Book Title: Collected Research Papers in Prakrit and Jainology Vol 02
Author(s): Nalini Joshi
Publisher: University of Pune

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Page 151
________________ (v) When we consider Dhyāna and Yoga, Jaina writers wrote their treatises on this subject from 5th cen.A.D. up to 14th cen.A.D. Among them, Pūjyapāda, Haribhadra, Subhacandra and Hemcandra are prominent. The credit goes to Haribhadra to present Jaina thoughts on Yoga in altogether new manner, new classification and the spirit of synthesis with Brahmanic and Buddhist Yoga and Dhyāna. Recently, on the line of Vipaśyanā, some Jaina monks have developed the Jaina method of sādhanā called Preksādhyāna. (vi) The history of the study of Astrology starts from the canonical period in Jaina tradition. Four Ardhamāgadhi texts are important, viz. Süryaprajñpti, Candraprajñapti, Jyotiskarandaka and Ganividyā. According to Jaina mythology, Aryabhatta and Varāhamihira were brothers of the revered Jaina Acārya Bhadrabāhu. The works of Haribhadra and Thakkura Pheru are noteworthy. When we go through the whole long list of Astrological texts, we find that though some of them are published, still a huge corpus is laying in unedited form. It is very curious that majority of manuscripts are preserved in the collection of L.D.Institute, Ahmedabad. Though fortune-telling was totally negated for monks, still the branch of Astrological studies is really strong in Jaina tradition. It puts light on the academic interest of the Jaina monks. (vii) The same historical facts are true about the science of Nimitta (Prognostics). Arya Kālaka, Bhadrabāhu and Dharasena possess the epithet 'Nimittavetta'. Jayapāhuda, Nimittaśāstra, Angavijjā and Ritthasamuccaya are some of the names of published texts on Nimitta. The language of all these can be designated as Ārsa Prakrit influenced by Sauraseni. Most of the unpublished manuscripts are preserved in the Patana Grathabhändāra, Gujrath. (viii) In the field of Logic or Nyāya, Buddhists were the first who applied logical methods in debates. Brahmanical texts of Khandana-mandana style were developed immediately after Buddhists. Jainas' entry in this field is a little later. Sanmati-tarka of Siddhasena is the only work in logic which is written in Prakrit (J.M.). Akalanka, Samantabhadra, Pūjyapādā, Haribhadra etc. developed a new method of Syadvāda and Saptabhangī to refute others on the basis of the theory non-absolutism viz. Anekāntavāda. Pramāņa-mīmāmsā of Hemcandra, Syadvāda-mañjari of Mallisena and Jaina Tarkabhāṣā of Yasovijaya are the well reputed texts. Tarkabhāṣā is written in Navya-nyāya-style. Jainas' contribution to Indian logic is really praiseworthy. (ix) It is the fashion of first decade of the third millennium to beat the drums of Jaina Ayurveda, very loudly. When we go through the contents of the Jaina works on Ayurveda, we realize that Caraka, Suśruta and Vāgbhata are still at the top. The Jaina author Ugrāditya (11th 12th cen.) wrote a really remarkable book titled Kalyāņakāraka, strictly following the Jaina rules about food and medicine. The classification of diseases is new. Rest of the details can be found on p.231-232 of the above-mentioned book on Jaina Lākṣanika Sāhitya. One of the old manuscripts of the ayurvedic text Jatsundarīprayogamālā is preserved in the BORI collection. It is heard that the text is on the way of publication. 151


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