Book Title: Collected Research Papers in Prakrit and Jainology Vol 02
Author(s): Nalini Joshi
Publisher: University of Pune

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Page 21
________________ very keen about his religious sermons through Prakrit medium. JM. played the role of Rāstrabhāsā at that time. Now-a-days though the medium of higher education is English, still Hindi possesses a status of Rāstrabhāṣā, likewise side by side with the regional colloquial languages and Skt., JM. played an important role. Sve. writers continued JM. writings following the footsteps of Lord Mahāvīra. * The earlier Sve. Jaina Ācāryas like Bhadrabāhu, Kālakācārya, Pādalipta etc. were closely associated with Mahārāstra and specifically Pratisthāna. Nearly for six centuries Sātavāhanas ruled over Mahārāstra who were pro-Prakrit by nature and liberal in religious matters. 'JM. had undergone three distinct stages during this long period of twelve centuries. (i) I Stage : 3rd to 6th Century. The various Niryuktis, Bhāsyas, Cūrņis and the narrative works like Paumacariya, Vasudevahindi and others may be taken to represent the archaic form of JM. It was influenced by Ardhamāgadhi. nd (ii) II Stage : 7th to 10th Century. In its classical form, as represented by Haribhadra, Uddyotanasūri, Sīlānka and Dhanapāla, it shows influence of Skt. but still maintaining tendencies of colloquial languages in variety of forms and the use of Desi words. (iii) m Stage : 11th to 15th Century. The late form of JM. is best seen in the stories of Devendra in Utt.Sukha and the anthology called Vajjālagga. Here we see a strong influence of the Apabhramśa dialects making it felt both in its phonology and grammar. This Apa. influence originates from the spoken languages of the authors. After 15th Century we see that JM. is declining and Apa. is increasing. From the 16th and 17th Centuries, the history of our modern Indo-Aryan Languages starts. Though variety of subjects and literary forms is obviously seen in JM. Literature, it is a fact that scientific and technical works as well as works on Logic are comparatively much less than in Skt. But the role played by JM. in providing rich Cultural, Social and Religious data is really very useful in understanding Indian culture in better manner. No other Prakrit language than JM. is capable in throwing light on the life of masses in India during this long period. List of Reference-Books 1) जैन साहित्य का बृहद् इतिहास भाग (१ से ६), पार्श्वनाथ विद्याश्रम शोध संस्थान, वाराणसी ५, १९७३ 2) प्राकृत साहित्य का इतिहास, डॉ. जगदीशचंद्र जैन, चौखम्बा विद्याभवन, वाराणसी, १९८५ 3) प्राचीन भारताचा सांस्कृतिक इतिहास, गायधनी, राहुरकर, काँटिनेन्टल प्रकाशन, पुणे २, १९६१ 4) प्राचीन भारताचा राजकीय इतिहास, ले. हेमचंद्र रायचौधुरी, आठवले, बोपर्डीकर, डायमंड पब्लिकेशन, पुणे ३० 5) Dictionary of Prakrit Languages, Fascicule 1, A.M. Ghatge, 1993 6) 47534-HE-HEUUTC, 3416 - 4. a HO, HIGIM GHRUTH, f. 882€ 7) विविधतीर्थकल्प, जिनप्रभ, सिंघी जैन ज्ञानपीठ, शांतिनिकेतन, १९३४ 8) प्रबन्धकोष, राजशेखर, सिंघी जैन ज्ञानपीठ, सं. जिनविजय, शांतिनिकेतन, १९३५ 9) प्रभावकचरित, प्रभाचंद्र, सिंघी जैन ज्ञानपीठ, सं. जिनविजय, अहमदाबाद, १९४० 10) प्रबन्धचिन्तामणि, मेरुतुंग, सिंघी जैन ज्ञानपीठ, सं. जिनविजय, शांतिनिकेतन, १९३३ ********** 21


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