even he, himself, commenting on his own text, say, belong to the Jainas, not to the Bauddhas; but, possibly, the correction is itself an error, it does not appear that the Kshapanaka of ANANDA GIRI argues the existence of a double set of planetary bodies, which is, undoubtedly, a Jaina doctrine, and the descent of the earth in space may have been common to all these sects.
The Jainas that existed in the time of ÁNANDA GIRI appear as Digambaras only; he does not notice their division into Digambaras and Swetámbaras, as they at present are found, and existed indeed prior to the age of MÁDHAVA. The Bauddhas are introduced personally, although it may be questioned whether they were very numerous in India in so comparatively modern a period: according to ANANDA Giri, a persecution of this sect, and of the Jainas, took place in one part of the peninsula, the state of Rudrapur, during SANKARA's life time, but he, as well as MÁDHAVA”, excludes SANKARA from being at all concerned in it. He ascribes its occurrence to the same source, the instigation of a Bhatta, from the north, or, in fact, of KUMÁRila Buaíía, a Bengáll, or Maithili Brahman.
A long series of sectaries then ensues, of a more orthodox description, and who only err in claiming primeval and pre-eminent honors for the objects of their adoration—none of these are to be found; and, although, of a certain extent, the places of some of
1 A. R. IX: 321. ? Preface to Wilson's Sanscrit and English Dictionary.