The idea of the Trimurti is not found anywhere in the Vedas, nor does the name Brahma or Brahman occur in it.
The idea of the Trimurti appears only in the epic poems, which were all written well after the advent of St. Thomas. The very idea of Trinity or Trimurthy is of Christian origin and was later reformed and reinterpreted under Gnostic mysticism arising out of Gnostic Kabballah. Today all Hindu theological statements of Trinity are shrouded in conflicting descriptions about who are the basic Trinity and how they are related to each other. No Hindu philosopher has ever taken this trinity seriously and no theologian has discussed it to resolve any conflict found therein. This is simply because there is no solution possible as long as each sect considers themselves as superior and others inferior.
The active creator in the Vedas as it appears in the later portions (most of which were written after the Thomas ministry) of Rig Veda is known as Hiranyagarbha, or Prajapati.