Purity of intuition and modesty etc. form twenty stages of highest moral virtues (Sthankas). One who acquires one or more of them contacts Tirthamkaranama Karma.
(Gotra Karma) These Karmas are the deciding factors of a soul's higher or lower descent in a family. They are two-fold :-(1) Higher family descent (2) lower family descent. The former secures the soul's birth in a higher and nobler family while the latter secures low type of family:
The soul contracts higher family-descent by self criticism, appreciation of others, popularising virtues, concealment of others' vices, politeness, modesty and prideless addiction to scriptural studies and teaching. Contrary acts bring about low family descent.
Self-criticism is fining our own faults while condemning others means degrading others by passing taunts and bitter remarks for others. Appreciation of others, means praising others' merits and self-approbation means praising one's own merits. Popularizing virtues means putting to light others' virtues before the people and exposing their vices is popularizing vices. Concealing others' vices means not putting to light others vices and concealing others' virtues means restraining from praising others' virtues.
(Antaraya Karma) Karmas which obstruct the power of soul is called Antaraya Karma. It has five sub-species : (1) Obstructing charity (Danantarya) (2) Obstructing gains (Labhantaraya) (3) Obstructing enjoyments (Bhogantaraya) (4) Obstructing pleasures (Upabhogantaraya) (5) Obstructing vigour (Viryantaraya).
Suppose we want from someone to receive something. That man can afford to give five rupees. He even wants to give. The gift is also ready still he is not inclined to give. Here the donor has Danantaraya and the receiptent has Lablantaraya. If the latter Karma is destroyed then only donation takes place.
Daily enjoyment of variety of things is called 'Bhoga' and enjoyments of the same thing again and again is called 'Upabhoga'.