An Epitome of Jainism (15) All the bindable sub-caisses can become operable in this stage, therefore the number of operable sub-classes in this stage is 117.
(16) Out of the 117 operable, five cease to be operable at the end of the first stage, thus leaving 112. But in this stage the Naraka-Anupûrvi or Hellish Migratory form cannot operate. Therefore the total is ill.
(17) At the end of the second stage, the number of operable sub-classes was 111-9-102. There is no transmigration in this stage; therefore the four migratory sub-classes must be deducted from it. But as the Hellish Migratory sub-class has already ceased at the end of the first stage, only three are to be deducted, leaving 99 (102-3). But as in this stage is the operation of the Mixed Right-and-Wrong-Belief sub-classes, the total of operable sub-classes is 100.
(18) To the above 100, the following five have to be added, viz. the 4 migratory sub-classes and the slightly-clouded-Right-Belief sub-class; and mixed-belief is to be deleted. Thus there are 104.
(19) At the end of the fifth stage, the operable sub-classes were 87-8=79. To these have to be added the Āhâraka Sarira, Assimilative Body and the Ahâraka Angopânga, Assimilative Limbs and minor Limbs. Thus making the total 81.
(20) At the end of the twelfth stage, the operablc sub-classes were 57–16=41. To these the Tirthamkar sub-class being added, makes the total 42.
(21) At the end of this stage there is an operation-separation (Udaya Vyuçchitti) of the following five sub-classes, which cease to operate in the soul in any further stage :
(1) Wrong Belief. (2) Åtâpa. (3) Group-souled. (4) Fine-body.
(5) Undevelopable. (22) The nine sub-classes are as follows: (1) Anantânubandhi-Krodha. Right-belief-preventing Anger. „ Mâna » »
Pride. » Mâya
Deceit. (4) Lobha
Greed. Ekendriya-Jäti. One-sensed-genus of beings. (6) Dwîndriya , Two » » » (7) Tendriya , Three » » » » (8) Chaturendriya , Four
, , (9) Sthavara Immobile bodies, having one sense only. (23) Samyaktva-Mithyâtva-Prakriti, Mixed-right-and-wrong-Belief ceases to operate.
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