You are suffering from the malady of 'worldly-wandering' since the beginning of time, and consequently you have been ailing with miseries of death-disease, old age and birth. If you are cured of this malady you will have no rebirth and consequent miseries like death disease etc. In that case you will have inexhaustible reservoir of bliss to enjoy. But the infalliable remedy to cure this disease of worldly wandering is 'Right-conduct' and this fact you cannot afford to forget.
You might worry how to procure such conduct, but you are mistaken as this is not an external substance to be procured from somewhere outside but it is within you. It lies concealed within your heart.
You might again doubt if righteous conduct is concealed in your heart why is it not revealed? We reply that righteous conduct though concealed in your heart is not revealed due to ignorance. Sun shining ablaze when obstructed with clouds, appears faded in glory.
How strange that though you know that infatuation-delusion
your deadly enemy and still you cannot renounce it. is compared with darkness by the revered authors of the holy scriptures. Man howsoever great in knowledge and wisdom, finds himself embarrassed on arrival of infatuation. His knowledge fades in glory under this plight. It is no surprise if he does not do any undesirable act.
Mother nourishes the son, still how would you account for Chulani's conspiracy to burn to death her own son? The reason is, out of infatuation she was passionately in love with king Dirgh.
Father protects his son but the king Krishna had got chopped the limbs of his son as he was infatuated with regal powers.
Surikanta poisoned her husband king Pradeshi and Konika imprisoned his son Shrenika in an iron cage. This is nothing but the miracle of infatuation.
On account of this infatuation soul presumes ownership over things and persons who in fact do not belong to him. He says,