TWO JAINA INSCRIPTIONS IN TAMIL 31 स्य तदा फलं (लम्) ॥१६॥ पूर्वदत्ता द्विजातिभ्यो यत्नाद्रक्ष पुरंदर । महीं
महीभृतां श्रेष्ठ दाना32 च्छ्रेयो हि पालनं (नम्). ॥२०॥ स्वदत्तां परदत्ता वा यो हरेत वसुंधरा स
___ विष्ठायां कृमिभूत्वा पितृ33 भिः सह. मज्जति ॥२१॥ तडागानां सहस्रेण वाजपेयस (श)तेन च । गा - कोटिप्रदानेन भूमि34 हर्ता न सु(शु)ध्यति ॥२२॥ ताम्रप्रस (श)स्तिरचनेयमकारि तेन श्रीमत्सु(शु)भंकर
सुतेन व (ब)हुश्रु36 तेन । श्रीमल्हणेन कविकरवषट्पदेन भूरिप्रवं (ब) धरचितार्थलभ (स)त्पदेन ॥२३॥
घटितं वा36 मनेनात्र लिखितं कीर्तिसूनुना । लक्ष्मीधरसुतेनेदमुत्कोण ताम्रमुत्तमाम् *] ॥२४॥
संवत् ८६६ अमिने ।
While surveying the epigraphical sources for my work on Jainism in South India,' I had to go through the Jaina inscriptions in the Tamil country critically. In the course of this study I noticed certain peculiar features regarding the religious history of Jainism in this region, which had & characteristic development of its own. One of them is the evolution of the Yakshl oult. With a view to illustrating this particular point I soloct here two typical inscriptions' and try to explain their significance briefly.
This inscription is engraved on a boulder of the hillook called Andimalai near the village Cholavandipuram in the Tirukkovilur taluk of the South Arcot District, Madras State. It WAS copied by the office of the Superintendent for Bpigraphy, Madras, in the field season of 1936-37. The boulder containing this inscription leans against another houlder thus forming
1 This verse makes it clear that the rooord was first written on the plate with ink or similar material and then engraved.
This volume comprimen a debailed survey of the Jaina insoriptions solected from the three main regions of South India, namely, Andhradela. Timinigand Karmistaka. The book which is now in an advanced intage of printing is being published as the third l oot the series Jlvarija Jaina Granthamali, Sholapur.
My thanks are due to the Government Epigraphist for India for his kind permission to edit there records here.
• It is regintored on No. 251 of the year's epigraphical colleotion. 20 DGA/53