The Vajasaneyi verses mentioned above tell us that the queen and the priest are to be raised up high by a few persons and in that position they are required by the ritual to have sexual intercourse. In Uvata's commentary on the Vajasaneyi-samhita, this rite is explained in greater detail. Shatapatha-brahmana (XIII.2.7-9) also refers to the queen's union with the priest. This ritual was later transformed into the Ashvamedha sacrifice in which a horse was used as a substitute for the priest. (N. N. Bhattacharyya, History of the Tantric Religion, New Delhi, 1987. P.124)
In certain Vedic works, e.g., Shrautasutras of Katyayana (IV.3.17), Gobhila-Grihyasutra (II.5.6.9-10), Taittiriyaaranyaka (IV.7.50) to mention only a few, sexual intercourse is regarded as a part of religious rites. Drinking of wine appears (e.g., Shatapatha-brahmana V.1.2.9; Aitareya VII.1.5 etc.) to have been in vogue in sacrifices. The Vajapeya and Sautramani seem to be the precursor of the Chakra of the Tantric devotees. (Dr. Savitri Vashist, Tantra and Religion, Jaipur, 2002, p. 92).
Tara-rahasya 3. 8: "The one who is doing puja or japa [of Devi] without Vamachara, goes to the terrible hell for a period of 14 lives of Indra." ...
Shvetashvatara Upanishad (?): "Yoni of Bliss, Bliss is Brahman. Brahman is this Devi, who is One in multitude of creation and form of Bliss in four Purusharthas." .
Gandharva-tantra 27.366-37a: "Bliss is the form of Brahman, which should be known through the body. The five Makaras are glorified as manifesting this Bliss."
Exactly the same is said in Tantraloka of Shri Abhinavagupta (29th Ahnika).
Devi-rahasya, Uttarardha 58.11a: "Parameshvari is satisfied in the worship of Rasa of Bliss."
Kularnava-tantra 7.101: "By bliss Devi is satisfied, by orgasm Bhairava himself. Agamas say: "Women are divine, women are life-breaths, women are ornaments. One should always be with a woman, another's or his own."
Vamachara is literally "following a woman" and it leads to Kamakala, essence of the Godhead. Kulachudamani states that "without a woman one never attains the Perfection, thus one should take a refuge in a woman." Meru-tantra (X.67) says: "Only he whose love (bhakti) is strong, attains the Perfection on the Vama-path." And then (XX.153) also: "Linga is Shiva, bhaga (vagina) is Shakti, emission is water of Ganga. Being aware of this in sexual enjoyment the follower of Vama achieves Liberation."
Shri Sarvananda in his "Sarvollasa" (24.7a) says: "One should drink wine for the sake of Bliss, Bliss brings Liberation."