Essence of Jainism
greater stress on non-acceptance and on abandonment of the bondage of the acceptance of monastery-residence in house-scripture. It also stated that absolute non-violence or perfect equality cannot be attained till one is tied to the attachment of family or acceptance-Parigraha. This branch was popularly known by the name Nirgrantha.' It seems that oply Neminātha and Parsvanātha are its known promulgators.
Emphasis on a state of Detachment
In the Nirgrantha dharma, the spirit of austerity and renuncia. tion was invariably associated with the spirit of non-vilence. But then there arose a thought in the mind of the Sadhakas. Can the purity and equality of Ātmâ be attained fully by over-emphasis on external renunciation ? The reply was this. One should conquer the defiled inclinations like attachment, jealousy etc. This is the principal end in view. The non-violence, austerity and renunciation by which this end connot be attained are spiritually useless, how= soever good they may be. The promulgators of this thought are known as Jipas'. Many such Jinas are known. Sacchaka, Buddha, Gos'ālaka and Mahavira-all are renowned Jinas in their respective traditions. But at present, what we know as “Jain religion laid down by the Junas," is the religion of Mahavira which emphasises mostly the victory over attachment and jealousy, History of development of religion states that the new conditions that evolve in the gradual uprise of religion, include the ancient unopposed states of religion. That is the reason why the Jain dharma is both Nirgrantha. as also śramaņa dharma. Concept of Equality in śramaņa dharma
Let us now examine the status of the spirit of equality which is the very life of śramana dharma in the Jain tradition. In the twelve Angas and fourteen Pūrvas, famed as Jain Scriptures, the first is 'Samaiya'--Samayika'; it is konwn as 'Ācārāñgasutra'. Aclear reflection of the thought and conduct of Mahāvīra, the last. of the tirtbapkaras, is to be found mainly in this sutra. Full emphasis is laid on equality in all these satras.
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