Essence of Jainism
up to a certain stage of the evolution of life. It is almost the samc and constaot in the fully developed buman being. This group-instinct may be known as fluid or flowing, when it is unconscious or sub-conscious. But this instinct itself is the basis of the origin of religion, withut any doubt. The general and brief form of this origin of religion is this to act up to all ibat; it is suitable to ones individual and community-life and to avoid or be saved from all that is unsuitable.
Darsan ane Cintan pt. one, p. 202]
The aim of Religion
What could possibly be the aim of religion? Which aim of religion, accepted in principle, thinking and conduct could lead to the meaningfulness of religion and to greater progress in life ?
The acceptable aim of religion could be only this. Every One should be fairly and reasonably conscious of ones individual and social duties; one should be alert and awake about his or her responsibility regarding the interest in ones duties and in the effort to reveal this interest in concrete form. There will be a total revolution in the life of the society if the abovementioned ideas. are accepted as the aim of religion and are duly emphasised.
[ Darśan ane Ciniao pt. one, p. 64)
Religion-Universal Wealth
Spiritual religion origipates in form of a smaller or bigger stream from the life of some individual and it soakes the back. ground of the society all-round. Whatever be the power of expanse of that stream, it can soak the background of the social life only to a limited degree. So many insects are born from that incomplete wetposs and they cat up the very vital and basic background. Then there evolves a stream of religion in another individual and it tries to wash out the evils born of insects of the first. The second stream washes out the moss that has spread on the first one and places more rewarding alluvium in the background of life. It may then happen that in course of time, it sproads on the second layer and it is washed out by the stream of religion that has arisen in the
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