrawala Commemoration Volume, Part I). pp. 78-97 and plates. 307. Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art for 1970, op. cit., fig. 1. 308. Shah, U.P., Akota Bronzes (Bombay, 1959), figs. 42a, 42b. Also compare ibid., figs. 54-54g, ca. 890-920. 309. Tiwari, M.N.P., Jaina Pratima-Vijana (Hindi, Varanasi, 1981), p. 134. 310. Muni Jayantavijaya and U.P. Shah, Holy Abu, pp. 123 25. 311. Brown, W. Norman, A Descriptive and Illustrated Cata logue of Miniature Paintings of the Kalpa-särra (Washing ton, 1934), pp. 41-44, figs. 97-98. 312. Bruhn, Klaus, Further Observations on the Iconography of Pārsvanátha, Mahavira and His Teachings (Ahmedabad, 1977), pp. 379-388 and plates. 313. Aspects of Jaina Art and Architectura, n. 273-275. Shah, U.P., An Early Bronze Parsvanarna, Bulletin of Prince of Wales Museum, no. 3, pp. 63ff. 314. Pramod Chandra, Some Remarks on Bihar Sculptures, Aspects of Indian Art (Los Angeles, 1972), pp. 78ff, pl. XXVI. 315. Especially read our remarks on pp. 273-275 in our article, Jaina Bronzes- A Brief Survey, Aspects of Jaina Art and Architecture (Ahmedabad, 1975). This bronze is very light in weight, though there is core inside. There is predominance of copper in the alloy and it looks like made of copper mostly. It is unlike all Jaina bronzes known so far, especially in the treatment of physiognomy and limbs, except the figure of Parsvanatha in the Pudukkottai Museum. 316. Jain, Niraj, Tulsi Samgrahalaya, Ramvan kä Jaina Puratattva (Hindi), Anekänta, Vol. 16, no. 6, p. 279. 317. Shah, U.P., Akota Bronzes (Bombay, 1959), fig. 63a. 318. Sankalia, H.D., The Archaeology of Gujarat (Bombay, 1941), p. 167; Shah, U.P., Studies in Jaina Art, p. 17. 319. Bharata ke Digambara Jaina Tirtha (Hindi, Bombay, 1978), Vol. IV, pp. 103-105, fig. 26; Shah, U.P., A Rare Naga Sculpture from Rajasthan, Lalit Kala, no. 13. p. 51 and pl. XXVI, fig. 1. This is being discussed again in Researcher (Jaipur) forthcoming issue, by U.P. Shah. 37 0. Bhārata ke Digambara Jaina Tirtha, Vol. IV, pp. 101 102, fig. 24. 321. Ibid.. pp. 34-38. fig. 10. 322. Ibid., pp. 85-87. 323. Jaina Pratima-Vijfāna, p. 127. 324. Agrawala, R.A., History, Art & Architecture of Jaisal mer (Delhi, 1980), p. 39 and fig. 58. 325. Ibid., p. 43, fig. 59. 326. Sri Vijaya-Vallabha-Suri Smáraka-Grantha (Bombay, 1955), plate between pp. 64 and 65 of the Hindi Section. 327. See pote 326 above. 328. Shah, U.P., Seven Bronzes from Lilva Deva (Pancha Mahals), Bulletin of the Baroda Museum, Vol. IX, nos. 1-2, pp. 43-51, figs. 2, 2A, 5, 5A, and 7. 329. Sharma, B.N., Unpublished Jaina Bronzes in the National Museum, JOI, Vol. XIX, no. 3, pp. 275-277 and plates. 330. Shah, U.P., A Few Jaina Bronzes in the National Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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