Book Title: Atmatatva Vichar Or Philosophy Of Soul
Author(s): Vijaylakshmansuri, Ghanshyam Joshi, Kirtivijay Gani
Publisher: Mohanlal D Mehta
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Telling Lies : Lies mean bitter, unpalatable and untrue words.
The statement which is not palatable and which is harsh is unpalatable. The statement which is not advantageous is non-beneficial. That statement is false which does not contain the mention of a matter of fact. In ordinary course of life
stating false facts is known as "telling lies”. Theft : Theft is receiving or taking away what is not wilfully
given over. A thing which is not willingly given over by the owner of a thing is called 'not-given'. Receiving a thing which is not given with wilful consent is called theft in normal routine.
Cohabitation : means amorous dalliance-Illicit contact. Word
Maithuna' is derived from Mithuna' which means a couple'.
Physical communion between man and woman is Cohabitation
(Maithuna). Hoarding : Is acceptance of commodities under legal title of
ownership. Nine varieties of hoarding are popular. Anger : means wrath, mental agitation or excitement.
Price : means ego.
Deceit : means fraud, cheating. Greed : means avarice, craving to possess more and more. Attachment: means passionate liking. Jealousy: means aversion, contempt. Quarrel : means dispute, fight. False Allegation : means alleging someone of fault which does
not exist.
Disclosing Secrets : means divulging private matters confided ;
condemning somebody in his absence; back biting.
Joy and Sorrow : feeling overglad and disappointed. Condemnation of Others : that is passing bitter remarks for others. Deceitful Talks : mean cunning talks of worldly affairs. Deceitful and False Speaking : telling lies for selfish purpose as in
business etc. False conviction is a sin of holding wrong belief.