An Epitome of Jainism Sthâna”, “Kșullaka Bandha”, “Bandha Swami”, “Vedanâkhanda”, “Vargaņâ-Khanda" and "Mahâbandha”. Gâthâ 397 of Karma Kânda may be quoted here:
जह चक्केण य चक्की छक्खंडं साहियं अविग्धेण ।
तह मइचक्केण मया छक्खंडं साहियं सम्म ।। "Just as a Chakravartî monarch conquers six parts of the country by his Chakra weapon, so I have mastered the six parts of Dhavala etc., by my weapon of intellect.”
His title is justified by his well-known books Dravya Samgraha, Gommațasára, Jîva Kanda and Karma Kânda, Labdhisära, Kșapaņasära and the wonderful Trilokasára, a book on Jaina Cosmology, without a study of which it is impossible to understand Jainism in its minute details and classifications or its artistic and perfect solidarity. His works deal mainly with Karņânuyoga, one of the four Vedas or Anuyogas of the Jaina Siddhanta, the other three being Prathamánuyoga, Charaṇânuyoga and Dravyánuyoga.
1. Prathamânuyoga is History, the part dealing with the ages and lives of the great personages of the World, specially with those of the 63 Great Persons (Salâkâ-Puruşas), i.e. the 24 Tîrthamkaras, the 12 Chakravartis, the 9 Nârâyaņas, the 9 Prati-Nârâyaņas and the 9 Balabhadras.
2. Karņānuyoga is Cosmology, the part dealing with Space, the Universe, the Non-Universe, the three worlds, their description, dimensions and denizens and different calculations as regards spiritual stages and soul-quests.
3. Charanánuyoga is Ritual, the part dealing with rules of conduct for laymen and for ascetics. Of these, the former are detailed in the eleven Pratimâs or stages of restraint and renunciation of householders; the latter are the stricter and harder rules of greater and fuller restraint and renunciation for ascetics.
4. Dravyānuyoga is Philosophy, the part dealing with the substances. Primarily the substances are two: Soul and Non-soul. But they are enumerated as six, because the non-soul obviously consists of five independent and distinctly individual substances : Matter, Time, Space and the Media of Motion and Rest. Thus, there are six substances : Soul (Jiva), Matter (Pudgala), Time (Kala), Space (Âkáşa), Motion (Dharma), and Rest (Adharma).
Matter is of many kinds. But the most mighty kind is Karmic matter, which the mundane soul wears and which is the self-wound motor to keep the soul moving in "Samsara".
This connection of Soul and the Non-Soul matter necessitates à consideration of the inflow of Karma into soul, the bondage of soul by Karma, the stoppage of the inflow, the shedding of the bondage, and perfect freedom of the soul from Karma. These seven are called the Taitvas or principles of Jainism. They are Jîva (Soul), Ajiva (Non-Soul), Asrava (Inflow), Bandha
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