Essence of Jainism
ledge of Ātma or vivekakhyāti; (ii) Madhyasthya or victory over faults like attachment and jealousy. Only those means like meditation, vows, Niyama, austerity etc. that nourish inner conduct are acceptable as external conduct.
The evolution of spiritual life is dependent upon the development of inner conduct. The order of this development as gunasthānas is described in full details in the Jain tradition. For those who are anxious to know the order of evolution in the spiritual sphere, the Yogaśāstra lays down the renowned stages such as Madhumati; ihe Buddhist scriptures lay down Sotapanna etc. The Yogavāsistha lays down the fainous basis of ignorance and knowledge and the Jain tradition stresses gunasthänas-modes of virtues and Yogadrstisyogic visions, Comparative study of all these is very much interestin2 and useful. It is not passible to describe all this bere in details. Interested readers may consult other published writings. *
Instead of describing the fourteen Gunasthānos, 1 narrate here in brief just three stages and in these the Guņasthānas are included. The first is Bahir ātmā-external Self in which there is no rise of Ārma jnana-knowledge of the Self or Vivekakhyāti; the second is Antorātmā-inner self-in which the knowledge of Ātmā arises, but blemishes like atiachment and jealousy get mild in their effect and yet continue to show their influencc; the third is the ParamatmaĀtmā the supreme-in which the state of detachment reveals itself op account of attachment and jealousy being completely uprooted. Lokavidyā
In Lok widya the form of the Loka-world is described. The coming together of the two-Jiva and Ajiva constitutes Loka, Cetana and Ace rana are the two elements that are never created by any body and they never die. Still, through their inherent natureSvabhāva, they attain 10 disferent results. The only element that can deeply influence the Cetuna-life-force during the period of its material existence, is the heap of atoms that are lifeless. They come in contact with the Cetani in different forms and delimit its it Vide Purātattva-1'p. 142-Paper Bhāratiya Darśanaman Adhyatmika
Vikäsahran a'.
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