This figure identifies the religions that evolved in the civilizations that were based on languages. Vedism was not the major religion of India. They never were because they did not have the knowledge of writing nor the philosophical content until the coming of St.Thomas. Vedism remained a minor religion of a few.
Hellinistic Philosophers
Zeno 333 - 262 BC
Zeno-Stoic (333-262BC) God is not separate from the world; He is the soul of the world, and each of us contains a part of the Divine Fire. ... All things are parts of one single system, which is called
Nature Epicurus 341 - 270 BC
Plato 428 - 349 BC
Plato is the first person who proposed reincarnation in history. Plato held that there were no eternal rewards or punishments -- except for an evil few who were not allowed out of Hades. All the others had to face the prospect of their next life, and they were given the opportunity to choose the character of their next life from a variety of alternatives. Suffering amnesia upon being born into a new body, the soul cannot easily recollect its divine origin, but instead becomes fascinated with