Book Title: Collected Research Papers in Prakrit and Jainology Vol 02
Author(s): Nalini Joshi
Publisher: University of Pune

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Page 153
________________ C] The Hidden Wisdom In Jaina Scriptures It is generally observed that certain Ardhamāgadhi and Sauraseni texts, the seeds of many empirical sciences are found. Unfortunately the rich contents had not developed into a full-fledged branch of knowledge due to various religious and social reasons. All the post-canonical literature is written by monastic class. The religious history tells that in the course of time Jainaism became more and more renunciative and mokşa-centric. The religious conduct and spirituality prevailed over empirical knowledge and wisdom. Here, some of the important points incorporated in the scriptural texts are enumerated which certainly exhibit wisdom. (i) The credit of ancient Indian atomism goes to the Vaiseșika Sūtras of Kanāda. Vārttikakāras and Vyākhyākāras developed the atomic theory very systematically. Some of the oldest Ardhamāgadhi and Sauraseni canons had put forth some valuable thoughts about matter i.e. pudgala or paramāņu. In the fifth chapter of Tattvārtha, atomism is summarized and systematized by Umāsvāti in 20 aphorisms. When we compare the Vaiseșika and Jaina Paramāņuvādas, we have to admit that the Jaina thought is more deep, subtle and nearer to modern Physics. (ii) Same is the case of biological sciences. Non-violence is the essence of Jainaism. Ancient Prakrit texts and later Skt. texts of Jainas proclaim that there are innumerable species of living beings in the universe. Classification of living organisms based on (a) liberation, (b) movement, (c) mind, (d) destinity (gati), (e) bodily features, (f) sex, (g) place of birth and (h) types of birth is presented in the second chapter of Tattvārtha. If we reconsider the concept in the light of biological sciences, it certainly reveals the wisdom of Jaina Ācāryas. For example, the concept of sammúrcchana is comparable to asexual reproduction, grafting and cloning. Genetic properties and the rationale behind it can be searched in the detailed descriptions of Nāmakarman. (iii) In almost all Jaina texts the sensitivity towards all bio-forms in the universe is enhanced. There is no exaggeration at all if we say that the intrinsic nature of Jainaism is pro-environmental. The Jaina thoughts fully support the preservation, conservation and the well-being of the surrounding world full of bio-forms from epistemological, religious, ethical and spiritual point of view. If we interpret the Jaina principle 4 4TUET SICHT' in the light of the commentaries on Tattvārtha (5.21) it goes nearer to the Darwinian expressions. Darwin says, “Life-process is a continuous chain of activities which is comprehensive, independent, interrelated, complimentary, reciprocal and collaborative." (iv) Anekāntavāda is the 'Jaina theory of multiple facets of reality and truth.' It is translated as 'theory of non-absolutism' or 'the theory of relativity'. The theory of relativity was expounded by Albert Einstein. The scholar of Jainaism Aidan Rankin has cited one quotation of Einstein in his book titled "The Jaina Path : Ancient Wisdom for an Age of Anxiety. The citation goes likewise : "I do not know if there is rebirth or not. But if it is true, then I would like to be born in India as a Jaina." 153


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