Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 45
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 8
________________ THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [JANUARY, 1916 ! It is thus interesting to learn that all the three brothers-Madhavâcharya, Sâyana and Bhôganatha---looked upon Srikantha as their guru. We may now proceed to say a few words about another minister of Bukka I, who was also known as Madhavâmâtya or Madhava-mantri, and whose works and military exploits have therefore been ignorantly attributed to Madhavâchârya kimself. We may call this minister Madhava-mantri to distinguish him from Madhavacharya. He was also a great scholar and author. An inscription, of A. D. 1368, tells us that he was the son of the Brahman Châvunda of the Angîrasa-gôtra, that he was both a Vodic scholar and a great warrior, that he cleared and made plain the ruined path of the Upanishads and was hence known as Upanishanmárga-pratish higuru, that he conquered the country on the West Coast, that he was the minister of Bukka I. and was entrusted by him with the government of the province bordering on the Western Ocean, that through the favour of the teacher Kasivilása he attained celebrity as a Saiva and that he worshipped Tryambakanatha (Siva) as enshrined in his own favourite liiga according to the tenets of pure Saivism as directed by the Saiva teacher Kâcivilâsa-Kriyâsakti. I append a few extracts from the above inscription in support of the details noted above : गोत्रे योऽगिरसा प्रचंडतपसचावूडपृथ्वीसुरप्रष्ठानद्भवमेत्य नीतिसरणी दत्तां धियं धैषी। सूरिस्सन्नपि सर्वदानवमन :महाददानोचितां यय: कवितां व्यनक्ति तनुते नो कस्य तेनाद्भुतं ।। य कृत्वा खिलभूतमोपनिषदं तुर्वावतूकोन्मदब्यालातंकरपुर्नयोगहनोत्सादेन वर्मोज्वलं । माझं धाम मुतूरमप्यविरतं प्रस्थापयन्नप्लवा वायर्यास्तेन नुती बुधैरुपनिषन्मार्गप्रतिष्ठागुरुः॥ यस्साक्षाङ्गिरिशावतारवपुष काशीविलासेशितु: सोडास तया कटाक्षकलया नीत प्रथां शांभवीं । जेता शक्तिभिरीशतात्मभिरिमं चामुं च लोकं जवादाजैषीस्कियतोऽपरांतविषयान् यत्सास्तु कास्य स्तुतिः ॥ तस्या(बकराजस्था)स्ति शस्तयशसो नयशीर्यमुख्य ४ ख्यातो गुर्जगति माधव इत्यमात्यः । यो ब्रह्म जिम्मदमनाधिकृत: पवित्र क्षत्रं च जैत्रमभयाय भुवो बिभर्ति ॥ श्रीवीरघुबराजस्य विक्रम इव जगदक्षायै साक्षात्परिगृहीतपवित्रपुरुषाकारः सोऽयं श्रीमन्माधवामात्यस्तस्यैव श्रीवीरबुक्कभूपतेरादेशात् पश्चिमसरिनाथपर्यंत राज्याधिप रंगीकृत्य सवाध्ययोगक्षेमान्वीक्षणानुपरोधेन श्रीमत्काशीविलासक्रियाशक्तिशिवदेशिकाविष्टेन मुद्धशेवानायवर्मना निजष्टलिंगकृताधिष्ठानं देवदेवं श्रीमरूयंबकनाथं नित्यनैमित्तिकात्मभि: क्रियानियमकलांपर्यथाकालं यजन्......... A copperplate grant from God noticed by Bhau Dâjilc states that during the reign of Harihara II Madhava-mantri, son of Dvivêdi Chaundi-bhatta and Mâchámbika, a fait). observer of the Srauta and smarta religious law, establisher of the linga of Saptanatha, Upanishanmirga pravarta kachórya, being stationed at Goa, made a grant of a village in the name of.his-mother, naming it Michalapura. The following verses from an earlier record,11 dated A. D. 1347, inform us that Marapa, younger brother of Harihara I, who was govern Epi. Car., VII, Shikarpar 281. 10 J. B. Br. R.A.S.,IX,228. 1 Epi.Car., VIII, So... 375.


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