What is expressed in both the creeds are identitical and we know that this was the faith that existed until the third and fourth centuries in India when the idol worship became prevalent and the inner core of faith was lost to the general public.
"Taproot of the Hindu religion:
• Doctrine of Avatar - God becoming a man in order to redeem human beings. (Unborn Prime
God was born in order to give us eternal pleasure) Trinity or Triune doctrine - God in triune stage - Appan, Ammai, Makan (Saivism); Siva, Vishnu, Brahma (Vaishnavism) Doctrine of fulfillment of sacrifice - The offering of sacrifice has ceased even though there is sacrificial altar in the temple. People do not offer sacrifice while they worship God. Doctrine of forgiveness of sin - There is forgiveness for the sins of human beings by the grace of God and this doctrine is totally controversial to the saying that the actions of one person would definitely yield its fruits'. Doctrine of bhakthi - Appreciating the bhakthi which is in ones heart irrespective of one's appearance, color, culture etc. (Kannappa Nayanar)"