Book Title: Atmatatva Vichar Or Philosophy Of Soul
Author(s): Vijaylakshmansuri, Ghanshyam Joshi, Kirtivijay Gani
Publisher: Mohanlal D Mehta
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Dashanga, Anta-krut-Dashanga, Anuttaropapattika-Dashanga, Prashna-Vyakarana, Vipaka-shruta and Drashti-Vada. All these scriptures go to make "Dwadashangi." You must be knowing well that the third stanza runs as follows:
"I devotedly offer my prostrations always to the entire code of scriptures, which is the quintessence of everything in the entire universe, which is the illuminator of objects deserving enlightenment which confers awards of vows and righteous conduct which is the gateway of emancipation, which is restored to by highly intellectual monks, which is pregnant with profound significance, which is composed in miraculous style, which is possessed of twelve branches, which is composed in aphorisms by Ganadharas and which emanated with significance from the mouth of Lord Jineshwara
From this stanza you can appreciate the magnanimous nature of "Twelve-Angas." Besides, Jain scriptures also include other aphorisms composed by eminent preachers like Bhadra-Bahu etc. These sutras are called "Ananga-Pravisti".
Seed-like choice: (Beeja-Ruchi)-By sowing one seed numberless seeds are produced; similarly on learning one word or an illustration one entertains faith in many words and many illustrations-such faith is derived from seed-like choice.
Choice for the gist (Abhigam-Ruchi): Choice arrived on the substance after studying scriptures extensively is called "choice for the gist."
Choice for expanse (Vistar-Ruchi): Choice arrived for the main principle after studying six 'entities' with 'means' of proof' and 'reasoning; is called the choice for expanse.
Choice for rites and ceremonies: (Kriya-Ruchi)-One who is adept in rites and ceremonies is said to possess the choice for "KriyaRuchi).
Choice for brevity (Samkshepa-Ruchi): One who is inclined to choose the main-principle even on hearing small portion of scriptures. Saint Chilatiputra became interested in 'the fundamental entities' on hearing only the words 'upashama' 'Viveka' and 'samvara.'
Choice for religion (Dharma-Ruchi): Choice for religion is derived