Book Title: Collected Research Papers in Prakrit and Jainology Vol 02
Author(s): Nalini Joshi
Publisher: University of Pune

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________________ text which documents the reflections of the seer prior to the institutionalization of six Darshanas and Jaina-Buddha religions. In the present complex communal atmosphere, where nationalism is disintegrating under the self-destructive pressures within communities, such exceptional collection of thoughts of equanimity and assimilation can promote and enhance moral values, in the present age, this great work could be an enlightening guide. Here, I tempt to use the traditional phrase "dehali-deep-nyaya' (i.e. a lamp put on the threshold of two apartments). On one hand, it reveals the openness of Jainaism and on the other hand it illuminates the assimilative spirit of true Indianism. List of References 1. Rishi-Bhashit : A study, Sagarmal Jain, Surendra Bothara, p.2 2. देवनारदेण अरहता इसिणा बुइयं, Rushi. chapter 1; वज्जियपुत्तेण अरहता इसिणा बुझ्यं, Rushi. chapter 2; असिएण दविलेणं अरहता इसिणा बुइतं, Rushi. chapter 3 ; etc. 3. पत्तेयबुद्धमिसिणो, तित्थे वीसं अरिठ्ठणेमिस्स । पासस्स य पण्णर दस वीरस्स विलीणमोहस्स || Samgrahani, gatha 1 4. Commentary on Samavayangasutra.546 5. सव्वमिणं पुराऽऽरियमासिए, Rushi. Ch.19 (beginning) 6. पंच उक्कला पन्नत्ता, तं जहा - दंडुक्कले, रज्जुक्कले, तेणुक्कले, देसुक्कले, सव्वुक्कले, Rushi. Ch.20 (beginning) 7. Rushi. Ch.21, gathas 1 to 10 8. पुरिसादीया धम्मा पुरिसपवरा, पुरिसजेट्ठा, पुरिसकप्पिया --- पुरिसमेव अभिउंजियाणं चिटुंति, Rushi. Ch.22, 2nd paragraph 9. उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र, अध्ययन २५ ; धम्मपद, वर्ग २६ 10. Rushi. Ch.30 (beginning) List of Reference-books 1. इसिभासियाई सुत्ताई, सं. महामहोपाध्याय विनयसागर, प्राकृत-भारती-अकादमी, जयपुर, १९८८ 2. Isibhasiyaim, L.D.Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad, 1974 (With Introduction of Dr. Walther Schubring) 3. ऋषिमण्डल-प्रकरणम्, आत्मवल्लभ ग्रंथमाला, ग्रंथांक ३१, बालापुर 4. नन्दीसूत्र, महावीर विद्यालय, बम्बई, १९६८ 5. Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, J.P.Malal Sekhar, 1937 6. Prakrit Proper Names, Prakrit Text Society, Varanasi 7. Vaidika Kosha, K.H.V.V., 1933


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