Essence of Jainism
R ligion and Ethics-their difference
Ethics is that bondage or duty that is rooted in fear or selfishness. Religion is that duty which is not rooted in fear or selfishness but is undertaken purely as duty, duty that is dependent only on qualification. This difference between religion and ethics is no small one. If we go a little deeper and see, it becomes clear that though ethics is necessary for the maintenance and nourish. ment of the society, purfication of society through it is not possible. Now only this purity is real development. If this understanding is realistic, we should stress that such development is only due to religion. Greater the following of this religion in a society, better is the society.
[Dargan ane Cintan, pt. one p. 441
Religion and Sect
In the former, ie., religion, there is inner vision. It originaItes from the soul, gives a perception within the soul or turns man towards it. In the latter. i.e., sect, there is external vision, it comes from the external atmosphere and just from show and the consequent imitation and that only. It therefore leads to external vision and keeps man busy in the same.
Religion lives on and is dependent upon virtues and is therefore dependent upon Atma and that only. On the other side, sect depends upon external charm and lives on it. All its dependence is therefore upon external charms and show.
Jain Education International
In the first there are feelings of unity and identity, waves of equality rise up. In the other, creaks of difference and inequality develop and expand. This would mean that in the former, man forgets the difference from others and leans towards identity; he forgets his happiness in the sorrows of others. In religion, there arises the vision of Brahman meaning real life and man experiences his Self to be very small before his comprehensiveness. It is reverse in sect. In it there is no virtue or glory and still man takes himself to be and believes himself to be superior to others. If there is humbleness in it, it is only showy and it gives a false idea of
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