An Epitome of Jainism (7) The 10 sub-classes of bondage-separation are :
(1) Apratyâkhyāna Varniya Krodha. Partial-vow-preventing Anger. (2) Mâna. » » »
Pride. 9, Maya, 2, 3, 4,
Deceit. My Lobha. » 22 23
Greed. (5) Manusya Ayu. Human age.
Gati. Human condition. (7) Audârika Sarira. Physical body. (8)
Angopânga. Physical limbs and minor limbs. (9) Bajra Nárâcha Samhanana. Adamantine joints and bones. (10) Manusya Anupûrvi. Human migratory form. (8) The four sub-classes are perfect-vow-preventing-Anger, Pride, Deceit, and Greed. (9) The six sub-classes are:
(1) Asätá Vedaniya. Pain-feeling, (2) Arati. Dissatisfaction, (3) Soka. Sorrow. (4) Aśubha-nâma-karma. Ugly body. (5) Asthira , . Unsteady circulation of blood.
(6) Ayaśaḥ-kîrti. Bringing bad name. (10) The Deva Âyu or Celestial-Age karma ceases to be bindable after he end of this seventh stage. (11) The 36 sub-classes are:
(1) Nidrå. Sleep. (2) Prachalâ .Drowsiness. (3) Hásya. Laughter. (4) Rati. Indulgence. (5) Bhaya. Fear. (6) Jugupsâ. Disgust.
Deva Gati. Celestial condition of existence. (8) Panchendriya Jâti. Five-sensed genus of beings. (9) Vaikriyika Sarira. Fluid body. (10) Âhâraka , Assimilative body. (11) Taijasa , Electric body. (12) Kärmaņa Karmic body. (13) Vaikriyika angopânga. Limbs and minor limbs in fluid body. (14) Ahâraka ungopânga. Limbs and minor limbs in assimilative body. (15) Nirmâna. Formation. (16) Sama-chaturasra-Samsthậna. Figure with perfect proportion all
round. (17) Sparșa. Touch. (18) Rasa. Taste. (19) Gandha. Smell.
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