An Epitome of Jainism portion from the middle of this work have been printed from the Mss. in Jain Siddhānta Bhāskara.
The second is Prameya-ratna-mālā-lankāra. After saluting Akalanka and Māņikyanandi, the author praises Prabhāchandra the author of Prameyakamalamārtanda. The author then mentions his name as Chāru-kirti and the name of the work as Prameyaratnamālālankara. From the colophon of this work we learn that this Chărukirti resided in Sravana Belgola (where the worldrenowed image of Gommateśvara exists) and belonged to Desi Gana. Gommateśvara or Vähuvali is saluted in two verses at the end.
Pandit Bhujavali is of opinion that it is very probable that this Chărukirti was the author of the same name who composed commentaries on Parśvābhyudaya, Chandraprabhā kāvya, Adipurāna, Yasodharācharita, Neminirvāna etc. The Pattādhiśas of Sravana Belgola are all known by the common name of Chārukirti. So it is difficult to settle who this particular person was.
The Mangalācharaņa, the colophon and some portions from the middle of this manuscript have been printed in Jain Siddhānta Bhāskar, Vol. I.
The third work is Nyāyamanidipika. Two Mss. of the work are preserved in Jain Siddhānta Bhavan, Arrah. The name of the author is not found in the Mss. Pandit Subayyā Sāstri says that in some palrı leaf Mss. of this work, the name of the writer is mentioned as Ajitasenáchārya. Pandit K. Bhujavali Sāstri says that this is supported by "Catalogue of Samskrit and Prākrita Manuscripts in the Central Provinces by R.B. Hiralal B.A. Appendix B.”
The author has made obeisance to Akalanka, Anantavīrya, Manikyanandi and Prabhāchandra in the Mangalācharana of his work*. As regards coinmentaries to Parikṣāmukham, he mentions that Prabhāchandra wrote an exhaustive commentary entitled Prameyakamalamārtanda. Though this work was suitable to scholars, there was a necessity for a shorter and easier commentary. Hirapa Vaiśya the son of Vaijeya of the family of Badripāla requested Ananta-virya to teach Santisena. Anantavīrya composed Prameyaratna-mālā in these circumstances t.
A commentary named Prameya-kanthikā on Parik.şāmukham was written by Sāntivarņi. It has not been possible to ascertain details about this
rni or the probable time when his work was written. There are five sections (F879) in this work. Following the Sūtras of Parikṣāmukham
* श्रीवर्द्धमानमकलंकमनन्तवीर्यमाणिक्यनंदियतिभाषितशास्त्रवृत्तिम् । भक्त्या प्रभेन्दुरचितालघुवृत्तिदृष्टया नत्वा यथाविधि वृणोमि लघुप्रपञ्चम् ।।
तदनु तत्प्रकरणस्य विशिष्टतमोऽतिस्पष्टं....प्रभाचन्द्रभट्टारक: प्रमेयकमलमार्तण्डनामवृहद्वति चरीकरोति स्म। तद् वृत्तिग्रन्थस्य.....सकलविद्वच्चित्तप्रकाशकत्वेऽपि....बालान्तः करण....प्रकाशनसामर्थ्याभावमाकलय्य ततप्रकाशनाय....प्रमेयरतनमालेत्यन्वर्थ लध्वीं वृत्ति....अनन्तवीर्याचार्यवर्यो....वैजेयप्रियसूनुना हीरपाख्यवैश्योत्तमेन बदरीपालवंशद्मुणिना शान्तिषेणाध्यापनाभिलाषिणा प्रेरितः सन् प्रारीप्सु :
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