An Epitome of Jainism (2) Åhárak angopânga. Limbs and minor limbs in Assimilative body.
(3) Tirthamkara. A Tīrthamkar's body. (37) The Tirthamkara-body-making karma is not possible here.
(38) If the wrong-belief has been destroyed, then the Right-believer has the existence of 141, as he has already destroyed the following seven:
(1) Mithyatva. Wrong-belief.' (2) Samyakmithyátva. Right-wrong-belief.
Samyaktva Prakriti. Clouded right-belief. (4) Anantânubandhi Krodha. Error-feeding or right-belief preventing
Anger. (5) » Mâna. Error-feeding or right-belief preventing
Pride. Mâya. Error-feeding or right-belief preventing
Deceit. Lobha. Error-feeding or right-belief preventing
Greed. (39) The one less here is the Narakâyu or Hellish Age, separated at the end of the fourth stage.
(40) The one less here is the Tiryânchâyu or Sub-Human age, separated at the end of the fifth stage.
(41) Devậyu or celestial age sub-class ceases to exist here. (42) The four sub-classes are : (1) Anantânubandhi krodha. Error-feeding or right-belief preventing
Anger. Mâna. Error-feeding or right-belief preventing
Pride. Måyå. Error-feeding or right-belief preventing
Deceit. Lobha. Error-feeding or right-belief preventing
Greed. (43). For the soul on the subsidential ladder, whether his Right-Belief is acquired by the subsidence or by the destruction of the wrong-belief Karma, the numbers are 142 and 138 respectively in the ninth stage.
But on the destructive ladder, the following 36 also cease to exist, leaving 138-36=102:
(1) Nidra-nidra. Deep sleep. (2) Prachala-prachalâ. Heavy drowsiness (3) Styánagridhi. Somnambulism. (4) Apratyakhyânâvaraniya Krodha. Partial vow-preventing Anger.
„ Mâna. Partial vow-preventing Pride. » Máyá. Partial vow-preventing Deceit.
Lobha. Partial vow-preventing Greed.
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